PA e "U T IT V, ml- I P, H I e.A IV 11 -k I IV AITWIAT- JITt.V lg 14ill . mas.. la vasahT stc-a 1Sa' t V Thab-' aT' 0 18 * 1 iA Ua.~ s:J011' t .Af'¢l.E'.y d .1l.t . $i- . J $aS 5 Fifty-Third Year ...WHILE WE WATCH. I'VE BEEN TRYING to. keep out of this service men vs. civilian rumpus that's had our peaceful little town somewhat agog the past few days. It's nothing for a neutral to get involved Too mueh like playing with two mangles in. at Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday and Tues- day during the regular University year, and every morn- ing except Monday and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Offic. at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. t Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editori Marion Ford Bud Brimmer Leon Gordenker Harvey Frank Rd Podliashuk Mary Anne Olson Jeanne Lovett Molly Winokur al Staff . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor * . .Sports Editor Columnist . . . Women's Editor . . Business Stafff . . e . . Business Manager Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MARJ BORRADAILE Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. WELL COLONEL? Willkie's Liberalism Is Real GOP Issue WENDELL WILLKIE'S threat to stump the entire state of Illinois thoroughly for the 'Presidential primary race is no "joke" in spite of the good Colonel Robert McCormick's comment. Maybe it seems funny to the publisher of the notorious Chicago Tribune that Willkie favors world-wide cooperation; maybe it is amusing that the outstanding Republican in the country is an advocate of liberal internal politics. Perhaps Col. McCormick thinks that the United States is still an advocate of the good old-fashioned system of laissez-faire. Well, all this may. amuse the Colonel, but it isn't funny to the American people. No longer do the great majority of citizens believe that we can stay at home and like it. Nor do they maintain that we should follow that worn-out policy of "ostriceiism" The .fact that the American foreign policy during the last ten years has tended. more and more toward international cooperation is indica- tive of a change in middle class thinking. And all this talk on post-war planning has not been witl out effect. So the issue between McCormick and Willkie has resolved itself to this, the greatest issue of the day--American relations to the rest of the world and liberal internal domestic policies, as Willkie put it. The struggle in reality will be be- tween two factions within the Republican party itself-nationalism vs. internationalism. This little race, however, isn't going without it's mud-slinging-at least not if the Colonel has anything to say about it. He is so much the withered-up isolationist that anything sugges- tive of friendliness toward other countries is a betrayal of America. Maybe that is why he said, "I don't believe that foreigner (meaning Willkie) can carry the state of Illinois." Maybe that is why he told newspapermen,."As things . stand now, any Republican nominee except Willkie can beat Roosevelt." But if Gallup polls and former election returns are indicative of American public opinion, Col. McCormick is going to be in for a big surprise, It may be that no Republican' candidate but Willkie will have a chance to defeat the Pesi-. dent. The tragedy will be, not if Willkie is nomi- nated, but if the Repiablicans go back to their traditions and choose a man of McCormick's sentiments.- -Virginia Rock I'd -Rather BeRight By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, July 18.-What does the inva- sion of Sicily mean? It means there is no For- tress Europa any more. What can be done at one point can be done at another. It means that a year of Hitler propaganda about the European fortress is thrown out the window. The roof of the fortress has leaked for a long time. Now we see that its doors fly open when kicked. Sicily means that the second front is tacti- cally possible. We did not really know this before. Hitler did not know it. The Allies did not know it, and their enemies did not know it. The Allies had hoped that a second front was tactically possible. Now they know that it is, which is very different. Those among us who have talked idly, or speculatively, or hopefully, of some alternative method of warfare besides the second front, perhaps pure air war, can do so no longer. They used to be able to say: "Maybe it must be pure air war, because maybe a second land front is impossible." Those maybes were defeated on the beaches of Sicily. The whole character of West- ern public discussion of the war is affected. Oddly enough, Sicily has as much meaning for the Pacific, for Japan, as it has for Europe. TheAxis's atempted excuses, its explanations tha Sicily is only an island, will not greatly hearten the Axis's island ally in the east. Only an island, is it? So is the main body of Japan only an island, and her most important pos- sessions are only islands. But these, so far, are surface meanings, the obvious effects of a great event. Let us dig deeper: Sicily has ruled out the danger of a stale- mate. Stalemate vas Hitler's last hope. Winston Churchill warned us of this on May 20, when he said, in -the most ominous terms: "There is one grave danger which will go along with us to the end. That danger is the undue prolongation of the war. No one can tell what new compli- cations and perils might arise in four or five more years of war, and it is the dragging out of var at enormous expense till the democracies are tired and bored or split that the main hopes of Germany and Japan must now reside." Sicily is a blow against stalemate. Hitler's loss of the hope of stalemate is his most stun- ning defeat in Sicily, far more important than the coming loss of Sicily itself. It makes it necessary for Hitler to change his strategy, and it leaves him no strategy to change to. Russia proved that the Hitler offen- sive was not invincible, and Sicily proves the Hitler defensive is not invincible. The test of a great event is its repercussions, its ability to generate other great events. If we glance back at the American scene now, we see that those few ex-isolationists who have asked that we postpone conclusions in Europe, and concentrate on other fronts, have been placed in as awkward a dilemma as Hitler himself. Their "line," like his, is shattered. It was all very well to say: "Don't go into Europe, it's im- possible." Now it is not only possible, it is ac- tual; we are in Europe. If they would continue their "line," they will have to say: "Come on back out of Europe." This they cannot say. So. every influence in the world 'that has been making for stalemate has been affected by the invasion of Sicily. Sicily is not only a great mil- itary enterprise; it is great statesmanship. Look at it closely, and you will see that this is the West's first body blow at fascism. It has come at last, even though it looked like a mere opera- tion against an island. Fascism and its friends, willing and unwilling, conscious and unconscious, have equally been overrun. This is what we have waited ten years for. (Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) once. Personally I think it's a situation that unavoidably and naturally arises out of two strange elements being thrown together, and after a while the servicemen will get used to their nice -new uniforms and the civilians will get used to seeing them and everyone should get along just fine. Strictly a question of psychological adjustment, But here's a thought which I've heard ex- pressed by several Army and Navy boys here, and one which I've had flit through my own mind occasionally. These men are servicemen in the true sense of the word, they follow a fairly rigid military pattern, despite the continuance of their college educations, and in case of the soldiers, all have gone through reception center camps. Nearly every Army man who has been in a camp will tell you that the most enjoyable feature is the PX, Post Exchance. I believe it's called the Shin's Canteen in the Navy. These official canteens sell the servicemen cverything from shoelaces to hair tonic at bottom prices. They're good spots relaxing and talking things over during the little spare time the men are allowed, they can get soft drinks, candy bars, hamburgers, and in most places 3.2 beer. These canteens are considered -a traditional part of service life. SUCH BEING the case, why not have a ser- vice canteen for the men stationed here, where the pay is no more than anywhere else and where prices are probably as high as you'll find anywhere in the country. I also think it has the added attraction of being a place they can call their own, where they won't feel that social stigma (as it is considered by many judging from their recent comments) of wear- ing the uniform, will extend. The USO, YWCA, the Union and the League have had an admirable share in making the boys feel at home, and there is talk that a permanent USO building will soon be available. A Service Canteen would round out the serviceman's re- laxing hours' facilities very neatly. A project like this would probably require Army sanction, which, I believe would be easily obtained for purposes of morale. At the same time it would be a very effective gesture on the part of the University or a University sponsored organization to set up something of that na- ture, by way of making the service students feel at home at Michigan. A little good will can pay off in many ways.. -J. M. DREW Ch PEARSON'S MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON, July 18.-If Congress ever took seriously Jesse Jones' demand for an in- vestigation of his row with Henry Wallace, the probing of certain activities, especially rubber buying in Brazil, would give the public a real treat. Probably Jesse doesn't know all that is going on under his direction in Brazil. Or perhaps his demand for an investigation was mere bluff. For instance, he may or may not know that one of his executives supposed to be busy buying up rubber in Brazil, William Graham, spends part of his time collecting monkeys and rare birds. Graham has about 200 employees under him, including machinists, carpenters, and welders who build barracks and keep the river boats and other equipment in condition. But some of them are called upon to make repairs on Graham's swanky jungle home, also to fix his yacht, and build cages for his birds and monkeys. Granam is proud of his wild-life collection and even procured some steel drums-classi- fied as strategic material-which he installed in trees and on the grounds of his estate as drinking fountains and bird baths. One carpenter at Manaos spent an entire Sun- day building cages for birds and monkeys, in re- turn for which Graham promised him a week off with pay. Another employee was ordered by Graham to stencil a winged alligator on Gra- ham's yacht. The employe spent two days with an interpreter and run up a taxi bill of $20 look- ing for stencil paper in Manaos stores. The Po'in ted Peh Sure, the NROTC men on campus have a le- gitimate gripe when they complain that some local theatre owners haven't been admitting them at regular servicemen's prices. But, Jerry Hoag, manager of the Michigan, has pointed out that his theatre has been giv- Christianity, like Judaism, re- Events T.1otda ' sides in that mystical vision of .' excellence which inspires persons, International Center: The Chinese families and groups and whole Students' Club will be hosts to Dr. peoples to pursue the intention of B. A. Liu, foreign students, and God which was made in the life friends, at a snack and social hour and teaching of Jesus. That lone- in the Center at 8 p.m. Sunday, July ly Jew, an obscure, gentle, poetic 18. person was and is its central figure. He died young on a Roman cross Michigan Outing Club is planning by the. connivance of * Quislings to take a bike trip to Delhi Falls for who in confusion played for stakes a swim. All those interested meet too great for them to compute, at the Women's Athletic Building on Sunday, July 18 at 2:30 p.m. Plans We will hear about the last war- will be discussed for further activi- lord who became Christian. We will ties this summer. Servicemen are become acquainted with this soldier invited. For further information who accepted Christ as Savior while call Barbara Fairman, 24471. leading reforms, scourges and politi- cal renovations. We will see Chiang, Graduate Outing Club will meet this romantic Gener~al, struggling to in the club quarters at 2:30 p.m. amalgamate Nationalist scholars, Sunday, July 18, for a hike to the Communist reformers, and the illiter- Saginaw Forest Preserve west of ate masses in a war avowedly demo- Ann Arbor. This is a fairly stiff hike cratic. In the last analysis, we are to and members should plan dress and hear about the manager of 400 mil- footwear accordingly. lion souls in their struggle to survive as a nation. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Edward W. Blakeman Club, will have an outing this after- Counselor in Religious Education noon. Meet at the Rackham Building Dominic Says. WORLD affairs take on some unique aspects as we enter a week fetaturing Chiang Kai-Shek. Christianity seems to be getting one more chance to save a nation or con- fuse it. Christianity first had its political chance to develop a Chris- tian culture in the days of Constan- tine. It flowered in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. But today Protestant England and the United States are about to de- molish Catholic Italy and punish Protestant Germany. Russia became politically Christian Orthodox in the tenth century; yet in the twentieth it took an atheistic revolution against the Tsar and the Church to bring the economic and social blessings of west- ern life to that people. China, by a strange series of revolutions and reforms beginning with Sun Yat Sen's four principles of renewal in 1911, has finally come under the sway of a General converted by his wife, the Sun fam- ily and Christian missionaries. Just what do we mean by Chris- tianity? Not the political institutions which landed us in two world wars in a generation. Not the clash of ideologies which run beneath those wars. Not the wealth and trade and prowess for which nations struggle. (Continued from Page 3) vance so that an examination may be prepared. Psychology 42 Makeup final exam- ination Thursday, July 22 from 2-4 in Room 2125 Natural Science Build- ing. Students in Speech: A demonstra- tion of clinical procedures in the treatment of various types of speech abnormalties will be given at the Speech Assembly at 3 p.m. Wednes- day in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Graduate Students in Speech: A graduate symposium on the subject of speech science will be held at 4 p.m. Monday in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Cncerts Faculty Concert: Palmer Christ- ian, University Organist, and Hardin VanDeursen, Assistant Professor in the Voice Department of the School of Music, will appear in the second Faculty Concert at 8:30 p.m. Tues- day, July 20, in Hill Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. ,-Trui 7 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN e r r r t i i t FS I G at 3 o'clock. The outing will conclude with a picnic supper. The Michigan Christian Fellowship will ofer its regular Sunday program this afternoon at 4:30 in the Fire- place Room of Lane Hall. All stu- dents are invited to attend these meetings. Coning Events Delta Kappa Gamma members from out-of-town chapters are in- vited -to attend a picnic at 5:30 p.m. July 21 in Ypsilanti. Please call University extension 2152 by Monday for directions. Record Concert at Graduate School: Another weekly record con- cert will be given Tuesday evening, July 20, in the men's lounge of the Horace H. Rackham School of Grad- uate Studies. The program will be- gin at 7:45 o'clock. Servicemen are cordially invited. Forums on Religion: July 20, 21, 22, West Conference Room, Rack- ham Building, 2 to 4 p.m. Churches First Congregational Church, State and William. Minister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr; Director Student Guilds, Rev. H. L. Pickerill; Director Music, Wilson Sawyer. Public worship at 10:45 a.m. The subject of the sermon by Dr. Parr will be "Wings and Wheels." The student guilds and servicemen will have a picnic supper and outing at Riverside Park from 4:30 to :30. Memorial Christian Church (Disci- ples) 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister. 4:30 p.m. Congregational and Disciple stu- dents and their friends will meet at the Guild House, 438 Maynard Street, for a trip to Riverside Park for games, picnic supper and a vesper service. First Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation. Class for students and service men at 9:30 a.m. Dr. E. W. Blakeman will lead the discussion "Religion for Leadership." Morning Worship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach on "Health." Wesleyan Guild meeting at 4:30 p.m. George Liechty and Olin Oeschger will lead the discussion on the subject "Health." Supper and fellowship hour at 5:30 p.m. All serv- ice men and students invited. Presbyterian Church: Morning Worship, 10:45 a.m. "The Last Best Hope of Earth" subject of the sermon by Dr. Lemon. Westminster Student Guild, Third Vesper Forum at 4 p.m. Dr. Lemon will speak on "The Gentile Problem -and the Jews." There will be an open discussion on important ques- tions relating to the topic. A social hour and refreshments will follow. Unitarian Church, State and Hu- ron Streets. Edward H. Redman, Minister. 11:00 a.m. Church Service with Rev. Robert Zoerheide, minister of the Universalist Church in Hoop- Hstcn, Illinois preaching on: "The Bevil Has :Plans." 12:00 m. Pot-Luck Dinner. Stu- dents and servicemen invited a Fuests. 3:<10 p.m. Folk Dancing for stu. dents and servicemen. GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty I rJo ~ 1~'1 I ~ ( '; 0 " : i ' ; , I ®/--- I ;' :'= :T I t r.. " =.: Et -a--. to"i''- M "M ubzdtouh otems lciusanivrsay reen LI {'./ :