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June 30, 1943 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1943-06-30

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Fifty-Third Year



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I'd Rather Be Right


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Chiang Will Fight Reds




*DwT1 A=
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited" to it or
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lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43

Editorial Staff

Marlon Ford
Bud Brimmer
Leon Gordenker
Harvey Frank
Jeanne Lovett
loly Winokur


. Managing Editoi
. . . Editorial Director
.* - . City Editor
* . . . Sports Editor
ss Staff

. . . Business Manager
Associate Business Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by neiabers of The Daiy staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Treasury Report Shows
Congressional Failure
broken all spending records, but this year
there's some solace for taxpayers in the treas-
ury's fiscal report for the year ending today: the
total expenditures were five billion less than the
administration figured.
But there's another side to the treasury re-
port. The revenue collectors took in less than
22 billion dollars and were one billion short of
their goal. This is the outcome of months of
tax-talk resulting in a new tax law which fails
to come anywhere near raising an adequate
amount of revenue.
The Secretary of the Treasury's failure in
dealing with an unusually bad and hostile Con-
gress is as conspicuous as the administration's
neglect in outlining a specific tax program. An-
other reason for this tax-money shortage is Con-
gress' squabble about how to get on a current-
payment basis.
Now a new start and a new tax measure must
be planned so that during the next fiscal year
the deficit may be whittled down and the 40 bil-
lion dollar inflationary gap closed. With luck
and more Congressional-Administration cooper-
ation, we'll perhaps have a more suitable tax
plan by Jan. 1, 1944. - Bud Brimmer
Davis Resignation Paves
Way for Open Struggle
THE RESIGNATION of Chester C. Davis has
proved again that appeasement neither pays
nor works. Let's hope the President has learned
his lesson.
Early during the war in Europe, President
Roosevelt appointed Stimson and Knox as Sec-
retaries of War and the Navy respectively.
This broke for the first time the solid ranks
of New Dealers who were carrying out Admin-
istratio~n policies. In these two Republicans
he found two of the ablest men in the nation q
When the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor, the
President, anxious to maintain national unity,
and pleased with his Stimson-Knox experiment,
decided to appoint more conservatives in order
to appease the Republican-Democratic anti-
New Deal coalition in Congress. Here he made
one of the worst mistakes of his career.
WHILE the Commander-in-Chief strove at all
costs to refrain frot partisan measures, even
neglecting the 1942 election campaign, the reac-
tionaries led by the Republican party were gath-
ering their forces for one of the most vicious
irresponsible attacks on the U. S. that has ever
been launched by a political group.
Carefully refraining from adopting any pos-
itive program the opposition .smashed every
major Administration program on- the home
front. Now that it has smashed the supports,
it is sitting back waiting for the house to farl,.
Mr. Davis was Food Administrator throughout
the entire dastardly campaign. He was food
chief when Congress smashed the anti-inflation
program. He was an administration official
when the subsidy plan was wrecked.
Yet, Chester C. Davis had the temerity to
charge that the subsidy plan was unworkable
because it was not coupled with heavier taxes
and forced savings. The man whose tacit ap-
proval was one of the big factors in the disas-
#m. dc ."ivtn n hideima_ hoailnver ehfore


NEW YORK, June 30.- In simple fairness,
someone must say the following:
If the President were to bring up a big, new
domestic reform issue, he would be accused of
playing politics instead of fighting the war. But
it is perfectly all right (or is it?) for Mrs. Clare
Boothe Luce to deliver a long speech to the Re-
publican State Convention in Wisconsin, telling,
withglee, how the New Deal is "dead" on the
home front..
The President must take no notice of this
speech, for that would be politics. No cabinet
member must take any notice of it, for that
would be politics. But the speech itself is con-
sidered not politics. This is open season on big
game. The big game is not allowed to fight back.
It is perfectly all right for Senator Byrd of
Virginia. to write a special article for the New
York World-Telegram, on June .21, demanding
the firing of hundreds of thousands of Federal
employees. SenatorByrd is not considered to be
playing politics when he does so. It is all right
for anyone who wants to, to propose the most
serious changes on the home front. But the
President may not engage in home-front argu-
The President is not supposed to lift his eyes
from his task, while the nibblers nibble and the
privileged munching goes on..
That this is a real campaign is shown by the
fact that on Friday, June 25, I was able to buy a
copy of the July issue of The Readers' Digest,
which, lo and behold, "reprinted" the Byrd ar-
ticle of the preceding Monday, giving the date
and crediting the World-Telegram. The Digest
is even now printing more than 5,000,000 copies
per month, and so it must have had the "reprint"
in type weeks before it appeared in the news-
paper from which it was "reprinted." I know
this is not unusual, that such arrangements are
often made. That is my point, that arrange-
ments were made, thoughtful arrangements for
a concentrated campaign against the one Ameri-
can who isnot allowed to play politics.
Heavy artillery is brought into play, in the
shape of the Congressional blitz to dismantle the
domestic branch of the Office of War Informa-
tion, on the charge that it is a "political" agency.
The attack was begun by Representative

Starnes of Alabama, who, using the high Con-
gressional privilege of not having to make sense,
denounced Elmer Davis as "an American Goeb-
bels." A furious speech followed by Representa-
tive A. Leonard Allen of Louisiana, who accused
the O.W.I. of "fomenting racial discord," prob-
ably because it had isued a pamphlet outlining
the war contributions of American Negroes.
I pause to point out that Representative
Starnes, now setting himself up in business as
an expert on information, is the same-man who
won passing fame in 1939, when, during a probe
of the federal theatre, he was discovered to be
laboring under the impression that Christopher
Marlowe was a contemporary, and probably on
the relief rolls.
I would be willing to leave to a jury of any ten
men picked off the street the question of who is
more political, Elmer Davis, who gladly gave up
$50,000 a year to work for all of us at $10,000, or
Messrs. Starnes and Allen.
I also wonder which is more Goebbelsian, to
print a pamphlet outlining the fine work done
by American Negroes, or to attack that pamph-
I can find nothing in the work of the domestic
branch of the O.W.I. one-tenth as political as
the vote against it, with 160 Republicans and 55
Democrats howling it down, and only 5 Republi-
cans defending the agency, along with 108 Dem-
ocrats. That, baby, is politics.
By ending the domestic work of the O.W.I.,
Congress will undermine its prestige throughout
the world. People of other countries will ,no
longer consider it to be an agency dealing in
news, and truth, but an agency dealing in propa-
ganda. Else why should the things it says be
rejected for home consumption? When the
O.W.I. calls for support for the four freedoms,
the reaction abroad will be: "That is fine stuff,
but they peddle it only to us; they don't let them
say that at home." To pull down this agency, to
reduce its effectiveness in the war, is not politics;
only to support it is politics.
We are losing our way. The grapes in the
vineyard are being eaten. The air is heavy with
the stench of politics. A man is being fought
unfairly, his hands are tied by the war, he is a
prisoner of the war. Someone must say these
things. For the President cannot.
(Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

LET US IMAGINE for a momen
that victory has coe and Allie
EAmerican, British, Chinese, an
perhaps Soviet) troops marc
through the streets of Tokio. China
at last a victorious, independe
power, will have an opportunity t
decide her own destiny, and a voic
in the destiny of Japan, Indo-Chin
Malaya, Burma and even India.
What will China do? What will
its leaders say? And for that mat-
ter, who will its leaders be?
The answers to those question
will be determined and in fact ar
now being determined, by China'
two most powerful forces-Chiang
Kai-shek's Kuomingtang and Mao
Tse-tang's Communist Party an
their respective armies.
Both of these groups have had a
chance to put their theories into
practice, though the Reds have neve
controlled any of the larger cities o
China. Countless other politica
parties and pressuregroups hav
sprung up, mostly during the war
but these are on the whole small and
powerless. On the left there are
what might be described as the
"popular front groups" which gen-
erally lean on the Reds for support.
On the extreme right are the Na-
tional Socialists (Chinese Nazis)
who, with certain rightist Kuoming-
tang elements form the die-hard
anti-Red bloc. In the "center"
stands the Kuomingtang, reaction-
ary, fascistic, but the only "center"
China has.
Yet the coming struggle will not
find the Kuomingtang in the cen-
ter, for the rightist-extremists and
Nazis are weak. The Kuoming-
tang will find itself as the Right in
the coming battle for power.
ALL political parties in China, with
the exception of the National
Socialists, base their philosophy on
the three principles of Sun Yat-Sen,
the father of the Chinese Republic:
Nationalism, Democracy, and the
People's Livelihood. The difference
in their platforms nominally stems
from the diverse interpretation of
these principles which Sun Yat-Sen
never really clarified.
The Kuomingtang, Chiang's Na-
tionalist party, has in general
stressed the principles of National-
ism as foremost. By nationalism,
Sun Yat-Sen did not mean jingoism
but the spread and unity of Chinese
culture. To accomplish this aim,
Chiang introduced in 1931, the New
Life Movement, an answer to com-
munist agitation. The movement's
success has been one of China's most
debated issues. The Kuomingtang
also committed itself to a program
of limited democracy Under the gui-
dance of China's elite, appointed by
Chiang Kai-shek. The spread of
education, though encouraged, was
slow and ineffective.
The Nationalists practically modi-
fied the Principle of People's Liveli-
hood out of their program. Some
small reforms were attempted as a
result of the increasing influence of
Communist propaganda, but these
proved ineffective for Kuomingtang
officials regarded the measures as
temporary, to be abandoned with
the complete extermination of the
The Kuomingtang policy as a
whole has been shaped by two
main factors: (1) an attempt to
satisfy its most powerful support-
ers, who are the rich merchants
and land owners, and (2) a fear of
the influence of Red propaganda.
THE POLICY of the Chinese Com-
munist Party since 1933, on the
other hand, has been molded by its
national unity anti-Japanese plank
and its attempt to spread its influ-

it ence over the peasantsrand worke
3d of China. Today, as part of the le
d bloc and a minority party, it is d
h manding complete and unlimite
a, democracy, though, were it in powe
t it would install a Communist gov
o ernment by a Red elite, and limite
e democracy. The difference betwee
a, the two largest parties of China o
the question of political democrac
1) The Communists have prac
tically eliminated :illiteracy in area
s under their control, while. illiterac
e is widespread in the rest of China
s which has been under Kuomingtan
g rule for 16 years.
2) The Kuoming tang elite would
d come largely from the upper classe
while the Red elite woul come from
a the especially gifted among th
o masses. .
r The Reds, however, have alway
f regarded Dr. Sun's principle of th
I People's Livelihood as the most im-
portant of his proposals. In thi
, connection they have followed it im
plicitly, confiscating the land of th
absentee landlord and the rich and
redistributing it among the landless
and land-hungry. peasants. Private
ownership has been retained in gen
eral, though there is, reason to be-
lieve that as education progresses
collectivisation miglt be attempted
THE POLICY of the Communists
in China therefore could not help
but be popular both in theory and
practice. It is a realistic policy
adapted to China's p roblems. It is
a people's answer to the challenge of
nature, capitalism, and imperialism.
Prior to the war, China's Com-
munists were known to the large
majority of Chinese as "bandits".
Fewer than 50,000,000 had seen the
Reds in action, and the Nationalist
Government suppressed Communist
Today rare indeed is the Chinese
who has not heard of the exploits
of the Eighth Route Army. Tens
of millions of peasants have seen
the Reds at work, have been
helped by their armies, and have
worked with. them. From these
there have been only words of awe
and admiration.
The Chinese Communist Party's
influence in the country is ten times
what it was prior to the war. No
wonder then, that Chiang and his
friends tremble at its growing power
and try to limit its propaganda.
Even Chiang's own army has
come to respect and admire the
Reds. Kuomingtang peasants and
soldiers alike were amazed to find
that the "Red bandits" are the
most orderly and democratic
troops in the world.
However, the mass of Kuoming-
tang generals, merchants, rich land-
lords and the Kuomingtang bureauc-
racy were not impressed and still
hate and fear the Reds. They have
persuaded Chiang Kai'shek, if he
needed persuasion, to limit the free-
dom granted to the Communists as
a result of the 1937 concord.
THUS Communist papers have been
censored, and their publication
and distribution forbidden in certain
areas. Red troops have been ordered
out of certain areas of Free China in
spite of their strategic importance
in the struggle against Japan. Ac-
tual armed clashes have taken place
during the present war between Chi-
ang's troops and the former Red
armies. These clashes did not de-
velop into civil war only because
both sides realize the need of crush-
ing Japan first.
Of course, no one can predict
the course of events but it seems

rs evident that only a miracle can
eft prevent civil war in China soon
e-after Japan's defeat. This "mira-
d cle" would be the adoption yW
r, Chiang Kai-shek of most of the
- present Communist principles and
d practices and the inclusion of
n Communist leaders in the Govern-
n ment.
If such an event does not occur,
- we can expect a renewal of civil war.
is The question at once arises, "Who
y will win?"
The answer will depend on a
g number of factors: (1) The atti-
tude of the Soviet Union and the
United States, (2) The strength
of the Red armies, which will in-
n crease as the war progresses. (3)
The effective influence of the Reds
ondChina's peasantry at the war's
s end.
- hOf course every American must
s hope that Chiang Kai-shek, perhaps
- through the influence of his famous
e wife, can be brought to effect a com-
promise with the Reds for the good
of China.
However, the chances for this at
present are very slim.
If the Civil War does come, it
' will be a clear-cut war between
those who would rule for the good
of the people, and those who are
the enemies of progress. America
and the Soviet Union must not re-
main aloof from the struggle, but
place their mighty forces on the
side of the people who in China
will be led by the Chinese Red
Army and the Chinese Left Bloc.
American history has shown us
time and again: a people fighting for
liberty, by evolutiondor revolution,
must triumph. -Ed Podliasuk
Reveal Support For
FDR If War Lasts
At last the appeasers have a rea-
son for wanting to get the war over
in a hurry. The latest Survey of Pub-
lic Opinion of Fortune magazine re-
vealed May 28 that % of American
workers would support Pres. Roose-
velt for a fourth term if the war is
still on by election day next year.
As a matter of fact, enough people
in the higher income bracket feel the
same way that the percentage of
fourth termers in all groups is 64.8.
as compared to 27.8 opposed and 7.4
All of which gives point to a re-
mark made by Rep. Will Rogers Jr.,
at a legislative conference of the
Newspaper Guild of New York: "The
reason you have the kind of congress
that sits in Washington today is that
labor didn't vote in the last election.
There is no use blinking the fact.
And something had better be done
about it in the 'next election."
Negro .Squadron
Beats Off Nazis
The first U.S. Negro fighter squad-
ron to see action successfully beat
off a force of Nazi F-W 190's.which
outnumbered them more than ;three-
to-one over Pantelleria June 18.
A War Dept. report says the U.S.
pilots, in six P-40 Warhawks, were
attacked by 12 Nazis convoying a
bomber formation while 10 more
German fighter planes hovered over-
head for further cover. Two of the
enemy planes were damaged and the
rest withdrew, All the Americans
returned safely.
The leader of the U.S. flight was
1st Lt. Charles W. Dryden, 22, 800
Holmes St, the Bronx. -PM



WASHINGTON, June 30.- Several weeks ago
this column revealed that the Truman Commit-
tee had unearthed a startling situation at the
Wright Aeronautical works at Cincinnati where
airplane motors, with cracks in their cylinders,
were passed by the company. Certain Govern-
ment inspectors who protested that these cylin-
ders were faulty -were transferred, and one in-
spector was told never to set foot on Wright
property again.
It was also revealed that the War Depart-
ment had investigated the matter and that
Lt. Gen. William Knudsen, former head of
General Motors, reported that the defects were
not serious and occurred from time to time in
most motor manufacturing.
On the basis of this and other Army findings,
the War Department submitted a report to the
Truman Committee. It was prepared under the
supervision of hard-hitting Col. Bill O'Dwyer,
famous Brooklyn prosecutor and candidate for
Mayor of New York. O'Dwyer has been made
one of the Army Air Corps' chief investigators
and has been doing an Al job.
In this case, however, the Truman Committee
did not compliment him. Calling Bill before
them, the Senators cross-examined him closely
regarding the defective motors manufactured by
Wright. They inferred that the Army was try-
ing to save face, and that the forthright New
York prosecutor, in deference to his superior
officers, was not as forthright as in civilian life.
Senator Ferguson, Republican of Michigan,
was the most relentless of all. Himself a De-
troit prosecutor, Ferguson grilled O'Dwyer as
though he were on the witness stand, finally
accused him of issuing a whitewash.
"Just come out in the alley and say that,"
bristled O'Dwyer.
"I'll take you to lunch and say it," replied Sen-
ator Ferguson with a smile, "but I won't qome
out in the alley."
The meeting ended harmoniously. But the
Truman Committee insisted that the Army take
back its report and examine the situation again.
Weaker Gasoline
Transportation Boss Joseph Eastman is wor-
ried over the fact that the public is now getting
not only less gasoline but poorer gasolines. He
finds that busses and trucks are operating less
efficiently as a result of this, plus two other fac-
tors-namely, increased loading and decreased
Though the public is not generally aware of
it, real fact is that the gasoline it buys today
is of lower grade than before the war. Pre-
viously, the gasoline sold to <the public was of
r. n +hi. e tm cm i nA amsaard a: , renured .

But the Government has now lowered its spe-
cifications to 70 octane and this is the quality
also being sold the public.
Also, it's not generally realized that the dis-
tinction of different grades and makes has
practically disappeared. The Government has
requested companies to interchange fuel in
given localities for economy in transportation.
There is no longer any assurance of getting the
branded product which is named on the pump.
Eastman has expressed his concern in con-
ference with WPB officials in charge of petrol-
eum requirements. Lower quality gasoline has
brought a decrease in mileage and thus an in-
crease in the amount of gasoline required to do
the job.
Congress and the Heat
The current Congress, especially on the House
side, is getting the reputation of being "heat-
crazed." Here are illustrations of recent legisla-
tion responsible for winning this name.
1. In the Office of Civilian Defense appropria-
tion bill, the House killed an item for the Wax
Services Branch, which handles the recruiting of
volunteer workers for the Army, Navy, Red Cross
and all war agencies. In other words, when
volunteers want to contribute their services, the
OCD War Services Branch acts as a clearing
house to see that they reach the war agency
which needs them most and for which they are
best qualified.
If the House vote is now remedied by the
Senate, the Army, Navy, Red Cross and all
the other agencies will now have to set up their
own volunteer units, thus duplicating the ex-
pense instead of saving money.
2. Elimination of all enforcement appropria-
tions for the Office of Price Administration.
This means that the OPA is supposed to fix
prices with no means of;enforcing them, which
is like giving a traffic cop a whistle with no
power to arrest.
3. The cock-eyed vote on eliminating the Do-
mestic Branch of the Office of War Information.
Behind this was a combination of Republicans
and reactionary Southern Democrats, largely in-
fluenced by the Negro question.
Out of 50 Democrats voting against OWI, all
but three were from the South. What roused
them was a pamphlet "Negroes in the War"
issued by OWL But what Southern Congress-
men did not know was that Navy Intelligence
and the FBI had reported a dangerous 5th Col-
umn campaign' inspired by Japanese to per-
suade the Negro that this was a white man's
So the Armed services wanted the Office of
War Information to issue a booklet showing how
Negroes were doing important things to help


Wednesday, June 30
Vol. LIV, No. 1
All notices for The Daily Official Bulle-
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by
3:30 pm. of the day preceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be sumbmitted by 11:30 a.m.
undergraduate students must turnj
in sign-out sheets in the Under-
graduate Office of the Michigan
League by Tuesday of every week.
The daily sheets and composite
sheets may be obtained there also.
Post-War Council: Any student'
interested in working on the Post-
War Council is invited to attend the
organization meeting this Thursday
at 7:15 p.m. in the Union.
A cademic Notices
The following changes ip rooms

for the doctorate will be held on
Tuesday, July 6, 4-6 p.m. in the.
Rackham Amphitheatre. Dictionar-
ies may be used.
Doctor John M. Buchanan of Har-
vard University will lecture on the
use of the isotopes of carbon in the
study of intermediary carbohydrate
metabolism, Thursday, July 1, at 2
p.m. in the East Lecture Room of
the Rackham Building. All inter-
ested are invited.
Coming Events
The Men's Education Club will
meet in the Michigan Union at 7:15
p.m. this evening. Dr. Jan Hostie
will speak on the subject EDUCAT-
Pi Lambda Theta: There will be
an noranization meeting in the West

Spanish Teas will be held at 3 p.m.
Thursday and Friday of this week in
the caf eteria of the Michigan
League. All interested see Professor
del Toro 1:30 to 3:00 Thursday and
Friday, Room 301 R.L.
Summer Session French Club: The
first meeting of the Club will be
held on Thursday, July 1, at 3 p.m.
in the Michigan League. Program:
Election of Officers. "L'Europe apres
la guerre", an informal talk by Pro-
fessor Charles E. Koella. All stu-
dents and faculty members ' inter-
ested are invited and should see Mr.
Koella from 10 to 11 and 2 to 3 on
Wednesday and Thursday of this
week in Room 100' R.L. Building.
French Teas will be held on Wed-
nesday and Friday of this week in
the Cafeteria of the Michigan
League. All interested see Professor
10 - 11 and 2 - 3 Wednesday and
Thursday of this week in Room 100
R.L. Building.
Wesley Foundation: Students tea
and open house this afternoon at

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