,,,1 ,S WEDN~SDA, JUY 28 194 PAGE THE MICHIGAN DAILY M MERETT A CONDUCTS: Soldiers of 3651st Service Unit Organize Military Band Nine Liberator Bombers Fly High Over Ft.Worth Plant I MC )RALE, BUILDERS: 1Y; 1 All-Soldier Choir Took Form At Company 'A' Appearance The first military band made up of men from various companies of the 3651st S. U. tuned up Sunday with a practice in the Perry School on Packard Street under the direc- tion of Leonard V. Meretta, assistanty University Band Director.t A purely voluntary organization, the men who are participating are1 taking the time on condition that they continue to maintain a high= scholastic average. All band mem-1 bers are drawn from the miitary1 CIC May Bie I World's Model, Fitch Predicts The new movement of the Chinese Industrial Cooperative (CIC) or In- dusco as it is called, may provide thej pattern for a needed democratic eci- nomic system throughout the world, George A. Fitch, member of the In- ternational Commission of the YMCA in China for 34 years, said Monday. "This new movement provides a practical training in democracy," he said. "In back of every one of these cooperatives is an amazing story of courage and sacrifice." The CIC is a producer cooperative movement, managed by the workers themselves, who purchase stock for t membership, who share in all the profits and losses and who are each granted a single vote for the running o. the business. Today there are some 2,000 indi- vidual societies with an actual mem- * -bership of 30,000. The organizations are set up into seven regional head- quarters with an administration staff numbering 'about 1,000 officials, Mr. Fitch said. The cooperatives produce about 120 different kinds of goods, includ- ing textiles, leather,- and uniforms; their average moithly output gmounts to $11,000 a. month.' This great movement owes much to the University of Michigan,, Mr. Fitch said, since four out of the seven young Chinese who pioneered in the movement were educated here in Ann Arbor. " personnel now stationed on cam- pus. The men who participated in the practice Sunday were those who have instruments. A larger turnout is ex- pected when more of the men receive their instruments from home. University Provides Instruments All large instruments have been provided by the University, whose cooperation has also made it possible for Mr. Meretta to direct the band until the return of Prof. William D. Revelli, University Band Director. Professor Revelli is now at the Na- tional Music Camp at Interlochen. Upon his return he will direct the band. Practices for the new band will be held every Wednesday and Sun- day nights in the Perry School on Packard Street. The band will be on hand for any military function where it is needed. No definite plans for its first ap- pearance have been made as yet. Members Are Listed Drum major for the band is John W. Shier, Co. F. In charge of equip- ment are Richard M. Coffelt and Richard E. Bertram, Co. F, and John C. Gustafson, Co. E, John W. Shirer, Eugene C. Eiseman and Robert S. Streetman, Co. F, are in charge of library. Band members who were at the practice Sunday are as follows: Clar- inets, Eisenman and Frank W. Beam, Co. F, Harold A. Swanson, Co. C, and Karl ,Wilhelm Linnes, Co. E. Trum- pets, Bertram, Streetman, and Bill B. Clarkson, Co. F, Lester Beberfall and Dewey E. Chester, Co. C, and William Lyon and 'George C. Reis, Jr., Co. E. French horns, David M. Rickard and fayne R. Bohrnstadt, Co. F, Theo- dore H. Krueger, Co. C. Tubas, John C. Butterfield andnAl- bert H. Fairweather, Co. F, John A. Andrews, Co. C, George Stubbs, Co. A. Baritone, George M. Lineman, Co. E, Sam Levy, Co. F, Max Turchen, Norman E. Gaffin and Barnett Mitz- man, Co. C. Cornets, Gerald L. John- son, Co. F, and James T. Leberg, Co. E. Trombone, Coffelt and Paul E. Brubaker, Co. F, Charles B. Hicks and Thomas E. Pattison, Co. C, and A. R. Swearingen, Co. A. Saxophone, Gustafson and Herbert D. Orlinxsky, Co. E, and Ray W. Daugherty, Co. F. Bassoon, Kay Nor- ton, Co. A. Drums, Sheir and Henry Schwartz, Co. F. i i C A fi t b, p. The roots of the forthcoming con- ert to be. given by the All-Soldier "hoir of Co. A at 4 p.m. Sunday, ug. 15 in Hill Auditorium started to ake form when the unit made its irst appearance in Ann Arbor. Co. A was the" first soldier unit to arrive on the Michigan campus.and from the beginning was met with he utmost warmth and cordiality by both the University and the towns- people. As a manifestation of this good feeling the University organized a weekly morale show for the ser- vicemen, which with the arrival of nuch larger service units served as fine entertainment for many service- men. Company-- ATo.Handle Morale In a sense, however, it was slightly embarrassing "to the men of Com- pany ,A who, with the wealth of tal- ent among them, felt quite candidly that , they - could,- do a better job of *ntertaining their fellow servicemen. Then one week, Company A was asced to take over the morale pro- gram. It was a smash hit and from then on Company A handled the entertainment. 'It was then that Company A decided to stage a musical review as a gsture of appreciation.to the may University, civic, and reli- gous. groups which had given so. 3much of their time and effort on the servicemen's behalf. The te- suilt was "Nips in the Bud," which play.d for three nights at the Lyd- ia lMenelssohn Theatre and which 'since- h s played before soldier .udiences innearby areas. 'Nips' Is Iommended -;After playing to an enthusiastic audience at the Willow Run Air Base, the cast was told by the elated Air base Commandant that 'Nips' was better than "This Is the Army." One :of the many - reasons for the show's 'success was the Soldier Choir, which directed by Bill Sawyer, did a superb job of vocalizing on the original songs written by members of the unit. So successful had been the chor- us, that Company A decided to keep it as a unit, rehearsing at free times for performances at bond rallies and servicemen. Bill Saw- yer kindly consented to direct the . chorus and his work is deeply ap- preciated by soldiers of Co. A. Thereupon the University decided to sponsor, the choir on a weekly radio program, Saturdaly morning at 10 a.m. over station WJR. These programs have been going on for the last three weeks, and judging from the response they are at- tracting, are proving enjoyable for many listeners. It is as a wind-up to its summer season that the Aug. 15 concert has been planned. Despite the fact that the Choir has only time for three rehearsals a week, since every one of its fifty members reads music at sight a great deal of time is saved. The concert program is a varied one, consisting of Negro spirituals, religious works, battle songs, sea chanties, hit songs from "Nips in the Bud," and individual solos by -mem- bers of Company A. And Company A wishes to stress that everybgdy is cordially invited. League Dance Prices Are Cut Servicemen Are Given Thirty Cents Reduction Week-end dance prices at the; League ballroom will be lowered to servicemen for the duration. "Because of the marvelous esponsel to Friday and Saturday night dances , we now feel we can admit.'servicemen; At reduced rates," Bill Sawyer; bans, leader, said yesterday. "The League -:dances are held on a non-profit basis," Sawyer added 'and as long as We can breaks;even; men in uniform will receive a 30 cents reduction in 'admission prices.Wi were not able to dp this from thO first," he explained, "because we no indication of campus aenthusiasm for. the summer -series. ".. Sawyer said rcapus response t the suminer dances had been greatee. than the usual semester parties. Flying high in formation, these nine Liberator Bombers pass over the Consolidated Vultee plant, at Ft. Worth, Tex., while crews of workers on the gr ound prepare another big B-24 bomber for flight. The plane is almost ready to be sent aloft like its brethren. 'APPALLING CONDITIONS': Early Poetry by Negroes Was SocialProtest, Hayden Says By MARTHA SCHMITT "Because of the appalling circum- stances in~ which the Negroes had to live, their early poetry is concerned with the racial question, and has as its chief function social protest," Robert Hayden' declared in his lec- ture on Negro poetry, entitled "I Too Sing America" Monday in the audi- torium of the Rackham Building. - The earliest poets among the1 Negroes did not appear until the4 later part of the nineteenth cen- I tury. Before this time the poetry, was propaganda in the form of a plea for liberation.1 The first slave poet of the eigh- teenth century was Phyllis Wheatly, an important minor writer. She was purchased by the Wheatly family who soon recognized her talents. Phyllis' poems charmed the aristo- cratic Boston circle. A part of her most famous poem, "His Excellency George Washington" was read by Hayden. Poems Sold to Students "Poems filled with words of love and adoration were sold to the students of the University of Chapel Hill by George Moses Horton, a. nineteenth century Negro writer," said Robert Hayden. Horton's . poems were ac- claimed "the versified plea for lib- erty" by the New York Tribune. Frances Ellen Harper was the first to encourage the Negroes to -strive for creative literature. Pop- ular throughout the United States, she traveled over the land giving anti-slavery and temperance lee- tures. A poet of the gilded age, when in- dustry was expanding and imperial- ism reared its head, was Paul Dun- bar. His Negro dialect poems, al- though his. most popular, were not his best. "At least in these poems he Speech Department Will Give Readings A program of individual readings in classical literature evolving from the war will be presented at the weekly assembly of the Department of Speech at 3 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Students who will participate in- clude Clara Behringer, Harold Coop- er, Emil Luderman, Zola Volpel, Winton Beaven, Alice Hopkins and Sinih Little. laughs with his people and not atj them as does Harris," declared Hay- den. Johnson Pioneer Critic, A pioneer Negro critic in American poetry is James Weldon Johnson. The folk lyrics in his book "God's Trombones" aroused a new interest in Negro folklore. "He mangaes to transcend mere racial limitations, and he makes his poetry an experi- ence which all can enjoy," said Rob- ert Hayden. The lecture concluded with the playing of "The Creation" and "Go Down Death," two recorded poems of James Weldon Johnson, narrated by himself. Master of ceremonies, Professor A. Carlton Wells, of the English department, read "0-h, Deadiless Fly Away Home," a poem by Rob- ert Hayden, currently published in Poetry Magazine. To understand the deepest utterances of the Negro people we must understand their history and culture," emphasized Professor Wells. This lecture series which is open to the public and free of charge is sponsored by the Inter-Racial As- sociation. University Has Enough Coal To Last All Winter, Freezing classrooms and icy water can't, happen here next winter, no matter how many coal strikes occur, as the University already has enough coal stored up to last until spring, Walter L. Bulbick, University Pur'- chasing Agent, said yesterday. "We use approximately 45,000 tons of coal during the year," Bulbick ex- plained. "We had about 38,000 tons on our stock piles at the end of last month. As we use very little coal during the, summer, this could, carry us through the winter. "However, coal will be coming in all winter, as far as I know. It has been promised, and we should get it if the mines continue to operate. I believe we will get it right along all winter. I don't believe there will be any tie up of the mines.". "We usually keep about a year's supply of coal ahead and keep up the stock pile with the coal coming in, a ast s we urnit." Aulbick New Classes, In JAG School Beg Courses TwoGroups Will Take Four Months of Study At Law Quadrangle By LT. G. P. FORBES Judge Advocate Generals School Welcomed - by Col. Edward H. Young, Commandant, and Dean E. Blythe- Stason of the University of Michigan Law School, the 2nd Of- ficers Candidate Class and the 12th Officer's Class officially began four- month-courses at the Judge Advocate General's School Monday morning. Latest figures show 66 candi- dates and 42 officers with the pos- sibility of a few more to be added by late arrivals from distant points.- The Officers Class includes a lieu- tenant colonel, nine majors, 12 cap- tains, 10 first lieutenants, and nine second lieutenants. Regular Course Extended Addressing the newcomers Jointly, Col. Young told the candidates that the extended four-month course would permit additional time for a study of staff functions and other subjects in military science and tac- tics, as well as the addition of a new course in military government. Upon graduation the candidates will receive commissions as second lieutenants and a certain percent- age will be immediately recom- mended for promotion to first lieutenants upon the basis of legal and military ability. Colonel Young pointed out to the officers that upon their record at the School would depend the nature of future assignments as well as pro- motion. "Eventually all officers' of the Department who have not at- tended the School will do so," Col- onel Young added. Dean Stason Greets Men "The University and the Law School are happy to welcome another class to the Law Quadrangle, and we hope that in more peaceful days you will find time to pay us a visit and use our, legal research library and other facilities," Dean Stason re- marked in his speech of greeting. In addition to the two new classes, the 1st officers Candidate Class is in its eighth week of a twelve week course. This is the first time in the history of the Judge Advocate Gener- al's, School that more than two classes have been in attendance sim- ultaneously. Slosson Looks For Surrender By Italy Soon While Italy will not withdraw from the war immediately, I look for her to surrender within the next few months, possibly before the summer is over, Prof. Preston W. Slosson de- clared yesterday in his weekly lec- ture at the Rackham Building. "The Italians will not cease fight- ing immediately because the new government has a certain prestige to maintain and because the Nazis have secured such a strong foothold in Italian affairs," Prof. Slosson added. Reviewing the rise of Benito Mus- -solini and the Fascist Party from 1922 to its downfall in the past week, Promotion of three members of the his unit was transferred to the Field Staff and Faculty of the Judge Ad- Artillery School. vocate General's School from the After appointment as second lieu- rank of second lieutenant to that of tenant in the Judge Advocate. Gen-j firt leutnat ws anonce toayeral's Department in Janiuary, .h first lieutenant was announced today was assigned to the office of the by Col. Edward H. Young, School Staff Judge Advocate, New Orleans, Commandant. La., Port of Embarkation before at- The officers advanced are Lt. Hen- tending the School here in l4arch.- ry A. Federa, Lt. Seymour M. Peyser, and Lt. George P. Forbes, Jr. All are "" recent graduates of the School and RamneyRvf were selected for the Staff and Fac- ulty from their respective classes be- on A cause of superior ability. Talk Federa Studied Here A graduate of the University of War Problems Louisville with an A.B. degree, Lt. Federa also received his law school- "Knowledge of business adminis- ing there, graduating magna cum tration, public administratin and laude. He was attorney for the De- engineering science is now neededfor partment of Revenue of the State of engkeri senceno nes," fr Ka s kyilar hriodasysstantAttor-Edward Rainey, Assistant Chief of ney General of the State. FildOpra iond e Aftr elisingin he rmyforthepower Commission distrit office. in After enlisting in the Army for the Deroit said yesterday in a lecture in duration in June 1942 he received Rackham. basic training at Fort Knox, Ky. and "There is a shift of workers now was then assigned to the Headquar- into government work and 'after the ters of the Armored Force there for warvthere will be a shift outo f gov- duty in the Staff Judge Advocate's ement work," he said.- office. Lt. Federa was commissioned "At the present time -'we have a from the ranks in January 1943. greater shortage of unskilled work- Peyser Edited Law Review ers than of workers inanyother field. Lt. Peyser is a graduate of Har- Foundries are having the' hardest vard University with an A.B. degree, time getting workers. - and received his L.L.B. at Columbia "In normal times 31,500,009 people "University where he was editor and are employed in ion-agicultural secretary of the board of editors of jobs. At the present time 38,000,090 the Law Review. He engaged in the persons are employed in non agricul- general practice of law in New York tural jobs despite the number of men City for five years until he enlisted who have been inducted -into the in the Army in January 1942. armed services. After the war we will As a non-commissioned officer Lt- have the problem of finding. jobs for Peyser was a recruit instructor in the these surplus workers," Dr. Rainey Quartermaster Corps, special inves- said.- tigator for the Provost Marshal Gen- Dr. M. A. Clark, Michigan State eral, and was later assigned to the Director of the War Manpower Com- office of the Staff Judge Advocate of mission, who was scheduled to speak the Yankee Division. In January lat night, was unable to'dome be- 1943, four weeks before completing cause of war work. an officer candidate course at the Quartermaster Corps School, Camp Lee, Va., Lt. Peyser was appointed a Deferments May Be Given second lieutenant in the Judge Ad- To Skilled Restaurant Men vocate General's Department. Forbes Was General Practitioner LANSING, July 27. -(R" - Wayne A graduate of Williams College County Draft Boards have been in- and Columbia Law School, Lt. Forbes structed by State Selective Service, was engaged in the general practice Headquarters to give "serious con- of law at White Plains, N.Y. for six sideration" to requests for the draft years before volunteering for induc- deferment of skilled restaurant em- tion in April 1941. After basic train- ployes. ing at the Field Artillery Replace- The order applies only- to the ment Training Center, Fort Bragg, Wayne County area and was issued N.C., he was assigned to a field artil- because the War Manpower Com- lery observation battalion there and mission has listed the restarant in- later served at Fort Sill, Okla. when dustry as essential to the war effort. T Ll-L-rln .-in_ i-r - FIt I . LLLFF r' OPENING TONIGHT. THE DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH PRESENTS The Michigan Repertory Players "[ADlY PRECIOUS STREAM" by Dr. S. I. Hsluny ORIENTAL COLOR - WITTY SATIRE "(Charming," "Enchanting," ". . . a delectable assembly of Oriental politeness, wisdom and playful satire."-N. Y. Critics TONIGHT through Saturday - 8:30 P.1. I. I. I I I f t OFFICERS ADVANCE: 3 JAGs Receive Promotions To First Lieutenant Ranks II * -is Still the Month of Values! WE'R ENDING THE MONTH -WITH EXTRA SPECIALS REALLY AMAZING! This clearance right now at the height of Summer! No. l hit coats thatgo over every- thing, wear them all Summer. Cool go-everywhere'suits; prize-winning dresses (pretty prints, smooth casuals, cool cottons) ;. . all reduced now while yqu've lots of time to wear them! Broken sizes and style ranges - hurry for the best "buys". Sizes: For Juniors 9-17 For Women 10-44/ 16'/z-26 112 Dresses are $5.09, $7009, $10.00 } A group. of BETTER DRESSES dnd two-piece suits of shantiung. and crepe prints at $14.95. ODDS AND ENDS, in spring coats and toppers at /3 of original prics - a In skirts of butcher linen and uana .cloth at $2.95 and $3.95. Culottes at $2.00 and $2.95. SHORTIE- COATS (type of one at left) of corduroy in red, maize dnd - blue qt $8.95; of cotton, $3.95. They're grand for over-slacks-wear. i :1