r _ - 1 ittit ttiq Weather Continued Cook. I VOL. LIII, No. 8-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Reds Tlitwar t Fitter erman Onslaught 'JWe Walked I cow'-After R(A1 lil dirt g Eieuai or Strike .v :~~'.s~~2:.. ......N . . . . . . . . ..W...' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4 Yom Thisgrop o womn hs ist rachd te gr un flor o th 70stor RC buldin inNewYor Cityaftr astrke o elvatrs n nne Rckeellt Cnte buidins Smewhosaidthe wakeddow frmteuprfors tpt owa te aIo ei'oewre et Yanks Land at Munda; 9 Jap Destroyers Sunk Americans Embark at Rice Anchorage, Zanzna To Strengthen End of 700-Mile Battle Arc By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, July 8, Thursday- Amer- ican landing troops have won two beachheads near the Japanese air base of Munda, Gen. Douglas MacArthur announced today in a communique which also expanded our naval victory in the Kula Gulf to at least nine and possibly 11 enemy cruisers and destroyers sunk. The noon communique in an elaboration of the naval battle in the Kula Gulf above New Georgia also announced that nine Japanese destroyers and cruisers were sunk there. The landings near Munda, which is the immediate objective of the central Solomons offensive were at Rice Anchorage four miles northeast of Boiroko and at Zanzna six miles east of Munda. At the other end of the 700-mile battle arc where American and Aus- - _<__-tralians hold positions near Sala- Lt. A. Owens Killed in Recent Battle of Attu Regents Increase U' Budget, Make 41 Faculty Promotions The 1943-44 University budget, adopted by the board of regents, amounts to $7,658,121.06. an increase of $409,033.57 over the 1942-43 bud-; get. Summer term salaries this year amount to -$528,091, an increase of $248,912.29 over last summer's salary costs, but are offset by a special legislative war emergency appropri- ation of $800,000. The University Hospital budget has been fixed by the regents at $3,202.290 for the year, an increase Lecture Sertes Scheduled on Negro Culture Hayden To Discuss American Negro in Special 8-Week Course The work of Negroes in the fields of literature and the arts is an inte- gral part of American culture and' not just a "contribution" to the American scene, Robert Hayden. special student at the University, said in commenting on his eight week course in Negro culture and history beginning at 8 p.m. Monday in the East Lecture Hall of the Rack- ham Building. Under the sponsorship of the Inter - Racial Association, this course will be open to all students and Ann Arbor residents and will deal with the historical back- grounds of Negroes from the great African kingdoms to the present time. The first two lectures, Hayden said, will be called "Notes Toward a New Perspective of Negro History". They will emphasize the fact that Negroes do have a past beyond their slavehood in America, and that the present culture of Negroes in music and art as well as in literature is not African but American. Hayden, who was a winner of a major Hdpwood award for poetry in 1942, is an authority on Negro culture and history. "The Black Spear", his book of poetry, is con- cerned with slavery and the Civil War. It required two years of special research, and will be pub- lished by Doubleday Doran. Hayden has also worked on Fed- eral projects in the general field of Negro culture and has been in charge of collecting items on Negro folk lore. He has also given several lec- tures at the Detroit Public Library on the subject of poetry written by Negroes- Captured Jap Submarine Will Be on Parade Here 'rh f.,-ri t.. n T A.Y . afm VI ri~ of $585,795.50 over last year's budget, necessitated by the increased hospital patients as well as increased labor and supply costs. The hospital budget is wholly pro- vided by income from patients treat- ed, including patients at public ex- pense and those who meet their own bills. Board MaIes Promotions The board of regents in addition made effective forty-one faculty promotions for the year of 1943-44. In the college of Literature, Science and the Arts the following were pro- moted from associate professorships: Arthur H. Copeland to professor of mathematics, George M. Ehlers to professor of geology, and Leslie A. White to professor of anthropology. Seven were promoted from assist- ant professors to associate professor- ships. They are Donal H. Haines of the School of Journalism,.Edward B. Ham of the department of French, Sumner B. Myers of the department of mathematics, Byron A. Soule of the department of chemistry. Palmer A. Throop of the department of his- tory, Harold C. Youtie of the depart- ment of Greek, and Elzada U. Clover of the department of botany. In Literary College Also in the literary college were three promotions from instrror tor Turn to Page 3, Col. 3 CJO Aporg' WASHINGTON, July 7. ---The national executive board of the Con- gress of Industrial Organization,, (CIO), established a political action committee today and appointed Sid- ney Hillman, president of the Amal- gamated Clothing Workers, to head it. The board also affirmed the CIO.s no-strike pledge and blamed John L. Lewis for inspiring enactment of the Connally-Smith Act, which pro- vides penal ties for fostering strikes in government-operated.p1lants or mines and requires 30 days notice and a secret ballot before a strike in any other war plant. CIO President Philip Moudy -jv sid the political action committee has no definitely formula ted plan nor program yet and will not necessarily be confined to CIO unions, "It seeks," said Murray, "tWe ac- t,ive cooperation of other labor or- ganizations and other groups." MSC Will Abandoni Plan. 1*r'(O' (4arnr WASHINGTON, July 7..UP).Se- lective Service officials said today that a large camp for conscientious objectors will not be established at Michigan State College. Plans to send 25 or 30 men to the House-Seriate Holdup Shows Breaking Signs, WASHINGTON, July 7. - (/P) - Definite signs of a break-up appeared tonight in the deadlock between the House and Senate on appropriations, but prospects of an early summer re- cess were still clouded by disagree- ments onthe question of subsidizing food price rollbacks. The biggest change in the outlook came late in the day when Senate conferees agreed to recommend to their branch tomorrow that it recede from its stand and allow federal crop insurance to die. No Compromise on Subsidy Representatives of both houses, however, were still uncompromising on the subsidy question. Conferees met for nearly six hours in two ses- sions today and broke up until to-, morrow morning with Senate Ma- jority Leader Barkley of Kentucky reporting "no progress." Some other confereesron the sub- sidy issue, however, were more opti- mistic. There were even predictions, inspired by the appropriations com- promises, that the legislative calen- dar might be cleared in time to per- mit the summer recess to begin Fri- day. Disagree on Confirmation Outside subsidies, the most direct d isigreement reported was on the yiast ion of requiring Senate confir- mation of all employes of a score of war agencies who are paid more than $4,500 a year. (1.1farees reported no common Sround on that matter and voted to refer it back to both houses tomor- row for a new expression of senti- ment, Legislators said the subsidy issue was the biggest stumbling block in the way of clearing the calendar. The disagreement was over a Sen- ate effort to attach a food price sub- siddy prohibition to a bill extending the life of the Commodity Credit Corporation. Giraud Arrives In Capital for Military Talks French CommitteeActs To Relieve Admiral Robert of Command By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 7.- General Henri Honore Giraud came to Wash- ington today for military talks as the French committee of National liberation, headed by Giraud and General Charles De Gaulle, acted to relieve Admiral Georges Robert from his command in the French West Indies. From Algiers the committee in- vested Henri Etienne Hoppenot, now in Washington, with extraordinary powers to negotiate with Robert for the return of Martinique and Guade- loupe to "the unified empire," mean- ing their alignment in the fight against the Axis. Jacomy Supersedes Robert It also appointed Brigadier Gen- eral Henry Jacomy to supersede Ro- bert as commanding offcer in French Guinea and the Antilles, which include Martinique and Gua- deloupe. This indicated that the Admiral is expected to surrender his one-man rule of the two islands. Hoppenot, who has been Giraud's diplomatic representative here, was not available tonight for comment. He was busy with his chief, whom he met at Bolling Field, along with Philippe Baudet, acting chief of the Fighting French delegation, and the highest ranking U.S. Army and Navy officers. Hoppenot Awaits Robert's Views Whether Hoppenot would go soon to Martinique was believed to depend on Robert's readiness to step out as the Vichy French High Commissioner there. Vice-Admiral John H. Hoo- ver, U.S. Naval commander in the Caribbean, visited Robert at Fort De France last week to obtain his views. The result of his survey of the situation has not been disclosed, but an official who is following the situ- ation closely said nothing had been received to indicate that Martinique already had come under the author- ity of the French committee. Admiral Robert previously had re- quested that the American govern- ment send an envoy to negotiate a change of authority in Martinique, proposing two general terms-that French sovereignty be maintained maua, New Guinea, Allied planes dropped more than 100 tons of bombs on Japanese positions near Mubo. Japs Lose 9 Ships The communique announcement that the Japanese definitely lost nine ships in the Kula Gulf battle, which occurred the night of July 5 and in the pre-dawn of July 6, increased the extent of the American triumph. Yesterday's communique had re- ported that six enemy ships prob- ably were sunk and four damaged as against the loss on our side of a cruiser, since disclosed to be the U.S.S. Helena. Tokyo Admits U.S. Progress (The progress of the American of- fensive in the Solomons was admit- ted Wednesday in a left-handed way by, Tokyo radio in a broadcast to Italy. "Their efforts are simply des- perate," the broadcast, recorded in New York by OWI, said. "Let us admit with complete frankness the surprising stubbornness of the en- emy.") The Japanese continued to send more planes against Rendova Island, seized in the central Solomons June 30 within artillery shelling distance of Munda. In the latest raid, they, lost 12 bombers and fighters, the communique said. Japanese losses in this sector alone now approximately 180. U.S. Batters Japanese Defenses on Kiska Island WASHINGTON, July 7-(P)--War- Warships of the North Pacific poured hundreds of shells into Jap- anese defenses on Kiska island last night in an operation possiblly pre- liminary to a drive to reconquer that Aleutians position. Navy communique, announcing the attack this afternoon, gave no details except that enemy shore bat- teries failed to return the fire. It left no doubt that the bombardment was heavy and prolonged and ran into hundreds of shells. English Play To Run Through Saturday LT. ALFRED E. OWENS * * * Lt. Alfred E. Owens, '42, former business manager of the 'Ensian, was killed in action during the recent battle of Attu, according to word re- ceived from the War Department. Lt. Owens, a member of Sigma Chi fraternity, was well-known in cam- pus circles. In addition to being busi- ness manager of the 'Ensian, he was a member of the Infantry Officers' Club, Sphinx and Michigamua.. He received his commission on the basis of his ROTC work here... "Al was one of the most popular boys in the house," Bill Gram, '43, a brother Sigma Chi, said last night. "He was always a lot of fun and a swell pal. Always very modest about his activities on campus, he wasn't one, to demand publicity, but did his work quickly, efficiently and well. "Everyone who knew him and worked with him recognized his fine leadership and managerial ability," Gram said, "and knew that Al could be trusted to carry out every job -carefully and completely." Haas Blames Race Riots on Inadequacies Housing, Recreation, Transportation Were Culprits, Priest Says WASHINGTON, July 7. - (P) - Monsignor Francis J. Hass, chair- man of the government's Fair Em- ployment Practice Committee (FE- PC), expressed the opinion today that "inadequate housing, recreation and public transportation" were 're- sponsible for the recent fatal race riots in Detroit. The Catholic priest, back from a three-day trip to the Michigan city, said he had found no evidence that the Ku Klux Klan or the Axis pow- ers had inspired the outbreak, in which more than 25 persons were killed and several hundred injured. Recurrence Can Be Prevented Addressing a press conference, he expressed belief that "a recurrence can be prevented if the causes are removed." Observing that Detroit's mighty war production plants had brought 35,000 people into that city since the first of this year, he voiced that opin- ion in response to questions that sim- ilar movements of population into other cities might foment similar troubles in them. Haas said, however, that the FEPC "has no jurisdiction over bad feeling between Negroes and whites" and is authorized only to prevent discrim- ination in employment because of "race, creed, color or national origin." Companies Make Adjustments He said five of- eight unspecified Detroit concerns accused of discrim- ination in hiring practices had "made adjustments satisfactory to the com- mittee" and that negotiations are being conducted with the other three If the negotiations are fruitless, he said, public hearings will be held by the FEPC. Although- it has no intention o making any general public statemen to that effect, the Federal Bureau o Tnvestigation (FBI) takes the view Nazis Suffer Huge Losses In Kursk Line 'Greatest Blow in War' Kills 30,000 Germans, Destroys 1,539 Tanks By The Associated Press MOSCOW, July 8 (Thursday)- Soviet Russia claimed today that the Red army had dealt the Nazi war machine the greatest blow in its his- tory and had thwarted for the mom- ent the huge German onslaught on the central front by killing 30,000 Nazis, destroying or damaging 1539 tanks and shooting down 649 air- planes in the first three days of fighting. A special announcement said the Axis hurled 30 divisions, or approxi- mately 450,000 men, against the Rus- sians in a two-pronged drive against the bulging Kursk salient, one col- umn driving from Orel south against Kursk while the other sought to hit northward from Belgorod against the same point. Soviets Hold Firm Soviet troops were declared to have held firmly against the great of- fensive along the entire Orel-Kursk- Belgorod, line except for .a few "in- significant wedges" driven into the Red army defenses near Belgorod at the southern end. While telling of the enormous Ger- man losses, the announcement never- theless said "it is too early to form- ulate a final conclusion concerning the outcome of the battles" and add- ed, the German forces here are great." Germans Did Not Yield "One thing is indubitable and clear," the special announcement added. "The Germans' resolute of- fensive commenced on. July 5 yielded no success in thefirst three days.'. In a breakdown of figures of the attacking forces, the Russians said the Germans were using six tank, one motorized and seven infantry di- visions in the Orel-Kursk area and nine panzer divisions and seven ir}- fantry including some of their crack formations in the Belgorod area. Enemy Drives Few Wedges "Only in a few sections of Belgorod area has the enemy, at the cost of enormous losses, succeeded in driving insignificant wedges into our de- fenses." The regular midnight bulletin had acknowledged the German capture of an additional "few villages" Wed- nesday in the Belgorod sector at the end of the flaming 200-mile front where two villages already had been taken by the enemy during Tuesday's fighting. The later Soviet announcement made no attempt to minimize the power of the German threat, but said flatly that "in the first three days the Germans, despite the size of their offensive had met with no success." Program Shifts Bring Let-Down Lag Is Not Called A Discouraging Sign WASHINGTON, July 7. -OP)- Failure of the Nation's war plants to turn in a production gain in May over April must be blamed primarily on switches in the military program necessitated by battlefront experi- ence and is definitely "not a dis- couraging sign," War Production Board Chairman Donald M. Nelson said today. June production "appears to be a little better than it was in May", on the basis of preliminary estimates, Nelson told an informal press confer- ence in which his executive vice chairman, Charles E. Wilson, partici- pated. "The fact still remains," Wilson in- terjected, that this country will have to produce 50 per cent more in the last half of this year than it did in the first half. This is no time- for a let down." Maharajah, Bride Spend t Honeymoon in Auto Camp f v RENO, July 7.--(/P)- Wealthy, The popular English mystery drama, "Ladies in Retirement" with the lead role of Ellen Creed por-. trayed by Claribel Baird will continue its run in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:30 p.m. today through Saturday. The play which opens the fifteenth summer season for the Michigan Repertory Players, includes in the cast Hal Cooper, Blanche Holpar, Marilyn Mayer, and Gertrude Slack. Directors of the production are Valentine Winndt and Claribel Baird. there and that no occupy the island. foreign troops John Ragsdale, Former Hopwood Winner, Reported 'Among Missing' ' Quit-spoken. John Paul Rags- dale, twice a Hopwood winner, was i (ern ty reported by the War De- partnent as "missing since May" in Euroopea n aerial action. As it is known that the bonbar- dier of the same ship of which Lieutenant Ragsdale was navigator is now a prisoner in Germany, his family and friends on campus are hoping that Ragsdale landed safely and is also a prisoner in Germany, Shortly before he was reported missing, Lieutenant Ragsdale re- ceived particular commendation for expert, navigating work which Prof. Roy W. Cowden, Director of the Hopwood Awards, said yes- terday, "We here think that he showed great promise." Several years ago, Charles Mor- gan, English novelist, while staying at the Union during a visit in Ann Arbor, glanced through a copy of the Perspective which was deliver- ed to him, and was immediately struck by the literary talent of the Michigan student. He made notations in the mar- gin of the story and asked Pro- fessor Cowden to give the copy to Ragsdale. Professor Cowden Ragsdale took his examination for entrance into the Army Air Forces Jan. 20, 1942, at Lafay- ette, Ind., and was sworn into service March 2, 1942. After training at Santa Ana, Calif., and at Mather Field, Sacramen- to, Calif., he received his com- mission and the wings of the navigator. He visited his parents for six days last February and left the United States March 2 for England where he partici- pated in numerous Flying Fort- ress bombing raids from his Eng- lish base. Lieutenant Ragsdale's father. a