PAGE TWO SHE M ICRI4? AN DAITL PRxnY, AIfOVT 4. 1944Q& i V 11;1 V 1'1 1 L Si 1 L 1 ... xu+,a.arcĀ°s. a ca v 4: v i Y - 13YY lFrt-Frqtn al- Fifty-Fourth Year THE PENDULUM: GOP BunglesCampaignIssues Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Bly BERNARD RGSENBERG THE Republican line is appallingly shoddy this election year. Fortunately, few people will be swayed by it. However, some inde- pendent voters, if such creatures really exist, may part company with Dewey on the basis of what has thus far been a bungled campaign. Let us look at a few of the points under discussion., The GOP asserts that Washington is swamped with bureaucrats, that their number increases by the day, and that it is horrified at this un- democratic development. What it does not say is that the removal of bureaucracy in the capitol would mean the end of Republican influ- ence upon the executive branch of the federal government. When the Republicans raise a cry against bureaucracy, they unconsciously point an accusing finger at themselves. Practically every major bureau has at its head some faithful Re- publican Big Businessman who de- tests the New Deal, the Roosevelt Administration, Eleanor, liberalism, and Fala. Dollar-a-year men who fulminate when FDR is mentioned are the very ones who make up the bulk of the bureaucratic influx. Since Pearl Harbor they have been coming to Washington in droves. They occupy the seats where once long-haired professors hatched their schemes for America. The number of government employees hired in the past two years has multiplied at an astonishing rate. But the new administrative boards are composed largely of long-time anti-Democrats. THE GOP has hit upon a jingo and does not know enough to drop it. Now and then the jingo boom- erangs and hits General Knudsen or Bill Jeffers or Leo Crowley in the face. The truth is warfare has be- come so complex that everyone's ability and ingenuity must be en- listed in the common egort-and in- dustrialists are no exception. But, to orate against the re- election of Roosevelt on these grounds with one side while whirl- ing on an OPA swivel chair, issu- ing governmental edicts with the other side-as some Washington- ians are doing-is too gross an abuse of reason. For a while Brownell and Co. Editorial Staff Jane Farrant Betty Ann Koffman Stan Waliace Hiank Mantho Lee pAmer Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Bports Editor taff Business Manager Business ,St Telephone 23-24.1 AZFEGE iT5iiO QR NATIONA.L. AD2VRT3ai~GjQlY NatouiMye tisig Service, bIc. College Pujblislers Representative 4;90,MPjON AVE. N EW YORK, Na. Y. ~CifiQ* $0$711 "LOS Al9GRLUS SAN FRANCSCO Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Zubscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier, $4,50, by mail, $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: NEVA NEGREVSKI Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the iews of the writers only. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The strologer Gets on yeful A Four-Bell Movie "THE NEGRO Soldier", documentary short produced by the Army Signal Corps, is playing today at a downtown theatre. The con- tribution of the Negro soldier in the American Army has been too often ignored during the course of this war. Few people know of the splendid record made by Negro Army units in France, in Italy, on battlefronts all over the world. At a time when racial discrimination at home is keeping pace with the fight to achieve free- dom for the world, it is vital that University students see and comprehend a film depicting a little-known aspect of Americanism. It is un- fortunate that the University has not taken steps to bring this educational film to its stu- dents However, today, students have an unex- pected opportunity to see this film, which they cannot afford to ignore. -Jane Farrant The People's War FROM EVERY section of the world we are daily getting new evidence that this is not jn ordinary era we are living in, not an ordinary war we are fighting, not an ordinary election we are having. Perhaps the most recent indication that this war is "different" is the interview which the New York Times printed Sunday with Shushumu Okano, leader of the Japanese People's Emanci- pation League in China. In the interview Okano discussed the position of the new Japa- nese Cabinet and expressed the opinion that "this is a dangerous Cabinet for the United Nations because its purpose is to preserve the core of Japanese militarism intact . .. Okano added that "The United Nations should re-emphasize the Cairo Declaration, push on to the destruction of Japanese mili- tarism and create the conditions for the birth ofa democratic Japan." Okano's statement, merely throwing new light on the situation within Japan, is not unique. The fact that a Japanese like Okano is whole- heartedly a supporter of the United Nations is. T HE ATTITUDE of Okano, leading a group of Japanese fighting for the United Nations, is but another sign that this war is indeed a people's war. The rise of Tito in Yugoslavia as head of a coalition of the right and the left, the formation of the Italian Six-Party coalition gov- ernment, containing elements of varied political persuasion united only in their opposition to fascism and their love for democracy-these were concrete indications before us for some time. We can see in this country similar group- jings of the people themselves (CIO Political Action Committee, for example) around Presi- dent Roosevelt for the coming election. And we see the elements opposing the people's war uniting in opposition to FDR. When Gerald L. K. Smith, pro-fascist anti-semite, nominat- ed Gov. John Bricker, GOP vice-presidential candidate as his own vice-presidential candi- date, Gov. Bricker immediately repudiated lim. Of course, the Republican Party itself, composed of millions of sincere democratic Americans is by no means fascist-but because it has placed itself in opposition to a people's coalition centered in President Roosevelt, it has a great attraction for pro-fascist elements in the country. The anti-labor, anti-Russian and sometimes anti-semitic elements are all I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: End ofan Era By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, Aug. 3--I had better catch up on my mid-summer trend-spotting, because there are a lot of trends going on all over the place, and we must clear them out before the fall trends start coming in. With the defeat of Senator Clark of Mis- souri in a primary election, I seem to detect the end of an era. It looks as if the old orthodox kind of shoutin', stompin' isolation is about finished. Senator Clark joins Sen- ator Holman and Senator Reynolds in retire- ment. This trio may now sit around some sort of political firehouse, and reminisce about the old days when theirs was a good business, like the livery stable line. But it is a dying pro- fession in which even a top man can no longer make $10,000 a year. There is some expectation that Senator Nye may join their little club, too, along about the first Wednesday after the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The trend seems clear enough; we are heading toward the end of the old school of hush-my-mouth or screaming meelnie isolation. There is nothing to do but close the chapter gently, GIVE YOU NOW, a second mid-summer trend, and this one also concerns foreign policy. It is about the appearance of a new kind of figure on the American political scene. The Experiment Fails This new kind of man calls himself an inter- nationalist, and he is, he really is, but he is an internationalist all alone, all by himself, in his own little room. He has almost no contact with that big wide world with which (he says) he pants to have us do business. The voters are going to expect some form of experimental proof from Mr. Dewey that he is really an internationalist. Verbal evi- dence isn't enough. This opens a fascinating field of inquiry. If a man has -really become an internationalist, there ought to be some way to show that, in the life he leads, the actions he takes, the friends he picks. Wil- liam James used to say that unless an idea could be experimentally verified, then it really wasn't an idea; it was just nothing. One Seeks an Act of Faith It is true that Mr. Dewey broke with Rep. Ham Fish, because of a remark of the latter about the Jews. But he did not break with Mr. Fish as an isolationist. So, while we may gladly accept the incident as an experimental verification of Mr. Dewey's lack of racial bigotry, it is no proof of his internationalism. If a man lives the isolationist life, how can one tell, by any good old American pragmatic test, that he is not really an isolationist? I give you then a rather strange trend toward the appearance in American politics of what might be called the isolated internationalist, a figure curiously cut off from that world of interna- tionalist activity which (he says) he intends sometime to embrace, (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) c,/tier to the <or A-N- Because of current newsprint shortages, The Daily reserves the right when necessary to shorten any letters submitted for publication which exceed 300 words. Defense of Akiya..,. WAS quite pained by the letter published in the Michigan Daily on Tuesday which ad- monished us to beware of half-truths--of which that letter was full. The writer of that letter not only dealt with half-truths but labors under the misconception that there exists such a thing as a national or racial mentality. I am sure that everyone appreciated being alert- ed to that "strange phenomenon in the Japa- nese mentality . . . the Japanese genius for manufacturing half-truths." The lecture given by Mr. Akiya on Monday was an excellent sociological survey of the problems faced by Japanese-Americans, and how the rise of prejudice and discrimination influences their finding a place in American society. He concerned himself with the prob- lems of Japanese-Americans and only discussed events in the Orient as they affected the Japa- nese-American problems of assimilation. His discussion of Chinese immigration and Chinese- Americans was limited to a brief portion of an objective comparison of the problems of the various national immigrant groups and their assimilation into American culture. The lecture was a scholarly work which, when documented, is the kind which is pub- lished monthly by reputable sociological jour- nals on the problem of American minority groups. It could not by the greatest stretch of imagination have been construed to be propaganda designed to influence anyone's attitude toward the war in the Pacific. THE EXACT words of Mr. Akiya, when he discussed the impact of militaristic and imperialistic activities and made reference to the 1931 attack on Manchuria, were "a shame- ful act of aggression." He told how the Kibei, like himself, who, when they returned to Japan from this country, incurred the suspicion of the military police because of their adherence to democratic doctrine and loyalty to demo- cratic institutions, often returned to the United States to escape the penalty of that suspicion and to avoid being forced into military service in China. The students and friends of the University of Michigan have and will continue to show their true spirit of universal goodwill and democratic tolerance, not only by a show of goodwill, and tolerance but by their keen and active interest in the problems of the assimi- lation of national and racial minorities. I have made a careful inquiry among my acquaintances of Japanese-American ancestry and found no evidence of anti-Chinese feeling, but rather a deep realization that the problems of the two peoples related to their integration as American citizens were similar. They also told me of their excellent cultural relationships with Chinese-Americans when many of them were University students on the West Coast. It FRIDAY, AUG. 4, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 23-S All notices for The Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office or the Summer Session, in typewritten form by 3:30 p. m. of the day preceding its publication, except on saturday when the notices should be submitted by 11:30 a. m.. Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: There will be a meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts in Rm. 1025, Angell Hall, Aug. 7, 1944 at 4:10 p.m. Reports of the various committees have been prepared in advance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be retained in your files as part of the minutes of the August meeting. . AGENDA 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of June 5, 1944, pp. 1092- 1095. 2. Consideration of the reports sub- mitted with the call to this meeting. a. Executive Committee-Professor L. I. Bredvold. b. Executive Board of the Graduate School-Z. C. Dickin- son. c. University Council-No Re- port. d. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs-J. K. Pollock. e. Deans' Conference-Dean E. H. Kraus. 3. Retirement of Assistant Profes- sor Philip L. Schenk. 4. Committee on Deanship: Profes- sor J. E. Dunlap. 5. New Business. 6. Announcements. Edward H. Kraus Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: The civilian fresh- man five-week progress reports will be due Aug. 5 in the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. Arthur Van Duren Chairman, Academic Counselors The five-weeks grades for Navy and Marine trainees (other than Engi- neers and Supply Corps) will be due Aug. 5. Department offices will be provided with special cards and the Office of the AcademicCounselors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to the proper officers. Arthur Van Duren Supervisor, Navy V-12 Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Attendance report cards are being distributed through the departmental offices. Instructors are requested to report absences of freshmen on green cards, directly to the Office of the Academic Counsel- ors, 108 Mason Hall. Buff cards seems that Miss Chao projected the problems of Japanese military and imperial ambitions into a dis- cussion of the problems of Japanese- Americans. The last need and desire of the Americans whose ancestors come from that "small, pitiful country, Japan," is pity. They need during the crises of war and evacuation a deep under- standing of their intense desire to be good American citizens and their strivings to achieve economic and social security in this country after the war. -John T. Blue should be used in reporting sopho- mores, juniors and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Please note especially the regula- tions concerning three-week absen- ces, and the time limits for dropping courses. The rules relating to absen- ces are printed on the attendance cards. They may also b found on page 47 of the 1943-44 Announcement of our College. E. A. Walter State of Michigan Civil Service an- nouncements for Liquor Control Pur- chasing Agent V, Industrial Inspector I, and Boiler Inspector II, have been received in our office. For further details stop in at 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Lectures Today: "China's Hopes and Aims." Dr. Y. C. Yang, President of Soochow University. 8:30 p.m., Rackham Lec- ture Hall. The public is cordially invited. Monday, Aug. 7: Dr. John Somer- ville of Cornell University will speak on "Soviet Russian Education" at 4:10 p.m., min the University High School Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Monday, Aug. 7 through Friday, Aug. 11: Professor Charles B. Shaw, Librarian, Swarthmore College, will present a series of five illustrated lectures on contemporary typogra- phy, "Seeing Things in Print." The lectures will be held each evening at 8:15 p.m., in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. Everyone is invited to attend. Tuesday, Aug. 8: Professor.Preston W. Slosson will present his weekly talk on "Interpreting the News" at 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Wednesday, Aug. 9: Miss Elba Mo- lina of Porto Rico will speak (in English) on "Where Two Civiliza- tions Meet-Porto Rico," at 8 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium, under the auspi- ces of the Latin-American Society and the International Center. Thursday, Aug. 10: Mr. Shih Chia Chu of the Library of Congress Ori- ental Section will present his last in a series of lectures on Chinese Civili- zation. The title of his lecture will be "China Today and Tomorrow." 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited, admis- sion free. Thursday, Aug. 10: Professor Nico- las Slonimsky of Cornell University will lecture on "Soviet Russian Mu- sic" at 8:30 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited to attend free of charge. Academic Notices Zoology Seminar: There will be a meeting of the Zoology Club on Fri- day, Aug. 4, at 8 p.m: in the East Lecture Room of the Rackham Build- ing. Robert Miller will speak on "The Fishes of Death Valley." English 184: Questions for Friday's quiz will be handed out promptly at one o'clock, although the quiz is set up for 50 minutes. R. C. Boys Preliminary Examinations for the Doctorate in the School of Education will be held immediately following Aug. 28, 29, 30. Anyone desiring to the close of the Summer Session on take these examinations should no- tify Dr. Woody's Office not later than played with the idea of re-interpret- ing the Constitution. Because Tom Dewey has no experience in military matters, they denied that the presi- dent of the United States is also legally the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. This alarming notion was propounded in the Re- publican platform. Seeing that it fell fiat, the party chieftains as- sumed a new pose. "You insist," they said, "that the president is commander-in-chief. In that case Mr. Roosevelt is responsi- ble for the non-preparedness of this country before December 7, 1941," The quotation is an accurate para- phrase of what David Laurence wrote in his syndicated column the other day. As an argument it is laugh- able ifone's memory serves him at all. FROM 1937 on, after his prophetic Chicago speech, FDR was ungen- erously and intemperately vilified by the press for alleged war-mongering. Every measure he wished to take in the name of national defense was greeted by the cat-calls of isolation- ist Republicanism. The Democratic Party itself was and is split griev- ously over domestic issues. But even the Solid South stood behind inter- ventionism. In the international field Demo- crats were awake. On the other hand, shortly before the Wehr- macht invaded Poland, Republican Senator Borah could tell the world how he had secret "information" to the effect that there would be no war at all. President Roosevelt had to be cau- tious. The destroyer deal, lend-lease, eventually conscription: all these brought down the wrath of the min- ority party. No strong preparations could be made for the impending war because a recalcitrant group of Grand Old Partymen would not ad- mit the existence of a threat. Itris true that none of the major powers except Germany and Italy and Japan actually prepared for World- War II. But, this country at least, un- like some of her allies, had as .its chief executive a man who saw which way the winds were blowing, who sought to rouse his people, and suc- ceeded only after a stubborn oppo- sition was silenced by the Japanese attack. Even then, Col. McCormick and Mr. Hearst insinuated that the president provoked the Japanese into aggression against us. The trouble with die-hards too oft~en is that they do not die. They are around twisting facts, distorting events, retracting statements, mak- ing new contradictory ones, and giv- ing their all to oust from the presi- dency the greatest American of mod- ern times. School of Music. Soloists, Bonnie Ruth Van Deursen, Soprano, and Harriet Porter, Contralto; organist, Irene Applin Boice. Russian instru- mental selections will be rendered by Elizabeth Ivanoff, violinist, and Ruby Joan Kuhlman, pianist. Sunday, Aug. 6, 8:30 p.m., First Methodist Church. The public is cordially in- vited to attend. Carillon Recital: On Sunday, Aug. 6, at 3, Percival Price will present a varied program of carillon music. The recital will include compositions by Mendelssohn, French sacred airs, songs by Schubert and Godard, and "Juba Dance" by the well-known American composer, Nathaniel Dett. Student Recital: Miss Florence Mc- Cracken, mezzo-soprano, will present a recital on Monday evening, Aug 7, at 8:30, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. Miss McCrack- en's program will include composi- tions by Brahms, Handel and Monte- verde. The public is cordially invited. String Orchestra Concert: On Tuesday evening, Aug. 8, at 8:30 p.m., the University of Michigan String Orchestra, under the direction of Gilbert Ross, will present a concert of music of the 17th and 18th cen- turies. The program will feature Dor- othy Ornest Feldman, Soprano, and Jeannette Haien, Pianist, as soloists. Mrs. Feldman will sing the Cantata "Idolo Mio" by Alessandro Scarlatti, and Miss Haien will play Haydn's Concerto in G major, No. 2. The orchestra will present the music of Vivaldi, Frescobaldi, Mozart, and Sammartini. The public is cordially invited to attend the concert which will be given in Pattengill Auditor- ium. Exhibitions General Library, Main Lobby. In- cunabula. Museums Building: "What the Ser- viceman May See in the Pacific Area." (Animal Exhibits). Clements Library: "Army News and Views in Seven Wars." merican military publications, particularly of the present war. i BARNABY By Crockett Johnson I M. rnnnrcccinn vl rlicirirf (Oh. Merely a matter ofI f t1 tY zzY VhtefrG cm -f .-# 4- t IA/Le L___ L_._