iN ' . _. . it 431U iaii4t '-Bather, Cooler VOL. LII, No. 7-S ANN ARBOR.. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS rthur ins Sea Battle in Kula Gulf (.) I , Senate Votes Against All Roll-Backs Tuniitous Session Bans Subsidies To Lower Food Prices By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 6 -- In a tumultuous session, the Senate re- volted afresh against the Adminis- tration's price "roll back" program today and voted 36 to 28 to ban any subsidies whatsoever to lower retail food prices. Only last week President Roosevelt had vetoed a measure including a similar ban on grounds that it was "an inflation bill, a high-cost-of- living bill, a food shortage bill." New Ban Written in CCC Bill As was the first, the new ban was written into a measure to extend the life of the Commodity Credit Corpor- ation (CCC), important Administra- tion farm agency. After the Presi- dent's veto, which was sustained, the house had passed a simple resolu- tion continuing the CCC as it now operates until Jan. 1 and increasing by $350,000,000 its present borrow- ing authority of $2,650,000,000. When the resolution got back to the House today with the Senate's new subsidy ban attached, Rep. Can- non (Dem., Mo.) sought on immedi- ate vote on the question of approving the Senate amendment, but the House sent it to a conference com- mittee This committee composed' jointly of senators and representa- tives, is charged with working out a compromise. Senate Is Undecided The Senate attached the prohibi- tion against subsidies to the resolu- tion after a series of maneuvers in which it repeatedly reversed itself and after hearing an impassioned plea from Senator George (Dem.- Ga.) that it reject the whole idea of subsidies. "The subsidization of consumers has been tried since the days of an- cient Rome and has resulted invari- ably in nothing but destruction of the political institutions of the coun- try that tried it," George shouted. Martinique Deputy' Offers Co pera tioi NEW YORK, July 6.- ()- The Morocco radio at Rabat declared to- night in a broadcast to French terri- tories that "Martinique has rallied to the French Committee of National Liberation." e The broadcast, reported by the Federal Communications Commis- sion, said an officer representing the "Fighting French forces at Santa Lucia in the Antilles" had received a message from the "Deputy of Mar- tinique" announcing the "enthusias- tic rallying of Martinique to the French Committee of National Lib- eration and requesting the immedi- ate designation of new authorities." Cl iang Predicts Jap Defeat in Two Years On Invasion Anniversary Generalissimo Warns Against Possible 'Desperate Efforts' By The Associated Press CHUNGKING, JulyC ' Wednes- day)-- -Generalissimo Chiang Kai- Shek, marking today the sixth anni- versary of China's bitter war with Japan, confidently declared that the time limit for utter defeat of the Jap- anese invasion armies "cannot ex- ceed two years." Linked with this pledge of victory by 1945, Gen. Chiang told the Chin- ese people: "On land, the Japanese invader has been mired' theatre with no himself. "On the sea, dlown in the China hope of extricating his naval and air Italian Ports Bomibed .Again, By Fortiresses Sharpshooter Ba~gs Seven EnemyC raft For Possible Record By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, July 6-Allied planes struck hard yesterday at six towns in Sicily and a seventh in Sardinia in their pre-invasion cam- paign to gain air supremacy in the Mediterranean. shooting down 56 enemy eircraft for a two-day total of 101. Fortresses Score Victory Thirty flying fortresses, raiding Gerbini in Sicily, were jumped by 100 German planes and when the battle was over, 41 of the enemy and three of the four-engined U. S. bombers lay in smoking ruins. It was one of the greatest single victories yet scored by the Fortresses. One gunner made seven kills to establish what is probably an individutl record for a foray's shooting. The sharpshooter was Sergt. Benjamin Warmer, 3rd., of San Francisco. It was announced officially tonight that the total fighters shot down by the Flying Fortresses reached 41 af- ter complete checking and compari- son of pilot's reports. The originally announced figure was 30. Axis Losses Hit 53 The new figure brought Axis losses for 24 hours to 53. Other Scilian targets were Licata, Marsala, Sciacca, Catania and Mes- sinia and the objective in Sardinia was the air base of Villacidro. A dozen Allied planes in all were lost. The attackers flew against the Italian outposts from bases in Freich Africa, Malta and the Middle East and once again the Allied command pointed up the increased enemy op- positidn by calling it "vigorous." force is weak and losses to his war- craft and transports are particularly heavy. "Over his 8.000-mile front there is no place which is not feeling the increased pressure of the Allied of- fensive." Urges Allied Offensive In another message addressed to the peoples of the United Nations, the Generalissimo urged an immedi- ate large - scale Allied offensivei against Japan in order to thwarti the enemy empire's "desperate ef- forts" to re-gear and replenish her war machine and also to reduce the "time and price" which must be paid1 for Allied victory.1 Now, he declared, is the opportune; moment for the United Nations "to reap great results within a relatively short span of time." "Just as Germany vainly hopes for dissension among the United Nations, Japan is praying that the United Nations will delay their big affensives against her," he said.1 Attack Must Be Quickc "Should we let her have further re- spite to complete impregnable de- fenses and to wage a long drawn-out war with us, the time and price the; Allies will have to pay to defeat her will be many times longer and heav- ier than what are required today.". Significantly he stated: "What disquiets the minds of the Chinese, people is not whether the United Na-1 tions will win the war but when they, are going to win it and at what price." Council Passes o*' Vote Censuring At dmtnusiirator' Detroit Official Fails To Keep Promise of Repayment for Paving The War Projects Administration was sharply rebuked last night for failing to fulfill a promise of reim- bursement as the City Council passed a resolution censuring the Detroit administrator and voted to mail an explanation to all Michigan Con- gressmen. According to a letter read to the Council, the War Projects Adminis- trator of Detroit promised repayment and additional paving materials to the city if it would continue to pave the roadbeds of the uprooted trolley tracks, a project designed to give work to Ann Arbor's unemployed. This promise was made in Septem- ber, 1942. The letter also stated that the War Projects Administrator knew that he had no authority to make such a promise but made it only to induce the City Council to continue this project. Recently, the Council was in- formed that it would receive no ad- ditional paving materials and would not be reimbursed the $2355.39 it had spent on the project. The letter ended in vehement lan- guage, suggesting that "the city deal with the Federal Government" . . "as the city would deal with a pri- vate individual whom the city had discovered from experience to have no regard for truth or veracity and who totally ignores his private or moral obligations.". House Group Hit Cuffe y Adt Refuses Extension In Vebuke of Lewis WASHINGTON, July 6.-(P')-The House Rules Committee, refusing to approve an extension of the Guffey Coal Act, signalled an end today to government-established "price floors" under soft coal. T'A noinn'r ns ,,oC' tD1'ni'fLpf1 b New Drive, Nets Soviets 1 13,000 Nazis Axis Captures Two Towns near Belgorod, Other Attacks Checked By The Associated Press LONDON, July 7 (Wednesday)- The big German offensive against' central Russia drove into two pop- ulated places near Belgorod at the southern anchor of the 165-mile front Tuesday despite terrific losses which mounted to at least 13,000 German dead in two days of fierce fighting, the Russians announced to- day. In the Belgorod area the Nazi war machine,renewed its attacks early in the morning and at first was hurled back to its initial position by the strong Russian fire, but later in the day "strong forces of tanks" suc- ceeded in capturing the two unnamed villages, the Russians acknowledged, with a loss of 100 tanks at that point alone. A special communique was issued announcing the Belgorod penetra- tion, but it asserted that the German onslaught was held at all other points. "In the Belgorod direction, at a cost on heavy losses, the enemy was able to advance somewhat in some sectors," said the bulletin, recarder by the Soviet monitor. Along the entire Orel-Kursk-Bel- gorod front the Russian defenders destroyer or disabled a total of 1,09 tanks in two days, 423 of them Tues- day, the bulletin declared. In addi- tion, 111 more German planes were shot down, raising the two-day total to 314. The 13,000 Nazis killed represented only a small part Of the German casualties. The two special commun- iques issued in the Crst two days of the offensive have f iled to mention casualties, and the 13,000 represents a total of Germans listed killed only in individual actions on scattered sectors. The regular midnight communi- que elaborated on the Belgorod pen- etration as follows: "In the Belgorod direction the Germans renewed their attacks on Soviet positions from early morning. Our troops met the enemy with strong fire from all kinds of arns and hurled them back to their initial positions. "In the second half of the day, bringing up strong forces of tanks, the enemy once again launched an offensive. In the fighting they lost more then 100 tanks. In one place the Hitlerites, at the cost of heavy losses, were able to capture two pop- ulated places." House Group To Plan New Tux Program WASHINGTON, July 6.-P)-The House Ways and Means Committee today decided to start work Sept. 8 on legislation to obtain new and higher wartime taxes, with first em- phasis on digging deeper into the pockets of persons with war-swollen incomes. mThe Treasury's goal is $12,000,000,- 000 in revenue annually above pres- ent collections. In a special session as a Congres- sional recess neared, the tax-framing committee: 1. Requested the committee tax staff and the Treasury to suggest alternative means of raising addi- tional revenue, with specific instruce- tions "to study and report on the feasibility of raising additional rev- enue by means of an individual ex- cess-profits tax." 2. Agreed there would be no ret- roactive taxes-that the main fea- tures of the new tax bill would not become effective before Jan. 1, 1944. Chairman Doughton (Dem.-N.C.) said the 15 Democrats ;and 10 Re-' publicans on the committee agreed to approach the problem of increas- ing revenues "on a non-partisan basis"-in contrast to the recent bitter nart, differences over nay-as- Jap Bomb Hits Allied Gasoline Dump Black smoke and flames billow high in the sky as a result of a direct hit on an Allied gasoline dump by a Japanese plane somewhere in the Port Moresby area. (Associated Press photo from signal corps). 'HOW DO YOU TELL?' .Dr. Vincent answers Coeds' Problems at Mass Meeting 4>' "How do you tell when you go out with a boy if he is going to be 'it'?" Dr. Lee Vincent, psychologist at the Merrill Palmer school in Detroit, attempted to answer this and other queries in the minds of University women at a mass meeting held in the Rackham Amphitheatre yesterday. Dr. Vincent was concerned pri- marily with the problems raised by the influx of approximately 4,000 members of the armed forces who must be entertained by the women on campus this summer. She stated Production of Arms Fails To Show Increase Donald Nelson Reveals Slackening of Pace During Month of May WASHINGTON, July 6.- (P)- Arms production failed to show any gain in May, Chairman Donald M. Nelson of the War Production Board disclosed today in a gravely worded report which described the slackening of the production pace as "a very serious matter." Apparently hinting at imminent military operations on a major scale, Nelson declared in his monthly pro- duction communique: "We are on the verge of one of the greatest trials in our national history. 'We Cannot Afford To Relax' "We cannot afford to relax our efforts for an instant. On the con- trary, we must"prepare ourselves to meet calmly and steadily the great- est strains to which we may ever be subjected." Overall war production was vir- tually unchanged in May over April, the WPB chief said. Gains were re- corded only in aircraft, which went up five per cent, and in Navy and Army vessels, up two per cent. Declines Reported in Programs In the other major programs, de- clines were recorded: a three per cent drop in tanks, artillery, anti- tank weapons and other ground oxd- nance; a seven per cent setback in miscellaneous munitions, and a four per cent drop in merchant vessel construction. Nelson assigned no reason for the lag in production. Gaertner Receives OWI Appointment WASHINGTON, July 6.-(i)-Pal- mer Hoyt, domestic director of the Office of War Information, today announced the apnointment of nine that the coeds should remember thatt they are under certain obligations ina dating the Marines, Army and Navye men on campus-obligations both tov the men and to themselves.N It is important that the coeds do not attempt to destroy the soldier's ties with.his home town said Dr.Y Vincent. Most of the men will beI on campus only a few months and at friendship built on a short acquaih- tance cannot replace the ties with the man's home. However, a pleas-r ant hostess is an excellent morale builder when you are homesick.- Dr. Vincent advised the women tox date in teams, and warned themi against being misled by the roman-c tic atmosphere of the war. "If you find yourself romantically inclinedf toward one of the young men, bex sure it's not just because he is lone- some and homesick."u s At the beginning of thenmeeting, Monna Heath, '44, president of the Women's War Council, introduced the members of the council and an- nounced the four projects being car- ried on by the coeds this summer. University women may work on the building and grounds project, the volunteer hospital service, surgical dressings and the war stamp and bond sales. The meeting closed with an open discussion of questions from the' floor and an announcement of the new acquaintance bureau for mem- bers of the armed forces and coeds which is being run under the auspi- ces of the Bomber Scholarship Fund. French Coast Swept by RAF Canadian Glides 30 Miles Back to Safety . LONDON, July 6.-(IP)-Royal Air Force fighters on sweeps over north- ern France and along the French shores from Dieppe to. Dunkerque knocked down seven German fighter planes today while German: reports of British bomber raids on Germany last night remained unconfirmed. The seven Nazi fighters-Focke- Wulf 190s and Messerschmitt 109s were struck down by pilots of a Ca- nadian and Polish wing forming a large spitfire formation, the Air Min- istry News Service reporecd. Five fell to the Poles and two to the Canadians. The commander of a Canadian squadron destroyed one Messerschmitt inland from Boulogne and then the engine of his plane cut out. He glided 30 miles back to Eng- land and landed safely at an air- drome. Recruiting Station Six Jap Ships Sunk, 1 U.S. Cruiser Lost Allies Score Aerial Victory over Rendova In New Offensive By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, July 7, Wednesday- six Japanese ships probably were sunk and four damaged in the battle with American warships in the Kula Gulf, Allied Headquarters said today. One United States cruiser was sunk in the battle fought the morn- ng of July 6 in the narrow body of water between New Georgia and Kolombangara in the Central Solo- mons. MacArthur Relates' Fight S.The communique of Gen. Douglas MacArthur, who is in the field in New Guinea persnally directing the new offensive, gave this terse picture of the sea fight: "Preliminary dispatches report that our navl surface units inter- cepted an enemy force of cruisers and destroyers in the Kula Gulf dur- ing the night of the fifth. "Details are not yet available and, a final assessment cannot be made but it is indicated that six enemy ships probably were sunk and four damaged. "We lost one cruiser. "One damaged enemy destroyer, beached near Sambera harbor, was attacked by our medium dive bomb- ers which scored seven. direct 'hits with 500 pound bombs, resulting in violent explosions, and fires." Victory Marks Rendova Soiure The' victory was announced by headquarters of Gen. Douglas Mao- Arthur just one, week to a, day after- the Pacific offei ve"' opened with sei2ure 'of" R'endbVa Island in- the' Solomons and landing- near Sala- maua, New Guinea. The Japanese air defeats also mounted, today's communique re- porting that seven out of 48 enemy planes raiding Darwin were shot down while we also lost seven. In air battles over Rendova and over the Kula Gulf -nine other enemy planes were downed. Fifteen enemy planes raided Nas- sau Bay near Salamaua where Americans established a beachhead a week ago. Coeds,.Urged T o Register For Blood Bank "Persons willing to give blood do- nations are urged to sign up immed- iately for the blood bank to be held July 15 and 16," Carol May, '44, chairman of the University drive, said. yesterday. Speaking at a meeting of the Wo- men's War Council, Miss May said the past record' ofstudent blood don- ors has been excellent. "Last year donations were made even during final exams," she said. "This year student support is needed more than ever. ,Red Cross stations on battlefronts all over the world are attempting to stock up a supply which will be adetlite to meet the tremendous demand for blood that a European invasion will necessitate." "Our goal is to obtain at least 100 donations from University women," Miss May added, "however, this number has already been exceeded by the donationsof 200 service men who are stationed on campus." Physical examinations will be giv- en just before the donation is made. Blanks may be obtained in any of the large Women's dormitories, and are available to everyone in the un- dergraduate offices of the League. Minnesota Football Star ordered Here MINNEAPOLIS, July 6.-Vp)-Bill Daley, star University of Minnestota backfielder has been ordered to re- MURDER RUNS WILD: "Ladies In Retirement', English Melodrama, To pen Tonight The ever-popular English mystery melodrama, "Ladies in Retirement," will open the fifteenth summer sea- son of the Michigan Repertory Play- ers when the curtain goes up at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Hal Cooper, already well-known to Ann Arbor audiences, will be cast as ths suspicious nephew, Albert Feath- er, who furnishes the love interest in the play. The suspense in the play evolves around the battle of the housekeep- er-murderer with her own con- science. Additional excitement is produced by the nephew's attempts to uncover the secret of the bricked- in oven. Claribel Baird who is beginning her tenth summer season as a direct- or of dramatics will take the leading role of Ellen Creed, the determined with settings done by Herbert Philip- pi and lighting by Donald Hartoh. Aline Felton is in charge of costumes. m ..: . ""T V: , "": Ml