PAO~i Tw o '' tE IC I A iA-1I.V 'WIEnNtSDAY.ITTLY.V "I tQA1 u.. ._... _.. ...... ... ..... ti S SR 9J 11. 11L A R. SS ! '!3 1.-11'! EC S1 d dJ d .YY3 _ _ __ .2 .~-' A. .A..$ 0 'AS 'AS . S 5 t-3 fii £trpgan Da1 Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the Univesity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every mrnin except Mon day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is excusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Staff Marion Ford . . . . Managing Editor Bud rimmer . . . . . Editorial Director Leon Gordenker . . . . . . City Editor Harvey Frank . . . . . Sports Editor Business Staff Jeanne Lovett s , . . Business Manager Molly Winokur . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: JANE FARRANT Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. AN ALMA MATER: NYA, Boon to College Youth, Is Dscontinued T HIRTY-NINE expense-cutting senators de- -ided mn agreement with House members last Saturday that the National Youth Administra- tion-real alma mater of thousand of college stu- dents-is to be liquidated by the end of 1943. The NYA, which was really founded in Feb- ruary of 1934 under the name of Federal Re- lief Emergency Administration, has been a real boon to college students. More than 6,OO,000 men and women have been 'helped through high school and college by NYA funds. Thousands of students have been able to buy better food and secure decent living quarters because they were receiving pay from the gov- ernment for filling a worthwhile job. Many recipients of NYA aid acquired a .tech- nical dkill and knowledge that has since become their life's work. Now all this has come to an end. u YA here at the University has played an important role in the life of students. Since February of 1934 when the University first re- ceived government funds for the purpose of aid:- ing students, until the present time, between five and seven thousand men and women have earned part of their college expenses through this agen- cy. The government has mailed to University students over a million dollars in pay during a period of nine years. And the useful, educa- tional work these students have done under NYA patronage ranges from typing and filing to laboratory assistance, from art to adult edu- cation, from'special work in museums to reore- ational leadership. The National Youth Administration may have ceased to exist last week for all practical pur- poses, but there are millions of students who will never forget it. As the regional chief of the agency Orrin H. Kaye said, "For most of them, it represented the only slice of America and its aims of social betterment they ever had." Perhaps sometime, if the need arises, the ghost of the NYA will be revived. - Virginia Rock HAND OF FATE: Sikorski's Dath 5Is oon T0 Ar Plish Fascists ENERAL WLADISLAW SKORSKLPrime Mimnnter of the -isef 'GoveritePnt-in-amile, and -Comnmander-in-Chief of the Poish armed forces has been killed in .an 'airplane crash at Gibraltar. This unexpectei .development in the Pollsh situation will serve to clarify the issues and personalities in the Polish-Russian diplomatic crisis. In spite 'of 'all the abuse to which'General Si- korski 'has been subjected, from all sections of Polish opinion, he was the most reasonable man in the present London Polish government. Gen- eral Sikorski was one of the very, few Polish 'lead- ers who was willing to work and cooperate with Russia after the war, and signed several irmpor- tant agreements with the Soviet Union. The fact that the 'agreements were not kept by the Polish government is 'attributable to the late Prime Minister only so far 'as he allowed the fascists, and social-fascists who 'predominate in the governiient to violate the agreements. DREW PEARSONS MERRY-GRON WASHINGTON, July 7.- The President spoke very frankly on a variety of subjects during his conference with five "torpedoed" merchant sea- men the other 'day. He ranged all the way from the contrariness of Congress to a proposal that women serve as cooks on merchant vessels and the problems of our Liberty ships in escaping en- emy subs. He also made some nostalgic comments about his favorite peacetime hobby-fishing-prompt- ed by hefty, raw-boned Joseph Curran, chief of the CIO National Maritime Union, who accom- panied the seamen to the White House. "Mr. President," said Curran, "we all hope that before very long you will be able to go on a fishing trip again." "Say, that's the first thing I'm going to do after this war is over and we get the peace set- tled," beamed Roosevelt. "It seems like a long time since I've done any deep-sea fishing. "I'd surely like to be out there with a rod and reel n -w." "Well, if you don't get yur wish pretty soon, it won't be the fault of the merchant seamen," replied Curran. "They're doing an outstanding job in this war, more than most people realize, in getting supplies through sub-infested waters to Allied forces, wherever they may be." Praises Seamen... "The people know you fellows are doing a. great job, Joe," said Roosevelt. "The whole country is proud of our merchant marine heroes, and I'm especially proud of them." The five seamen who accompanied Curran grinned happily. One was Edwin Beek, a wip- er, torpedoed twice and whose legs were frozen during a harrowing 72 hours in a lifeboat near Murmansk. Another was Gustav A. Fernan- dez, a bos'n, who spent 18 days in a lifeboat on one occasion and 24 days another time, after Nazi subs sank his ships. Thomas 'Fitzsimmons, a second mate with 26 years experience at sea, Wesley Hersey, a mess- man, and Charles Williams, a waiter, were the others. Fitzsimmons spent 14 days all told in lifeboats in the bitter waters on the Murmansk run. The President asked Hersey about the food on our merchant vessels. "The food's okay and there's plenty of it, Mr. President," replied 'the seaman. "But we could do with a few good cooks. That's the big prob- lem at the moment." Curran broke in to say that all women cooks were taken off of merchant ships when the war broke out, adding: "We think these women should be permitted to go to sea again. It would release more men for the tougher jobs." "Why not?" agreed the President. "I think they should be allowed to go to sea, too, if they believe they can serve the war effort." Two other visitors in the party, Admiral Emory 6. ("Jerry") Land, chairman of the Maritime Commission, and Edward Macauley, deputy War Shipping Administrator, shook their heads. "When the Army and Navy let women fight, it will be time enough to let them go to sea," Land demurred.- Cies Russians. * * "Well, women crew members have been serv- ing in all capacities on Russian ships," argued Curran, "and they've been doing a remarkable job, as everybody knows. The same is true on Scandinavian ships." The 'Presidentaverted further debate by switching the subject to Congress. He re- marked that Congress does some" funny things." For example, he pointed out that the legislators had authorized Army WACS to go anywhere in the world, but had forbidden Navy WAVES, who are supposed to be sea- going personnel, to leave the United States. "I guess you're right, Mr. President," remarked Hoyt Haddock, an aide 'of Curran, "but Congress also does some things that aren't a bit funny. I think you know what I mean." The President nodded then asked one of his seamen .guests what he thought about the mer- chant ships we are turning out. "'All .our ships are pretty good, Mr. President," was the reply. "The {President wants the truth," urged Cur- ran. "Tell him what you really think." "Well, the Liberty ships are a little slow, I guess," admitted the °seaman. "I agree with you," said Roosevelt. ."The Liberty ship could do with a little more speed. That's one reason we are building the new Victory ship, which is faster. It will make 15 -knots." Shuttle oihinIg.. . Air Forces officers are greatly pleased with 1the success of the British experiment .;recently -in "shuttle bombing"-flying all the way across Germany to North Africa, then after re-loading and re-fueling there, flying back over Nazi tar- gets on 'the way home. But the possibilities of such ,operation would be much greater if we had air bases farther noith. This has made U.S. airmen ,anxious'to have 'Sicily, Sardinia, and Italy itself. From bases in northern Italy,=such shuttle bombing could 'be 'carried on with great efficiency. Don't expect it soon, however, for even the first step in such a campaign, the taking of Sicily, would require weeks. Fortunately, however, this is an operation which could pr'oceed in winter OBSTRUCTION? Roosevelt Should E n Wallace-j'es Quarrel CAPITAL OBSERVERS are now claiming that the Wallace-Jones breach can never be healed and can only end with one or the other leaving his post. With the latest savage retort from Jesse Jones, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation administrator, fuel has been thrown o the bitterest and most disgraceful feud that has graced our wartime administration's record. But Jones in attempting to answer Vice-Presi- dent Wallace's charges that the Secretary of Commerce has impeded the war by "obstruction- ist tactics" and "hamstringing bureaucracy" has only thrown up a smoke screen. Not only was he unable to prove that he bought the strategic war materials which Wal- lace charged him with not buying, but 'Banker Jones, who has consistently given the juiciest war jobs to the largest corporations while ig- noring small men with new ideas, referred in his retort to his own peculiar fault: he said, "as for the charge .. . that I have attempted to safeguard the taxpayer's money, I must plead guilty. Squandering the people's money even in wartime is no proof of patriotism." The truth is that. far from squandering any money, Jones, with a true banker's conservatism, has bent over backwards, forgetting that in war- time it's not the money but the men and mater- ials that count. 'ONES has consistently put his money in the large businesses where the "risks are less", he has ignored small business feeling that it is too shaky, he has negated the BEW's "pre- clusive buying" arrangements, and has trem- bled for fear RFC moneys might help social and working conditions in Latin America. Jones' in counterattacking Wallace claimed that BEW contracts had sometimes been held up a much as six weeks. But he didn't mention anything about the many checks for the BEW that he just never signed. All he said was that no one else--presumably in the administration-_ had ever complained against the RFC's perform- ance. He forgot how during the last eight months the American press has groaned at his antics.-Tfw The Secretary of Commerce, with his work- ing philosophy that if you buy smething for a dollar and sell it for a dollar and a quarter, you can't lose, has not only caused a quarrel that has made Americans wonder about the unity of their government and the sagacity of some of their leaders, but he has dodged Wallace's charges, refusing to refute them directly with facts and figures. It is now time tha the President ended the quarrel by ending the tenure of Jones as RFC administrator. -Bud Brimmer I'd Rae-ther BeR igh t VBySAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, July 7.- Perhaps one of 'the best ways to clarify puzzling situations is just to take things at face value. If Hitler does not haunch an offensive against Russia this year, the deep, hidden reason might be that he has lost 30 per cent of 'his industrial output. But the answer might also be the obvious one that he isn't doing it because he doesn't want to do it, that it is to his advantage to avoid forcing .a conclusion this year. I have applied the same easy test to the do- mestic scene. Why has a bitter attack 'been launched against the Office of War Information? It comes to me, in a flash, that the answer is the opposition to the Administration does not want an Office of War Information. Could it be that simple? Why not? Both parties did not vote against the Office of War Information. Only one did. In the first House test, the Republicans were against the agency, 160 to 5, while the Democrats were for it, 108 to 55. In other words, the -Republicans do not want an Office of War Information (domestic 'branch) while the Democrats do. A political campaign is coming on. The -Office of War Information's domestic 'branch would in- evitably be talking about our military achieve- ments. That might affect the voting. So, the outs try to kill the agency while the ins (but not enough of them, because some of the ins are half-out) try to save it. As simple as that. It is a struggle over control of media of communica- tion for next year. The pattern is fairly clear if you do not try to interpret a vote -against the Office of War Information as anything but a vote against the Office of War Information. And v.hy interpret it? I a1lmit that this method of approaching ev- ents as if they mean what they seem to mean is dangerous. It stabs men squarely in their moral pretensions, and nothing hurts worse. Bt let's try it a little further: The vote against subsidies to keep food prices down is a vote to put food prices up. The majority of Congress has voted to put food prices up. But the final Congressional bill allowed sub- sidies to pay for increased transportation costs of oil and coffee. It allowed subsidies to be used to increase production of critical metals. I, allowed subsidies to be used (as we have been using them for years, anyway) to stimu- late production of food. It allowed subsidies to Republicans Are IT'S ONLY A YEAR now before the Presidential conventions, and the panting of the Republican aspirants gets hotter all the time. Hearts are beating faster, tactics are being brought out and sharpened, stands are being taken or avoided. The available names are not ap- preciably different from the 1940 names. Gov. Bricker of Ohio is somewhat new, but since he is only a handsomer and hollower Robert Taft, he gives the impression of hav- ing aspired before. MacArthur is new. But while Hoover, Landon, Vandenberg and Martin are out of the running, Dewey and Willkie still are there. For the rest there is the usual crowd of young favorite-son gover- nors-this time Warren of Califor- nia, Baldwin of Connecticut, .Salton- stall of Massachusetts, who wait for the lightning to strike, but know deep within that favorite sons are not the darlings of the gods of the lightning. The overshadowing fact about this election is that it is likely to be held during an American. war and not before (as in 1916) when Hughes was beaten, or after (as in 1920) when Harding won. The 1940 election was pretty much like 1916. But that does not mean that 1944 will be like 1920. That has been Gov. Bricker's mis- take during the past year: he reck- oned that the country would want another Harding, and would want to return to the Harding sub-normalcy: and he has offered himself, in effect, as a more honest Harding. He has let it be known that he stands for free enterprise, a balanced budget, and no foreign entanglements. Some l ib tr a ls, including so shrewd an observer as Eliot Jane- way in Fortune, thought he had a good chance to win on this basis. But the curious currents of the public mind seem to have dictated otherwise. Bricker is far weaker as a candidate today than three months ago. No polls put him out in front. His candidacy has aged before it had a chance to mature. And the reason is that he was building himself up to suit a post- war mood, whereas the elections are likely to be held during the war. He has been trying to shift his ground. Some months ago James B. Reston of the New York Times inter- viewed him. Bricker told Reston that he was in favor of American co- operation with the rest of the world, but against any American commit- ments. Now he says he is in favor of our joining an international struc- ture to preserve peace and presum- ably, to police the world. No doubt the phenomenal success of Willkie's book and the reception given to Wal- LONG WAR IS BOON TO FOURTH TERM: GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty I Worried ter Lippman's book have shown the direction of the current. If Bricker's strength has dimin- ished, Dewey's has grown. The rea- son is, I think, that Bricker went out on a limb in identifying himself with the isolationists on foreign policy, but Dewey has been canny. I have no reason to believe that Dewey's views differ from his Ohio col- league's, or even that he has any on foreign policy. But he has kept quiet, and fixed in the public mind the image of the once swashbuckling anti-vice crusader who is settling down into the business-like and grave young executive. And now both the Gallup poll and an informal poll of the House Republicans show him out in front. At the Governor's convention last week Dewey caused a mild flurry among the Midwest gover- nors by asking the farmers to "execute their little pigs" so that the grain that feeds hogs could go to New York's cows. And he'"insists that he is standing by his inten- tion to finish his job as governor. Possibly he is taking the sound position that it is better for a Presidential candidate to be wooed than to woo. Probably he thinks no one stands a chance against FDR if the war is still on. And, most likely, he just wants to wait and see. If Bricker can't be put across by the machine professionals and the contributors of party funds, watch out for a hero candidate. The obvi- ous choice is, of course, Gen. Mac- Arthur. Despite his protestations, I think he would like to be President: he has an unwavering belief in his star as a man of destiny. But his dilemma is that the very quality that gives him political glamor also makes 0 it necessary for him to be on the battlefield until his job is finished- and it won't be finished in a year. If elected, he would be as bad as Grant was-and in a more sinister way, because he would be used as a front not just by corruption Out by fascism. He is the hope of heaven for the McCormick-Patterson axis and for the Hearst papers. There remains to speak of Wen- dell Willkie. He still is the Re- publican storm-center. A lot of people were wrong on the day af- ter the election in 1940 when they said that Willkie was through- that he was part of the limbo where Rep u bl i can Presidential candidates go to after they are licked by Roosevelt. Willkie's friends like to think of him as a Republican William Jen- nings Bryan who, though defeated, continues to speak forth the con- science of the Nation. The truth is that Willkie has no populist class base as Bryan had. But the truth is also that Willkie has been strong at just the points where Roosevelt whe- ther by position or inclination, has been weak-on foreign policy toward the collaborationists, on the treat- ment of Negroes, on civil liberties. But Willkie is weak where Roosevelt is strong-in labor support, in a go- ing program of economic control, in a willingness ultimately to confront the corporate interests and their power. I think that Wilikie has chosen his strategy. Without alienating the conservative midwest farmers, he is wooing the liberals-Repub- lican and Democrats alike-and trying to convince them that he is a better liberal than FDR. At the same time he is waiting until the Republican party leaders see that lie is the only Republican who in 1944 can make an appreciable dent in 'Roosevelt's liberal vote. For my money, 1944 still belongs to FDR. The only Republican who can even approach him in stature or dramatic power is Willkie. But Will- kie'sgreatest obstacle is the fact that 'flepublican party leaders never learn anything -and rarely forget anything. -Max Lerner, PM and Portuguese-Music, Election of officers. Coming Events Organ 'Recital: Mary Alice Power, a student of Palmer Christian. wll present a recital for he'r Master of Music degree at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, July 8, in Hill Auditorium. The pub- lic is invited. The Spanish Teas will be held this week on Thursday and Friday. at 4 p.m. instead of 3. The Thursday Tea will be in the International Cen- ter, the Friday Tea at the Michigan League. The'French Club will meet tomor- row at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League. Program: "Impressions d'un aagoR x[ aq ~aouvad ua iueipnia Berahya. Group singing, games and social hour. All students and faculty members. are welcome. 0143.-Chieago Times. Ine I tetl you I tnly camne here tVh-i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1943 VOL. LIII, No. 7-S All 'notices for The Daily Official Bulle- tin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session in typewritten 'form by 3:30 pam. of the day preceding its publi- cation, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Students in :Navy Training Pro- 'gram: All V-1 and V-7 students as- signed to University of Michigan should obtain orders for text books as follows: All 'Engineering from 'As- sistant Dean A. H. Lovell, 259 West Engineering Building; .all 'others from Assistant Dean L. S. Wood= burne, 1208 Angell Hall. The need for plasma by our armed 'forces is increasing daily. 150 don- ors (other than those in the service) are required to supply the July quota for the :Michigan Blood 'Bank, July 15-16.:Register 'before 'Friday. after- noon of this week at the 'Main Desk in 'the Union, between noon and '4 p.m., or in the Engineering Arch, be- ginning this morning. Zoology Concentrates: Students planning to offer credits in Military Science as .part of the total of 90 hours required by the Medical School should see me ,at once. -F.'H. Test Dept. of Zoology Phone Extension 2134 Literature, Science and the Arts Juniors now eligible for Concentra- tion should get 'Admission to Con- centration blanks at Room 4 Uni- versity Hall, immediately. These blanks must be ;properly signed by the adviser and the original slip re- turned to Room 4, University Hall, The Summer Chorus is being or- ganized under the direction of Rose Marie Grentzer of the School of Mu- sic Faculty. Open to civilian and military students in any school or college. No registration or member- ship fee. Rehearsals 7:15-8:15 :pm. Tuesdays 'and Thursdays. Auditor- ium, School of Music. The bell chamber of Burton Tower will be open to visitors interested in observing the playing of -the caril- lon from 12 noon to 12:15 pm. ,each Thursday until Aug. 19. Lectlures Professor Roy W. Sellars will talk on "Totalitarian 'Doctrines and Dem- ocracy" at 4:15 today in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. A ca'deicwNoticesI Students, Summer Session, Col- lege, 'Literature, Science, and Arts: Except under -extraordinary circum- stances, courses dropped after the third week, Saturday, .July 17, -will' be recorded with a grade of E. Michigan Dames Book Group will meet at "8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ruth S. Daly. 1502 ,Geddes Avenue. Wesley 'Foundation: 'Student Tea and Open House 'for .all Methodist students and their friends in 'the Wesley Lounge in the First :Metho- dist Church, today from 3:30to 5:30. Women in Education: There ;will be a luncheon in the Russian Ttea Room- of the 'Michigan League from 11:30 to 1 o'clock today. Dr. Marie Skodak, Director of' the Flint Guid- ance Center, will speak on Problems