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July 04, 1943 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-04

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Fifty-Third Year


N ega ti ve Race

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to It dr
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff
Marion Ford . . . . . . Managing Editor
Bud Brimmer . . . . . Editorial Director
Leon Gordenker . . . . . City Editor
Harvey Frank . . . . . . Sports Editor
Business Staff
Jeanne Lovett . . . . . Business Manager
kolly Winokur . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
New Cuban Race Laws
Beat Nation to Punch
CUBA HAS beaten us to the punch, Cuba has
beaten its own race-hate mongers to the
Without waiting for the widespread riots
which occurred in the United States to spread
to Cuba, the Legislature passed a law making
it a criminal offense to spread, encourageor
practice racial discrimination and hatred. The
legislature now has another bil advocating
the severest penalties for such offenses.'
Cuba has for long been called a dictatorship
yet it saw this problem and squarely faced it.
In a long-standing democracy like the United
States, we certainly should have had a dozen
such bills introduced in Congress after the De-
troit riots.
THE WAY to handle the riot situation is efin-
itely not to say that riots just can't be helped,
or that there is little that can be done about
them. The way to handle race riots is by severe
Federal penalties. It is shameful that Cuba has
to show us the way, but it is always better late
than never.
The bill which would crack down on the
advocates of all types of race, color, and
creed haters ought to be introduced by a Con-
gressman from Detroit to clear the name of
that city. Let him come forward and prove to
the people of Michigan and the country at
large that the 34 riot casualties did not die in
vain. -George Clark
Union of Polish Patriots
Offers Plan for Poland
THE POLISH territorial problem has at last
been tackled by a Polish group and solved
to at least that group's satisfaction. The solu-
tion offered is that instead of forcing the Rus-
sians to return Soviet populated Polish White
Russia and the Polish Ukraine, the Poles ought
to get complete control of Silesia and East Prus-
This seemingly original solution was offered
at a recent meeting of the Union of Polish
Patriots in the form of a resolution, which was
adopted unanimously. Since the meeting was
held in Moscow and since this group is head-
ed by Wanda Wassilioska, noted pro-Soviet
Polish leader, the resolution is undoubtedly
acceptable to the Soviet Union.
When Premier Stalin, several months ago said
he wanted a strong Poland, he undoubtedly
meant a Poland that would control East Prus-
sia. Obviously a Poland of this sort would have

to be on the best of terms with the Russians, or
they could not permit it to exist.
Now at last it is clear what Stalin meant.
Russia will not give up the rightfully Soviet
territories regained from Poland in 1939. How-
ever in exchange it will allow Poland an access
to the sea, making it a far greater world power
than it ever was. And for slaves it offers them
the German populace of East Prussia.
THIS NEW TERRITORIAL development even
if it is accepted by the Sikorski Govern-
ment-in-Exile will not automatically reestablish
Polish-Soviet diplomatic relations. The Rus-
sians want a strong Poland, it is true, they want
to give it East Prussia, but they do not want
that Poland to be even under the remote control
of the followers of the fascist Colonel Beck. The
Sikorski Government in London is at least under
the indirect control of the rabid anti-Soviet ele-

WASHINGTON, July 4-A battle royal is in
the making over whether the new synthetic rub-
ber now being produced in U. S. plants will stand
up for use in automobile tires.
There is no question about the quantity of
synthetic rubber we are producing. There will
be about twice as much synthetic next year as
we normally require in a peactime year. But
there is a question about the quality.
Synthetic manufacturers say that when the
motorist gets his first entirely synthetic tires,
he will be unable to tell the difference between
them and pre-war natural rubber tires. But
Heiry Wallace and other champions of netural
rubber flatly contradict this, declaring that syn-
thetic rubber will have to be mixed with natural
for a good tire of any wight, including light
weight tires for passenger cars.
Department of Agriculture's rubber expert,
Dr. Elmer W. Brandes, Is' likewise skepticai.
He brought back 'a piece of syntetic, rubler
from Louisiana recently, found it hard and
tough, lacking the elasticity of natural rib-
If'Wallace and Brandes prove to be right, 'it
is possible that synthetic rubber will be a drug
on the market next year, for want of enough
natural rubber to mix With it.
* * *
High Rent Lobby
If you find your rents being increased a few
months hence, look up the record of the Smith
Committee investigating the Office of Price Ad-
ministration. Part of the record is secret; and as
far as wing-collared Congressman Howard Smith
of Virginia is concerned, he probably wants to
keep it so.
For he has allowed his supposedly impartial
committee, charged with workin for the en-
tire public not one particular group, become the
tool of a pressure lobby, the National Associa-
tion of Real Estate Boards.
The Real Estate'Bords. are out to raise
rents, and the Office of Price Administration
is the 'chief stumbling blck in their path. So
now they are using Congressman Smith's
smear campaign against the OPA for all they
are worth. ''
Smith's chief counsel in this OPA probe is
Harold AIen, former deputy policeconmiissioner
of New York, who reignedafter he had engaged
in a row with a hat eheck,girl ina NewYork ho-
tel Mr. Allen 'is now supposed to investigate gov-
ernment abuses. .
The real estate lobby actually has been called
upon to helpwrite the Smith0ommittee's re-
port At a secret meeting of real estate operators
at the Mayflower Hotel recently, the lobby lead-
ers reported:
"Counsel for the Smith Committee is going
right ahead and writing the report to be made
to Congress ... The recommendations {in the
report) will take the form of suggested legis-
lation to correct the injustices of the OPA ad-
niinstration and to further define the author-
ity of the Administrator.
'We have been asked to submit our own views
on these recommendations, which we intend' to
do. We called on the Counsel (Allen) for the
Smith Committee yesterday afternoon and went
over the first portion of his report. He is cer-
tainly preparing to make a forceful presenta-
tion of the case to Congress."
In contrast to this favoritism toward real
estate operators, . Congressman Smith and
Counsel Allen have treated OPA officials with
inexplicable high-handedness, even refusing
to hear the testimony of Ivan Carson, chief
of OPA field operations, who was a successful
real estate operator many years before coming
to the OPA.
* * *
Navy in a Gray Mood
A new mood has struck the Navy-and their
wives. It is the mood of seamen who have 'been
denied shore leave. It is a mood which calls forth
the saltiest language the Navy can devise.
The Navy is not in a blue funk; it is in a.
gray funk-all over the new slate gray uni-
forms which have now been officially ordered.
This brings to five the number of uniform
types in the Navy, and it also brings tempers
and pocket books to the breaking point.

Furthermore, it may bring clothes rationing to
the rest of the country-and it all happened
because Admiral King went to an English tailor
in London.
It is none other than Admiral Ernest King
himself, Commander in Chief.of the U. S. Fleet,
who is imposing the new gray uniform on 130,000
reluctant officers. When King came back from
London some months ago, he walked into the
White House dressed in a snappy green uniform,
and the President told him he looked very dash-
IKing resolved to substitute this green uni-
form for the khaki which the Navy wears in
in summer, and which nobody loves. He got
the support of Rear Admiral Randall Jacobs,
Chief of the Bureau of Personnel. But when
tests were made on shipboard, the green was
found to be discernible against the gray back-
ground of the ships, and thus endangered the
So King switched to "slate gray," still with
Jacobs' support. Now the order has been issued
and officers are supposed to switch from khaki
to grey as soon as their khakis wear out-or
sooner, if they like.
Many an officer has just bought a new set of

yet he will be forced to the grays to keep abreast
of the times.
* * *
Clothes Rationing Possible
Result is not only a strain on his pocketbook,
but a far more serious strain on the country's
supply of clothing materials. Each of the Navy's
x30,000 officers will require three or four new
uniforms, plus new shirts and shoes. The tan
shirts and shoes of the present uniforms are
unsuited to the new grey outfit.
The strain on clothing materials may be
enough to tip the scales in the direction of
clothes rationing for civilians.
What's more a further strain on materials will
result from the Navy's new regulation regarding
winter uniforms. Instead of wearing white shirts
exclusively, Navy officers will wear gray shirts
with work uniforms, and white shirts with dress
Actually, there is no difference in the work
and the dress uniform, except the braid on the
sleeve. For some strange reason, if the braid
goes all the way around the sleeve, the uniform
is "dress;" but if it goes only half-way round,
it is "work."
An officer will not be allowed to wear his
"half-stripe" work uniform with a white shirt,
or his "full-stripe" uniform with' a grey shirt.
He will have to have two or three "work" uni-
forms, plus two or three "dress" uniforms,
though there is no difference between them ex-
cept the sleeve stripes.
(Copyright, 1943, United Features syndicate)
I'd Riather
I have a feeling that an increasing number of
Frenchmen are beginning to side with de Gaulle,
purely for the reason that he seems more French
than Giraud; more French, in the sense that he
has an independent policy, and is not an echo of
America or England.
Thus does our policy of favoring Giraud back-
fire. I believe that Giraud's coming trip to Amer-
ica, an ostentatious mark of our favor, will do
a huge recruiting job for de Gaulle.
Correspondents in Africa have, in some alarm,
noticed what they call an emerging spirit of
"French nationalism" around de Gaulle. They
are surprised by this. They should be equally sur-
irised by the fact that fire is hot or that water
is almost always wet.
The French feel French. They do not feel
American, they do not feel English; they feel
French. As to their reaction to the de Gaulle-
Giraud situation, ask yourself what the Ameri-
can reaction would be if we, following a national
misfortune, had two contenders for leadership,
one of whom was favored by a brace of foreign
Take it even further: Suppose that one of
these two would-be-fathers-of-their-country had
fought the enemy every step of the way, had
(.rganized the resistance against him, while the
second had been picked out of a hat by two for-
eign governments.
Suppose that one of these men was well and
favorably known to every enslaved patriot, while
the second was hardly known at all. But suddenly
it becomes a great big, burning issue that unity
must be established with the second man. He is
a man who, in the political sense, did not even
exist eight months ago. This is a vital movement
for unity with Smith, but it might just as easily
have been a movement for unity with Jones, or
Brown, if we had happened to pick Jones or
Brown, instead of Smith.
Under these circumstances, it is about as
astonishing as sunrise that a French national
movement should be developing about de Gaulle.
In fact, the law of compensation is now hard at
work. The more we snub de Gaulle, the more we
convince Frenchmen that he is their leader.
After three years of snubs, his prestige is at its

The kinder we are to Giraud, the more partial-
ity and preference we show for him, the more we
persuade Frenchmen that Giraud is merely our
man. It has been incredible innocence on the
part of our State Department to invite Giraud
to come to America, obviously on the theory that
such a visit will help him. That may make
Giraud look like a Churchill to us, but with de
Gaulle left behind, it merely makes him look to
Frenchmen like our white-haired boy. And the
French are so tired of white-haired boys, select-
ed wonders, picked leaders, careful arrange-
ments, and behind-the-scenes conversations!
The people of France want to do; they are
weary of being done to. We have waited three
years for the voice of France to arise again.. Now
that it is heard, we are childishly startled to find
that it speaks French, and not English. At once
we begin to mutter nonsense about the dangers
of "French nationalism." We are surprised to
find that the French have a will of their own.
Maybe some of our agitated diplomats would
like a tame, conservative French government,

Detroit likes "to work in a quiet,
unobtrusive way" to prevent' race
riots-"on the theory that that's the
best way." "Publicity," the mayor
said, "would only aggravate the sit-
uation and defeat the very thing we
sought to accomplish."
Throughout the history of Amer-
ica's race problem there has existed
a breed of weak and inadequate
government officials who, like this
mayor of Detroit, have fallen back
upon the hush-hush method of
dealing with the problem. Of all
the alternative approaches to a
dangerous situation, this approach
is the one which requires abso-
lutely no guts. It is the approach
which inevitably fails.
Here in Detroit Mr. Roosevelt may
view the image of his own supremely
negative policy toward the race cri-
sis; and here in the tragedy of riot-
ing and sullied national prestige he
may witness a preview of the inevit-
able failure of his policy. Mr. Presi-
dent! It is time for you to say
something and do something about
this crisis. Throw off the negative
advice of the hush-hush men about
you and see this thing for the living
open danger that it is.
MSGR. HAAS' recent announce-
ment that his FEPC committee
would come to life and undertake
an uncompromising investigation of
Detroit discrimination was welcomed
news, but it' was not enough. Educa-
tional programs on race tolerance
by committees, unions and other or-
ganizations are not enough.
The American Negro-maturing
socially and politically; thru( up-
ward through economic strata by
the war economy; smarting at the
mockery of a Four Freedoms war
and a caste-ridden homefront-is
challenging for a new social basis.
This is one of those evolutionary

currents of humanity, which no
amount of high-flown white ora-
tory will ever divert. And white
America, North and South, driven
by the subterranean fear and ig-
norance in our culture, is beating
back at the Negro with open vio-
lence. No committee, no legion of
committees, is going to be able to
subdue this crisis through piece-
meal efforts.
As an emergency stop-gap mea-
sure we need a great out-spoken
speech by Mr. Roosevelt, discussing
the race problem, pointing out its
dangers to the war effort, appealing
at last to the springs of simple ideal-
ism which have all but dried up in
our national life. And then, for the
first time since 1876, we must tackle
the race question with a broad na-
tional policy.
WE NEED a cabinet office for race
relations, as Carey McWilliams
suggests in his book "Brothers Under
the Skin;" since this is a maximum
and somewhat optimistic hope, we
should at least expect to see created
a powerful division for racial minor-
ities within the Interior Department.
We need a national fair racial
practices act, patterned after the
machinery of the Wagner act; the
Administration at least should be-
gin the fight to get it through. This
Congress would almost certainly
kill it, but the groundwork must
be laid. We need strong Adminis-
tration support of the anti-poll
bill; not this contemptible hands-
off policy. We need a propaganda
technique by which the OWI can
enter areas like Detroit and at-
tempt to cut away the mounting
tensions by open propaganda and
educational campaigns. We need
a program like the Farm Security
Administration to lend Negro fam-
ilies money to continue to leave
the South in large numbers and to

supervise their settlement in other
The concentration of the Negro
population in the South has caused
the caste system to develop a fiercely
self - perpetuating tendency. The
Southern poll tax cabal in Congress
is one evidence. It seems to me that
the long range solution of the race
problem depends largely on . contin-
ued migration of vast numbers of
Southern Negroes.
There are many, many things to
be done. The mildest of them will
meet with violent reaction from
the South. But Mr. Roosevelt must
accept that fact. The conditions
which produced riots in Mobile,
Beaumont, Los Angeles and Detroit
continue to operate, and his pres-
ent negative policy cannot possibly
forestall other riots. Poisoned and
festering situations like a race
crisis don't solve themselves. May-
or Jeffries can bear good witness
to the fact.
SOMETIMES late at night in the
New York broadcasting area a
Freedom House radio program signs
off with a choral recording of the
Battle Hymn of the Republic. "Mine
eyes have seen the glory"-a stirring,
nostalgic piece of America, reminis-
cent always of Abraham Lincoln and
his war. There is a rare quality that
exists in thememoires of those times.
Reading back over Lincoln's honest,
open speeches on the race question,
reading back over Whitman's on-
rushing, eloquent democratic poetry,
and the clean, high courage and
morality that lived in Emerson's
thoughts-I wonder, what is it that
has gone out of American life, when
we can sit by for three years and
behold a mounting race crisis, with
never a major protest by large num-
bers of the Northern members of
Congress, with never a bold and af-
firmative act by the national gov-
einment. -Thomas Sanction, PM



SUNDAY, JULY 3, 1943
VOL. LII, No. 6-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bulle-
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
Summer Session in typewritten form by
3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Students in Navy Training Pro-
gram: All V-1 and V-7 students as-
signed to University of Michigan
should obtain orders for text books
as follows: All Engineering from As-
sistant Dean A. H. Lovell, 259 West
Engineering Building; all others
from Assistant Dean L. S. Wood-
burne, 1208 Angell Hall.
The General Library and all the
Departmental Libraries will be closed
Monday, July 5.
Literature, Science and the Arts
Juniors now eligible for Concentra-
tion should get Admission to Con-
centration blanks at Room 4 Uni-
versity Hall, immediately. These
blanks must be properly signed by
the adviser and the original slip re-
turned to Room 4, University Hall,
at once.
The Summer Chorus is being or-
ganized under the direction of Rose
Marie Grentzer of the School of Mu-
sic -Faculty. Open to civilian and
military students in any school or
college. No registration or member-
ship fee. Rehearsals 7:15-8:15 p.m.
Tuesdays and Thursdays. Auditor-
ium, School of Music. .
The bell chamber of Burton Tower
will be open to visitors interested in
observing the playing of the caril-
lon from 12 noon to 12:15 p.m. each
Thursday until Aug. 19.
Religious Counselor: At Room 215
Angell Hall, the Counselor in Reli-
gious Education is available to all
students from 11 to 12 and 3 to 4
Tickets for individual plays as well
as season tickets for the series of 5
plays offered by the Michigan Rep-
ertory Players will be placed on sale
tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. in the
box office, Lydia Mendelssohn The-
ater. Productions to be presented
include "Ladies in Retirement", "Al-
ice Sit-by-the-fire", "Lady Precious
Stream", "Papa Is All", and "Hansel
and Gretel".
The annual summer registration
meeting of the University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation will be held Thursday,
July 8, at 7:30 o'clock in Room 231
Angell Hall, for all people interested
in securing new jobs or better jobs
in all walks of life. There will also,
be a short discussion of the present

Academic Notices
Attendance report cards are being
distributed through the departmen-
tal offices. Instructors are request-
ed to report absences of freshmen on
green cards, directly to the Office of
the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
Hall. Buff cards should be used in
reporting sophomores, juniors, and
seniors to 1220 Angell Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absen-
ces, and the time limits for dropping
courses. The rules relating to ab-
sences, are printed on the attendance
cards. They may also be found on
page 52 of the 1941-42 ANNOUNCE-
MENT of the College.
-E. A. Walter
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they
are approved by Assistant Dean
Walter. Students who fail to file
their election blanks by the close of
the third week, even though they
have registered and have attended
classes unofficially will forfeit their
privilege of continuing in the Col-
lege. -E. A. Walter
Medical Students: Any medical
students on campus who 'made ap-
plication for a room in Vaughan
House for the summer or fall, 1943,
should call at the Office of the Dean
of Students to arrange for a refund
of the ten dollar deposit.
Elementary Radio, Electrical En-
gineering 23n: The original plan to
cancel EE 23n has been reconsidered
and the course is to be given as
scheduled. The first class will be
held in Room 111 West Engineering
Building, Tuesday afternoon, July
6, 2-5. Those who have inquired
about the course and are interested
in taking it, please attend. If fur-
ther information isadesired please
call the Electrical Engineering Of-
fice, Extension 443.
Graduate Students: Preliminary
examinations in French and German
for the doctorate will be held on
Tuesday, July 6 from 4 to 6 p.m. in
the Rackham Amphitheatre. Dic-
tionaries may be used.
Coming Events
The First Vesper Service will be
held this evening at 7 p.m. in the
First Congregational Church.
The Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship will offer its regular Sunday
program this afternoon at 4:30 o'-
clock in the Fireplace Room of Lane
Hall. All students are invited to at-

present a program of music for the
piano by Chilean composers at 8:30
p.m. Tuesday, July 6, in' the Assem-
bly Hall of the Rackham Building.
Admission by complimentary ticket
obtainable Tuesday at the office of
the School of Music.
Record Hour: The first Record
Hour of the Summer. Session will be
held in the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies on Tues-
day, July 6, at 7:45 p.m. The place-
Men's Lounge on the second floor.
All service men on the campus inter-
ested in good music are cordially in-
Graduate Outing Club: Meets this
afternoon at 2:30 in the club quar-
ters in the Rackham Building for
election of officers and choice of
committee. To be followed by a hike
along the Huron River.
Post-War Council meeting has
been changed to Wednesday evening
at 7:15, Room 304, Union.
Mass Meeting for University Wo-
men Tuesday 7:30 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Auditorium. Undergraduate wo-
men are required to come and grad-
uates are urged to come.
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet today at the Zion Lutheran
Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington
Street, at 4:30 and leave from there
for a picnic. Lutheran Service men
are cordially invited.
Lutheran Student Chapel: Divine
Service in Michigan League Chapel
at 11 a.m. Sermon by the Reverend
Mr. Alfred Scheips. "The Christian
Youth and His Nation."
Meeting of Gamma Delta Luther-
an Student Club, at 1337 Wilmot for
discussion and supper, at 4:30 this
Unitarian Church Service at 11
a.m. Sermon by Edward H. Red-
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation. Class for students
and service men at 9:30 a.m. Dr.
E. W. Blakeman will lead discussion
on "Personality and Religion". Wes-
leyan Guild meeting, 3:30 p.m.
Morning Worship Service at 10:40
a.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach
on "A Declaration of Dependence".
First Congregational Church -
Morning Worship-10:45. Sermon
by Dr. Parr: "The Enemy Within
Our Gates". Student Fellowship will
have a buffet supper at 5:30 p.m. At
7 o'clock a Patriotic Vesper Service
will be.held in the church. Lt. Col.
Thomas W. Carter, Supervising Cha-
plain of the Second District of the
Army Air Forces Technical Train-
ing Command, will be the guest

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