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July 04, 1944 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1944-07-04

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1 UL, D 1YJULYX 4, 1944

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All "A' Students
At University
Are Announced
56 Achieve Scholastic
Peak in Spring Term
Fifty-six students in the University
received a grade of 'A' in all their
courses for the spring term of 1944,
according to the registrar's office.
In the College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts those receiving all
A's are:
44 in Lit School
Jessie May Ahrens, Sarah B. Ames,
Betty J. Anderson, Gerald N. Beal,
Marjorie Billmeier, Martha L. Brad-
shaw, Lois Brandenburg, Agnes A.
Brown, Harry W. Daum, Annette'
Epstein, Cornelia Groefsema, Eliza-
beth Harrison, Karl T. Hecht, and
Glen G. Hedler.
Marian G. Hill, Evelyn A. Huf-
nagel, Israel S. Jacobs, William J.
Kehoe, Martha F. Klee, Jack A.
Kohn, Jane G. Langton, Elizabeth D.'
Lewis, Harry Loberman, Muriel Mc-
Alister, Mary J. McCormick, Kather-
ine McGinnis, and Mary E. Mayberry.
Carol Miller, Constance Rinehart,
May- E. Risch, Ann Robinson, Alice
D. Roelofs, Robert M. Roman, Lewis
Shenker, Joyce M. Siegan, Helen F.
Simpson, Yuma W. Stahmer, Bar-
bara Storgaard, Florence R. Tucker,
David V. Wend, Olive J. Whitaker,
Harriett E. Wilson, Helen G. Wilson,
and Lester M. Wolfson.
Navy Pulls A
Four students in the Navy assigned
to the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts, Allen R. Hennes, Irving
A. Rose, Albert B. Shachman and
J. D. Wheeler made all A's.
Gabriel Caldevilla in the School of
Forestry and Conservation, Charles
W. Moore in the College of Architec-
ture and Design, and Mary Anne
Olson in the School of Education re-
ceived marks of 'A' in all their
Three A Music Students
In the School of Music Dorothy
Feldman, Mary M. Laughlin, and
Virginia M. Lowery made straight
'A' as did Mildred Juntila and Mar-
garet E. Nix in the School of Public

Daily senior editors appointed by the Board in Control of Student
Publications for the summer session are Betty Koffman, '45, of
Detroit, (left) and Stan Wallace, '45, of Detroit, (right). Miss
Koffman will serve as editorial director and Wallace as city editor.
-Daily Photo by John Horeth

Tryouts ...
(Continued from Page 1)
the came system of promotion and
A large percentage of Daily editors
go into newspaper work upon grad-
uation. As a training school for prac-
tical journalism, The Daily has al-
ways been noted for the thorough
groundwork it offers for later news-
paper work.
Wartime conditions have cut down
the size of The Daily staff and have
turned it into a paper run chiefly by
University women. Opportunities for
thorough newspaper training and
rapid promotion are much greater
than they have been at any time in
the past.
The Daily normally is published
every day except Monday. This sum-
mer The Daily will be xpublished
every day except Monday and Tues-
day, for the first eight weeks of the
summer term.
Seniorteditors for the summer
term will ?be Jane Farrant, '44, man-
aging editor; Betty Koffman, '45, ed-
itorial director; and Stan Wallace,
'45, city editor. Business manager
for the summer term will be Lee
Amer, '45.

Auto Ban ...
(Continued from Page 1)
applications require a letter of con-
sent from parents and evidence of
property damage and public liability
insurance on the car.
Special Rules for V-12
With reference to the operation of
cars by trainees in the V-12 program,
Capt. R. E. Cassidy, Commanding
Officer of the Navy Training Unit
V-12, stated that use of motor ve-
hicles by trainees on leave or liberty
will not be permitted unless for
transportation, such as buses, taxis
or as a passenger when asked to
participate in passage.
According to Army headquarters
here no trainees quartered in bar-
racks will be permitted to operate
privately-owned cars during their
enrollment in the University.
Navy trainees not quartered in the
West Quadrangle and Army trainees
not quartered in barracks whose cir-
cumstances require the use of cars
may secure application forms at the
Office of the Dean of Students,
where permits will be granted after
the completed applications have been
approved by Capt. Cassidy and Col.
Edward H. Young, respectively.

French Club
Will Convene
Koella To Discuss
'The New France'
The first meeting of the French
Club for the summer will be held at
3 p.m. Thursday at the League with
Prof. Charles E. Koella speaking on
"La France Nouvelle dans un Monde
Also planned for the meeting will
be the election of officers, French
songs and a social hour. All students
in the summer session and term as
well as servicemen who know a little'
French are invited to attend.
French teas will be held at 4:15
p.m. every Tuesday and Wednesday
in the grill room of the Michigan
League, starting tomorrow. Teas will
also be given at the same hour on
Thursdays at the International Cen-
The aim of these activities, said
Prof. Koella, director of the club, is
to provide an opportunity for the
student to meet new friends, to prac-
tice informally French conversation,
to hold discussions on present ques-
tions and to enjoy songs and play
There will be no fees for being a
member of the French Club for the
summer session. Future meetings
will also be held at the same time in
the Michigan League.
Hambro Will,
Give Address
Carl Joachim Hambro will present
an address, "The Teacher and the
World Crisis" at the Rural Educa-
tion Conference at the Michigan
State Normal School in Ypsilanti
Mr. Hambro is a former president
of the Norwegian Parliament and
also of the League of Nations Assem-
Improving the instruction in rural
schools will be the theme of the con-
ference which will begin at 10 a.m.
in the Pease Auditorium.

Soution Demands Recognition
Of Changes,' Says Edmonson


Drown in Canoe
On Huron Lake

"Youth is in difficulty in this coun-
try because those in control of soci-
ety, the older age group, have not
taken adequate account of changes
in the society," declared J. B. Edmon-
son, Dean of the School of Education,
who spoke yesterday in the Univer-
sity High School auditorium to a
group of graduate students.
In order to provide adequate pro-
tective services for youth, Dean Ed-
monson proposed ,a longer period of
schooling with increased attention to
educational and vocational guidance,
and elimination of those conditions
and influences in community life that
tend to undermine the habits and
attitude that parents instill in their
A great blunder has been made in
turning over to those who are con-
cerned with making a profit th'e rec-
reational life of our youth, according
to Dean Edmonson, who said that
detrimental recreational activities
LImdall Returns
From Helsinki
Former 'U' Student Is
With U.S. Legation
Returning from Helsinki with the
American Legation following the
diplomatic break of June 29 with the
Finnish government, will be Eric G.
Lindahl, former University student,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Lindahl
of Ann Arbor.
Lindahl received his appointment
to the diplomatic service in 1942,
and was assigned to Sweden follow-
ing a brief period of training in
Washington, D.C. He remained in
Stockholm for approximately a year
and a half, and was sent to Helsinki
on a temporary mission in March.
While studying at the University
he took courses related to his field,
concentrating particularly in politi-
cal science and history.
Lindahl's father expressed the be-
lief that his son would return to
Stockholm and perhaps be stationed

are permitted to operate in many
cases because someone would lose a
He suggested the provision of addi-
tional wholesome recreation in the
school and community and the crea-
tion of opportunities for beneficial
jobs for youth, stressing the impor-
tance of teaching youth the ways of
true democracy.
Socio -economic changes have in-
creased the problems of youth, he
pointed out, and called attention to
the difficulties resulting from the
closing of the frontier opportunities,
the change from a rural to an urban
society, and the complications aris-
ing from specialization and mass
Negro Housing
A commission which has been
studying -housing facilities in the
Willow Run area is expected to rec-
ommend opening rentals of vacant
living quarters in the Willow Run
village to Negro war workers.
The commission is made up of
Dr. Frank Horne, special advisor to
Philip Klutznick, FPHA commission-
er at Washington, D.C., Stanley
Pinel, acting area director of the
Willow Run Federal Housing Pro-
ject, R. M. Hoisington, area office
managements advisor and DeHart
Hubbard, race relations advisor to
the FPHA.
Ypsilanti civic leaders claim that
such a development would greatly
relieve congestion and supply better
quarters for many war workers' fam-
ilies in Ypsilanti.
New Post-War Council
Will Meet Tomorrow
Post-War Council will hold an ex-
ecutive and business meetmg at 4
p.m. tomorrow in the Union, Presi-
dent Harvey Weisberg announced.
All persons interested in serving on
the Council are invited to attend this
meeting. Plans are being made for
this -semester's activities

T. L. Jones, f lorice
Holmes Lose Lives

Florice Holmes, 22 year old junior
medical student, and Thomas Langs-
ton Jones, 26 years old, who was
working on his doctor's degree in
education, were drowned Sunday,
25, when the canoe which they were
in overturned on Huron Lake near
the Whitmore Lake Road.
Miss Holmes attempted to change
places with Jones in the canoe, caus-
ing it to overturn. She started to
swim to shore, but when she saw that
he was having difficulty she turned
around and attempted to save him
and both of them were drowned.
Miss Holmes's father is a professor
at the university at Durham, N.C.
She came here in the fall of 1942 and
entered medical school. During this
time she lived in Stockwell Hall.
Miss Holmes, a Negro, was a member
of the women's medical sorority.
Jones, who was also a Negro, lived
at 210 Glen Ave. He received his
master's degree in education in 1940,
and was enrolled in the University
during the summer and fall terms of
1943, working on his doctor's degree.
IFC Will Register
Rushees This Week
President Bill Ducker, of the Inter-
fraternity Council, urged all new
men on campus interested in rush-
ing to register at the IFC office in
Rm. 306 in the Union, so that rush-
ing may begin as soon as possible.
The office will be open for regis-
tration between 3 and 5 p. m. Wed-
nesday, Thursday, and Friday aft-
ernoons of this week.
Aussies Celebrate 4th
TRALIA, July 4.-(P)-Independence
Day passed without formal observa-
tion either by the Army or the Navy,
but many American servicemen were
surprised to find that their Austral-
ian friends had arranged informal
parties for the occasion.

Two Students


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