it x
4 aiifl
Scattered Thundershowers
Yanks Drive
oward Paris, Near St.
* * *
* * *
* * *
+ * *
* * *
Russians Near Last German Stronghold in P
Soviet Forces
Are 37 Miles
From Krakow
Heart of Warsaw
Is Seized by Poles
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Saturday, Aug. 5-Rus-
sian troops in a . spectacular 27-mile
break-through behind the enemy's
shattered Vistula Rier defenses yes-
terday swefit southward to within 37
miles of Krakow, Poland's fifth city
and last big German stronghold bar-
By The Associated Press
France-Americans push toward
heart of France. Near St. Nazaire
and Nantes.
RussiaPush toward Germany
forges ahead. Polish underground
seizes key positions in Warsaw.
Italy-Allies in Florence.
Aerial-Allies pound Nazi tar-
gets. Robot bomb attacks lessen.
Germany-Adolph starts new
purge of Nazi army officers.
Pacifie-Japs withdrawing in
New Guinea. Forces prepare for
cleanup of Japs on Guam. Japs
report air attacks on Bonin islands
and Manchuria.
ring the invasion road into Germany
77 Miles From Silesia
Tank-tipped ' Soviet spearheads
rolling across open plain country in
great strength now were only 77 miles
from German Silesia, flowing west-
ward and southwestward from a Vis-
tula River bridgehead which has been
expanded quickly to a width of 40
miles in two days.
Inside besieged Warsaw, nearly 150
miles to the north, Polish patriots
were reported to have seized the
heart of the city in a battle against
German tank units, while Marshal
Konstantin K. Rokossovsky's First
White Russian Army was locked in a
fierce struggle just east of the Polish
Goryslawice Falls
Nowy Korczyn, on the Vistula sev-
en miles southeast of captured Gory-
slawice, fell to a Russian column
which had rolled 27 miles down river
from Polaniec. The intermediate
towns of Stopnica and Pacanow were
seized in a total bag of 100 localities.
The swift surge of the, Russians
toward Krakow threatened to cut off
the retreat of huge German forces
caught in the area east of the Vis-
tula, between that river and the San.
Nowy Korczyn is 22 miles northwest
of outfilanked Tarnow, rail station
on the Rzeszow-Krakow trunk rail-
way, and another Soviet column
pushing westward captured Sedzis-
zow, 31 miles east of Tarnow, in this
pincers movement.
CIO Political
Action Group
Reorganization of the CIO Politi-
cal Action Committee for Ann Ar-
bor, dissolved since July 21, was an-
nounced last night by Harold Frank-
lin Local 50, UAW-CIO after a
general council meeting of Local 38,
UAW-CIO, at their headquarters
The PAC is pledged to the sup-
port of President Roosevelt and the
defeat of Earl C. Michener, Republi-
can representative from this district,
Franklin said.- Committee reorgan-
ization was votedin a repudiation of
action taken two weeks ago by the
sponsoring local when the PAC was
suspended because of objections to
participation of non-union members.
Sam Cubeta, of the UAW-CIO, in
Detroit, co-ordinator for the Second
Congressional District, which Mich-
ener represents, proposed reorganiza-
tion of the PAC at the meeting yes-
terday. Co-chairmen of the new
group will be Hunter C. Stuart, of
Whitmore Lake, and Franklin.
Tr a -, rvra o .xir nliev mm-
Strike In Philadelphia.
Is Handled by Troops
Unauthorized Walkout Ties Up
Transportation System for Four Days
By The Associated Press
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 4.-Almost
complete paralysis set in again to-
night on Philadelphia's transporta-
tion system, now property of the
United States Government, with lea-
ders of the four-day unauthorized
work stoppage still shouting defiance
at Army attempts to restore service.
James McMenamin, spokesman for
the committee representing strikers,
announced at 9 p.m. (EWT) "the
unanimous decision of the general
strike committee to stay status quo."
Another Meeting Today
"Be back here at noon tomorrow,"
he told strikers assembled at a car
barn, "and we will have more news
for you."
The last broad street subway train
ended operations at 6:30 p.m., when
relief operators failed to appear. The
last trolley quit running at 8 o'clock,
but the Market Street subway-ele-
vated line continued on a reduced
schedule-the only line running in
the city.
At the 5 p.m. rush hour, only
7.3 per cent of the normal.number
of vehicles were in operation-31
six-car subway-elevated trains and
one trolley.
Usually2at that hour there are 77
trains, 1,529 trolleys and 462 buses in
Senate Bill Sets
Up Agency for
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4-The Sen-
ate Military Committee, overriding
Republican protests all the way, ap-
proved early tonight a bill setting
up a super government agency to di-
rect reconversion from war to peace
and establishing federal standards
for postwar unemployment payments
to discharged war workers.
The measure was reported out by
a 10 to 7 party line vote with both
Republicans and Democrats using
proxies of absent members.
The unemployment compensation
section would fix uniform national
rates for paying jobless workers bas-
ed on 75 per cent of their present
weekly wages except that no pay-
ments could exceed: $20 a week for
a jobless worker with no dependent,
$25 for a worker with one dependent:
$30 for two dependents and $35 for
three or more dependents.
Republicans in Opposition
This provision met solid Repub-
lican opposition, led by Senator Aus-
tin of Vermont who tried vainly to
substitute a finance-committee ap-
proved bill leaving to the states the
fixing of unemployment compensa-
tion rates.
The committee's action made the
bill ready for floor action Tuesday
along with the states' rights unem-
ployment proposal.
Bill Sets Up Agency
The unemployment section gives a
proposed work administration auth-
ority to provide six months of free
vocational 'educational training for
any worker in addition to $50 a
month subsistence, $75 if he has a
family, and to provide transporta-
tion of workers to new jobs.
It would give the new agency auth-
ority to formulate post-war plans,
issue directives to other government
agencies and review and eliminate
their regulations, settle controversies
between departments and other
J. F. Hammond, Superintendent of
the Red Arrow Lines, which carry
90,000 passengers daily, said an in-
vestigation indicated the company's
300 operating employes were plan-
ning no walkout.
The Philadelphia strikers' general
committee voted late today to con-
tinue the stoppage.
Maj.-Gen. Philip Hayes, who seized
See STRIKE, Page 4
Yanks inG uam
Win. Barrioaada
In Fierce Drive
Carrier Task Forces
Bomb Jap Defenses
By The Associated Press
PEARL HARBOR, Aug. 4.-Pre-
paring for a clean-up drive against
the Japanese on Guam, American
troops won control of Mount Barri-
gada dominating the flat northern
plateau of the island, Adm. Chester
W. Nimitz announced today.
Jap Resistance Wiped Out
Last Japanese resistance was wiped
out on the 674-foot peak near the
center of the line. The eastern flank
advanced to a point about a mile
south of Point Sassayan. The west-
ern flank established complete con-
trol of all road junctions in the
vicinity of Finegayen.
Carrier task force planes poured
bombs, rockets and machinegun fire
into the Japanese defenders as
ground forces steadily pushed them
back into the northern plateau.
Scattered Japanese soldiers were
being hunted down on Saipan Island,
nortltward in the Marianas, where
the enemy's organized resistance end-
ed a month ago.
50 Prisoners a Day
An average of 50 Japanese soldiers
are being "eliminated or taken pris-
oner" each day in probing Saipan's
caves and ravines.
Additional numbers of Japanese
civilians are being interned on Tin-
ian, third invaded Marianas Island,
where mopping up continued.
As on Saipan and Tinian, Guam's
defenders had no hopes of escape. It
was death or surrender.
Hard after the fleeing Nipponese,
almost turning their flight into a
rout, were American infantry and
marines. They were aided by light
tanks as they plunged into the wood-
ed terrain in pursuit, straining every
effort to maintain contact with the
Less than a third of Guam, an
American possession, remained to be
Reec Rally Will
Be Held Today
Servicemen, coeds and civilian stu-
dents are invited to the only Rec
Rally of the Summer Term, which
will be held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. today
on Palmer Field.
Persons may come singly or in
couples to the event, which will fea-
ture mixed tennis, softball, badmin-
ton, putting, rollerskating, volleyball,
horseshoes and other outdoor sports.
Sponsors of the Rally are members
of the summer Women's Athletic
Association Board, which consists of
Barbara Bathke, Virginia Thomas,
Emily Peter and Ruth Weinberg. In
case of rain, the affair will be can-
Allies Crash
Last Defenses
Of Florence
Germans :Destroy
Bridges. On Arno
By The Associated Press
ROME, Aug. 4-9Allied troops ham-
mered through the last German de-
fenses before the great Tuscan art
center of Florence today and sent
patrols stabbing into the heart of the
historic city as far as the Arno River,
beyond which the Nazis had with-
drawn after destroying five or six
bridges spanning the wide stream.
The only bridge spared by the Nazis
was the historic Ponte Vecchio-"Old
Bride"-which they blocked effective-
ly by demolishing houses at both
ends. The bridge, regarded as a
priceless example of Tuscan build-
ing, is lined on either side with
craftsmen's shops and is familiar to
thousands of tourists from all over
the world.
Allies Incensed
Incensed at the destruction of the
bridges of the city after the Nazis
had declared it open, Allied Head-
quarters issued an official statement
"The enemy has taken advantage
of the situation, knowing full well
that our undisputed air power could
not be used to destroy the bridges in
Florence behind him (while the Ger-
mans still were on the south bank
of the Arno) without damage to ar-
chitectural buildings of the city.
Nazis Destroy Bridges
"He has thus enjoyed unlimited use
of bridges over the Arno and has seen
fit, when outfought south of the city,
to destroy bridges of military value.
It called the "wanton destruction"
of bridges "just another example of
Field Marshal Albert Kesselring's or-
der to his troops to carry out demoli-
tions with sadistic imagination."
Hitler Orders
Ruthless Purge
Of Nazi Army
LONDON, Aug. 4--UP)-Adolf Hit-
ler tonight ordered a "ruthless purge"
of the German Army as an aftermath
of the Junker Generals' revolt against
his regime and in an opening move
ousted 17 officers and marked them
for early trial as "traitors" by the
feared people's court, the death-deal-
ing Nazi Star Chamber.
Official announcements broadcast
by Berlin named a total of 23 offic-
ers as implicated in the revolt, more
than half of whom had not been
identified previously. They included
four lieutenants and a captain-all
of aristocratic names-suggesting
that the revolt may have gone farther
down through the ranks than pre-
viously indicated.
Hitler selected a hand-picked, five-
man "court of honor" composed of
his most trusted men at the top of
the army to execute the purge. Hit-
ler, said the Berlin announcements,
is to pass on their decisions, and men
purged from the army are to be tried
"together with other traitors" by the
people's court instead of by courts
The people's court generally de-
crees death for defendants convicted
of treason.
In telling of institution of the
purge Berlin disclosed that eight of-
ficers already had died for the plot
against Hitler's life, four being listed
as "excuted" and four as "suicides,"
and that two officers had "deserted
Ito the Russians."
FRANCE 40 Cherbourq Fec-.arpj
English Chonrnel
Malo Avran It Agna
Brest Cuingamp TO~
Chat . un Beuc F "" . eco
Qu npe ient Vannes Mans~e
$t N ~Angers
Allied Tanks
Race To Take
U-Boat Base
Move To 7 Miles
From Saint Malo
France have captured Rennes and reached Dinan in drives through
Brittany and were pushing toward the ports of Brest (A) and St.
Nazaire (B). Black area is under Allied control. Arrows show direc-
tion of Allied drives.
YungmChung Declares Aims*
China Conference Ends 'Today
'Hopes of China
Are World Hopes
"China's hopes and aspirations are
the hopes and aspirations of the oth-
er United Nations, winning the war
speedily and completely and win-
ning the peace truly and permanent-
ly," declared Dr. Yang Yung-Chung,
president of Soochow University, Vis-
iting Professor at Bodoin College
yesterday, in a lecture in the third
day of the Conference on China at
Rackham Amphitheater.
China Fights For Seven Years
"During the last seven years China
has been bleeding painfully and pro-
fusely. Today she is still standing
erect, more determined than ever to
dedicate all she has in the common
effort to check and keep down law-
less military agression," Dr. Yang
continued, explaining China's mili-
tary situation.
Requisites of a permanent peace,
according to Dr. Yang, are two:
that the peace must be Just and
that it must be world-wide in
"If we look at the development of
social institutions from the family
to the clan, clan to city, city to state,
and state to nation, we see that the
only logical next step is world un-
ity." he emphasized.
Big Four Must Cooperate
"The United States, China, Brit-
ain and Russia must co-operate now
in the interest of making the great-
est possible contribution to mankind,"
he declared.
Dr. Yang looks forward to chang-
ing President Roosevelt's statement,
"brothers in arms" to "brothers in
"Winning the war completely calls
not only for unconditional surrend-
er, but for certain definite obpect-
ives," Dr. Yang said. All the Unit-
ed Nations have the aims of: man-
kind of a nation and of humanity
itself, the preservation of democ-
racy and its growth to a world-
wide scaleiand preservation of
spiritual values.
Dr. Yang was introduced by Dr.
Nance, his former teacher and for-
mer president of Soochow Univer-
sity. Dr. Nance was a member of the
original faculty at the University
and remained there until he was
thrust into a Japanese concentration
camp, from which he came here on
the second Gripsholm trip.
Ren-iung To Talk
At Chinese Dinner
A Chinese dinner, with chopsticks
supplied, followed by an address by
Sah Ren-Tung, president of the Na-
tional University of Amoy, will be
held at 7 p. m. today in the Methodist
Church to conclude the four-day con-
ference on China.
The final address will deal not only
with the education of the future, but
also with Chinese student life as Dr.
Sah has known it in his own student;
body at Amoy.
Ienu Listed
Sweet and sour spare ribs, beef and
peppers, dishes of mushroom and
pork, of chicken, and of bean sprouts
with meat balls will be served to the
200 guests at the dinner in big bowls
in the center of the table. Each
guest may then supplement his indi-
vidual bowl of rice as he wishes, but
knives and forks are prohibited dur-
ing this dinner. The final course
will be the traditional fruit and tea.
Chinese music is planned by the Chi-
nese Students Club of the University.
Dr. Esson M. Gale, director of the
International Center and advisor to
foreign students will be the master of
ceremonies at the dinner.
Charles F. Remer, adviser on Far
Eastern Investment and Finance, De-
partment of State, Wash., D. C., will
be master of ceremonies at the final
panel on Postwar China, from 2 to 4
p. m. today in the Rackham Amphi-
theater. Tien Hsingchih, teaching
fellow in Chinese at the University,
will discuss China's Place in World
Affairs. Andre Lobanov, visiting pro-
fessor of the University of California,
and Han Mou-Lin, medical student,
Shantung Province, will discuss Chi-
nese-Soviet Relations.
"Here Is China" To Be Shown
A film entitled "Here Is China" will
be shown at the morning session from
10 to 12 p. m. today in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. Marguerite Ann Stew-
art, school secretary of the American
Council, Institute of Pacific Rela-
tions, will talk on China and the
School Curriculum.
This conference, designed to in-
crease student and teacher under-
standing and appreciation of a great
and newly important nation, brought
experts on all phases of the Orient
to discuss China's history, her pres-
ent conflict, and the problems of the
By The Associated Press
SHAEF, Aug. 5, Saturday-U.S.
tank columns dashing across Brit-
tany to sever the peninsula raced to
within 38 miles of St. Nazaire today
and other armored forces.were within
75 miles of the great port of Brest
while comrades guarding their, flank
swept eastward unopposed across the
plains in a new drive toward Paris.
Two columns were approaching the
Nazi U-boat base at St. Nazaire and
also the Loire River port of Nantes.
One of the columns was 38 miles
from St. Nazaire in the vicinity of
Derval, the other, 40 miles from the
base, was west of Chateu-Briant.
Report Fougeres Engulfed
Edward D. Ball; Associated Press
Correspondent, in a battlefield dis-
patch said the American advance
southeastward had engulfed Fou-
geres, 23 miles southeast of Avran-
ches and 27 miles northeast of
LONDON, Saturday, Aug. 5-(9)
-The Vichy radio, in a broadcast
heard today by the Ministry of In-
formation, said an American
armored spearhead was only 18
miles from Nantes. Latest dis-
patches direct from the front, how-
ever, reported this spearhead still
38 miles away from the Loire river
Nazis Admit Setbacks
Germans, admitting setbacks
wholesale, said the Americans had
reached a point 60 miles west of Brit-
tany's capital of Rennes, which fell
only yesterday, and were within 75
miles of Brest, the second port of
There was no official confirmation
of these gains but Lt.-Gen. Omar N.
Bradley's troops were travelling at a
pace that should carry them close to
both cities.
Surprising Move
But the surprising development of
the day came when American forces,
moving to guard the left flank of this
great force pouring down from Nor-
mandy, ranged out southeast of Av-
ranches feeling for a German western
flank that was not there.
The Americans apparently had two
choices, both possibly disastrous for
the Germans: to head directly east-
ard toward Paris, or to strike north-
eastward and cut behind the Ger-
mans who have been containing the
British and Canadian forces along
the Orne River.
Play Will Be
Given Today
Final Performance
Will Be Presented
The final performance of Maxwell
Anderson's "Journey to Jerusalem"
will be given by the Michigan Reper-
tory Players of the Department of
Speech at 8:30 p. m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Ruth Branscon portrays the role of
.Jeshua, Doris Fast plays Miriam, and
Patricia Meikle is cast'as Joseph.
Other members of the cast are
Blanche Holpar as Herod, Barbara
Greenberg as the Soothsayer, Betty
Godwin as Mira, Clara Behringer as
the beggar, Joan Selmier as Shak-
rach, Mary Ruth Acton as Cassia, An-
nette Chaikin as Reba, and Lee Horn
as Jessee.
Also included in the cast are Eliza-
beth Miller, Naomi Vincent, Cai-
bel Baird, Gloria McClure, Eileen
Blum, Betty Vaughn, Jean Loree,
Jean Westerman, Merline Case, Mary
Jordan, Ruth Scholl, Dorothy Tur-
ner, Mavis Kennedy, Ruth Kowal-
sky, Shirley Roesn, Peggy Goodwin,
Evelyn Lengkeek, and Onnoee And-
Yom.. ,.... ... s. .-..... 1 /"' . .. s .,, v T
sweeping powers. celled.
Regents Appoint Three New Department Chairmen Yesterday
Three new department chairmen
were named by the Board of Regents
of the University at their meeting
yesterday and research work total-
ing $163,678.55 during the coming
year was approved.
Gifts to the University totaling
College and Harvard Medical school
and later studied in Germany and
Dr. Wilson leaves a position as
professor of pediatrics at New York
University and chief of Bellevue Hos-
nital. children's medical service, to
electrical engineering, has been ap-
pointed chairman of the department
of electrical engineering for 1944-45.
Present chairman, Prof. Benjamin
F. Bailey will reach his seventieth
birthday this month and has asked
for the customary leave of absence
bion College, was graduated at the
head of his class by the University
medical school in 1934. For the past
four years he has served with the
Rockefeller Foundation in Europe
and Mexico and with the Tennessee
State Department of Health.
a leave of absence to carry on re-
search in colonial arhitecture and
sculpture in Peru and Bolivia next
spring. He will go to South America
under the auspices of the Rockefeller
The total of $163,678.55 appeared