THE MICHIGANDAILY SUNDAY, AUG. 22, 1942 Abor j; 8( Sh St O -Military Po am Battle Will Be aged at Ferry Field Tanks, Jeeps, Guns, Retreat Review Will Feature Event; Service Units To Parade ice Will Invade Ann I rbor J AGS GRADUAT E: Tomorrow J Co. A Blinks at Twilight Maneuvers AirCorps To (Continued from Page 1) Guire of Detroit. They will pre- sent a brief skit. There will be exhibitions of Army drill, including a race over a portable obstacle course. The sham battle, involving tanks, land mines, aerial bombs and artillery fire, will be de- scribed over a Signal Corps public address system by Lt. Charles G. Chan, who was formerly an announ- cer for a radio network in New York City. The task force will say good night to the flag with the solemn retreat ceremony, thus concluding the all- day salute to Ann Arbor labor, indus- try and agriculture. * * * Mobility Will Keynote Force Mobility is the keyword of modern warfare and the Army Caravan task force which will arrive in Ann Arbor about 10 a.m. tomorrow is typical of the Army's highly mobile mechanized units now fighting the Axis. More than 120 vehicles, including 1 -ton troop carriers, 2%-ton, six- wheel trucks which transport field kitchens, monster 22-ton carriers which transport the two tanks, and many other types of motorized trans- ports will comprise the convoy. Convoy Travels 25 Miles an Hour The problems involved in moving such a vast array of equipment are many, and the maneuvers in which American soldiers engage before fac- ing enemy fire deal primarily in iron- ing out the bottlenecks of traffic. When the battalion is on the road in march formation, it covers a stretch of highway nearly six miles in length. No convoy can travel faster than its slowest vehicle and consequently the average rate of speei for such a bat- talion seldom exceeds 25 miles per hour. Long before the battalion starts its run, an itinerary. is mapped out by transportation officers. Railroad crossings and road junctions are not- ed, and bridge crossings are checked to make sure that the bridges are capable of supporting the weight of the heaviest vehicles. Route Markers Precede Force Several trucks filled with "route markers"- Military Police traffic directors-start in advance of the convoy. Soldiers are placed at rail- road crossings and highway crossings to direct the following convoy and to supervise. civilian traffic. At the rear of the convoy are sev- eral empty trucks which pick up the route markers and shuttle them ahead of the convoy to advance points where they repeat their per- formance of guiding the battalion. This operation assures the convoy of following the correct itinerary and eliminates traffic jams at the cross- ings. Have Short Wave Radios The lead vehicle in a typical bat- talion convoy and the rear vehicle are equipped with short-wave radio sending-receiving sets, and constant communication is maintained so that the head of this monstrous creature is aware of what the tail is doing five or six miles away. Service trucks carrying repair and supply stores usually follow in the rear of the convoy where they may assist vehicles which have fallen out of line because of mechanical diffi- culties. Heavy Carriers Support Tanks One of the more interesting fea- tures of the convoy is the heavy roll- ing equipment which was provided for the Army Salute program by Camp Campbell, Ky. There is a 33- ton medium tank, the Gen. Sherman, and a 12-ton light tank, which are transported on huge 22-ton carriers. The medium tank and carrier com- ponent,. weighing a total of 55 tons, pose certain problems in the matter of crossing bridges and culverts. How- ever, since the carrier unit has 34 wheels on six axles, the tremendous weight is distributed fairly enough to insure safe passage over most high- ways. -Daily Photo by Cpl. R. L. Lewin, Co. A Members of Company A watch a patrol of their unit go through a practice night maneuver in the Arboretum Friday night. The boys spent most of the evening getting a realistic picture of the type of fighting they'll be encountering and using in the Pacific area. Lt. Kenneth Rewick, foreground who conducted the demonstrations, is here explaining the right and wrong ways to take cover when an area is suddenly illuminated by enemy flares. BUDDIES BR UCK, BIGEL: Army Continues Partnership If it is rare enough for two friends to stick together through the vagar- ies of induction and Army training, what are the chances of two law partners to continue their "partner- ship" from original assignment right through to officer candidate school? This happened to two members graduating from the first Officer Candidate Class at the Judge Advo- cate General's School. Candidates Leo Bruck and Joseph Bigel were law partners in Newark, N.J. in January 1942. Residents of North'Arlington, N.J., they attended New Jersey Law School together, graduating in the class of 1928, and both were prominent in North Ar- lington activities. In January Bruck and Bigel were separated when the former was inducted, but not for long. In April both men were in the Army stationed at Mitchell Field, N.Y. where Bigel became a "top kick" and his partner a staff sergeant, in the same outfit in the Signal Corps. In June of this year, both received orders to report at the Judge Advo- cate General's School as members of the first Candidate Class, and now they are slated to graduate together on Saturday. JAG Staff, Faculty Loses Darr, Shields With the departure for unrevealed assignments of Maj. James E. Darr, Infantry, and Capt. George C. Shields, Quartermaster Corps, the Staff and Faculty of the Judge Advo- cate General's School loses two offi- cers with months of service here. Captain Shields was transferred to duty here from Camp McCoy, Wis. last December. Give Chaplain Hour Today Concert by 33-Piece Y AAFTTC Band Will Precede Program Men of the Air Corps Unit on1 campus who are leaving next monthE will say thanks and goodbye to Ann1 Arbor at "The Chaplains Hour" to be held at 4 p.m. today on the Li-l brary steps. The Air Corps address will be made by Master of Ceremonies Pvt. Gerald T. O'Brien.. Speaking for the men in his unit, he will thank Ann Arbor residents, churches and University students for all that has been done for them during their stay here. A 15-minute concert by the Air Corps band will precede the pro- gram. Directed by Col. Edward Wachelz, the band will open the concert with "National Emblem," to be followed by "American Patrol." Band to Make Last Bow The 33-piece band, which will be making its last concert appearance, will then play "The Missouri Waltz" and "Semper Fidelis." Dr. E. W. Blakeman, counselor in Religious Education, will give the invocation, followed by Private O'Brien's address. Pvt. Robert W. Whitmer will then lead the 50-man chorus of the unit in group singing of the "Army Air Corps Song." "The Duties of an Army Chaplain" will then be discussed by Chaplain Francis P. McVeigh, Lt., USAAF. A specialty number by the band, "Trombones on Parade," will follow. Chaplain Paul Samson, Capt., USAAF, will then ,speak on "The Serviceman's Place in the Post-War World." "The Victors" will follow, played by the band. "The program will close with the Choral Group singing "The Star Spangled Banner." Members of the Detachment Chap- lain's Committee are Privates Bruce Cooke, Stanley Diamond, Gilbert Koch, Dwight Smith and Gilbert Steiner. * * * Air Cor's To Leave Sept. 18 More than half of the Air Corps men studying basic meteorology here will leave for an advanced school Sept. 18 for a final training period of eight months, Lt. Harry Wilson, com- manding officer, announced yester- day. The remainder of the men will leave Nov. 27, concluding the Meteor- ology Training Program on campus. The first group has been studying at the University in February, while the second group arrived in May. Upon completion of the advanced course, the men will be commissioned second lieutenants in the Air Corps. Lieutenant Wilson has replaced Maj. Carl Hart, who recently left for a new assignment as commanding officer of the Air Corps Unit on cam- pus. Lieutenant Wilson has been on campus since May. Bfore coming to the University, he was command- ing officer of the 996th School Squadron Detachment at George Williams College, Chicago. Co. A To Receive 10-Day Furlough in September Army Exercises To Launch 80 Lieutenants on Saturday Graduation week of the 1st Officer of the graduating class take all the Candidate Class at the Judge Advo- parts in a court-martial will be held cate General's School brings an ar- ryof featres that have" becomeThursday. It is planned to prepare a an established part of the exercises, set of charges "for trial" based upon starting Tuesday and ending Satur- an imaginary happening at the day morning with the presentation of School. diplomas by Major General Myron At graduation parade on Friday C. Cramer, The Judge Advocate Gen- afternoon, three generals will be eral of the Army, to approximately honored guests. In addition to Gen= 80 new second lieutenants. eral Cramer and General Hedridk, At that time all candidates who Major General Blanton Winship, the have successfully completed the in- graduation speaker will participate; tensive three months course will also Late advices indicate that Brig,. Gen. be given discharges as enlisted men Thomas H. Green, The Assistant to an dimmediately receive their com- The Judge Advocate General will be missions and take oath of office. unable to attend. Guest speakers of the week include In the evening the class banquet Col. Charles M. West, Chief of the will also honor the' guests of ,the Military Affairs Division of the afternoon together with Col. Fred- Judge Advocate General's Office, erick C. Rogers, Col. Edward H. Washington, D. C. on Tuesday; Col. Young, School Commandant; Cap- Frank E. Shaw, Staff Judge Advo- tain Richard E. Cassidy, Corn- cate of the Seventh Service Com- mandant of NROTC units on. Can- mand, on Wednesday; and Brig. Gen. pus, Dean E. Blythe^ Stason of the Lawrence H. Hedrick, Air Judge Ad- Law School, and members of the vocate, on Thursday. All will address School Staff and Faculty. In keeping the 2nd Officers Candidate Class and with tradition, original skits written 12th Officers Class as well as the and acted by the graduates in true- graduating class. "gridiron club" style will give the The Moot Court, time-honored new officers an opporturiry to lam- function in which selected members poon their instructors. r r r .i' g . { ,/';?. 4 al'Y I"R \ f Doesyour'skin suddanly develop a malicious attempt to annoy you? Sp many things you do, the weather, the wrong' fQod, over-fatigue can upset its stellar performance. Be ready for its capric with the carefully thought-out contents of an Elizabeth Arden Efficiency Kit for care of a Blemishad Skin. Contains: Ardena Cleansing Cream Ardena Skin YotI n Ardena Eight Hour Cream Ardena Venetian Mosque Ardena Soothing Lotion 5.50 Also Kits forNORMAL SKIN, 6.00; DRY SKIN, 5.50 OLY $%IN, 6Q b u appe On State at the Head of North University WE DELIVER ; RA 11 , - - M' B=' ; K -"' y MAW P / \ 2 'F~) F' I a iorc "KNOW 110W" Sour. ipecia/ hJ! Today, the f 4shion-correctness and long- range quality should be every wise shopper's prime considerations. T hat's why it's important to select your wartime wearables at a store that knows the fashion picture thoroughly. We're ready now, with any number of suggestions to help solve-your Fall wardrobe needs smartly, sensibly-and with a several-season outlook! '1 1 ll As we see it, there's a lot of man- power in fashion for Fall. Have a look at our collection of suits and topcoats. You'll see he power of the male in every one of them. You'll see fly front coats and ches- terfields. You'll see suits as trim and tailored as any man's. Yet with your soft blouses . . . and your own personality, these man tailored clothes take on a fresh look of fem- ininity. Come in and see! t The diagonal will be without the now familiar faces of Company A, 3651st S.U. from Sept. 3' to 13 while the men are on furlough. "They have been studying 'con- stantly since April," Commanding' Officer Lt. George Spence said yes- terday, "and deserve a vacation. / ___ _ .__, t I, tl - as seen in Vogue BLOUSES GALORE: Lovely new silky baski- nese with frilly or tailored necklines. Striped shirts with long sleeves in dashing combina- tions. Wool jerseys in warm colors. LUSCIOUS LINGERIE: Rayon slips with gay eyelet embroidery. Lace trim or tailored in pink, peach, white. The wonderful new Hollywood-Maxwell brassieres are in! Form- fitting as our Flexee girdles. Super control in all sizes. J adepu'i e ; 4 Elak-to-' School. MUSTS!" e, Harper's, Glamour, and Mademoiselle GOBS o' SOCKS: Cotton, wool, rabbit's hair, 'n argyles! Colors to match your exciting new outfits. CLASSIC SWEATERS 'N SKIRTS: Bermuda knits in colors you've dreamed about. "Knubby Knits" 'n "Baggy Maggy's." Thrilling skirts from California . . . virgin wool whites, greys, greens, plaids, 'n other shades of autumn. 1, f 74. e 1iaeh e27biton i 1 l i