j , I / itP 4 aiI Weather Thundershowers . I-, ABC GHY U, VOL. LIV No. 22-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, AUG. 3, 1944 PIEFV ET PRICE FIVE CEN'.I"Si Armored Troops Race Acro Turkey Breaks Of Relations with Germany Iss Brittany Bradley's Force Is Split Asked By British, Americans Turks Still Hope To Avoid War TWIN OFFENSIVE: White Russian Army Nears East Prussia. By The Associated Press LONDON, Thursday, Aug. 3-The Third White Russian Army thrust within eight miles of East Prussia's pre-1939 border yesterday in the foremost of twin drives aimed at the heart of the Junkers homeland. Other Soviet armies on the long thundering front tightened their violent siege of Warsaw, pushed a quadruple annihilation drive against possibly 300,000 Germans isolated in Estonia and Latvia, and launchedj a new offensive in the south towards Krakow, Poland's second city. The closest approach to East Prussia came with the capture of Dydvizhe in a steady advance westward. The fall of this town, which is eight miles southeast of the junction town of Schirwindt on the frontier, By The Associated Press ANKARA, TURKEY, Aug. 2 (11:00 p. m.)-Turkey broke her diplomatic and economic relations with Ger- many today at the request of Great Britain, backed by American diplo- macy, but she clung to the hope of avoiding actual warfare. (The Nazi reaction to the break was quickly apparent in a Berlin dispatch from the official German news agency DNB which said the action initiated a policy the "con- sequences of which, if Turkey should continue along this dangerous road, are not very difficult to see. War with Germany will of necessity fol- low." ("The decision taken today can only be called a new step along a very dangerous phase of Turkish policy," Berlin said.) Turks Prepare / Anti-aircraft guns moved through the streets of Ankara today-directly t past' the Assembly House-and throughout the nation Turkey was girding herself for war. The Turks hope their action will not bring war upon Turkey. 'At least for the time being they do not wish to go farther than the evacua- tion of Germany's diplomatic and consular and secret service from Tur- key and the halting of all trade with Germany According to one report, Turkey's break with Germany had been de- cided upon before U. S. Ambassador Laurence A. Steinhardt left Ankara for Washington a month ago. Allies To Help Saracoglu also announced that the Atlantic Allies had agreed to help - Turkey face the "difficulties" which might result from her break with Germany-war with the Axis. He revealed that the Allied ban on ship- ments of war materials to Turkey, effected after the failure of the Feb- ruary military talks in Ankara, had now been lifted. Freshmen May Petition for Engine Council Freshmen in the engineering school will have an added opportunity to petition for class positions on the Engineering Council, President Chuck Walton announced yesterday, with the deadline extended to 4:30 p. m. Monday. Included on the petition must be the signatures of 15 members of the freshmen class as well as the per- son's qualifications, activities and grades in school, draft status and plans for the Council if elected. Peti- tions can be turned in to the office of the dean of engineering. Both civilians and students in the Navy program are qualified to enter the elections which will be held next week, Walton said. The two repre- sentatives elected will serve until their graduation. The duties of the class represent- ative will be to assist in organizing meetings of the engineering societies, arranging social functions and to serve on the Honor Council. Fur- ther information about petitions can be obtained from Walton. Rally Features Outdoor Sports Outdoor sports will be featured at the summer Rec Rally, which will be held from 7:30 to 9 p. m. Satur- day on Palmer Field, it was announc- ed by Barbara Bathke, summer pres- ident of the Women's Athletic Asso- ciation. Highlights of the Rally will be mixed tennis, softball, badminton, Churchill Says V itory May Come Soon Prime Minister Claims . News from France Good By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 2-Prime Minister Churchill declared in a comprehen- sive review of the war today that "I fear greatly of raising false hopes, but I no longer feel bound to deny that victory may come perhaps soon.' With caution tempering his opti- mism, Churchill said that the latest news from the Allied beachhead in France "seems to be extremely good," that the Red Army was "tearing the guts out of the German Army," and that "the interval between the de- feat of Hitler and the defeat of Ja- pan will be shorter-perhaps much shorter-than I had at one time sup- posed." The war, he said, "approaches per- haps its closing stage." Speaks Before Commons Speaking for an hour and 40 min- utes before a House of Commons which laughed frequently at typical Churchillian barbs dug into the en- emy, the Prime Minister declared that he had "upon the whole a good report to make to the house this afternoon." Churchill stressed particularly the American victories in the Pacific, "opening to us the prospect of a more-much more-speedy climax in the war with Japan," and the "splen- did and spectacular victories" won by the Americans in France, who he said are now proceeding. at "almost a gallop" in their southward plunge. Praises Russians He praised too the "parade of the nations" northward through Italy, but declared emphatically that "it is the Russian Army which has done the most work in tearing the guts out of the German Army." "I salute Marshal Stalin (cheers) that great champion of his country, and I firmly believe that our 20- The House of Commons adjourned until Sept. 26 with Foreign Sec- retary Anthony Eden assuring it that there would not be any peace made with Germany in the seven weeks between now and then, al- though he held out the possibility that Germany might surrender in that period. years treaty with Russia will prove to be one of the most lasting and dur- able factors preserving peace, order and progress in Europe. Churchill confirmed the announce- ment in Ankara of Turkey's break with Germany, and assured that country of British support in case Germany or Bulgaria attacks, adding that "no one can expect to enter this conflict and not suffer." was confirmed by the Soviet radio monitor's reception of the Moscow midnight communique. Vistytis Captured The broadcast as heard earlier in London had listed the town of Visty- tis, which is directly on the East Prussian border, as among the towns captured, but this was not confirmed in subsequent broadcasts. The Russians further solidified their positions threatening East Prussia by capturing the railway sta- tion of Vilkaviskis, nine miles from the border, and the city of Vilkavis- kis, two miles farther distant. Konigsberg, East Prussia's princi- pal city, lay 96 miles due west. The Soviet midnight communique, which disclosed the advance, also reported a Red Army spearhead driv- ing 40 miles due north from captured Kaunas and another north of Dauga- vpils (Dvinsk), further squeezing the Germans isolated in the North Bal- tic area, and told of a break-through on the southern Polish front west of Jaroslaw in a new push towards Krakow. Warsaw Underground Active The Russian war bulletin did not mention directly either the fiery siege of Warsaw or the progress of the great Baltic entrapment of up to 300,000 Germans in Estonia and northeast Latvia. German acknowledgements and other sources made it clear, however, that four Russian armies methodic- ally were proceeding with drives on Riga and the slicing up of the two isolated armies, while Polish patriots rose inside Warsaw to aid the Soviet and Polish troops prosecuting the all-out battle along a 20-mile subur- ban arc east of the capital. Nazi Troops Are Evacuated From Finland STOCKHOLM, Aug. 2-()--Evac- uation of German troops from Fin- land to Estonia was reported tonight and reliable advices said that Fin- land's new president, Marshal Baron Carl Gustaf Mannerheim, had re- ceived advance assurance from Rus- sia that the Kremlin would consider an application for an armistice which would guarantee tiny Finland's inde- pendence. A Reuters' dispatch received in London tonight from Stockholm said it was reliably reported that the change in presidents in Finland was preceded by a Finnish-German agree- ment in Berlin consenting to a sepa- rate Finnish peace with Russia and a Nazi promise to evacuate German troops at least from southern Fin- land.) An authoritative report said the Germans were evacuating an infan- try division sent to the Karelian front last June as their part of Nazi Foreign Minister Von Ribbentrop's bargain to keep Finland in the war with Russia. - ..fENGLAND :.: gNDND English$Chnnel * t, n entaf_ CHANNEL Coutance Rosco NORMANDY D'OU AAvranes, rs tStriuc=C Douarnene BRITTANY.--:®ougeres - ugr - Laval t9 Mans angers FRANCE CQuft? ron B tELL I.' " ..*Tour 50 St Nazaire Nant STATUTE MILES -Associated Press War Map ALLIES POSITION THREATENS GERMANS-Arrows indicate how Americans armored forces are pushing southwest toward Rennes to cut off Brittany and how British are driving across Normandy in successful attempts to crush Nazi resistance below Caen. Shaded area is territory in Allied hands before start of current ten-day drive. AT CHINESE CONFERENCE: Dr.Judd SysRussians T ied Up Jap Tro0ops By ANNETTE SHENKER "The Russians have tied up more Japanese troops in the Pacific than the British and the Americans put together," Dr. Walter H. Judd, main speaker at the opening session of the Chinese conference, said yesterday. Dr. Judd, who was a physician in China for many years and is now a Congressman from Minnesota, said that by remaining neutral Russia has kept open our bW'st lines of supply and therefore that.criticism against Russia for not waging war against Japan is entirely unfounded. "Russia Is Neutral" "Russian ships, fully lighted, sail- ed from Portland, Oregon, to Vladi- vostok, because Russia is neutral," he pointed out. "Americans have no right to expect Russia to take on 75 percent of Japan's strength in addition to 75 percent of Hitler's. If Russia had wanted to fight Japan, I'd be dead sure that our leaders would Hummel Will Speak Today Louis Hummel, chief of the division of Orientalia, Library of Congress, will talk on "Interpreting China to the West" at 8:30 p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture Room as part of the four. day conference on China which opened yesterday. Dr. Gale Is Chairman Dr. Esson M. Gale, director of the International Center and counselor to foreign students, will be chairman of a panel on "The Growth of the Chinese Republic" which will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. On the panel will be Shih-Chia Chu of the Oriental sec- tion of the Library of Congress who will speak on "The Unification of China." Also taking part will be George W. Shepherd, missionary in China and personal adviser to Chiang Kai-shek, Celia Chao, graduate in philosophy, Shanghai, and Tsang Chi-mou, engi- neering student from Szechwan prov- ince, will talk on "The Rise of Chiang Kai-shek. Roundtable Will Be Held The first of two roundtables on "Missions in China" will be held from 10 to 12 a.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Edward W. Blake- man, counselor in religious education, will be the chairman. Mr. Shepherd, Alexander Paul, vet- eran representative of the United Approaching Rennes British Second Army Reaches Key Norman Cities as Germans Retreat By The Associated Press SHAEF, Thursday, Aug. 3-Driving with dizzy speed, thundering armor of Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley raced today toward Bennes, cathedral city and communications hub halfway across Brittany and as fall of the city appeared imminent, the Americans threatened to slice off the entire Breton peninsula. All along the French front the Germans were reeling in broken retreat. Great strides were made Wednesday in the British sector, where Lt. Gen. Sir Miles C. Dempsey's Second Army slashed south 17 miles from its jumping off point at Caumont, captured Estry, 14 miles below Caumont, -and reached the Vire-Vassy road at ask her to stay out for our own sake." Dr. Judd also discussed the psycho- logical difficulties which China has had to face in order to fight this war. He said that in China the unit of organization has been the family, both the state and the individual are subordinate to it. The Chinese word for soldier has the same connection as the English words for gangster or racketeer. Thusin order to fight this war successfully, Judd said, China had to suddenly scrap all these old values and make the primary value the state. Are the Issues Understood? "Now that we can finally see what the war is about, we question wheth- er those who have been fighting it for 10 years understand its issues," Dr. Judd said in condemnation of those people who criticize the Chinese lead- er, Chiang Ki Shek. Judd added that it has become ap- parent that Britain doesn't want Burma to belittered by American and Chinese forces and that Britain's ob- jective is more to restore the British empire than to defeat Japan. Titiev Addresses Conference The afternoon session of the con- ference featured Dr. Mischa Titiev, professor of anthropology at the Uni- versity now on leave of absence with the Office of Strategic Services in Washington, who spoke on "China's Contribution to the Far East." "Even at the beginning of the present war," Dr. Titiev stated, "each new Japanese triumph found the Chinese people unshaken in their confidence in eventual victory. This confidence is the product of a cul- ture which had its beginnings 3,000 years before Christ. Preceding Dr. Titiev's address was one by Mr. Raymond Dennett, secre- tary of the American Council, Insti- tute of Pacific Relations, who ex- plained the function of the Institute, which consists of councils from the ten countries bordering the pacific. COSTLY ERROR: . Bomb Dropped By U.S. Planez Killed Mcairk WASHINGTON, Aug 2-(P)~~~ The explosion of a bomb dropped short of its target by an Ameri- can plane killed Lt. Gen. Lesley J. McNair, former commander of Army Ground Forces.1 "A full investigation," the War Dept. announced today, "devel- oped the fact that Gen. McNair died as a result of the explosion of one of our own bombs which fell short in the intensive aerial bombardment ofenemy lines just preparatory to the present large scale American break-through in1 Normandy" The General's death was an-1 nounced last week by the de- partment, but it was attributed then to enemy fire. The more re-I cent information, reported by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, also3 disclosed for the first time the date of his death-July 25.1 An undisclosed number of cas-I ualties occurred when about 50 American planes, including both heavy and medium bombers, re- leased their bombs prematurely during an attack on the German lines west of St. Lo by between 2,500 and 3,000 planes from the combined striking force of the U S. 8th and 9th Air Forces. Yanik Planes Blast Guam As Japs Flee PEARL HARBOR, Aug. 2-()- American ground forces stabbed into heavily wooded northern Guam today in hot pusuit of an estimated 10,000 Japanese fleeing a devastating bom- bardment that impelled their re- treat on the third of the Marianas Islands under American control. Organized resistance on Tinian, 125 miles northward, had ended and Adm. Chester W. Nimitz Tuesday night placed that island with Saipan in the column of those conquered in the Marianas. A fourth island Rota, between Guam and Tinian, had been invaded by American troops, the Tokyo radio said today. There was no confir- mation, however, of this report, which was heard by a government listen- ing post in Melbourne The Yank power punch on Guam, intensified by bombs and rocket fire from carrier planes, was rapidly roll- ing back what was left of the Japa- nese garrison in the northern half. Americans attacking the Japanese pocket in the Wewak sector of Brit- ish New Guinea advanced a mile in their push eastward from Aitape, headquarters announced today. Americans who established a beachhead at Sansapor on the tip of Dutch New Guinea, 700 miles west of Aitape, Sunday, have consolidated their positions. a'point four and one-half miles east of Vire. Vire itself, old Norman capital, was reached by another British col- umn, while farther north, five miles below Villers-Bocage, key position in the Nazi Normandy defense peri- meter, the town of Aunay was threat- ened with encirclement. Two miles below it the British stormed against OndeFontaine and fierce fighting was in progress. Yanks Sweep Toward East In the west, Bradley's forces swept on in two directions from captured Brecey, advancing to the southeast, and driving northeast against St. Pois, five miles away and three miles from American-held Cuves. Ten miles to the north, Villedien-LesPo- eles, by-passed in the southward surge, has fallen to the Americans. The Americans stabbed more miles beyond captured Pontorson in Brit- tany, toward Brest, an important Atlantic port at the tip of the Breton peninsula. Germans Threatened Near Caen On the eastern hinge of the French front, in the British Caen area, bit- ter fighting continued against enemy armor in the Tilly-La-Campagne fec- tor, but the wheeling movement of the British in the Caumont sector to the west threatened at last to crush German resistance below Caen. Stabbing spearheads were splitting into pockets the chopped line of Marshal Erwin Rommel, the one-time "Desert Fox" who, said German broadcasts, is now in the hospital 'with a brain concussion as the re- sult of an Allied air attack. American and British heavy bomb- ers blasted bases of the Nazis' fly- ing bombs in northern France just before dark Wednesday with multiple attacks and another fleet of U. S. bombers struck from Italy at Ger- man oil resources thus maintaining the pace of Allied aerial warfare de- spite bad weather. Strike Ties, Up Transportation In Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 2.- (P)- Complete paralysis gripped Philadel- phia's transportation system again tonight after subway trains had oper- ated on a curtailed basis for two hours, during which subway trains were operated by crews which re- turned voluntarily with a request that they be permitted to resume their jobs. A spokesman for the Philadelphia Transportation Company, operators of all of the city's subways, street cars and buses, said that subway crewmen who had returned to work "just walked out on us again." Negroes, Whites Clash The two-day tie-up, back where it started, has precipitated clashes be- tween whites and Negroes, incon- venienced 1,500,000 daily riders and curtailed war production. PTC officials said their 6,000 driv- ers had walked out in protest at the up-grading of eight Negroes to posts as streetcar motormen. The return of the situation to com- plete paralysis came shortly after the War Production Board had ap- pealed to President Roosevelt to halt the work stoppage. At almost the same moment that the subway trains were halting for the second time, Mayor Bernard Samuel declared in a special radio broadcast (WCAU) that the stoppage amounted to "sabotage of our coun- try's war effort." Union Officials Against Stoppage Officials of the Transport Workers Union, representing the company workers, but opposed to the stoppage, AIM-WHITE HOUSE: GOP Governors Draft Policy Declaration To Help Dewey BATTLE BECOMES RACE: Burning Wreckage Left Behind Fast Moving Nazi Front Line ST. LOUIS, Aug. 2-(P)-Twenty- six Republican governors assembled in a politically portentious confer- ence today and immediately split up into teams to draft a 14 point policy ministration takes office next Jan. 20 the squabbling units of govern- ment will come to an end as far as we can achieve it." SOMEWHERE IN BRITTANY, Aug. 2.--(A)-This has ceased to be battle-it is a race, with the Ameri- can Army moving forward perhaps faster than any army in this war. thing is rushing into Brittany as though a moment lost could never be replaced. There is no pause even for greet-