PAQE Fotig - - '- -.
Soldier Choir
Paratroopers Plunge From Plane
To Sing Over
Station WJR
Broadcast Today Will
Begin with Old Hymn
"Benedictus-Certon," an old relig-
ious hymn, will be the opening selec-
tion on the broadcast of the All-Sol-
dier Choir of Company A, 3651st S.U.
to be given at 10 a.m. today over
station WJR.
Pvt. Joseph Running, instructor of
music and assistant organist at Stan-
ford University before going in the
Army, will then play Brahms' piano
solo "Rhapsody in E Flat-Opus 119."
Allan Beach Will Solo'
'The chorus will then sing "Gau-
deamus Igitur," followed by "Drink
To, Me Only with Thine Eyes," a bal-
lad solo to be sung by Pvt. Allan
Beach.sPrivate Beach, singing star
of "Nips in the Bud," was formerly
a radio singer in Seattle, Wash.
"Eight Bells," a sea chanty, will
conclude today's program.
Announ'cer for the all-soldier pro-
gram is Pvt. Grant Goodman.
Plans for the next two programs
are now well under way, Pvt. Milton
Stanzler, chairman, said yesterday.
These broadcasts:l will, be for a full
half hour, including a number of or-
iginal sketches written by some of the
men in "bag-pipe" Company A as
Well as the Soldier Choir under the
direction of Bill Sawyer.
Members of the cast of "Nips in
the Bud," including Pvts. Al Acerno,
Gordon Cotler, .Al Yudkoff, Robert
I pgbaum, Don Bramlage and Allan
Beach will take part in the skits.
Working onthe script are Cpl. Harold
Folland and Pvts. Bernard Rush,
Jack Flagler and Stanzler.
Rester of Choir Given
The roster of the All-Soldier Choir,
which is planning .a. concert to be
given at 4 p.m. .Sunday,. Aug. 15 in
Hill Auditorium is. . ,as follows:
Pvts. Henry Arnau, Stanley Amdurer,
Wendell Baker, Allan Beach, Leonard
Boasberg, Stanley Bergman and Rob-
The list of singers continues with
Pvts. Don Brubaker, Stuart Buck,
Reynold Burroughs, Cpl. Don Camp-
bell, Pvts. Brooks Cassidy, Bernard
Choseed, Edward Coyne, F. G. Eley,
Elfi Figundio, Earl Feldman, Arthur
Flynn, Jack: Flagler, James Frolik
and J. C. Fritz.
The List Continues
Also in the choir, which rehearses
on an average of'three hours a week,
are Cpl. Joseph Grubbs, Pvts. Otto
Graf, Charles: Grinnell, Frank Haley,
Milton Horowitz, Robert . B. Jones,
Robert )Kurka, Robert Langbaum,
Arthur McEvoy, Fred Moreton, Har-
old O. Perry and Joseph Procaccino.
The list concludes with Pvts. Jer-
rold Richards, Bruce Rabison, Fred
Reilly, Don Richardson, Herbert Ros-
enbaum, Robert Rhodes, Joseph Run-
ping, Harold Stern, Stanzler, George
Stubbs, Robert Weinstein, Stanley
Zuckerman and Warren Johnson.
George Fitch To
Speak on China
Mr. George M. Fitch, secretary of
the foreign YMCA at the Interna-
tional Center, Shanghai, China, will
speak on "Chinese Industry Cooper-
atives" at 4:15 Monday in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Evacuated from Shanghai when
the Chinese government moved to
Chungking before the incoming Jap-
anese troops, Mr. Fitch accompanied
Chinese laborers to the northwest
area as a YMCA worker.
horn in Soochow, China of mis-
sionary parents, Mr. Fitch has spent
most of his life in China. A graduate
of the University of Wooster, Woos-
ter, Mass., Mr. Fitch plans to return
to China after his present furlough.
He has been touring the country
since February giving lectures spe-
cifically on northwest China which
he has studied extensively.
A split second after the "jump" command rang out in their trans-
port plane, these paratroopers tumbled out and were snapped by an
Army Signal Corps photographer in mid-air before their parachutes
opened in maneuvers over Fort Benning, Ga. The paratroopers are
Pvt. Josenh McGorty and Cpl. George Schaffner, both of Philadelphia,
and Sgt. Edward Frindell of New York. (Associated Press photo from
U.S. Army).
Republican Leaders Will Meet
At Mackinac Island Sept. 6-7
By The Associated PressA
WASHINGTON, July 23-Republi-
can party leaders announced today
they will meet September 6 and 7 at
Mackinac Island, to lay the founda-
Lion for what may turn out to be
the nucleus of a party platform for
First Meeting of War Council
It will be the first meeting of the
full Republican Postwar Advisory
Council of 49, composed of. governors,
legislators and- national committee
members, which National Chairman
Harrison E. Spangler organized last
May to consider a program of after-
the-war foreign relations and domes-
tic policies for submission to the
party's national convention next
Revelli, Clinic
.Band, To Play
At Interlochen
Special To The Daily
Featured as guest artists on. the
National Music Camp at Interlo-
chen's program at 3:30 p.m. tomor-
row will be William D. Revelli, Uni-
versity band director and the Uni-
versity clinic band.
Mr. Revelli will act as guest con-
ductor for the program which will
include the Interlochen camp band
and a.combination of both bands to
form one of more than 200 pieces for
the final portion of the concert.
Krupp To Solo
Deems Taylor's cantata, "The
Highwayman" will be sung by the
girl's glee club with David Krupp of
Muskegon as baritone soloist as an
added .feature of the program.
Ferde Grofe and Percy A. Grain-
ger, famous American composers, will
be guest conductors for the evening
program at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow. The
165-piece camp orchestra will per-
form three of Grofe and Grainger's
Grainger Is Guest Conductor
Grofe will conduct the orchestra
in the presentation of his popular
"Grand Canyon Suite," while Grain-
ger will be guest director while the
orchestra plays his "Harvest Hymn"
and "English Waltz."
In addition, the symphony will
present Cesar Franck's "Symphony
in D minor" under the direction of
Dr. Joseph E. Maddy.
"Personally," Spangler said today,
"I have no doubt that these leaders
of the Republican Party will present
to the nation a program for inter-
national cooperation that will be a
beacon of future peace to all the
peoples of the globe."
The party chairman also pro-
vided an advance insight into the
prime subjects that will be dealt
with' in the GOP platform-next
year. He said research material is
being gathered to be turned over
to subcommittees which the Mac-
kinac meeting will appoint to con-
1: International relations.
2. Taxation.
3. Reconversion- of industry to
peacetime production.
4. Orderly demobilization of the
armed forces..
5. The organization and stream-
lining of government departments
and bureaus.
Meeting Is First in Series
Spangler said the Mackinac meet-
ing would be the first of a series and
that the Labor Day date had been
selected to permit Senate and House
members of the council to attend on
their way back for the reconvening
of Congress September 14.
Recommendations of the council
will be turned over to the 1944 Na-
tional Convention's Resolutions
"From this council of experi-
enced legislators and executives,"
Chairman Spangler said, "will be-
gin to flow the program upon
which America will depend for
guidance in the years ahead.
There seems to be little doubt now
that next year the voters of this
country will turn to the Republi-
can Party for leadership out of the
morass into which the New Deal
has led us.
"These problems are both interna-
tional and domestic. By approaching
them realistically and courageously,
with the support of a United Repub-
lican Party, the council will provide
the type of strong leadership which
America needs and demands."
Front the
Many of our modern customs, as
has been frequently and aptly point-
ed out, are derivations of ancient
practices. Tipping the hat origin-
ally consisted of one knight flipping
open his helmet visor as a token of
friendship when greeting another
metal clad adventurer, during the
early stages of chivalry.
The gratuitous offering, or social
bribe, commonly termed a tip, saw
its birth some years back, in the
18th century night clubs and the
like. Taken individually, tip repre-
sents T.I.P., or-To Insure Prompt-
'Whistling' Is Untraceable
Many such illustrations stand as
glowing tributes to diligent "habits"
researchists. However, there still re-
mains an untraceable custom which
has grown to tremendous proportions
within the past several years.
How and when did the boys start
whistling at the girls? Why did
the girls begin whistling back?
According to certain rare docu-
ments, unavailable for general use
at the present time, this practice or-
iginated at several points across the
earth, thousands of years ago. It
seems that one of the well-known
Pithicantropus-Erectus, or Cave Man,
was not fully equipped with speaking
tubes. Unable to call his wife when
he so desired, and too lazy to send
a carved rock message, he whistled
a note common only to him. His
wife came post haste!
His Example Followed
Generation after generation fol-
lowed his example, creating among
the male offspring a superiority com-
plex. From moistening the lips be-
fore pursing them arose the phrase
"wetting his whistle."
Obviously, the setup was ideal.
A man had but to whistle if he
wanted his wife. It was only natu-
ral that some more intelligent gen-
tleman sooner or later apply identi-
cal tactics to unattached females.
So it came to pass that chirping
at a girl on the street was intended
for said girl to halt immediately,
join the canary and discuss such in-
terest as they might have in common.
Many beautiful friendships resulted.
Suffrage Rears Its Head
There has been a great transition
lately, however. The whistle no longer
holds its initial significance. Defin-
itely an outcome of woman suffrage,
it is now far from an uncommon
occurrence to whistle at a represen-
tative of feminine pulchritude and
have her pipe right back with alac-
The' other evening, while enjoy-
ing my pipe on the Alpha Delta
Phi porch, in conversation with
several compatriots, I was amazed
to see a young lady deliberately
stop, face us, place the thumb and
middle finger of the right hand
between her teeth and emit a loud,
provocative whistle. We' recovered
some moments later, but she had
Undoubtedly, the opposite sex is
out for revenge; to satisfy a frus-
trated desire that must have rankled
for centuries. They have thrown up
bulwarks on street corners and are
firing assorted whistles from the or-
dinary mmmm-mmmmm variety, to
the more social Morton Gould "Pa-
vanne." Who said this was a man's
world? I
Bill Sawyer To Play
At League Dance Today
Promising a new arrangement of
a popular concert melody, Bill Saw-
yer and his orchestra will play for
dancing from 9 p.m. to midnight to-
day in the League Ballroom.
The dance is open to all students
and servicemen, and will be strictly
informal, Sawyer stated.
Political Battle
Is Brewing
In England
Observer Says Struggle
For Power Will Not
Begin Until after War
Editor's note: E. C. Daniel has said
there will be no political shake-up,in
England until the war is over. But
there is no truce on political maneuv-
ering, as he shows in' the following
article on how the parties are lining
up for the fight when it does come.
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, July 23-Behind the
battle scences, the greatest struggle
for power in 20 years has started in
British politics.
The outcome will determine not
only which parties and men will dic-
tate the domestic reconstruction of
Britain but the nature of its foreign
commitments as well. As in the
United States, it is a struggle not
only between parties but also within
Prime Minister Winston Church-
ill's Conservative party, with 365
seats in the House of Commons, is
the dominant party of the moment in
Britain. The Laborites hold 166 seats.
Truce Maintains Government
These two principal parties are
united with the Liberal Party in a
wartime coalition government, main-
tained by a political truce.
Under the truce the parties
have agreed not to campaign for
each other's seats, and thus have
frozen representation in parlia-,
ment for the duration. No general
election has been held since 1935.
Nevertheless, there has been a
one-third turnover in the House of
Commons membership as a result
of deaths and resignations. It is
in the elections for these vacancies
that the truce operates.
The Labor party conference in
June, although voting seven . to one
to continue the coalition, gave notice
that, if and when the truce is.abro-
gated, it will go to the polls to fight
for outright control, wih it has
not had since 1931, when Ramsey
MacDonald formed its first national
Struggle Confined to Parties
Meanwhile, the struggle for power
is confined within the parties, and
it on lines this in-
tra-party strife that the post-war
battle for votes will be fought.
Outwardly, the _ Conservatives
appear more united and confident
than their competitors. They ex-
pect to run as the party which
won the war and so deserves to
frame the peace.
As the party of the industrialists,
financiers, aristocrats and landown-
ers as well as the middle class, the
Conservative party has been accused
by its opponents .of seeking only to
return to a postwar status quo.
To its opponents that means the
unemployment of the early '30s, the
blind fear of Russia which prevented
a coalition against Fascism, the ap-
peasement of Munich, the unpre-
paredness of Chamberlain, penny
pinching on social security, big busi-
ness dictation of trade policies, col-
onial exploitation and Britain's own
brand of isolationism..'
Education Move Proposed
As the first of government reforms,
a move to broaden educational op-
portunities has been put forward.
The magazine New Statesman and
Nation has declared that conserva-
tive obstructionism could be shat-
tered only by Churchill of the Labor
party. Its obvious hope was that
labor would strike the blow.
Four months later the New
Statesman virtually acknowledged
that Churchill had got in the first
lick with his four-year plan fort
transition from war to interna-1
tional collaboration to maintain 1
the peace.,
Three months later this diagnosis
was strongly. reinforced by compari-
son of the labor program with
Except for labor's demands for
additional socialimation of primary
resources, they are remarkably
similar. Churchill has employed the
tried and true Tory tactic of taking
over and toning down socialist
ideas. The Tories' intention, said
Harold J. Laski, Labor's leading
philosopher, was to .use Churchill
to destroy liberalism.
There had already started what
the economist called "a battle for
the soul of the Labor party."
Public Though Goes Leftist
Nearly all the left-wing British
politicians, . wishfully thinking or
otherwise, were finding a leftist trend
in public - thought. With victory at
least in prospect they had observed
the minds of soldiers and workers
turning from the issues of war to the
personal problems of peace-jobs,
homes, security. They fear the Labor
party is not capable of winning' the
confidence and votes of these people,
Loudest of all, brash Aneurin
Be vin has repeatedly advocated
ending the election truce and
fighting It out with the Tories.
Rejecting Bevin's proposed'
"coalition of the left," the con-
ference supported the truce.
Servicemen Are Invited
To USO Dance Tonight
The University USO will sponsor a
dance-for servicemen to be held from
7:30 p.m. to midnight today in the
Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo rooms
of the League.
Servicemen and coeds may dance
to the tunes of a juke boxin the
Grand Rapids room and checkers;
bridge, and other informal games
will be the feature attractions in the'
Kalamazoo room.
Upshur, Paddock Killed in Crash
Maj.-Gen. William P. Upshur (left), commander of the Marines in
the Pacific area, and Captain Charles Paddock of the Marines,
were reported killed Wednesday in an airplane crash near Sitka,
Alaska. Paddock was a former United States sprint star and winner of
the Olympic games. The crash in which the two lost their lives is being
investigated by the Navy to determine the cause of the accident.
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