I I ' 4A-4 PRWI IWI, Wtr 4 l Weather Occasional Showers VOL. LIII, No. 6-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 4, 1943 Hundred Ja lanes RoutedoverCe PRICE FIVE CENTS itral Solomons Area in ew Allied Offensive I * * * * * * Italian Bases Pulverized by Allied Bombs U.S. Liberators from Levant Aid in. Assault On Sicily, Mainland By NOLAND NORGAARD ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, July 3.- ()-The Allied assault on Italy's military air fields rose to a new peak of fury yes- terday when heavy and medium American bombers from North Afri- ca and the Middle East swung across by daylight to pulverize four impor- tant bases on Sicily and the Italian mainland. Only a few hours earlier heavy British night bombers had poured scores of tons of high explosives and fire bombs on the battered cities of Palermo and Catania, Sicily, and Cagliari, on Sardinia. The attack on Palermo was termed "heavy and successful," with two- ton blockbusters heading the de- struction. 100 Liberators Bomb Italy In what a U.S. communique de- scribed as "a sudden intensification of the attack," nearly 100 four-en- gined Liberators of the Middle East command swarmed over the "hell" of Italy to drop more than 400,000 pounds of bombs on Axis airdromes at Lecce, Grottagie and San Pan- crazio-all within the aerial defense zone protecting the big Italian naval base at Taranto. It was the biggest offensive action yet staged by Liberators of the Cairo command. Three were lost as clouds of Germans and Italian fighters rose to defend their home fields, but 12 Axis planes were destroyed, paying the penalty for getting within range of the Liberators' machine-guns. Direct Hits Scored Dispersal areas at all three air- dromes were blanketed with frag- mentation bombs, direct hits were scored on hangars and runways and bursts were seen throughout the tar- get areas, a communique said. At Lecce bursts of smoke covered the field, indicating hits on grounded aircraft, and at least two were de- stroyed at Grottaglie, the announce- ment said. It was American preci- sion bombing at its best. Food Subsidies RecommenIded Senate Group Agrees With Byrnes On Plan WASHINGTON, July 3.- (P)_ Authority for payment of up to $525,000,000 in subsidies between now and Jan. 1 was recommended by the Senate Banking Committee today I after a three-houi' closed session with War Mobilization Director Byrnes and other high administra- tion officials. The authority would be extended -and limited to that sum-by an amendment to a House-approvedi resolution renewing the life of the Commodity Credit Corporation for six months and increasing its bor- rowing power from $2,650,000,000 to an even $3,000,000,000. The House approved the CCC ex- tender, after sustaining President Roosevelt's veto of an earlier meas- ure which attempted to place a drastic ban on subsidy payments in- tended to roll back the price of food. Senator Taft (Rep-Ohio), sponsor of the amendment limiting subsidy payments for the balance of the year to the $525,000,000 total, pointed out that the language of- the provision did not restrict rollback payments which have been made to processors under the administration's subsidy plan reducing butter and meat pri- ces. Russians Th.war t German thrijsts Goebbel's Second Guess At Invasion Backfires By RUSSELL LANDSTROM Associated Press Correspondent LONDON, July 3.-(/P)-Ponderous attempts at levity by Paul Joseph Goebbels' propanga machine today could not quite conceal the misgiv- ings within Nazi Europe as the sec- ond date set by the Germans for an Allied invasion passed with scarcely more than the usual flow of reports from belligerent and neutral capi- tals. Stories of spreading uneasiness Congress Votes To KIll NYA War Activities Decision Goes Through In Spite of 'Truman's Pleas To Save Agency WASHINGTON, July 3.- (P- Congress agreed today to kill the National Youth Administration (N. Y. A.) The decision to end the agency which was created eight years ago as a work relief organization came when the Senate accepted by a 39 to 33 vote a House demand that NYA be given only $3,000,000 to finar.4c its liquidation at the end of 1943. The argument of Senator Truman Originally, the Senate had voted the agency $48,000,000 to continue oper- ation for the fiscal year ending nextI (Dem.-Mo.) of the Senate's War In- vestigating Committee that NYA'sy program of training youths for war industry work is "absolutely essen- tial" failed to save the agency. Op- ponents of NYA had contended NYA was inducing youths to leave farmst for work in shipyards and was en- gaged in "silly, crazy, cock-eyed" ac- tivities. The provision abolishing NYA was written into a $1,136,000,000 appro- priation bill for labor-security pro- grams. Agreement of the House and Senate on the NYA amendment3 brought the two houses a long stepa nearer final accord on the appropri- ation measure, one of a group of big money bills to supply funds for theE fiscal year started three days ago and over which Congress has beenG in dispute. Congressional action was complet- ed by the Senate on a $143,000,000' deficiency appropriation bill con- taining a provision cutting from the government payroll on next Nov. 15 three officials accused by House committees of membership in sub- versive organizations. Involved are Dr. Robert Morss Lovett, secretary to the Virgin Is- lands government; William E. Dodd, Jr., and Goodwin Watson, Federal Communications Commission em- ployes. within Hitler's fortress kept coming. Stockholm newspaper reports assert- ed that Deichsmarshall Herman Goering was "very ill," having suf- fered a "nervous breakdown with serious heart trouble after taking a cure." The reports said two specialists and Goering's wife were at his side almost uninterruptedly and that only intimates were permitted to see the Air Chief. Obviously inspired by Goebbels, the Paris radio put on during the day a heavy-footed "humorous" program ridiculing Allied plans for an attack on Europe. The date of July 3 for the Allied push was set arbitrarily by Goebbels after his previous guess of June 22 had not borne fruit. Starting at 7 a.m. and breaking into the program at intervals until early afternoon, voices from "some- where in 'rance" kept listeners ad- vised of the invasion situation. It was designed to be extremely funny. The apparent reason for the Ger- man build-up of the alleged invasion date was to arouse the hopes of the populace of the occupied countries and then to crush them withv ridi- cule. At one time today the Paris announcer told them with heavy satire that "the hour of liberation is striking." Universty Club Feels Horrors Of Modern War "Sorry, sir, but the Army has all the soup spoons," has become the stock reply of weary waitresses in the Union University Club every time a prcfessor asks for a means of eating his soup. Since Army engineers anr Ian- Since Army engineers and lan- cended on the Union cafeteria for their meals, no soup spoons have been available for faculty mem- bers who eat in the nearby Uni- versity Club. As soup forms part of the menu every day, the short- age has created serious problems. Forced to eat their piece de re- sistance with an ordinary tea- spoon, the professors have taken to avoiding the dish. One soup-lov- ing soul, however, demanded straws in desperation. The crowning blow fell today when it developed that the Army has not been served soup since it began to eat in the cafteria last Monday. Said Lt. Miller of the Ian- guage area group, "Every day we file past a pile of soup spoons. Every day we wonder what they are doing there and where the soup is. Now we hear that the faculty has been eating soup with tea- spoons so the Army can use soup spoons for soup that we haven't had." Planes Convoy Vital Supplies Across Ocean Give Complete 'Shore To Shore Coverage' Against Nazi Subs LONDON, July 3. -(')- Carrier- borne and land-based planes, team- ing to provide "complete shore-to- shore air cover" spanning the Atlan- tic, have helped bring a valuable con- voy over that dangerous sea "with- out interference from powerful forces of U-boats," it was announced today. A joint Admiralty and Air Min- istry communique describing con- tinuous air protection against sub- marines declared that'in attacks over a two-day period recently one U-boat was destroyed, another was probably destroyed, and "others may have been damaged." The escort carrier I.L.M.S. Archer and her planes took up the task of air protection between the time that the convoy moved out of range of land-based planes on the western side of the Atlantic, and reached the range of those based in Britain. The convoy crossed "a few weeks ago." "Close air cover was provided dur- ing the initial stage of the passage by Hudson, Ventura, Liberator and Catalina aircraft of the Royal Can- adian Air Force Eastern Air Com- Imand and during the final stage by Liberator, Sunderland and Halifax aircraft of the Royal Air Force Coastal Command," the communique said. "The mid-Atlantic gap between the extreme escorting ranges of these shore-based aircraft was bridged by Swordfish and Martlet aircraft from the escort carrier H.M.S. Archer." Aircraft from the Archer scored the one confirmed kill, diving out of a cloud cover on a submarine 15 miles from the convoy, "The submarine made repeated and unsuccessful attempts to dive. It then endeavored to get underway on the surface, turning in slow cir- cles with oil pouring from its tanks." Later it was abandoned and sank, and a number of survivors were pick- ed up. Depth charges from an airplane of the fleet air arm probably sank an- other U-boat, a Liberator of the coastal command attacked a third, and naval aircraft forced two others to dive. The conning tower of one submarine was peppered by gunfire from a plane. Local Students Crowd Holiday Trains, Busses University students will get their first vacation of the semester tomor- row as school facilities close down for a long Fourth of July weekend. Hundreds of students and soldiers with weekend passes crowded the Michigan Central station yesterday and officials said that ticket sales were much higher than usual. * * *1 Detroit Riot Aftermath DETROIT, July 3-UP)-This met- ropolitan area started a long holi- day week-end today with its cele- bration of the Fourth of July guarded by soldiers. There was no holiday for the troops sent here nearly two weeks ago after race rioting in Detroit streets had cost 34 lives. Their rou- tine for the week-end was un- changed. On public behavior over the holi- days rested the decision as to when the troops will start their movement out of the area. Brig.-Gen. William E. Guthner of the Sixth Service Command, under whose direction the troops operated, will confer Monday with Governor Kelly and Mayor Ed- ward J. Jeffries to review the situ- ation. General Guthner has said the troops would depart only when civil authorities considered the danger of new racial fighting had ended. I!I lP °.s mnd Yl CP. fP WASHINGTON, July 3.-(IP)-The Army, an informed source said today, has agreed to turn over to hard- pressed civilian industry 10 per cent of the 130,000 students it is sending to college for specialized training. The informant, who asked to be anonymous, said the 130,000 to be relinquished would be students of en- gineering, since the Army wants to At the present time, there are more than 500 Army engineers studying at the University. The period of training for these men varies from three to eighteen months. hold on to its medical trainees and others in highly-technical categories. The men released by the Army will not be selected until they have com- pleted their courses, it was said. Meanwhile, they will be indistin- guishable from their fellow soldier- students, required to complete the 13-week basic military training course and to wear uniforms while attending school. Most of those released for civilian work probably will be men the Army could use only for limited service be- cause of physical handicaps. The Army's decision was in re- sponse to an appeal from the War Manpower Commission for the re- lease of some engineering college Seek Midwest Gas Regulationt WASHINGTON, July 3. -(,P)- Tightened restrictions on gasoline use in the mid-west-so that some of its motor fuel may be sent to the east-were recommended today by a senate committee which also urged broader authority over all oil prob- lems for Secretary Ickes. The committee, headed by Senator Maloney (Dem.-Conn.) and appoint- ed to investigate gasoline and fuel oil shortages, said the outlook for re- lief was not good. ease acute shortages. graduates in this summer's classes to It coincided with authoritative re- ports that a projected WMC pro-f gram calling for a $50,000,000 appro- priation to help some 100,000 needy youths get wartime college training for work in vital industry had gotten no further than the Budget Bureau. The plan also had been received coolly in congressional committees it was reported. Language Area Men of ASTP 1 Arrive Here More than 200 men in the Army; Specialized Training Language Area Program scheduled to begin July 12 are already on campus. These men are to study virtually every modern European language, in preparation for the Army of Occu- pation. Before the program begins, ap-. proximately 50 more men will ar- rive. They will reside in Fletcher Hall and fraternity houses. All men selected for these courses already have a speaking knowledge of the language they are to study, and have an advanced classification in the ASTP. A large number of the men in this group have spent considerable time abroad in the countries whose lang- uages they will study. The men who have already arrived on campus have been reprocessing Fletcher Hall and the fraternities into Army barracks. Their mornings have been devoted to refresher courses concerning the political, economic and geographical aspects of the various countries. One hour each day has been spent in a current events lecture given by Uni- versity professors. All the language courses to be studied will be given by University professors. Allies Menace New Gcorgia Bases :. . . . . . . . : _:: H a r b KOLOMBANGARAz. vlsuvlsu 1 i~r.:G SRTGAEMIS sBs Rendov:' Harbor rA Renard -CLIFF - **~*VANGUNA RENDOVA TE TI PAR fter capturing Rendova Island in the Central Solomons, Allied forces today menaced Japanese instlaions at Munda Point (north- western New Georgia). Munda is only five miles from Rendova. Virm Harbor, the only one suitable for large ships, has been captured. Other raids ranged through the entire Netherlands East Indies area ENGINEERS WANTED: C g Trainees from Arm Gains -Made Throughout Attack Area Three Light Enemy Cruisers, 4 Nipponese Destroyers Driven Off ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, July 4. (Sunday)-(P) -One hundred Japanese planeshave been routed in the last two days of sky fighting over the newly-invaded central Solomons and enemy plane losses in that area of the Pacific of- fensive have mounted to 134, it was announced today. In far flung battles 'for control of the air, the enemy also was routed over the scene of American landings at Nassau Bay, New Guinea; his biv- ouac areas near his menaced air base on Munda on New Georgia was blasted by 28 tons of bombs dropped by torpedo and divebombers; his mighty air fortress of Rabaul was set ablaze by 22 tons- of bombs in the fourth straight Allied raid; his air base at Kendari, Dutch Celebes, was rocked by 16 tons of bombs by Allied planes which had to make a 1,500 mile round trip flight; and hi airdrome at Koepang, on Dutch Ti- mor, 500 miles northwest of Darwin, underwent a heavy attack. Seven Ships Chased In the darkness of early morning Saturday, three Japanese light cruis ers and four destroyers succeeded in lobbing a few shells on Rendova Is- land in the Solomons where the Americans landed Wednesday but the shelling was characterized as "in- effective" and American warships chased the enemy units away. The Japanese units moved up to Renard Cove seven miles southwest of Ugali on the north end of Rendova Island to place their shells at Ren- dova plantation. Whether they sought to ascertain the strength of our naval forces was not disclosed but they pulled out as soon as the American warships moved in. Meanwhile, our troops went on about the business of con- solidating positions. Japanese Send 100 Planes The Japanese, battling against American control of the air over the newly-conquered positions, sent over 100 planes- Friday and Saturday. Against the 50 encountered Friday were pitted only seven Allied fight- ers but the seven downed six of the enemy and dispersed the remainder with a loss of only three planes. And one of the pilots was saved. On Sat- urday 50 more enemy planes fought it out with 10 American planes, los- ing five against three of ours. Today's communique also told of continued Allied efforts to conquer the New Georgia area. Allied ships poured shells into en- emy positions on Vangunu, an is- land off the southeastern tip of New Georgia. Baritch Investigates Jones-Wallace Tilt WASHINGTON, July 3.- ()-- Bernard M. Baruch, adviser extra- ordinary to the administration, has taken a hand in efforts to straighten out policy differences between the Board of Economic Warfare (BEW) and the Reconstruction Finance Cor- poration (RFC) which led to the feud between Vice-President Wal- lace and Secretary of Commerce Jesse Jones. Disclosure of Baruch's efforts was made today by Milo Perkins, BEW's executive director, in a report to the joint committee on reduction of non- essential federal expenditures, head- ed by Senator Byrd (Dem.-Va.) Perkins did not indicate whether intervention by the Chairman of the War Industries board of the First World War and the present assistant to War Mobilization Director James F. Byrnes, is continuing in the light of the explosive exchanges which have taken place between Wallace and Jones. -B UnnT ~LLEA TN-avLP NVO Sill lr,IA w -l' 4 1;1 # Ann Arbor LaundryS ituaion Makes Clean Clothes Valuable i - By MARGARET FRANK A pile of fresh laundry is get- ting to be more valuable than but- ter to students and servicemen as local laundries find themselves swamped by war-expanded busi- ness. Laundry and cleaning crises in Ann Arbor arc "extremely critical" --the worst in ar'y city in the mid- west," laundry owners yesterday disclosed. A week to two is needed to get clothes washed and countless bun- dles are being turned away daily. Owners blamed the acute sitia- tion on shortage of labor. One manager estimated that his shop was getting along on one-third the labor employed last year, and he said that he doubted if all the peo- ple employed in laundries could adequately staff a single plant. Hit hardest by the laundry crisis last month and found that much vital equipment is lying idle be- cause workers cannot be found. "We finally made an agreement with a Detroit laundry to take care of the bulk of the work, but if the situation gets worse our laundry may be sent to Camp Custer where hat plant will put on an extra night shift to take care of it," Capt. Ross Zartman of the Quartermasters Corps said yester- day. "We checked laundries at Ionia and Jackson state prisons, here, we found a large enough labor sup- ply but limited equipment," he said. "The situation is by no means solved as far as the Army is con- cerned but some arrangement will undoubtedly be made in the next few weeks." Laundry owners said the reason WHO DONE IT? Ladies in Retirement', Mystery Thriller, To Open Wednesday Ann Arbor theatre-goers who en-I joy a mystery melodrama will have a chance to satisfy their demands when "Ladies in Retirement", pre-I sented by the Michigan Repertory Players, opens at 8:30 p.m. Wednes- day on the stage of the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Featured in this popular "who- done-it" English murder story will be Blanche Holpar as the wealthy and trusting benefactress, Leonora Fiske. Claribel Baird, already well known