a it 4aai4 Weather Fair and Warm 5 =- VOL. LIV No. 2-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS All Hitler's Reserves To Be Thrust Against Reds; American Troops Crash into La Hayc Du Puits * * * * * * <+> -<4'!) Rail Station Captured in Strategic City Allied Guns Pound Resistance Nests By The Associated Press SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, AL- LIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE, Thursday, July 6.-Bayonet-wielding American troops crashed into the rubble-strewn streets of burning La Hae du Puits late yesterday cap- turing the railway station on the northern rim of that shattered Ger- man west Normandy defense anchor and coiling around both sides of the city in an apparent by-passing plunge. Hundreds of big Allied guns domi- nated the situation, pounding Ger- maneresistance nests inside the shell- ruined city and beyond it on the read toward Brittany. But front re- ports told of fierce German resis- tance both at La Haye and in Mont Castre forest from two to four miles southeast of the stronghold. Canadians Forced Back On the opposite end of the front, German tank-supported counterat- cacks forced Canadian troops off Carpiquet airport. but the Candians held firmly amid the wreckage of Carpiquet village itself, three miles west of Caen, and beat off several counter-thrusts there. Once a dozen German tanks infil- trated into the village, but were cleared out after running into in- tense fire from anti-tank guns and Vickers machineguns. One Nazi as - sault before dawn was made with tanks, followed by Germandinfantry- men "shouting their heads off," a field dispatch said. Canadians dug into improvised trenches and, utiliz- ing captured German positions, some of which are 20 to 30 feet under- ground, broke up that storming wave. British Locked in Battle British troops on the Canadian flank also were locked in a swaying vicious fight on heights between Baron and Esquay, five miles south of Carpiquet. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower watched the furious battle for La Haye on the Fourth of July and returned to Eng- land yesterday after conferring with Allied field commanders. In his fighter plane flight over La Haye he was piloted by Brig.-Gen. Elwood R. Quesada, U.S. Ninth Air Force fight- er commander. Candidates Will Speak Today Meeting Sponsored by City's Women Voters Candidates for the national and state houses of representatives and for the state senate will speak at a meeting, sponsored by the Ann Ar- bor League of Women Voters, at 7:30 p. m. today in the court house. Among the speakers will be Earl C. Michener, Adrian, who is running in the local primary for the second district race for Congress, and his opponent, Galen Starr Ross, Ann Arbor lecturer. Other candidates who will speak at the meeting will be George Hig- gins and Daniel Thorn who are con- testing the nomination as the Repub- lican party's candidate for the state senate post. The post was left va- cant several months ago at the re- tirement of Sen. George BcCallum of Ann Arbor. Five city candidates will be con- testing for the nomination as repre- sentative to the state house. These are Russell Ashmore, Mrs. Marie Besekirsky, Lewis Christman, Walt- er Tubbs and Henry Vender Velde. The one Democratic contest listed for the primaries next Tuesday in- volves the nomination to the House in Washington. Redmond Burr, Ann Arbor, and Donald Gay, Milan, are on the ballot. FR ANCE LE HAVRE~o l~Il~ C Epto Pont er -a- Balyeroy Cheux * CAEN 1 oar CaumotP oin 0Evrec. Aunay \\ Quesnay St Pier re llyhury Odr' RwHarcour Balleroyalauxse GERMANS MAKE GREAT EFFORT TO STOP BRITISH-In a tre- mendous effort to thwart British armor encircling Caen and converg- ing on the plains before Paris, the Germans are reported to be throwing practically all of their tanks in Normandy into the battle. At the western end of the Nazi defense line, Americans were storming into the port of La Haye du Puits'. TOTAL REACHES 6,362: ailitr Enrollmnt Icerse As Few eCvilasRgse laps Face Showdown on Saipan; U. S. Task Forces Hit Enemy Bases Military enrollment for the sum- mer term showed an increase over that of last semester although Uni- versity enrollment of civilian stu- dents last night totaled a little more than 3,500, a decrease of 15 per cept* in comparison with that of the 1943 summer term. Total registration in the eighth wartime semester of the University is 6,362, including 1,376 Army stu- dents and 1,439 Navy students. Increase in military enrollment is accounted for by.a new Army Spe- cialized Training Reserve unit com- posed of 210 17 year olds and a re- placenient group of 30 sanitary engi- neers. The literary, medical and engineer- iag colleges suffered the largest drops in enrollment, while increases were 6,000 Nips Die In Hunan Battle Chinese Are Supplied By American Mitchells CHUNGKING, July 5.--()-The Japanese attacking the strategic, Hunan province railway town of Hengyang have lost more than 6,000 men in ten days of heavy fighting, the Chinese high command said to- night, and the Chinese defenders are striking hard with air and artillery support. P. H. Chang, a government spokes- man, told a press conference that the bitterness of the fighting should dis- solve "suspicions and rumors" that the Chinese were not holding up their end of the resistance to the Japanese. An American 14th Air Force com- munique sa'd the Chinese in Heng - yang had received many tons of am- munition dropped to them by low- flying B-25 Mitchell bombers. Indi- cating close support of the Hengyang defenders, the communique reported widespread fighting and bombing sweeps over Hunan province battle areas and said heavy damage was done July 2 in a raid on Hengshan, north of Hengyang. The Chinese, fighting along the Yunnan-Burma border towards a junction with Lt.-Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell's American and Chinese for- ces in North Burma, have reduced the gap between them to 26 miles, IFC Announces Registration Registration for all men interested in fraternity rushing will be held shown mainly in the School of Nurs- ing with its U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps and the Graduate School, attended by many teachers working for higher degrees. Because of the Tuesday holiday, many registrants were late, and a spokesman of the registrar's office said that more students are expected to register later this week. Bill Layton To Play at Hour of Fun Tomorrow Audience participation will be the keynote of the Hour of Fun which will be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in front of the old Medical Building. Inaugurating a new mode in enter- tainment at the University, the pro- gram, which is sponsored by the Union, will be supplemented by the music of Bill Layton's orchestra. "Students are invited to come pre- pared to do something-dance, sing or even play in the orchestra," Doc Fielding, MC, says. "Anything and everything will be accepted." Fielding was in charge of similar programs at Dartmouth College which proved to be "very successful." The audience participation was over- whelming and the movement quickly spread over to different colleges, he said. McNutt Requests Cannery Workers WASHINGTON, July 5.- ()- Seven hundred thousand full-time workers, or 1,400,000 part-time work- ers, must be found to work in can- neries packing the plentiful 1944 crop of fruits and vegetables, Chair- man Paul V. McNutt of the War Manpower Commission said today. By The Assoiated Press U.S. PACIFIC FLEET HEADQUAR- TERS, PEARL HARBOR, July 5.-t U.S. Marines and infantry pressedI for a quick cleanup today on strate- gic Saipan Island within bombing range of Japan, powerfully aided byI American carrier task force smashes at enemy bases on islands to the north and south. The Nipponese, squeezed into a corner at the north end of this Mari- anas island, are making a final ges- ture for their emperor. The showdown clash is being fought in4an area the Japanese ex- pected they must one day defend. It is filled.: with pillboxes, blockhouses and shelters. Every cave is manned by enemy riflemen and machine gun- ners. More than 2,000 miles southward Daily Tryott Meeting Will Be Held Today A meeting for all students inter- ested in trying out for The Daily editorial staff will be held at 4:30 p.m. today in the Student Publica- tions Building on Maynard Street. Anyone with a C average who is enrolled in either the summer term or thesummer session is eligible to work on The Daily. Tryouts on the editorial staff will be given beats and instructed in the fundamentals of news-writing and Daily style, as well as practice in writing headlines and reading proof. They .also -work-on night desk one evening each week. Those who have had previous newspaper experience will be ad- vanced in line with that experience. Because of wartime conditions, promotions are made rapidly to promising tryouts. The editorial staff is divided into freshman, sophomore, junior and senior staffs. The freshman and sophomore staffs are rated as try- outs and from the sophomore staff are \selected the night editors. The senior editors are chosen, from the junior staff. During the summer session The Daily will be printed every day but Monday and Tuesday. * * * Students To Receive Free Copies of Daily The University will present all stu- dents with free copies of The Daily during the eight weeks of the Sum- mer Session. One Daily will be delivered to every five students in dormitories and league houses in the delivery area. Every five servicemen on campus will receive three Dailies. Students living outside the delivery zone may obtain Dailies by showing their cashier's receipts at the Student Publications Building. They will re- ceive a card permitting them to pick up the paper each morning from 7:45 to 10:10 a.m. in front of the Main Library for at least a week. Private subscriptions are obtain- able at the Student Publications Building by those living either within or without the delivery zone. Papers can also be mailed to those outside the zone. Separate copies will be sold on campus every publication morning in front of the Main Library. other American fighting men pushed their rapid conquest of Noemfoori Island, stepping stone on the inva- sion route to Mindanao, Japanese stronghold at the southern end of the Philippines. Reinforced by paratroopers, these forces intensified their drive for the Second Noemfoor Airstrip Captured ADVANCED ALLIED HEAD- QUARTERS, New Guinea, Thurs- day, July 6.-(WP)-Americans have captured Koransoren airdrome, second vital airstrip on Noemfoor Island. Headquarters announced today that the strip on the northern end of the island was captured Inde- pendence Day, two days after the landing and two days after the capture of Kamiri airdrome. two remaining airdromes on the is- land. One was captured at the out- set of the invasion, launched last Sunday. In a lightning two-day strike into Japan's Volcano and Bonin Islands, an American carrier task force sank or beached three destroyers, sank two other vessels, damaged several others and destroyed 64 to 80 planes in combat. Nine American carrier planes were lost. Not one U.S. sur- face vessel was damaged. Planes of the speedy task force Yanks Drive Northward p Italian oast By The Associated Press ROME, July 5.-American troops have fought doggedly forward to within less'* than 13 airline miles of the big Italian west coast port of Livorno (Leghorn) and are engaged in the preliminaries of what may prove their hardest battle since the Anzio beachhead, Allied headquar- ters announced today. Front line reports showed the Ger- mans were dug in on high ground running about 35 miles inland from Castiglioncello on the coast through Rosignano and Volterra to Casole d'Elsa, which is about 15 miles west of newly-captured Siena. "It is clear that the enemy intends to hang doggedly to Rosignano and Volterra in his endeavor to delay our advance on Livorno," said an official Allied communique. Violent fighting was in process along almost the entire length of this new enemy defense line, particu- larly around Rosignano, which sits astride the coastal highway to Livor- no. Heavy Nazi guns emplaced on heights dominating Rosignano were throwing a deadly fire into advan- cing Yank armor and infantry, which was reported to have reached the outskirts of the fortress town. Allies Continue Air Offensive Nazis Are Victims of Constant Shuttle Raids LONDON, July 6, Thursday-(R)- In the most impressive offensive since D-Day, Allied air forces hurled at least five strong daylight bomber forces and thousands of fighters at the Germans from the channel to the Mediterranean yesterday as American heavy bombers returned to their British bases after shuttle- bombing the Nazis from England to Russia to Italy. The 7,000-mile circuit clamped tight an aerial ring of steel around Germany exposing the whole of Hit- ler's Europe to the bombs of the Allies. The shuttle planes, which on June 21 flew from Britain to Russia and then five days later went from Russia to Italy, returned today via southern the Marianas." Fire Traps, 75 struck first at Iwo Island in the Vol- cano (Kazan) group. Fifty-five en- emy planes, and probably 24 more, were destroyed at Iwo, which is 755 miles southeast of Tokyo. On Independence Day, the task force knifed northward into the Bon- ins to give the Japs a taste of an American Fourth of July celebration and also smacked Iwo again. 26 Jap Ships Sunk by Allies By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 5-(RP)-De- struction of 26 Japanese vessels by Allied submarines was reported to- day, underlined by a statement from Navy Secretary Forrestal that un- dersea warfare against Japan "pro- gresses with mounting success." The general Pacific campaign against Japanese outer defenses, Forrestal said, has gone "at a some- what faster pace than had been hoped for." American submersibles torpedoed 17 of the Nipponese craft including a light cruiser, a destroyer and 15 cargo and transport vessels. From the British Admiralty in London came news of the sinking of nine more Japanese supply ships by British submarines. Acceleration of the attacks on the Japanese shipping lanes may be an- ticipated, said Forrestal, declaring that submarine crews deserve the "lion'shshare of the credit for knock- ing the props from under Japan's conquest." Air forces, he told a news con- ference, also are battering the Jap- anese merchant fleet with increas- ing success and the campaign "will be accelerated by our advance into Ohio MinersF Near Bellaire BELLAIRE, 0., July 5.-(A')-Anl unknown number of miners-vari- ously estimated from 40 to 75-was imprisoned today by a fire in thet Powhattan Mine, and nine hours later an official of the United MineI Workers expressed doubt that any1 would be rescued alive.I "I do not think they will find onet of them alive," said Adolph Pacifico,2 vice-president of District 6 of the U.M.W. "There is no way to get to them from the back of the shaft without forcing carbon monoxide gas into the chamber where they are." The men were trapped four miles from the main entrance of the shaft, Ohio's largest soft coal pit, when falling slate struck a trolley wire at 1 p.m., EWT. Fires were reported to have sprung up at three entries. The number of men in the blocked section was placed at 75 by Sheriff W. S. McLaughlin of Belmont County and Henry Ady of Clarington, a member of the rescue crew. However, Matthew Stiecker, per- sonnel manager for the Powhattar Mining Company which operates the shaft 15 miles south of here, said he believed "between 40 and 50" were entombed. He added he was unable to check the exact number because of absen- teeism. White Cross Is Terminated The organization of the White Cross, as represented by a prepara- tory committee of Ann Arbor citi- zens, was voluntarily dissolved at a meeting in the International Center last night, and a committee ,for or- ganizational study on a broader scale was formed by the group. Dr. Oscar Fazekas, who was in- strumental in publishing and distrib- uting several pamphlets on a plan DerisionWas [leached at Nazi Meeting Reds Move Toward Prussia, Balties By The Associated Press LONDON, Thursday, July 6- Vhile overwhelming Soviet forces unged toward the Baltics and East 'russia almost at will, slaughtering lerman defenders and capturing owns in incredible numbers, the doscow radio broadcast early today 4 report from Stockholm that Adolf Hitler had just reached a decision ;o throw all his Nazi reserves into he gigantic struggle on the eastern ront. The radio report said "an extra- >rdinary meeting has just been held .t Hitler's headquarters. Col. Gen. :urt Zeitzler, Chief of the German 3eneral Staff, and Col. Gen. Ernst Ton Busch, commander in chief of she eastern front, were present. Vazis Face Superiority "Zeitzler said the German army was faced with superiority it could not equal and Hitler was said to ave ordered that all reserves were to be flung into the battle at once o stop the Soviet advance." The westward drive of the Red army, already spilling onto the bor- lers of Latvia and Lithuania, cap- ured the important railway junction )f Molodeczno in Old Poland today, Premier Stalin announced tonight. Clear Town of Nazis Assault troops of Gen. Ivan Cher- niakhovsky's Third White Russian army reached the outskirts of the fortified! town Monday 'and in clea- ing it of the Nazi defenders today wiped out the last big obstacle be- fore Wilno (Vilna) from the south- east. Moledeczno is 40 miles northwest of the White Russian capital of Minsk and 68 from Wilno at the point where the main railway be- tween these two large cities is in- tersected by a secondary' line run- ning southward into Poland from Polotsk. Red Guns Salute In his order of the day, calling for a salute of 12 salvos from 124 of Moscow's big guns, Stalin pointed out that Molodeczno guarded the way not only to Wilno but to Riga, the ,capital of Latvia on the Baltic sea. The Russian advance toward the Baltic, spearheaded by Gen. Ivan Bagramian's First Baltic army, ear- lier had pressed within 10 miles of the Latvian frontier and within 14 miles of Lithuania across the narrow neck of Wilno province. Leaders Will Meet Dewey Delegation To Confer With GOP Candidate ALBANY, N. Y., July 5-(AP)- Governor Thomas E. Dewey dealt members of Congress and candidates in on the Republican presidential campaign today with an invitation to the 11-member Massachusetts delega- tion and Governor Leverett Salton- stall to confer with him here Mon- day. Announcing at a news conference that he planned further similar meetings to assess the issues of the campaign, Dewey said he had asked Rep. Joseph Martin, House minority leader, to bring with him Saltonstall, and Senator Sinclair Weeks, along with as many of the members of the Massachusetts group as could come. Although reporters attempted to attach particular attention to Week's visit, since the latter is a long-time friend and supporter of Wendell L. Willkie, Dewey denied there was any significance. Among his visitors were Eugene Meyer, publisher of the Washington Post and former chairman of the Board of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and Dean P. Taylor of Troy, Republican representative of WISH IS GRANTED: Yank Officer Gets 28th Nazi Plane Before Getting Married A U. S. EIGHTH AIR FORCE FIGHTER BASE, Britain, July 5.- (AP)- Lt.-Col. Francis Gabreski, 25- year - old Thunderbolt pilot who wanted to shoot down a 28th German plane before going home to get mar- ried, got his wish today when he knocked down a Messerschmitt 1091 damned thing. I'm a sa-a-a-ad sack." Gabreski, an Oil City, Pa., boy, went out again today and promptly got his German. Now he will take his 30-day leave, during which he said he intended to marry Kay Coch- ran of Grand Rapids, Mich., a girl he met in Hawaii three years ago. City To Intensify E .u w-- 0 rn-u-i