PAG#E TWO,; Z 1 TC-1A R T-)A I I SUNDAY, JULY 18, 0 MODERN CHINA IS INVINCIBLE Jap Invasion Can Never Stop Progress Strafing, Bombing, Good Combination By CLAIRE SHERMAN - "dapan can't conquer China, now or ever, it's' too big a job," William Booth, missionary to China for more than 35 years, said yesterday. "All that the Japanese are doing is hindering China's progress," he added. "In 1934, after the seiztre of Manchuria,; I heard of very prom- inent Japanese statesmen who said 'China, is progressing so rapidly if we hadn't struck when we did it- would have been too late'," he re- lated, "but it was already too late. The Chinese can never be beaten." Mr. Booth, who is now working at International Industries, served as teacher, president and dean of an Anglo-Chinese school, Yih Wen Com- mercial College, in Chefoo, Shantung, North China. He returned to the States on, the Gripsholm in the prisoner exchange last August. "How did I fare when Japan at- tacked Pearl Harbor?" he said. "It happened that on December 6 I boarded' a Japanese freighter' for Tsingtao, a day's journeygsouth'from Chefoo, to attend our Mission mid- winter Executive Committee Meeting there. "I was arrested immediately on "Since I believe in Christian friend- liness and ~courtesy, although I was opposed to the Japanese, I mingled: with them as a friend while on board' that steamer.' I slept in 'third class' Alongside a Japanese gendarme, and Ate Japanese food with a German business man," he said. .'. "The result of this was, that after being examined, first in the military police station and then at the Japanese Naval Headquar- ters, I was made only a 'house prisoner' and had-, three hours liberty to go o nthe street each' day. Those; who were interned had no liberty and were put in 'solitary con, finement for small indiscretions., The Japanese supplied them with heat and water, but, they had to depend ,on their friends for food, he said. "However, if I had attempted to return to Chefoo," 'he added, "I would not have fared so well." "One of the moSt lniprtant things to remember about China," he said, "is the great respect the Chinese have-for Chiang Kai Shek. When the Generalissimo was held' by the Communists; in Sian?Fu in 1936, I was in Kobe, Japan. "While there' I went in a 'Chinese barbershop, and asked the men what chance, they thought Chiang Kai Shek had to. be released. They, said t simply that Chiang kai Shek was destined not, die, and would be re- leased. That is the way all China feels about: her Generalissimo.". "He is the one man who has' come closest to uniting Chia and if, the Japanese had, note attacked her, she would be wholly united today," Mr. Booth added. "All that the Chinese need, to whip Japan is equipment 'and:training. Once the' Allies can concentrate on the war in the east and can bomb Tokyo, the war will soon be over. "The common Japanese all believe that the Emperor is god, but the in- tellects and high officials do not, and they are 'the ones who will de- cide the surrender," he pointed out. "The Chinese are allowed to have only long-wave radios," he said, "but I know of at, least one in'- stance where flashlight cells sub- metged if" acid and connected to an electrical beam are used to get short-waves. "This is just one way in which the underground movement is operating -in occupied China," he concluded. Li ' of Chinese News Service To Give Leeture Dr. B. A. Liu, of the Chinese News Service, will deliver a lecture on "Ed- ucational Progress in Wartime China" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the ampitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing. Dr. Liu' is spending sometime in' the curriculum work shop of the School of. Education. His purpose is to help teachers learn about the ma- terlals and resources available for use in teaching about the land and' people' of China. Since coming to the United States six years ago. Dr. Liu has been con- nected with the China Institute in America and has acted as supervisor for Chinese students studying in American colleges and universities. Dr. Liu was formerly president of a junior college near Nanking which was recently destroyed by Japanese bombs.- DQminican Writer To Pay Visit Here Dr. J. Marino Inchaustegui, prom- inent writer and historian of the Dominican Republic, will arrive in Ann Arbor today on his three-month tour throughout the country which he is making 'at the invitation of the Department of State. During his stay here Senor In- chaustegui will inspect the educa- tion and educational publications of the University. He also plans to at- tend the social hour and snack to be held at 8 p.m. today in the Inter- national Center. Director of one of the most im- portant publishing houses of his country, Senor Inchaustegui is also the author of, a number of textbooks. Hayden To Talk On Civil War (Continued from Page 1) standing of Negro problems and cul- ture. "A separate Negro culture does not exist in America," he declared. Writers have only published anti-Ne- gro propaganda for they have falsi- fied the truth. Prof. Albert K Stevens of the Eng- lish department will act as master of ceremonies. A question period will be held at the end of each lecture in which the audience is requested to ask anything about the Negro subject. Suggested reading lists will be distributed and the books will be on reserve at Angell Hall Study Hall tomorrow morning. These lectures, which are free of charge and open to the public, are sponsored by the Inter-Racial Asso- ciation. ' Conference To Hear Pollock (Continued from Page 1) of the Educational Section of the War Savings Staff. A second representative, Dr. Rawl Grigsby, is special assistant to the United States Commissioner of Edu- cation. Dr. James R. Mendenhall, a third representative, is connected with the Educational Services Branch of the Office of Price Admin- istration. Dr. Mendenhall was form- erly Professor of Consumer Educa- tion at Stephens College. A fourth representative is Major Thad Hungate of. the War Depart- ment Army for °4ained manpower. He will give special attention to prob- lems relating to pre-inducation training. All sessions of the Conference are open to the npublic. -Associated Press Photo As a bomnb from an American plane from a baby' carrier explodes on Nazi submarine, another nlane pours a machine gun attack across its decks, the bullets kicking up sprays across its deck. Two Nazi crew- men (arrow) hug the conning tower in an attempt to escape the ter- rific attack, in which the U. S. planes destroyed two Axis subs, probably destroyed eight others and delivered two convoys safely across the Atlantic. TUE i)EPARTMENT OF SPEECh PRESENTS The ]M#fh*iutn Itepetrtorg Pta gers in' 'LADY PRECIOUS STRE AM by Dr. S. 1. Hsiting Witty Satire Oriental Color NEXT WEEK July 28-31 -- Wed. through, Sat. -- ft30 .M. Prices: 88e - 66c - 44c (inel. Fed. tax) THERE WILL BE NO PLAY TH S WEEK Box Office open daily 10-5 . . Phone 6300 j YD VIA NTE ND E I1 :SO N TWENTit E, (in Michigon"Leogue Building) Surgical Unit Needs Coeds "We would like every woman on campus to give at least two hoursof her time each week to making Surgi- cal dressings," Jean Whittemore, '44, chairman, said yesterday. The first week a total of 35 women attended the unit; this week only 23. "We need many more workers and instructors," she stated, "if we are to meet our quota."" Making surgical dressings requires absolute accuracy. No one sees the finished products from the time they leave the workroom, where they are inspected and shipped, until they are sterilized by the doctor at the base hospital just prior to their use. As a result care must be taken that no small threads, hairs, or lint which might couse irritation or infection are present in the dressings. "At the front, the doctors and nurses will be too busy to inspect the dressings be- fore using them. "There may be one doctor working frantically against time at the base hospital or it may be the last dressing before the new shipment arrives. The responsibility is on us to help by lightening their burden," said Mrs. Bradley Patten, chairman of surgical, dressings for Washtenaw County, re- cently. Chinese Editor To Be Honored ir B. A. Liu of the Chinese News Service will be honored at a special Sunday evening snack and social hour to be held at the International Center at 8 p.m. today. The Chinese Students' Club will be hosts for the evening to Dr. Liu, for- eign students and friends. The first hour will be devoted to informal discussion with Dr. Liu, who is visiting the campus from his New York office to do work with the School of Education. Following the discussion refreshments will be served for which there will be a slight charge. Argentine Vice-President Dies BUENOS AIRES, July 17.-(/P)- Rear Admiral Saba H. Sueyro, 53, Argentine Vice-President, died to- night after a two-day illness. Yo WU Cant1neat.a MiCianEngineer!- By this ring you'll always know him. 1944 DIE NOW READY For the duration - $20, plus Federal and State taxes Burr, Patterson & Auld Co. -1209 S. University Ruth Ann Oakes, Mgr. i, STARTING TODAY , ,, r a : v . Shows Today 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. [~e MeJctio- n nModern Goolii-gq" I-- . - - - - - - - ild - -. .. 7777" -77-- , 7-7 .77 ST TC ARTS A Y ! 4 Days Only WAR -4NDS ISSUED HERE [SAY OR NIGHT Continuous from 1 P.M. Ii A t 3 "_ . ,$ ' y ''I. 1 . .:. ^ ry ' _ ,-- r .._-- S/:': , . ' * , - t . f ' . !{ Y 4 C 'E.a t F '7. N; E_ , a M1 td " x .:: ,, IL V, , 1W .. 'b ¢, , z err w '4RT key, I ~'*'".t~ ov11 of Nnzi F',iloiifof risk Qfd('11h! No v .idea rev r y= C 'M ; _._ . 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