. sa.. ... a v is s ar .u-a..a " .v a a. a n.r 1.
"Journey to Jerusalem," the third
offering of the Michigan Repertory
Players of the Department of Speech,
will be given at 8:30 p.m. today
through Saturday in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Written by Maxwell Anderson, the
drama has a large portion of its text
taken from chapters in the New Tes-
tament. It unfolds the story of a
pilgrimage to Jerusalem for obser-
vance of the ritual of the Passover
and takes the child, Jeshua, to the
threshold of His mission.
The drama also deals with Roman
slavery imposed by Augustus but car-
ried out by Herod and the growing
need for spiritual leadership.
Members of the cast are Ruth
Branscon as Jeshua, Doris Fast as
Miriam, Patricia Meikle as. Joseph,
Blanche Holpar as Herod, Barbara
Greenberg as the Soothsayer, Betty
Godwin as Mira, Clara Behringer as
the beggar, Joan Selmier as Shak-
rach, Mary Ruth Action, Cassia, An-
nette Chaiken as Reba and Lee Horn
as Jessee.
Also included in the cast are Eliza-
beth Miller, Naomi Vincent, Claribel
Baird, Gloria McClure, Eileen Blum,
Betty Vaughn, Jean Loree, Jean
Westerman, Merline Case, Mary Jor-
dan, Ruth Schell, Dorothy Turner,
Mavis i Kennedy, Ruth Kowalsky,
Shirley Rosen, Peggy Goodwin, Eve-
lyn Lengkeek and Onnolee Anderson.
On Campus ...
Dr. Teixeirax To Speak...
Dr. Egberto L. Teixeira of Brazil
will speak on "Brazil-Stepping
Stone to Allied Victory" at 8 p. m.
today in the Kellogg Auditorium.
Besides interpreting the Good
Neighbor policy in action, he will
discuss how the war came to Brazil
and post-war and social aspects in
his country.
Dr. Teixeira is doing work here in
inter;American law. As a corre-
spondent for a Brazilian paper, he
has also been interpreting the United
States to the people of Brazil.
This is the fourth in a series of
weekly lectures on "Latin America
in the War and Afterwards," which
are being given by Latin Americans
who are studying here. The lecture
is open to the public and will be
given in English.
Hillel Council Will Meet
Akiya Pictures Situation of
American-Japanese Before Dec.
The Japanese prejudice which ex-
isted in the United States, and par-
ticularly on the West Coast, before
Dec. 7, was primarily an economic
and political problem rather than a
racial question, Karl Akiya of the
Japanese Language Department said
Monday in a talk sponsored by Inter-
Racial Association.
The first Japanese came to this
country, he continued, in the late
19th century as heavy laborers to
help exploit the resources of the
expanding nation. Only men came
in the beginning, he added, and it
wasn't until the turn of the century,
when imported Japanese women,
"picture brides" were brought here,
that organized anti-Japanese prop-
aganda was begun.
Akiya stated that originally the
West Coast was anti-oriental rather
than merely Anti-Japanese. How-
ever, with the rise of Japan as a
world power after her defeat of RTus-
fear the 'yellow peril.'
sia, he continued, Americans began to
Akiya drew a distinction between
the Nisei, second-generation Japa-
nese, and the Kibel, second-genera-
tion Japanese who return to Japan.
The Kibel have been under great
suspicion since the war, he stated,
ination in this country.
Akiya will - continue his series of
talks on "The History of Anti-Japa-
nese Prejudice" at 8 p. m. Monday
in the Michigan League with a lec-
ture on "Pearl Harbor and Reloca-
is blended, shaped, cut to your
individual tastes.
Between State & Mch. Theatres
MARINES TAKE COVER AT GUAM-U. S. Marines take advantage of natural cover as they hit the
beach near Asan, Guam, in the Marianas as American forces landed in a drive to regain the American
possession. Note marine running and smoke from burning "duck." The invasion of Guam began July
20. Photo by AP Photographer Joseph Rosenthal o n assibnment with Marine Still Picture Pool.
Rehabilitation Work of Speech
Department To Be Demotristrated.
Clinical patients and staff mem-
bers at the Speech Clinic will take
part in a Department of Speech as-
sembly demonstrating the rehabili-
tation work of the Clinic, at 3 p. m.
today, at Kellogg Auditorium. The
public is invited without charge.
Highlights of the rehabilitation
program will be discussed by mem-
bers of the Clinic staff.
Before-and-after records of a vet-
eran of the present war and of sev-
eral other patients will be presented,
CBS Editor To
Give Lectures
Acting Script Editor Charles Mon-
roe, noted dramatic program writer,
of Columbia Broadcasting System, is
arriving on campus today, as part of
the program in practical classroom
instruction arranged by the Depart-
ment of Speech with CBS.
Acting, production, and writing
classes in the Department of speech
will hear lectures by Monroe, Michi-
gan alumnus and graduate of Yale
Drama School.
Monroe will produce a half-hour
dramatic show written by himself
over WKAR, East Lansing, at 2:15
p. m., Friday. The program was or-
iginally written for Columbia Broad-
casting System Workshop and has
been broadcast by the British Broad-
casting Corporation, the Australian
Broadcasting Corporation and to
South America in Spanish.
Associate Script Editor Frankel,
who was also here fromCBS this
week, gave instruction in comedy
Prof. Pawlowski Elected
Polish Institute President
F. W. Pawlowski, Guggenheim
professor in the Department of Aer-
onautical Engineering, was elected
president of the midwestern section
of the Polish Institute of Arts and
Science in America at the annual
meeting of the group Saturday.
The membership of the Institute is
composed of Polish refugee scientists
and American scientists. With head-
quarters in Chicago it publishes a
bulletin available to the public of
scientific letters, lectures, and meet-
followed by a few words from the
patients in person. Hard of hear-
ing, voice and paralytic patients will
also participate in the program, ac-
cording to Prof. Ollie L. Backus, of
the Department of Speech, Acting
Manager of the Speech Clinic.
Patients to appear on the program
have all volunteered, knowing that
their speech disorders have not been
removed in three weeks of training.
One purpose of the program is to pro-
vide a situation in which Clinic
patients may test their new speech
habits under social pressure, Prof.
Backus explained.
Dr. L. Dell Henry, lecturer in
speech pathology, clinic physician;
Miss Harriet Dunn, visiting clinical
supervisor; and Miss Ann Bunger,
visiting instructor in speech read-
ing are the staff members who will
discuss briefly rehabilitation prob-
Twenty-five adult patients, includ-
ing some war veterans, are now re-
ceiving training at the Clinic.
Col. Young To
Address Class
Col. Edward H. Young, command-
ant of the Judge Advocate General's
School, will address the 59 men of
the Third Contract Termination
Class at 10 p. m. Saturday in Hut-
chins Hall.
A fourth class, which is expected
to be larger than any of the former
Contract Termination Classes will
start in about two weeks.
A total of 57 men have completed
this course. The first two classes
were made up entirely of lawyers,
but because of the shortage of quali-
fied lawyers who have a knowledge
of finance, there are 10 men in the
present class who are not lawyers.
This is the first time anyone except
lawyers have been trained at the
Judge AdvocateGeneral's School.
* * *
Joint Recital Planned...
Jacqueline Bear, soprano, and
Mary Evans Johnson, pianist, will
present a joint recital 8:30 p. m. to-
morrow at the assembly hall in the
Rackham building.
A selection from Verdi's "La Travi-
ata," DeBussy's "Nuit D'Etoiles" and
other French compositions will open
the program. Five selections from
Brahms, including "Liebostreu" and
"Botschaft" will also be heard.
Closing the program will be "Voc-
alise" by Rachmaninoff, "Shy One"
by Clarke, "White Peace" by Bax,
"This is the Shape of the Leaf" by
Johnson and "My Lover, He Comes"
by Clough-Leiter.
* * *
Slosson To Address Club
Prof. Preston Slosson of the histo-
ry department will address the Men's
Education Club at 7:15 p. m. today
in the Michigan Union- on the sub-
ject "The War Situation on the Eu-
ropean Front."
The Hillel student council
meet at 7:30 p. m. today in
lounge of the Hillel Foundation.
council members are urged to
Recent Broadway Success by Maxwell Anderson
TONIGHT through Saturday-8:39 P. M.
Prices 1.02-.78-.54
including tax
Box Office open daily
except Sunday-phone 6300
III, _________________~~~~~~..~...~~..=~~...~~~~ ___________------.-- _________ ______________________ ____________________________________________
(Continued from Page 2) Room at the Michigan League at here to join in the dancing or games.
7:30 p.m. This event is sponsored
School of Music. Soloists, Bonnie by Women in Education and is open French Tea today at 4 p.m. in the
Ruth Van Deursen, Soprano, and to all who are interested. Grill Room of the Michigan League.
Harriet Porter, Contralto; organist, Charles E. Koella
Irene Applin Boice. Russian instru- Correction: Miss Helena Azenedo
mental selections will be rendered by will be the speaker at the luncheon 'o igE e t
Elizabeth Ivanoff, violinist, and Ruby for women interested inhEducation. Coming Events
Joan Kuhlman, pianist. Sunday, Russian Tea Room, Michigan League, French Club: The fifth meeting
Aug. 6, 8:30 p.m., First Methodist today from 11:45 to 1 o'clock. Miss of the Club will take place tomorrow,
Church. The public is cordially in- Azenedo's topic will be "Education in Thursday, Aug. 3, at p.m. in the
vited to attend. Brazil." Miss Margaret Noye will be Michigan League. Miss Lois M. Gun-
the speaker on Aug. 9. den, Grad., will speak on "Mes ex-
String Orchestra Concert: On periences en France de 1941 a 1943."
Tuesday evening, Aug. 8, at 8:30 p.m., Sociedad Hispanica: Those inter- Group singing and social hour. All
the University of Michigan String ested in practicing their Spanish in- students of the Summer Session and
Orchestra, under the direction of formally will meet for conversation the Summer Term as well as all ser-
Gilbert Ross, will present a concert and refreshments at 4 p.m. in the vicemen are cordially invited to the
of music of the 17th and 18th cen- League Grill Room today. weekly meetings of the French Club
turies. The program will feature Dor- which are free of charge.
othy Ornest Feldman, Soprano, and "Journey to Jerusalem" by Maxwell Charles E. Koella
Jeannette Haien, Pianist, as soloists. Anderson will be represented tonight
Mrs. Feldman will sing the Cantata through Saturday, Aug. 2 through 5, Pi Lambda Theta is arranging a
"Idolo Mio" by Alessandro Scarlatti, by the Michigan Repertory Players, program by Harriet Harwood, radio
and Miss Haien will play Haydn's Department of Speech, in the Lydia book reviewer on Hudson's "Minute
Concerto in G major, No. 2. The Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:30 p.m. Parade" for Saturday, Aug. 5, pt the
orchestra will present the music of Tickets are on sale at the theatre Michigan League. The program is
Vivaldi, Frescobaldi, Mozart, and box office from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. open to the public without charge.
Sammartini. The public is cordially A display of children's books pub-
invited to attend the concert which Michigan Dames Book Group will lished in 1944 will be a feature of
will be given in Pattengill Auditor- meet this evening at the home of the talk.
ium. Mrs. John Ebelke, 538 Church Street.
Mathematics Club will meet Thurs-
USO: After two- days of good solid day afternoon, Aug. 3, at 4:15, in the
Exhibitions study it's about time for some good West Conference Room, Rackham
solid dancing. Spin the disks until Building. Professor Rainich will speak
General Library, Main Lobby. In- far into the night- well, eleven "On Line Geometry and Dual Num-
cunabula. o'clock anyhow. And the girls are bers."
Museums Building: "What the Ser-
viceman May See in the Pacific
Area." (Animal Exhibits). s
AryNwadClements Library: "ryNw n
Views in Seven Wars." American
military publications, particularly of
the present war.
Architecture Building, First-floor
cases. Exhibitions of student work. J
Michigan Historical Collections:d
160 Rackham Building. The Growth
of the University of Michigan init
Pictures. :"
Rackha Galleries: Original Water d
Colors by Soviet Children (50 - pic-1plema
tures), and Reproduction of Book l 4 s b\ngie
Illustrations by Soviet Artists. Cir- :Stafbe
culated by the National Council of oao bce
American - Soviet Friendship, New cndW e0 ooteous:
York. Open daily except Sunday, Ctunz;'
2-5, and 7-10 p.m. ourr o
Events Todaypro Dee 3
A Conference on China will be held
at the Rackham Building from 10
a.m. today through Saturday eve-
ning, Aug. 5. There will be special S0er
panels, luncheons, lectures by re-.
Spring chesterfields,
Toppers and Fitted
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Final Disposal of All Remaining
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Original prices 10,95-35.00
1 group of Cotton
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2.98 and 5.48
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Close-outs in
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