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July 30, 1944 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-30

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Fifty-Fourth Year


. --v /


Edited and managed by students of the University
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
Student Publications.



e Farrant
ty Ann Koffman
r Wallace
r Mantho

. ". Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
. SCity Editor
* . Sports Editor

£ £
A 5 I'4 ry
Well, I'll Tell You - It Was Like This"



Business Manager

The Undeveloped Skeleton

Telephone 23-24-1

STUDENT government is dead to
an intents and purposes on the
Michigan campus. This fact de-
mands our attention.
Long have there been students
who, like an indifferent citizen
who only votes when his fifth cou-
sin is a candidate, have viewed
campus life apart from academic
pursuits with little interest. These
in a cursory calculation of the
campus are, or should be, a neg-
ligible number and don't demand
our attention.
But never have there been so
many apathetic students here as
in recent years, students who
have crawled into their own
shells and remained aloof from
all that goes on about them. In
this self-sufficiency lies defeat,
and defeat in every campus ac-
tivity is what we are enduring.
Student government completely
collapsed on the campus in the
spring of 1942. The Student Sen-
ate was originally designed to be
the only all-campus legislative
body, and it took as its task the
translation of the will of the cam-
pus into action.
The body was organized on a
democratic basis, annual elec-
tions were held, but soon the
plague appeared. Factions de-
veloped, the student boIy became
disinterested, the Senate worked
for itself without campus sup-
port and attempted to approach
University officials with student
problems without student back-
After the original fire of the or-
ganizing leaders disappeared with
their graduation, the Senate in a
mysterious fashion disintegrated
and sang its swan song to a "dead"
THE STORY of fraternity gov-
ernment follows the same sad
pattern. The house presidents
were organized into the Interfra-
ternity Council under authority of
the Student Affairs committee.
Every project of the IFC came to
naught because the enthusiasm;

for student government lost its
force when programs got down to
individual members. The IFC
though still intact, has lost much
of whatever force and influence it
had in campus affairs.
The same may be said of Con-
gress, independent men's organiza-
tion, the Men's Judiciary Council,
and all the rest. The form was
there but the impact of war
brought the fallacies to light and
student government of an active
nature yet remains a dream on the
Michigan campus.
The fundamental explanation
is lack of student enthusiasm and
participation in its own govern-
ing bodies. We seemed to be
content to accept policies and
programs handed down from the
University when the necessity
for action was pressing. Yet we
were the first to complain that
we had no voice in our own af-
fairs. But wasn't that a voice
we ourselves didn't seem to care
enough about to support?
This is all of the past. The im-
pact of the war is forcing nations
to re-orient their thinking. The
world is moving to new heights
and the Michigan campus still
stands stuck in the mire disinter-
est and indifference.
Further reflection on the prob-
lem has revealed something even
more deplorable and that is op-
position. To be successful any at-
tempt at student government must
have the full and unqualified sup-
port of the entire student body.
There must not even be an un-
conscious effort on the part of one
student to hinder the program.
Thesethings have happened and
in part tell why the Michigan cam-
pus is now stagnant.
Cheating has been rampant
in many classes. The moral fi-
bre of some students has seemed
to decay, to disintegrate, to com-
pletely disappear. Some of us
don't look with earnest purpose
at what we are doing; we try
to "just get by" with a minimum
of effort. That old sense of
American fair play has almost

been eclipsed by personal ,elfish-
ness that has transcended any
group action. Our attitude, or
lack of it, has been the same for
all situations. We just get by
in class, we don't consider the
other fellow, we don't cooperate
in worthy projects-we have no
student government,
THOSE WHO would ascribe this
malignant illness to the fact
that the generation of our fathers
"sold us down the river" would
evade the issue. We aren't living
in the past. Our time is now, our
future is before us to make or
break as we see fit.
That is what I mean when I
say we ought to look over our
own campus situation. We must
make progress-standing still
means going backward. The
whole stream of life has passed
us by. Michigan will be eclipsed
by other schools unless thie stu-
dents can show their whole
hearted determination to help
We must make our own way,
chart our future course now. We
can't wait any longer. We must
make this campus ready to ac-
comniodate great numbers of
returning war veterans. There
are big jobs ahead of us and we
can't fail to meet them with full
steam and determination. The
time is now.
We have broken with the past,
we have scrapped all tlat those
who have gone before worked so
industriously to build up. Our
position is one of moral disinte-
Call it what you will but the
fact remains that we are dissatis-
fied with our present position and
yet we haven't raised a finger to
aid our own cause.
What we need is a re-awakening
of our spirit, of our fervor to fight,
to work for what we want. It must
come now, we must face the issue.
Either we work together now or
continue complaining of a condi-
tion directly traceable to ourselves.
Which shall it be?

National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
therwise credited in this newspaper. A rights of re-
ublication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
econd-glass mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
ter, $4.50, by mail, $5.25.
W ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

I New Political Pattern Emerges


NEW YORK, July 29-Don't look now, but
Senator "Cotton Ed" Smith of South Caro-
lina has just lost his first election in 36 years.
He resembles a bale of his favorite commodity
falling off a 'truck.
This forces trend-spotters, like myself, to ask
how it can happen that ohe of the most bitter
of anti-Rooseveltian Southerners can take his
first licking in a generatiqn, in a Democratic
primary, within less than a week after Henry
Wallace, the pro-Rooseveltian, was defeated in
Is the Democratic party racing madly off in all,
directions, clipping both liberals and reaction-
aries indiscriminately? Is it sore at everybody?
Is it out of control? Has it stopped making
sense? Or is there, perhaps, some sort of
unifying trend underlying these apparently con-
tradictory events?
The Jazz Babies of Reaction
The problem is made the more fascinating by
the fact that South Carolina and Texas have
been linked in the public mind as the twin cen-
ters of anti-Roosevelt revolt in the South. If
South Carolina is the center of anti-Roosevelt
feeling in the South, and if "Cotton Ed" Smith
is the center of anti-Roosevelt feeling in South
Carolina, then how does it happen that this
champ of champs is lying on his back with a
daisy in his hand?
I begin my analysis by venturing to suggest
that an entire group of American politicians is
on its way out. This group might be described
as consisting of the jazz babies of reaction.
This group is not in trouble merely because

it is against Roosevelt; lots of good Americans
are against Roosevelt, and lots of them are
winning primaries. But this is the group of
the violent ones, of those who have made a
kind of smirking, screaming, slapstick vaude-
ville act of their opposition to the President.
These are the men who have run shouting
into the lower House, like Mr. Dies of Texas,
yammering about some non-existent Guy
Fawkes plot to destroy the national legislature.
These are the men who have thrown every-
thing they could at the President, including
the "white supremacy" issue; like "Cotton
Ed" himself, stalking spectacularly out of
the 1936 convention because a Negro mini-
ster was scheduled to deliver a prayer. These
are not men who have opposed the President
with dignity, and on lofty grounds, but men
who have tried to undercut him, like Mr.
Starnes of Alabama, by proving that he
and his uncles and his cousins and his aunts
were all Communists.
They Have Swung it Out
These men have not merely sung the song of
opposition to the President, and to liberal-
ism; they have swung it. They have made a
routine of it, with tall story, funny joke and
swaying hip. Their performances on the floors
of Congress have become as routinized as the
buck-and-wing. And the public, after watch-
ing this act for several years, seems to have
decided that it is pretty corny.
POR, WHILE some of the jazz babies of reac-
tion are left, "Cotton Ed" is out, and Dies
is out, and Starnes is out; they have joined
"Gene" Talmadge of Georgia, and other prede-
cessors in defeat; men of whom the South has
had enough. These are men who danced on
Roosevelt's grave without taking the precau-
tion to bury him. We might say that with the
gradual political extinction of this group, a
major ultra-reactionary drive has reached its
strange apogee, and is actually declining.
Yes, Something is Happening
Now, to hot-foot it back to Chicago: In Chi-
cago we saw Wallace defeated. But the liberal
Mr. Wallace Was defeated by the liberal Mr.
Truman. He was defeated by a compromise
pitched at a high level. He was not defeated
by one of the jazz babies of reaction. He was
defeated by a moderate and reasonable man;
and the jazz babies had to stand behind this
moderate man, to get any house for themselves
in Chicago. Just so, "Cotton Ed" has been
defeated, not by a rootin' tootin' liberal, exactly,
but, at least, by a sober and moderate liberal,
Governor Johnston.
Can we not see a pattern in all this? Is it
not a pattern of defeat for violent opinion and
bitter irreconcilability; a pattern of compro-
mise and moderation?
Something important is going on in the Demo-
cratic party. But it is not at all what the
sulky choristers of riot and dismay think is
going on.
(Copyright, 1944, New 'York Post Syndicate)

Dominic Says
"T HE CHURCH can render no greater service
to modern youth than to make the mean-
ings of science, philosophy and religious experi-
ence interchangeable in a consistent and rational
universe of meanings and discourse," (Bower).
All of which is true, but what of that particu-
lar youth whose church and elementary school
have failed him just there? Annually a few
freshmen, called upon to assume Evolution in
their science classes in the University, come to
emotional disturbance during semester examina-
tions. These isolated instances, due not to the
facts of science nor the nature of religion,
indicate a persistent conflict between certain
spokesmen in two fields of learning.
The science lecturer who knows that by many
the Bible is taught as the infallible word of God,
can readily obviate the difficulty. If such a
lecturer understands that some homes fail to
re-think childhood concepts with adolescent
youth; that the high school teacher frequently
evades the work of re-orientation which such
homes impose on the public school, and that our
church leaders in many cases hold tenaciously
against any approach of the scientific method
to the historic claims of Scriptural infallibility,
he also will understand that an orthodox youth
may have become the pathetic victim of a social
situation. Serious cultural lag frequently de-
stroys the freedom and retards the intellectual
and spiritual growth of our youth. Other things
being equal, it is the most creative who are
most sensitive and thus most apt to suffer.
Here we are in an age where thesciences of
bacteriology and biology are changing the
daily life of humanity, performing mir-
acles in every hamlet, and serving our
men in remote parts of, the globe, and
yet many men now the responsible cus-
todians of the sacred traditions of religion,
persist in given antagonisms which presumably
were resolved during previo s generations. The
result is that some students tach the University
before they are ready for that "rational universe
of meanings" to which Dr. Bower refers.
A youth reared on a religion accepted as a
dogma never to be re-examined can be intro-
duced to Medicine and the sciences only by a
re-study of his own faith in terms of his new
learning. Whether done in the secondary school
or the college, that re-study amounts to the
salvation of a soul, the unifying of a person not
isolated and set off from society to function in
prayer and beyond the grave, but to act now
within the dynamic life of a university where
mind is supremely central and mental integrity
is sacred. "Put off thy shoes. The place where
thou standeth is holy ground." Ex. 3:5.
-Edward W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education
W HEN American news agencies were demand-
ing more reporters at the front, and when
one hysterically exclaimed, "This is the biggest
story since the Crucifixion," an official at
SHAEF replied: "I understand that that event
was fairly adequately covered by only four re-
porters." e-In Fact


(Continued from Page 2)
Quijote" at 8 p.m. in the League. The
meeting is open to the public without
Tuesday, Aug. 1: University Lec-
ture. "What Language Do You
Speak?" Fred S. Dunham, Associate
Professor of Latin and of the Teach-
ing of Latin. 4:05 p.m., University
High School Auditorium. Auspices,
School of Education.
Wednesday, Aug. 2: "China and
America Face the Future." The Hon-
orable Walter H. Judd, M.D., repre-
sentative from Minnesota and former
medical missionary in China. 8:30
p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. The'
public is cordially invited.
Wednesday, Aug. 2: University Lec-
ture. "Brazil, Steppingstone to Al-
lied Victory." Dr. Egberto Teixeira of
Brazil. 8 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium.
Auspices, Latin - American Society
and the International Center.
Thursday, Aug. 3: Professor Shih
Chia Chu will not lecture on this
date, but will lecture, as previously
scheduled, on Aug. 10.
Thursday, Aug. 3: "Interpreting
China to the West." Dr. Arthur Hum-
mel, Chief, Division of Orientalia,
Library of Congress. 8:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The public is
cordially invited.
Friday, Aug. 4: "China Hopes and
Aims." Dr. Y. C. Yang, President of
Soochow University. 8:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Exhibitions, College of Architec-
ture and Design:
"Look at your Neighborhood";
circulated by Museum of Modern
Art; consisting of drawings, photo-
graphs, and plans illustrating hap-
hazard building and need for good
play. Ground floor cases, Architec-
ture Building.
Student work continued on dis-
planning. South end of downstairs
corridor, Architecture Building.
Open daily, ,9 to 5, through July
30, except on Sunday. The public
is invited.

low to Liberalism

only) photographic exhibit circu-
lated by the National Council of
American - Soviet Friendship, New
York. Open daily except Sunday, 2-5
and 7-10 p.m.
Rackham Exhibition Rooms: Each
afternoon during the Conference on
China, beginning Wednesday this
week, there will be on display from
four to six p.m. an exhibit of Chinese
objects of art, with a collection of
articles in everday use, which have
been loaned for this occasion by the
Museum of Anthropology of the Uni-
versity and by private collectors. The
Institute of Pacific Relations will
have on display books, publications
and educational materials of particu-
lar interest to teachers planning a
China program in the school cur-
Michigan Historical Collections, 160
Rackham Building. The Growth of
the University of Michigan in Pic-
Legal Research Library: Fine bin-
dings by William C. Hollands, Lower
corridor cases.
Museums Building: Celluloid rep-
roductions of Michigan fish. Loaned
through the courtesy of the Institute
of Fisheries Research, Michigan De-
partment of Conservation.
Events Today
Your USO has a genial habit of
having Open House come Sunday
afternoons. From 2:30 to 3:30 there's
the music hour in the lounge. Always
comfortably cool. Refreshments?
Help yourself.
USO Brunch on Sunday, every
Sunday. Sleep late and amble over
to the Club for Sunday breakfast.
We're going to have--well,, come on
and see for yourself.
Find out what the other half does.
The tour of the Willow Run Bomber
plant leaves the USO at 1 p.m.
Twelve lucky men can see the inside
of one of the largest bomber plants
in the world. Sign up at the USO.
'Coming Events
Sociedad Hispanica: The adenda
of the Sociedad Hispanica for the
coming week will include four events.
There will be a meeting at 8 p.m.,
Tuesday, in the League, at which
time Mr. Emiliano Gallo will speak
on "La Tragicomedia de Don Qui-
jote." The entertainment will also
include a program of Spanish violin
music and a social hour. In addition,
those interested in practicing their
Spanish informally will meet for con-
versation and refreshments on Tues-
day and Wednesday in the League
Grill Room at 4 p.m. and on Thurs-
day at 4:15 in the International Cen-
ter. All meetings of the club are free

at the Rackham Building from 10
a.m. next Wednesday, Aug. 2, through
Saturday evening, Aug. 5. There will
be special panels, luncheons, lectures
by renowned speakers and Chinese
exhibitions. A complete program for
the conference may be secured by
anyone interested at the Summer
Session Office, 1213 Angell Hall, or
in the Rackham Lobby.
Play "Journey to Jerusalem" by
Maxwell Anderson, will be given next
week, Wednesday, Aug. 2, through
Saturday, Aug. 5, by the Michigan
Repertory Players, Department of
Speech, at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are on
sale at the box office daily except
Dr. Elzeda Clover, Assistant Pro-
fessor of Botany and Assistant Cura-
tor in the Botanical Gardens, will
conduct a discussion and show a film
"Shooting the Rapids of. the Colo-
rado River" in the Mary Henderson
Room at the Michigan League on
Wednesday, Aug. 2 at 7:30 p.m. This
event is sponsored by Women. in
Education and is open to all who are
All women interested"in Education
are invited to luncheon, Russian Tea
Room, Michigan League, Wednesday,
Aug. 2, from 11:45 to 1 o'clock.
Speaker will be Miss Margaret Moye,
Teacher, English Language Insti-
tute, who will discuss the topic "The
English Language Institute and Lat-
in-Americans." Come 'and bring your
French Tea: Tuesday, Aug. 1, at
4 p.m. in the Grill Room of the
Michigan League.'Charles E. Koella
French Club: The fifth meeting of
the Club will take place Thursday,
Aug. 3, at 8 p.m. in the Michigan
League. Miss Lois M. Gunden, Grad.,
will speak on "Mes experiences en
France de 1941 a 1943." Group sing-
ing and social hour. All students of
the Summer Session and the Summer
Term as well as all servicemen are
cordially invited to the weekly meet-
ings of the French Club which are
free of charge. Charles E. Koella
Carillon Recital: On Sunday, July
30, at 3 p.m., Percival Price will pre-
sent 'a carillon recital which will in-
elude original carillon arrangements
of folk songs, as well as piano pieces
by Schumann and Couperin.
Student Recital: Miss Jacqueline
Bear, soprano, will present a song-
recital on Thursday, Aug. 3, at 8:30
p.m. in the Assembly Hall of the
Rackham Building. Her program will
include compositions by Verdi, De-
bussy, Brahms and Rachmaninoff.
Miss Bear will be accompanied by
Miss Mary Evans Johnson, pianist.

PROGRESSIVISM received another major
blow last week when Laurence Duggan of
the State Department, one of the few remain-
ing liberals in that body of arch-conservatives,
resigned, a victim of the Berle faction in the
Duggan was among the first to fight fas-
cism, actively supporting the Spanish loyal-
ists in their struggle against Franco. More
recently he has advocated fair and concrete
cooperation with Russia, has consistently op-
posed the Vichy and Darlanism sympathies of
his superiors, and has recognized the danger
of the Falangist movement in Latin America.
Barle's antagonism toward him arises out of
Duggan's friendship for former Under-Secretary
of State Sumner Welles, who resigned over the
issue of appeasement.
The State Department is earning a malodorous
reputation for purging itself of competent men
whose only fault lies in their refusal to com-
promise their belief in popular government with
the wishy-washy policy of the Department.
LIBERALS, who approved Berle's appointment
because of his early idealism, have lost their
faith; for Berle has rejected all pretense to
progressivism, substituting for it what he con-
siders a hardboiled realistic approach.
Of him, Robert Bendiner in his book "The
Riddle of the State Department", says:
"The man, who, by his own admission, went
into the Department 'on condition that I could
do some dreaming' before long became the
overly shrewd diplomat who fully endorsed




Rackham Galleries: "Scenes and
People of the Caucasus," (this week


r f,.

I can tell you what we'll find, Barnaby.
We'll find your boat floating off shore
because the string has been taken off



See. No Leprechaun nor anything
else is sailing that boat. And-
' -I;

By Crockett Johnson
Gee. How did your father know your1
Fairy Godfather wouldn't be here?. .. I.
If', ,.,:-a,,,ane.



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