, itP 4 di; Weather Scattered Showers VOL. LHI, No. 21-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 25, 1943 American lanes Pound Norwegiani PRICE FIVE CENTS 3ase * * * * * * %Y * Axis Armies Trapped in Northeast Sicily v c' U.S. Armies Threaten Last Enemy Port Reuters Reports Yanks Seize Termini, Enter Seaport of Trapani By DANIEL DE LUCE Associated Press Correspondent ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, July 24.- Axis forces in Sicily faced complete anni- hilation tonight as the American Seventh Army drove eastward from Palermo toward Messina, last escape hatch for German and Italian troops fighting at Catania. The forces opposing the British Eighth Army were threatened with being cut off from behind by the rapidly advancing Americans who have already accounted for the ma- jority of the 110,000 enemy troops either captured or trapped in west- ern Sicily. Americans Take Termini (Reuters reported that the ad- vancing Americans already had tak- tn Ternini, 20 miles east of Palermo, while the Algiers radio revealed pres- sure against the Germans at Catania had been increased by Canadians who had joined the Eighth Army af- ter advancing from Enna in central Sicily.- (Reuters also reported the Allies had entered Trapani, last big port in western Sicily in their cleanup campaign.) The Axis forces are now almost in exactly the same position as Hitler's troops were in Tunisia when the Americans and British broke through to Bizerte and Tunis and forced iso- lated Axis elements to retreat into Cap Bon. Axis Troop Movements Impossible If the Americans can reach Mes- sina, every hope that the Axis might save something from the Sicily de- bacle would be smashed. Even as it is, the chances of the Germans and' Italians evacuating any sizeable' force from the Catania area ap- peared slight in view of the continu- ous Allied air offensive by land and sea which is making almost any form of Axis troop movement impossible. American troops seized Marsala in the lightning mop-up of the western part of the island, headquarters an- nounced today, and it was the offi- cial estimate that 50,000 more pris- oners would be added to the 60,000 already in Allied hands. Clark Will Lecture On Future Positions Discussing present employment conditions and offering a prediction on future opportunities for jobs, Dr. M. A. Clark, Michigan State Director of the War Manpower Commission, will speak at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham Lecture Hall. This talk on the "General Indus- trial Situation and Shifting Govern- ment Employment" is sponsored by the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion. Dr. Clark, who has been in close touch with Paul V. McNutt, director of the WMC, was former personnel director of the U.S. Rubber Co. Russian Armies Batter Orel on Three Sides O Allied Planes Continue Aerial Blasts on Japs Bombers Hurl Tons Of Explosives on Lae And Bairoko-Munda ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, July 25, Sunday- (A")- Continuing their heavy aerial blows against principal Japanese bases in the southwest Pa- cific, Allied bombers yesterday hurled 80 tons of explosives against the Bairoko-Munda defense on New Georgia and 60 tons upon Lae, New Guinea. Two heavy attacks were made on enemy positions. at Bairoko and at Boblo Hill, New Georgia, by torpedo and divebombers from the South Pa- cific command of Admiral William F. Halsey. Bairoko is situated on Kula Gulf, about eight miles north of Munda air base, and Boblo Hill is one mile northeast of Munda. The communique from General Douglas MacArthur's headquarters said one of our planes was lost in the raid against New Georgia but that the crew was believed to have been rescued. Flying thhough bad weather which frequently limits aerial operations in the southwest Pacific, four-engined bombers dropped 60 tons of high ex- plosives on Lae in a morning attack. The bombs set off heavy explosions and started large fires. The Japanese struck at two Allied positions- Bena Bena, 90 miles northwest of Salamaua, and Enogai Inlet, two miles northeast of Bairoko. No damage was reported in either case. Long-range fighters attacked the enemy seaplane base at Taberfane in the Aroe Islands, damaging three float planes. Enemy floatplanes un- successfully attempted interception. Robert Hayden To Lecture on egro Poetry Stalin Gives Nazi Casualty List to Troops Russian Air Forces Inflict Heavy Blows On Weakened Germans By The Associated Press MOSCOW, .July 25, Sunday- Premier Joseph Stalin, whose Soviet armies were battering at the gates of Orel from three sides early today, spurred on his fighters with an an- nouncement that Germany's 19-day- old offensive in Russia had collapsed on the graves of 70,000 Nazi dead. A violent air battle was raging east of Orel where the desperate Ger- mans sought to stem a head-on charge by Russian fighters with the waning Nazi air force. The Soviet midnight communique said Russian airmen were meeting the German fighters plane for plane and inflicting heavy counterblows. On the ground, in this sector, Rus- sian troops last were reported only eight miles from the German bastion and they captured 18 more villages, illed about 3,000 Germans, and cap- tured 27 heavy guns yesterday. The Russian vise was squeezing tighter from the south, too, where gains of three to five miles were re- corded by a special Soviet communi- que. A number of villages, including Zmievka, 14 miles below Orel, Were taken by the Soviet counteroffensive. (The German radio, recorded by the Associated Press, admitted "par- tial withdrawals" near Orel as strong Russian reserves poured into the area "in an attempt to widen the break-through at any cost.") The Soviet midnight communique!. said that north of Orel the Russians beat back numerous German coun- terattacks and advanced to occupy a number of enemy points of resis- tance. Other Red Army columns were re- ported smashing at the Germans less than nine miles northeast of Orel and eight miles on the east. The communique emphasized the Premier's statement by announcing that in the Belgorod direction, south of the Orel sector, the new five-day offensive of the Russians there had "completely restored positions which they occupied before the offensive of the German Fascist troops began." Doom Seen for Jatps on Kiska WASHINGTON, July 24.-P)-In a communique containing fresh evi- dence that the house of doom is rap- idly nearing for 10,000 Japanese troops holding Kiska Island, the Navy disclosed today that the Thurs- day assault against the invader's Aleutians outpost was a joint sea and air operation. The'latest war bulletin on the ac- tion suggested that the Japanese probably took a heavier beating on Kiska that day than ever before in the 13 and a half months they have held that bleak and rocky island. Dejected Italian General Is Captured in Sicily Yanks Blast Trondheim In Day Raid Aluminum Plant Is Attacked; 17 Enemy Fighters Shot Down Gen. Cotti Porcinari (right), commander of the Napoli Division of the Italian Army, sits with mem- . bers of his depressed staff just after their capture in the campaign of Sicily. PROUD OF BEING IDEALIST: Wallace Lashes Out Agamst 'American Fascists' in Detroit DETROIT, July 24.- (P)- Vice- the term, but mean the situation President Henry A. Wallace, here to that existed when great corporations address a mass meeting tomorrow, rose to power economically and po- lashed out spiritedly in a press con- litically. The reason Mr. Roosevelt fcrnnofnrao rin t "Amrnn -i To show the type of poetry in America by Negroes Robert den will lecture on "I Too done Hay- Sing America" at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Buil- ding.I In an attempt to prove that Negro culture is not African but typically American, Hayden will give excerpts from poems starting with Phyllis Wheatly, an important minor writer of the Revolutionary period, and concluding with poems from Mar- garet Walker's "For My People." She is the winner of a 1942 Yale Series for Younger Poets. He will also present recordings of the James Welton Johnson series-a collection of Negro folk lore in music. Open to the public free of charge, the lecture series is sponsored by the Inter-Racial Association. Terence today against -merican! Fascists" and predicted that if con- trol of the Democratic party became a struggle between its "progressive element" and conservatives he was "confident the people will take care of that." "Certain American Fascists claim I'm an idealist," Wallace said. "I ask them to look to themselves and ask if they have done as much to put their ideals into practice." He was proud to be called an "idealist," Wallace said, adding that he would "continue to be a practical one." Although he used the term "American Fascists" several times during his press conference, he did not identify any individual as such. "Old-fashioned Americanism is the last refuge of the Fascists," he said, "but by old-fashioned Americanism they do not mean what is implied by Youth Charged With Murder McClanaghan Drowns 14-Year-Old Friend CHARLEVOIX, Mich., July 24--P) -Lester McClanaghan, 18, of Char- levoix, who admitted that he held 14 - year - old Howard Dodd under water until he drowned, waived examination tonight before Justice F. R. Fowler on a charge of murder. The slender, red-haired youth was charged with murder in a warrant obtained late today by prosecuting attorney C. M. Bice. The body of the dead boy, son of Emanuel Dodd, was found Wednes- day night. It was thought at first that the death was accidental, but relatives of the boy insisted on an in- quiry. Sgt. Erdman Stahl, of the Gaylord Michigan State Police Post, said that McClanaghan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McClanaghan of Charlevoix, admitted the prank after day-long anestioning. is so hated by many big business men is the fact that he stopped making Washington a way-station on the road to Wall Street." Regarding the Democratic Party's future, Wallace said he would fight to the last ditch to keep control of it out of the hands of "men and cor- porations who put money rights above human rights." Roslyn WeinerI 'Awarded $100f Roslyn Weiner, sophomore medical student, yesterday received the Schering Award of $100 for her pa- per on hormones. The award was given by the Scher- ing Chemical Company of New Jer- sey. She entered the contest in Novem- ber, 1942, and her picture and a bi- ographical sketch will be featured in a forthcoming issue of the Interne, magazine for medical students. Miss Weiner did her pre-medical studying at the University of Chicago. Vatican Denies Pope's Protest, _ To Roosevelt LONDON, July 24.-(M)-The Vati- can radio, in a German language broadcast beamed to Germany, to- night branded as "entirely unfound-, ed," German and Italian news agencies reports that Pope Pius XII had protested to President Roosevelt over Monday's bombing of Rome, and also said that the Pontiff did not be- lieve that American pilots intention- ally set out to damage holy places. The broadcast, which emphasized that the Pontiff is impartial in the war, denied the Axis statements that after the raid the Pope called to the Vatican U. S. ,Charge D'Affairs Har- old H. Tittmann, Jr. A partial text as recorded by the Associated Press: "Reports put out by DNS (German official news agency), according to which the Pope had made a personal protest to President Roosevelt about the bombing of Rome, as well as a report that United States Charge D'Affaires Mr. Tittman had been called to the Vatican on the evening of the day the bombing took place, are both entirely unfounded. "The facts are that the frontal part of the cathedral has been de- stroyed but the antique crypt of the Basilica, as well as the grave of Pope Pius are unharmed." By The Associated Press LONDON, July 25, Sunday-Large, formations of American Flying Fortresses pounded the big Ger- man base of Trondheim in Norway by daylight yesterday in their longest., flight in this theater and their first attack on that German-held country, a communique announced .early to- day. An aluminum plant at Heroya in southern Norway also was at tacked, and 17 enemy fighters were shot down. "The bombing results were good at both targets," the U.S. Army Head.. quarters communique said.f d One American bomber failed t©.>' return out of the big forces used in the operation. It landed in Sweden. safely, and its crew of 10 was in- terned. Three formations participated.,! One, finding heavy clouds prevented accurate aiming, returned to its base with its bomb loads in order to avoid, indiscriminate bombing. Opposition Is Light Fighter opposition, and anti-air- craft fire were described 'as compara- tively light. Trondheim, called the "Gibraltar of the North," is a Nazi U-boat and warship base sheltered by its fjord. approach. It is a threat to the niorth- ern supply route to Russia and Was the last reported haven of Germany's great battleship the Trpitz and two 10,000-ton cruisers of the Admiral Hipper class. Heroya is within a hundred miles of the Norwegian capital of Oslo. The attacks involved round-trip flights of more than 1,200 miles. One formation hit the target at Heroya in three groups, each a half hour apart. Some bombs apparently landed in a factory dynamite dump, for flames roared up a half-mile high. A 'Wonderful' Raid A French observer-Colonel Cor- niglion-Molinier, commanding offi- cer of the Fighting French airforce in Great Britain-said that when the bombs hit Heroya the entire factory went "poof." He called the raid "wonderful, marvelous, beautiful" "Boy, what a mess we left that vital target in," said another flier referring to objectives at Heroya. Returning members of Flying Fort- ress crews reported the raid was "easy," despite the fact that it meant carrying a terrific bomb load further than the distance to Berlin and al- most as far as Prague in Czechoslo- vakia. 1111d1 Wile Warns', Major Parties Would Eliminate Racial Discrimination in U.S. NEW YORK, July 24.-()-Wen- dell L. Willkie, outlining seven es- sential steps which he said would help eliminate any racial discrimi- nation in the United States,,tonight told both major political parties that their "attitudes must be changed' in approaching the Negro vote. Urging political and economic equality for Negroes, the 1940 Repub- lican Presidential candidate asserted that the two most pressing Negro problems today were , inadequate housing and lack of political status. In an address broadcast by the Columbia Broadcasting System dtr- ing a special program called an "Open Letter on Race Hatred," which presented a dramatized version of the race disturbances in Detroit last month, Willkie said: "Our two major political parties have their separate ways of ap- proaching the Negro vote. One has BROTHERS IN WAR: Structure of Fraternity Life Is at Stake Now, Graham Says LADY PRECIOUS STREAM: Players To Give Chinese Drama Ann Arbor residents and students will have an opportunity to see a Chinese drama done in typical Ori- ental style when "Lady Precious Stream" is presented by the Michigan Repertory Players of the speech de- partment at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The play which is more than 2,000 years old, tells of a young Chinese maiden of noble birth who falls in 'Vy Western productions, this Chinese drama will included property men in full view of the audience, whose job will be to anticipate the actors' every need. While the keynote of the back- ground will be simplicity in black and silver, the costumes of the charac- ters will be richly colored and highly ornamented with gold and silver trimmings. Known as a drama seasoned with alternate dashes of poetry and wit, "Lady Precious Stream" was trans- "The whole structure of fraternity life is at stake now; a nucleus must be kept if these organizations are to continue after the war," Charles Graham, vice-president of Slater's Book Store, said yesterday. Graham, a Psi Upsilon on the campus during the first World War, expressed his belief that fraternities have a better opportunity now than 25 years ago. "More people are look- ing out for their interests, they have an Interfraternity Council to repre- sent them, there is no interference movie dates with the new rushees," he added. "A man could be pledged at any time during the semester without any delay," another fraternity man said, "much Ithe same as the new rushing rules devised for the dura- tion of this war." "Deferred rushing originated after the first war," he said, "so at that time there was open rushing. The pressure of deferred rushing was re- leased at the time of the depression, making it possible for a man to be initiated practically as soon as he was pledged. University supervision mummemama