'IT V M I HT V A Vfl isAITV . A P r I 'IA.--. ) . - . -.. ...' - ISUtNDA, JIU-Y11, 1943 is Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication ol all other matters herein also reserved.. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, byemail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Staff Marion Ford , Managing Editor Bud Brimmer . . . . Editorial Director Leon Gordenker . . . . . City Editor :Rarvey Frank . . . . . Sports Editor Ed Podliashuk , . . . Columnist J. M. Flagler . . . . Columnist Mary Anne Olson . . . . . Women's Editor Business Staff Jeanne Lovett . . sot .Business Manager Molly Winokur . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: CLAIRE SHERMAN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. SICILY: Invasion? Nope! Just- Step it Right Direction "THE BATTLE OF AFRICA is over; the Battle of Europe has begun." Thus, the Allied in- vasion of Sicily was dramatically announced. Actually, however, these words are in error. The battle of Europe did not begin Saturday, July 10, North Africa time. The Allies have been travelling the road to Berlin ever since their first offensive action-their first Com- mando attack, or air attack on the Continent. Just as the capture of Pantelleria and Lampe- dusa gave us stepping stones to Sicily, so will the conquest of Sicily give us another stepping stone to Europe. But it still remains that Sicily is not the mainland, nor is this cam- paign the actual invasion. It is a step in the Allies process of gradually tightening the noose around the Axis neck. Aside from 9,860 square miles of . land to be gained, the chief value of the Sicilian campaign will come from its great worth to Russian and Chinese morale. Neither of these countries will be directly aided except by the knowledge that Uncle Sam, by undertaking to fight on two fronts Sicily and New Georgia-at once is intent on using the might of his armies to the fullest ex- tent. The hard-pressed, patient Russians will find solace in the ever-growing nearness of Al- lied armies to the heart of the hub of Europe- Berlin. - Bud Brimmer LABOR: Anti-Strike Law Must Be Stringently Enforced NOT LONG AGO Congress seemed quite deter- mined that labor on the home front should strike no more; and so the Smith-Connally Anti- Strike bill. in spite of presidential veto, became law. Congress probably did mean business.Good patriotic Americans were getting sick and tired of hearing about the 10,000 or 100,000 miners out on strike, or the Packard Motor Car Co. shutting down because of Negro promotions. Soldiers from the fronts wrote back indignant letters calling strikers- the saboteurs of Amer- ica's war effort. Businessmen and coal oper- ators got hot under the collar when goods were not delivered. Production of ships and planes and guns fell behind schedule. But now the government, since it has the anti- strike law to work under, has a chance to -assert its authority. Both labor and capital, American citizens at home and the soldiers abroad will be watching the activity of Federal officials who are supposed to be investigating the. wildcat strikes in Western Pennsylvania's soft-coal mines. This situation, indeed; might be called a kind of test case. THE STRIKES are not of such magnitude as those of a month ago, but they are serious enough. Twenty-five mines are closed, 17,000 miners ire idle, and United States district attor- ney Charles F. Uhl asked for the right to "invest- igate matters of great importance to the United States." The Smith-Connally law, which provides penalties of $5,000 fine or a year's imprison- ment or both, could probably be applied in this case. And if the government discovers who is responsible for the walkouts, it had better 1NEiWJDEMVAINDS:- Fight Against Inflation Is Shown Inadequate ANOTHER request has been made to the Wa Labor Board which threatens anew the anti- inflation program.- John Green, president of the Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America has asked the WLB to grant shipbuilders a 9 per cent wage increase. This new case, largest ever presented to the WLB, involves more than 1,000,000 workers in 188 yards. The situation is spotlighted by the fact that shipbuilding is both a critical and top-paying war industry. Criticising Bureau of Labor Sta- tistics, figured on the cost of living, union spokes- men quoted higher increases in commodity prices throughbut the country and based their demands on these figures. The implications of this request cannot be overlooked, although WLB members have in- dicated that it will probably ,be denied. This request is paramount proof that workers, al- though willing to work with the interests of the war effort, realize that the administra- tion's fight against inflation has been inade- quate and intend to do something about it. It means that unless over-all extension of subsidies and taxes is not carried out in the im- mediate future one of the largest and most powerful groups in the country will be demand- ing, not requesting, wage increases. Claire Sherman I'd Rte Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, July 11.-A number of Wash- ington reporters are apparently being button- holed by State Department officials and told that General de Gaulle has dictatorial and fas- clstic impulses. I wonder if these are the same officials who used to buttonhole reporters and tell them that Admiral Darlan had democratic and pro-Allied impulses. They used to look at the wretched admiral and see a democrat. They look at de Gaulle and see a -fascist. This seems to me a clear case of an emergency eye examination. Some of the Washington whisperers have sunk to the level of explaining de Gaulle's popularity among the French youth of Africa on the ground that these young French people are "fascistic." That (say~s Washington) is why they like de Gaulle. But these same gray little babblers kept de Gaulle out of North Africa last fall on the ground that the local French population was Petainite and fascistic and therefore wouldn't accept him! What is the meaning of these verbal con- vulsions? These officials found de Gaulleun- suitable last fall because he was too demo- cratic. They find him unsuitable now because he is not democratic enough. There is only one possible explanation. This i that chat- tering of men who have been proved wrong but who are determined not to confess it. That is why they throw these political fits and bend their minds into these ideological pretzels. They sound for all the world like men who have been standing on their heads too long. Once they argued against de Gaulle on the ground that the French population did not want him. Now they find an argument against de Gaulle on the ground that the French popu- lation does want him. They found hope for France in Petain. They found hope for France in Darlan. Now when France stirs at last, and ,through de Gaulle, produces a movement of her own, they shake their heads in alarm at this sign of life and opine that poor France must be dying. Actually, French African manifestations on behalf of de Gaulle constitute a sign of a sort which we, as fighters in- the democratic cause, should have gone down on our knees and prayed for. They show that years of Petainite and Laval- ite education for fascism have not taken hold. But our State Department, which found the sinister manifestations of Vichy promising, finds these popular manifestations to be sinister. To discover that the French people are not good for France is to gallop into a final blind alley after three years of riding the wrong horse. Now there is wounded vanity at work, and the need for justifying the old Vichy policy. And behold, our method is the same as Vi- chy's, to east discredit on de Gaulle. De we condemn him? Vichy does too. And a de Gaulle paper is suppressed in England, and who will rise to say that if Vichy could have stretched out its hand and killed that journal, it would not have done so, too? For all those who wander away from the peo-. ple, for whatever reason, will find themselves in the same place at the end. In topsy-turvy land, in which to recognize would-be French dictators is to help the demo- cratic cause, but in which the emergence of a democratic movement arouses fears of a French dictatorship. (Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) Tanks On. Way Out IN THE BEGINNING of the present war it STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOULDER By CIPS DURING THE Negro riots in -Detroit a Negro war mother wrote a letter to the President in, which she said in part: "We, 13,000,000 Negroes. will never be slaves again. We will never accet the status of second class citizens. Please, Yi,. President strike at the forces that have brought on these riots. Issue another Emancipation Proc- lamation, Mr. President, so that we will agair be free. For I speak with deep conviction whoyaI say that the Negro will fight, fight till the last drop of Negro blood for the right to be free.'' To be free, to live in friendship and equality with his fellow man-that is the hope of." the - oppressed today, but how long will it remain the hope of the abused minorities, in this country and the world at large? How 'much persecution will they bear in humble toler- ance, asking only for equality? The string of intolerance is more like the rubber bard. Pull it taut and it will snap -back in your face. An intelligent, fighting and highly self-con-I scious people will not long be able to resist the development of an inferiority complex under abuse. And once that is firmly entrenched noth- ing but complete superiority will satisy the per- secuted. They will want revenge, sweet sadistic revenge. The Germans and Japanese throuh continu- ous mistreatment have developed to an amazing degree, this complex inferiority. Thiey felt, jus- tifiably, that other races and nations considered them to be inferior and treated thiem with dis- crimination and prejudice, which made them boil with rage and livid anger. That was why Admiral Yamamoto wanted to dictate the peace terms from the steps of the White House. That is why he wanted to ride around Washington in a rickshaw pulled by the President, Secretary of the Navy Knox and perhaps Winston Churchill. It was to sat- isfy his ego, his inferiority complex which was in no small way developed by American diplo-. macy. Yes the inferiority complex helped bring on the war, but it may still bring us into more trouble. For example, even if we do abolish the Chinese Exclusion Act, the condescending attitude of the press on this issue is certainly not befitting a great nation like China. No one likes to be in a position of having someone tell him, "Well, I'm going to treat you as an equal, but remember it's only because you're helping me out in the Far East." That is not going to cut any ice with the Chinese. Closer to home, the non-committal attitude of the President on the race question may be good political strategy as far as the 1944 Presi- dential election is concerned, but it is not going to help solve the race question. The trouble is that Mayor Jefferies of Detroit, the President, and millions of people throughout the nation, are considering this question of as- suring and insuring equal citizenship for all Americans as a problem, a race problem. If we treat the issue in this light we will certainly entrench the feeling of inferiority among the Negroes which was being slowly wiped out by the extension of democracy during the war. u Put yourself in the shoes of an average Negro when he hears even a sympathetic speaker speak of the race problem. "Nice of him isn't it to be so kind to us black trash," he thinks sarcastically. "We're a problem, like the shortage of gasoline and tires, and this fellow has a nice ready-made solution. How nice of him to take such an interest in these sociological dilemmas." No, the way to treat this question is by merely enforcing the fundamental principles of our Declaration of Independence. We must say to our Negro brethern: "You are not a problem. Some slimy murderous fascists have tried to de- prive you of your God-given rights, but they won't get away with it.t "They will get their just deserts. The Presi-e dent will see to it. The Congress will see to itl and if necessary the Army will see to it. You're 1 no more of a problem than the rest of us. If an attack on a race or nation makes it a prob- lem, then every American has been a problem since Pearl Harbor. So as long as you do your duty as an American, you and everybody else * will enjoy his God-given rights in peace and security and hoodlums of all sorts will pay the extreme penalty." Though that is what we should say, it is not7 what we have said. We have insulted our Negro citizens by the indifference of our President, our Congress, and our officials and by their con- descending attitude. We have insulted the fam- ilies of the dead and injured in the Detroit riots by attributing their deaths to a race problem,' rather than to the work of men who can never be considered Americans. We have treated the entire question with too much talk and too lit- tle action. There are many people who feel that if "those damn niggers don't like it let them try some- thing, they'll get mighty sick of fighting back." There are many others who say the same thing in different words. They point with pride to the1 arrest of Negro soldiers who broke into an ar- senal at Selfridge Field and attempted to arm1 themselves so that they could fight the hood- lums ravaging their homes, their wives, and chil- dren. But if the fascists, or the "do-nothings" think the Negroes are too dumb or too cowardly to fight, let them think again. Let them remember what the Negroes undert Tonuaint L'Ouvreture and other Haitian lead- c~hWA9|MV, REW - RSOND p B y D RE W P E A R S®N WASHINGTON, July 11-Con gress just finished publicly taking pieces out of the hide of OPA, but the latest shearing suffered by Pren- tiss Brown was done more privately, and with great finesse, in the elegant office of the Secretary of the In- terior.. It was a high-powered luncheon attended by Mr. Ickes as host, Ralph K. Davies, Deputy Pe- troleum Administrator; WPB's Donald Nelson, and Prentiss Brown. When Brown went into that meeting, OPA had substantial powers in the field of petroleumI products. But when he came out, after three hours, OPA had lost its shirt. Nelson had suspected something of the sort, and both he and Jimmy Brynes had said to Brown in ad- vance: "Prentiss, you don't have to give up a thing." They knew that Davies wanted to run the whole petroleum show, and they also knew that he was cleverly persuasive. There were a lot of issues to be discussed, all highly important to the American people--the ques- tion of whether crude petroleum should be granted a higher price, the question of stiffer rationing in GRIN AND BEAR I western areas, and also the ques- tion of "divided authority" between OPA and PAW. The Ickes office was air condi- tioned and comfortable, and the luncheon was delicious, including steaks, for which the ingratiating Mr. Davies had provided his own "red points." But things went bad for Brown. The set-up was all wrong. He had brought no experts along, and on petroleum problems, he was no match for Davies, Vice President of Standard Oil of California. When he got back to the OPA of- fices and showed colleagues the agreement he had reached with Davies, they threw up their hands. The good-natured Administrator had been shorn like a lamb. So OPA experts got busy and revised the agreement, insisting on retention of OPA authority in petroleum matters. They talked to Brown like a Dutch Uncle, point- ing out the danger to the consumer if his agreement went through. In the end, the agreement' was re- presented to Davies, and the decision was finally made by Nelson, who acted as protector of OPA. T Rv ILichtv yard, profiteering in contracts coun- tered by strikes in industry, neglect on the part of parents resulting in delinquency while our boys afar fight for a stainless flag, what is the office of the ideal? First, religion believes in an in- terested God, a God of justice and peace. Only such a God is great enough to command the loyalty and the worship of all men. Such a God, being the reality toward which the constructive spirits move as their ideal, will outlive disorder and meet us finally as a wise, aged teacher meets his chas- tened children. Second, religion believes in the free man, a man who can and does make choices-right ones and wrong ones. This means that Third, the universe we are in is fair, is changing, permits evil on the part of man as well as good and that there are immutable laws. Man reaps according to how he sows. Fourth, religion, whether framed by Moses, by Buddha, or by Christ, suggests salvation, a way to escape from sin, pain and death as well as to attain a character equal to con- structive deeds in a discouraging epoch. Fifth, according to the later He- brew prophets and our Christian ethics, life under a democratic dis- cipline implies that one is "always involved in a moral struggle in which the exercise of freedom must be accompanied by a feeling of personal responsibility." As re- ligion would say, personal account- ability is automatically the lot 'of all who make choices. The function of religion, therefore, is to throw upon the screen before man's imagination a social order worth giving one's life to create, and a. personal habit system which, if m2de universal, would spell Utopia. Ed*ard W. Blakeman Churches Dominie Says __- - -- .. - ... .... , ..,.,J ,r x::. k .:'m. "' .i i.iy, ' ' '}1jt fi+,« * - "^m.,.... ,~,fie .. 4 ' .. *c .. _ ... IY .:..; tia '23 3' THE FUNCTION of K in a time like this view with race riots religious faith is up for re- in our front "Of course these war jobs are all right-but give me plenty of time in beauty parlors and enough men and I'll get my hands on a Pay check every week, anyhow!" 'DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN, (Continued from Page 3) Academic Notic'es Students, Summer Term, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after the end of the third week. July 17 is therefore the last date on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an individual instruc- tor to admit a student later does not affect the operation of this rule. E. A. Walter The July meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts will be held on Monday, July 12, at 4:10 in Room 1025 Angell Hall. The agenda and committee reports have been distributed by campus mail. Students, Summer Session, Col- loge, Literature, Science, and Arts: Except under extraordinary circu=- stances, courses dropped after the third week, Saturday, July 17, will be recorded with a grade of E. -E. A. Walter Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Election cards filed after the end of the first week of the semester may be accepted by the Registrar's office only if they are approved by Assistant Dean Wal- ter. Students who fail to file their election blanks by the close of the third week, even though they have registered and have attended classes unofficially will forfeit their priv- ilege of continuing in the college. -E. A. Walter Engineering Mechanics 12: Fun- damentals of Vibration. The course will be given Tuesdays and Thurs- begin the week of July 12 in Body Conditioning, Dancing, Golf, Ele- mentary Swimming, Riding and Badminton. Students interested should register in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium, 8 to 12 and 1:30 to 4:30 daily except Saturday; Saturday 8 to 12.- Events Today The Michigan Christian Fellow- ship will offer its regular Sunday Program this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in the Fireplace Room of Lane Hall. All students are invited to attend these meetings. Lutheran Student Association will meet in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30 p.m. today. Following supper at 6:00 the Rev. Carl Satre will speak on "The Church in our Present and Future World." Graduate Outing Club will meet at 2:30 today in the Club quarters for a swimming trip to Whitmore Lake. Members may either bring food or secure it at the lake. "Those driving should stop at ktheclub for extra passengers. Others will take the bus. Alternative program in case of bad weather. Comitng Events Engineering Council Meeting, Wednesday, July 14, 7:30 p.m. in Room 244 West Engineering Build- ing. Any member who is unable to attend should oall me at 7248, -D. B. Weymeyer, Secretary Record Hour: Another of our weekly record concerts will be giv- Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples) 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister. 4:30 p.m. Disciple students will join with Congregational students at the Guild House, 438 Maynard St., for a trip to Riverside Park. The ac- tivities will consist of games, picnic supper and a vesper service. Men and women in military service are especially invited. Small charge. Lutheran Student Chapel: Divine Service Sunday at 11:00 a.m. in the Michigan League Chapel. Sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "The Chris- tian Youth and His Education." St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church (Nursery-Fourth grade), Tatlock Hall; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector; 5:00 p.m. Canterbury Club for Episcopal Students and Servicemen. Please meet at Page Hall (Catherine at Di- vision St.) to go for swimming, pic- nic supper, and discussion led by Student Chaplain, The Rev. Robert M. Muir, at the Giefel residence on Barton Shore Drive. Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion in the church. Please not the change in time. The Chaplain's consultation hours are from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays or by appoint- ment (7735) at the Church Office, 306 N. Division St. Unitarian Church, State and Hu- ron Streets: 11:00 a.m. Church Serv- ice: Mr. Redman will preach on: "There Is One God." 3:30 p.m. Recreational meeting for students and servicemen featuring folk-dance instruction, refreshments, and discussion. First Presbyterian Church: Morn- ing Worship 10:45 a~m. "God of the Casual," subject' of the sermon by Dr. Lemon. Westminster Student Guild-Sun- day Afternoon Forum at 4 o'clock. Dr. Lemon will give a short address on "Now that the 'Far' East Is No More." Resource people for the open discussion which follows, will include Mrs. Roy S. Lautenschlager, the Rev. and Mrs. W. A. March, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Booth and Dr. M. Senstius. Refreshments and a social hour fol- low. All students are cordially wel- come. First Methodist Church and Wes- ley Foundation. Dr. E. W. Blakeman will lead the Sunday morning class at 9:30 o'clock in a discussion of the subject: "The Group, Made or Un- made by the Person." This is in the series "Personality and Religion." Morning Worship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach on "Workers of the World." Wesleyan Guild meeting at 4:30 p.m. Discussion on "Workers of the World." Fellowship hour and supper at 5:30. Servicemen and ci- vilian students are nrdially invited 0