PAGE FOUR THE MICHTCAN DAILY FilIDAY, ICLMY 16, 1943 .. . . . . ......... ..... ..... ........... WE DID IT BEFORE Allied Chief Greets Canadians .n Sicily Fr. Walsh Warns JA Gs Against False Logic "Too often we hear, 'We have won every other war, so consequently we will win this one' in the public prints and in general conversation," Father Edmund A. Walsh, S.J., Regent of the School of Foreign Service of Georgetown University stated to the classes of the Judge Advocate Gen- eral's School yesterday in a lecture on "Geo-politics" as a feature of graduation week of the 11th Class. "That is a false assumption whichashould be destroyed. It is false in logic and in fact. An an- alysis of history shows that in all our wars except the Civil War we have had the aid of a powerful ally or have faced a crumbling military adversary. In the Revo- lution, France, then the leader of Europe, was on our side; in the War of 1812, France again aided us in the sense that Napoleon was England's main foe and we were a side issue. "In 1846 and 1898 we were merely on excursions against two fading military powers. In 1917 we joined a great coalition at a time when our tremendous force swayed the decis- ive final phases." No Beachheads Now "In the last war," the speaker said, "we landed on friendly shores amid= friendly people. Now we have no beachheads. "We have to fight for the right to fight as well as a place to fight," Father Walsh summarized. Civilization is now passing through a great crisis similar to the period of the breaking up of the Roman juridical and military empire. Just as the American Rev- olution signalized the end of the monarchical spirit, so the present era will be the end of the system of national states. Nationalism in the conquered Central European states has been destroyed by the Nazis. They are merely principal- ities ruled by gauleiters from Ber- lin, Father Walsh asserted. "What the outcome of this up- heaval will be, we will not live to see," the lecturer said. "All we know is that the change in American Dem- ocracy will be vitally affected by the ideas, philosophy, and social forces given impetus by the war. The men returning will have different values than they had when they left. It is easy to go down, but difficult for men to rise to higher levels of civili- zation." Prussian Teaching Responsible The Nazi philosophy of German supermen is not the product of Hit- lerism, according to Father Walsh. It is the result of over 100 years of Prussian teaching. Fichte, Hegel, Nietzsche, and others taught inter- national immorality and ordained German supremacy. Only a German has a right to be patriotic and love his country, similar qualities in other nations are mere chauvinism. The German General Staff re- garded the peace of 1918 as only a truce in their campaign for world conquest. It was General Haus- hofer who visited Hitler in con- finement in 1924, and "Mein Kampf" reiterates the political ideas of the Prussians. It was also General Haushofer as military attache at Tokyo who for 20 years paved the way for the alli- ance between Germany a nd Japan. Hitler a Doublecrosser However, when the General Staff adopted Hitler they made a mistake. He doublecrossed the doublecrossers after they had persuaded the mil- lionaire Fritz Thyssen to pay Hitler whom they were to use as a front man. "Democracy and Christianity stand together in the struggle against totalitarianism," Father Walsh said. "The enemy has de- personalized the human race. Christianity, on the other hand, first elevated human personality to the rank it holds in Democracy. Democracy is not a political, but a religious concept. Respect for the individual and his rights, protect- ed by Democracy, comes from the Church." The concept of the State followed by Nazi leaders is that it must grow, have living space. If it stands still geographically, it is weakened. The theory of geo-politics has been ap- propriated as a pivot for the "pre- ordained world revolution" which will put Germany over all nations, if successful, the speaker declared. Co. A Will Broadcast On WJR Tomorrow Members of Co. A, 3651st Service Unit will broadcast again over WJR at 10 a.m. tomorrow. The soldier choir will'sing Con- cordia Laetitia, a fourteenth century Latin hymn, Roll Jordan Roll, Bones Come A-Knittin', and Away to Ris, a sea chantey. Pvt. Robert Kuks will play a violin solo, "Air on a G String" by Bach, accompanied by Pvt. Otto Graf. Pvt. Bernard Rush, a member of the unit, is announcing the show and Bill Sawyer is directing. F tJ 81 b: 1ortarboard Sponsors Open Uouse at League All servicemen stationed on cam- pus and coeds are invited to attend the second of the weekly open houses sponsored by the University USO to be held from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the League today, Monna Heath, '44, president of the Women's War Coun- cil, said. In charge of this week's dance is the Mortarboard Society.. Hostesses will be on hand to greet the guests and a variety of entertainment will be provided. In the Grand Rapids Room there will! be dancing and the Kalamazoo Room will feature bridge, checkers and informal games. For those who look for relaxation the lounge will provide opportunity for quiet conVer- sation. a or To Talk At Graduation Major General Myron C. Cramer, The Judge Advocate General of the Army, and Brigadier General Thom- as H. Green, Assistant The Judge Ad- vocate General, arrive today from Washington to participate in gradu- ation ceremonies of the 11th Officers Class at the Judge Advocate Gener- al's School. Tomorrow morning Gen- eral Cramer will address the gradu- ates at the exercises. Also attending the functions from Washington are Col. John M. Weir, Executive Officer of the Judge Advo- cate General's Office and Col. Robert M. Springer, Military Personnel Of- ficer of the Department. I POSITIVE ASSURANCE: Selective Service Boards Will Not Call Fathers Before Fall WASHINGTON, ,July 15.- (/P)-- Fathers living with and supporting children born before last September 15 got today their first official and positive assurance that there will be no need to issue a general draft call for them before October at the very earliest. Classes 1-A and 1-A-O (men who can be used for non-combatant mili- tary service) already contain enough men who will actually get into uniform to fill draft calls for July, August - and September, Maj. Emett Solomon ---_ of the Selective Service Manpower Division told reporters. That will be true, he said, although some of the 1,566,000 men in these classes will be reclassified on appeal and many more will be rejected by physicians and a psychiatrists, who are currently turning back 40 per- EN I cent of those examined. Set Oct. 1 As Date Solomon declined to comment dir- ectly on the induction of fathers of children conceived before Pearl Har- bor or predict when it, would begin, but data he presented indicated that, generally speaking the drafting of their class might be delayed well ntor past Oct. 1. Approximately 50,000 of the 90,000 youths newly turned 18 each month are can be counted upon for induction, he said, adding 150,000 to the pool rOWa 4/ of men who can be taken through September. 4-F's Subject to Call at Furthermore, this number will be swelled by "recoveries" from the 2,976,000 men who were in class 4-FrP t on July 1 because of disqualification for physical, mental, educational or moral reasons. A ] On the darker side of the picture, ald Solomon pointed out that of the to- tal of 22,184,000 men aged 18 through 37, more . than half already have FRATERNITY JEWELERS either been taken into military serv- AT MICHIGAN ice or rejected and placed in 4-F. War Manpower Commission offi- 1209 S. University cials said there are now 9,300,000 men and women in uniform and this RuTH ANN OAKES, Mgr. number will grow to 10,800,000 by Jan. 1 and to 11,300,000 by next July Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Allied chief of the western Mediter- ranean theatre of operations (left, cap in hand), greets Canadian offi- cers while inspecting the front on Sicily. Eisenhower asked Capt. J. E. Moore (right) to convey his compliments to the Canadian command. (Associated Press photo by radio from U.S. Signal Corps). IttcA' 901, I lnat k/ay .__.. From the Allied headquarters in Algiers comes the news that a former graduate of Michigan and the man- ager of the local. Stewart Howe Alumni Service here from 1933 to 1938, is heard every Sunday after- noon on the radio program, "This Is .the 'Army" Sometimes he interviews local current heroes, and on other broadcasts reports the news from that area, always identifying him- self at the conclusion of his part of the program. Bill Wharfield is in charge of the radio section of the Army public relations office at the Allied headquarters there. Closer home comes the news that Second Lt. Charles L. Staehle of E. Rutherford, N.J., has reported to the Carlsbad Army Air Field, Carlsbad, N.M., where he- will be instructed in "dead reckoning" navigation. Awarded Bombardier Wings Recently awarded his bombardier wings at the San Angelo, Tex. Army Air Field, Lt. Staehle now begins the+ second step in the intensive training of becoming a highly skilled air crew+ t . 1N 4 1 officer able to direct a plane to its objective, drop the bombs, and plot the course homeward. Eleven young Wolverine music graduates left the University just a year ago to enlist in Uncle Sam's armed forces . .. and a few weeks later all eleven met again at Brooks Field, Tex., famous old "Mother Field" of the Air Corps- as Army bandsmen. They formed the nucleus of the Brooks band, now called one of the best military bands which, greatly increased over the original eleven men size, celebrated its first anni- versary last week. Were Members of 'U' Band The eleven Michigan men, all for- mer members of the University con- cert band, are: Sta' Sgt. William Passas, Sgt. Alfred S. Burt, Sgt. Wil- fred Roberts, Jr., Cpl. Philip C. Busche, Cpl. Edwin C. Knurty, Cpl. John J. Gajec, Pfc. Richard V. Correll, Pfc. Henry F. Enzian, Pfmc. Norris D. Huston, Pfc. Rob- ert D. Kiute, and Pfc. Richard A. Worthington. They were members of the class of 1942 at the University Music School. Second Lt. Robert M. Behr, of Grosse Pointe, is stationed at the Big Spring Bombardier School as a bombardier instructor. Lt. Behr attended the University of Michi- gan several years and left in Jan- uary of '42 to enlist in the Army. After his training in Midland, he received his silver wings when he was commissioned in November, 1942. Formerly intramural sports super- visor and a graduate of the Univer- sity, Lt. Seymour R. Haber, of Brook- lyn, N. Y., was recently promoted to the rank of First Lt. at Shaw Field, Sumter. S. C., where he is serving in the United States Army Air Forces as base physical director. Lt. Haber received his Army training at Offi- cers' Candidate School at Miami, Florida. Pvt. Carl M. Weideman, Jr., of Grosse Pointe Woods, Micl., re- cently arrived at he1 Finance Re- placement Training Center at Fort Benjamin Ilarrison, Ind., to begin basic training in finance. Prior to his induction, I'd,. Weidemnan was a student, '45, here. Hillel TO Hold Record Co inicert ATgr r To a.,'K ~ , , . .r/ 1I e I;. MOC CASUAL in Army Russet or White. $4.95 4 SQUARE TOE OXFORD with leather sole and heel. Army Russet. $4.95 " , ... .t: Y . " . fi i :., f .. :::;;x: ., .: }-: : ; ' ': _ .f .," Js '-' , . a ,E,:s'' >:A,,s .,;>; ; "tSoclQO" pu youlChang9e t War StaPs this nth 11 i s.were / SWEATERS 100% Wool Cardigans and Slipovers in an array of colors to Mix or Match your Skirts or Slacks. $3.95 to $7.95 SKIRTS of all wool, plaids and plain colors to mix and match your sweaters. .$3.95 to $7.95 BLOUSES for Suits, Skirts, and Slacks. $2.25 to $5.95 It CONNIE SPORTS and CASUALS!, II --u IhAl Ift I TV %law S pES 495 Every type to keep you smart, trim and of auc al A- 1- July$53OOOO~~worh of War ~1I'~ ao Juy$53,000,00() )or-- month. altm jV o n kn , t-l, i-On t carp -s 11 CW vIii ormait ,,wrics '41 c h tasury hopes to do\ors wort the tre h oaundred mi\lio h aethan s one to reac r . -~~~~~~~~O I. -i 4'" j5T'- 14 kctua"YI i "a ea1ne to ea5c rm very $13 A',669, a dollar afromee' ma d ll dollar's worthr a wl be .., r n d ,13 n 0 j b k s All servicemen, students and townspeople are invited to attend an informal recorded concert, spon- sored by the B'nai Writh Hillel Foundation, to be held from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. tomorrow, it was announced yesterday by Elyse itlow, student director. "Musical comments pertaining to the program will he offered at the beginning of each selection," Miss Gitlow said. T e musical program will be followed by a social hour, dur- ing which refreshments will be served, she added. Included in the concert will be Sibelius' "Fifth Symphony," Brahms' "Variations on a Theme by Haydn," Tschaikowsky's "Violin Concerto" and Strauss' "Don Juan." The evening will institute a series of informal record concerts to be held at f Se s . 9i .. ' mow. ease all day long ee them! _.- .X/ lI i 1+.J I 3 Every manf Let's fill the forgotten books, t.e h5rStamP5 - w ore ne ti's show the MOC OXFORD in Army Russet or White. $4.95 ibuY MOU'T CI nckels, (3j cSi ' . >. ,_..., . s,, . what si ge . strcJi h quort r C0rI I-IJ of the the pOcKets frorm Seen in Vogue and Mademoiselle I -No .I v