9a 71 FT Tfflfl MICt4TV-AN- hAlIV. !, AI'"7TuimA'Kr T2Tir " at i n a.4 _ - t~ u'~ A r j C ide A ?t'JULY 3,t . . 1943 Fifty-Third Year 1 KN I~n JrAE-.n ."< . . . Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year. and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Staff Marion Ford . . . . Managing Editor Bud Brimmer . . . . Editorial Director Leon Gordenker . . . . . City Editor Harvey Frank . . . . . Sports Editor Busness Staff Jeanne Lovett . . . . . Business Manager Molly Winokur . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24.1 NIGHT EDITOR: VIRGINIA ROCK Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. HUNGER BOC One Billion Dollar FSA Loans Must Be Allowed \ 'W HY IS IT," Paul Sifton, a National Farmers Union official, asks, "that 17 months after Pearl Harbor American agriculture is practically on the farming as usual basis, unlike American industry which, with all its mistakes, has in the same period of time given us the greatest indus- trial war production in the world?" This is a question which can be anwered by a brief review of the home front battle that has been raging betweeji the commerial farm- p s' Hunger Bloc and the lower income farm families. With stringent commodity .and foodi shortages as the 1943 prospect too few Ameri- ean people have been aware of this skirmsh and even fewer are the Congressmen who have deigned. to become concerned about it. Today in the UnitedStates, according to Sif- ton, there are about 1,840,000 farm families, who, with little government assistance in loans and in farm management service and supervision, can greatly increase the production of vital foods. Yet, due to pressure brought on Cngress by the Hunger Bloc of large scale commercialized farmers, that body has been steadily whittling away the funds of the Farm Security Adminis- tration to the point where only 463,000 of these families are being helped by the FSA. Estimates show that the small amount of help given to these 463,000 families which comprise only 7.6% of all farmers has stepped up food production as much as 38% in the case of milk, 27% in the case of dry beans, and 10% in the case of eggs, chickens and peanuts. But there is still another 1,390,900 families waiting, ready and anxious to go into maxi- mum production of war vital food whenever the people of the United States, acting through the government, give the word. SIFTON estimates that these farmers could in- crease the production of milk 250%, and when their number is added to those already re- ceiving FSA aid, they could produce as much as 75% and not less than 16% of the hoped for in- crease in s'oybeans, eggs, beef, peanuts, beet sugar, pork, chickens and dry beans. This increased FSA aid means that production loans averaging $700 per farm would b.e made by the government. These would total one bil- lion dollars, the amount spent by the govern- ment in five days of warfare, and the returns on these loans in terms of increased food production would be invaluable. This is a proposal which is by no means new. The National Farmers Union has repeatedly urged that Congress increase FSA appropria- tions so that these small farmers , could be given help. Yet a reactionary Congressi ol farm bloc has opposed these. Measures at every turn, Spokesmen for large scale agriculture have resisted expansion of food production. They op- pose conversion of land, equipment and man- power from the production of less-needed to more-needed foods, because in the face of rising demand, a smaller supply would bring larger prices. IMMEDIATELY after Pearl Harbor the Hunger B1oc proposed to liquidate the FSA, despite the President's declaration that its continuance was a vital necessity. He asked for increased appropriations for that body which the Senatej made, the House opposed, and out of the. lgog fight that ensued, the FSA received a $97,000,000 ' hAniu,- that. wnri 5,,, na in H0 n'ohp nn in an I. 'OUL TJRAJUOR: Mihailovich Exposed By Escaped Partisans GENERAL DRAJA MIHAILOVICH is a traitor to Yugoslavia. But he is not alone. The en- tire former Yugoslav government, which recent- ly resigned, has been part of a reactionary pro- Axis campaign to destroy the partisan Yugoslav People's Liberating Army, which has been suc- cessfsully harassing the Axis. The whole vileand nefariu.s plot, and tpe, part played in it by the BBC and the London Yugoslav Government, was revealed recently in Britain by three Yugoslav partisans who were captured.by the Germans almost a year ago, and who escaped; toBritain. Thei story fol- lows: MOST OF US started fighting a mponth or so after the Germans came in, in July or August, 1941. General Mihailovitch, who had fled to the mountains during the war, stayed pat during these two months. On Sept. 13, he and the Chetniks signed an agreement with the High Command of. the People's Liberating Army, and we thought we were allies. On Sept. 27, Captain Kosievich Petrovich with a detachment of. 2,000 Chetniks attacked a gar- rison of partisans stationed in a small town. The partisan High Command immediately got in touch withMihailovitch and asked him if.Petro- vich's men were under his command. Mihailo- itch denied thatthey were, so the, patisans sent lorries with reinforcements and drove out the Chetnik detachment. Then, surprisingly, Mi- hailovitch admitted that Petrovich was an offi- cer in his forces, but oered toturn him over to the partisans for summary execution. A new agreement was signed between the partisans and Mihailovich. From September to Nqvember lp41, no less than six of these agreements were consumlu- mated. In every inportant action by the par- tisans against the army of occupation, Mihail- ovich Chetpiks would stab them in the back. Qply one did Mlhaiovich fight on the same side as the partisans and that as 'in October 141. Mihailovich by November was being praised in the Quisling press which was crediting him with having turned over 350 partisans to the Axis for execution. In its last agreement with Wihailovich late in November 1941' the partisan command decided to give Mihailovich, who was pleading innoent to the "excesses" of his officers, 5,000 of their treasurer rifles produced in their own factories. In the very same month, when the partisan for- ces were engaged in fierce combat with the Axis enemy, Mihailovich and 5,000 CheJnik attacked from the rear. As a result, the partisans de- clared Miaiovich a traitor and launched an extermination campaign against his forces which was going very successfully when, clear out of the blue, the Yugoslav Government in London ap- pointed Mihailovich Minister of War. The timing of the reactionaries in London was excellent. Mihailvlch was at his lowest ebb and might have ben .exterminated, giv- ing birth to a uni.ted people's anti-Axis move- ment. Itowever,.with ti lodon government actively supporting Mihailovich, much of the spirit of tfie partisans was broken, giving Mi- hailovich the needed breathing spell to reor- ganize his forces. He was also aided by the Germans who dropped paMphlets saying: Why should you fight when the English as well as the Germans are agaist you? :N T9,MEANWHILE many Chetnik officrs and men came over to the partisans. The partisans did all they could to build up morale by propagandizing the little Soviet aid they re- ceived by air. However, their faith in the British was shaken forever as they heard victory after victory against the Axis, bought at the cost of the lives of their comrades, reported as the work of the. Axis cllaborator Mihailovich. The People's Liberating Army kept on fight- ing. Nor did Mihailovich step ot of the pic- ture. HE YUGOSLAV PARTISANS in London did not analyze the present situation, but it is clear just what Mihailovich is doing in Yu- goslavia. Ltke millions of reactionaries, he be- lieves that an armed and socially cgnscious peo- . Pe are at least as dangerous as the foreign fas- cists. He is not averse to fighting the Nazis as long as the fight will be uot for a democratic socialistic Yugoslavia, but for a backward reac- tionary one. The people of Yugoslavia do not share his views, except perhaps for a few ultra-national- istic Serbs. They remember too well the racial discrimination against the Croats and Slovenes, the suppression of unions, and the other myriad anti-democratic acts of the pre-war regime. They want a, new and better world to live in and the escaped partisans report, that just as the Chi- nese Red Army used to do, they are putting their social and political ideas into practice in the areas under their control. All we can say is: Keep fighting, .)eep building your new world, Yugoslav partisans, we're all for you! - El Podliashuk NO DISASTER: Stephan's Death Woni 1 Not Have Won the W ar AFTER A YEAR of legal bickering, Max Ste- phan will take up residence for the remain- der of his natural life in one of the government's federally endowed prisons. Treason in wartime was his grime-a crime punishable by death, and throughout the year he, heard three courts and three judges uphold the tradition that a traitor must die. "hanged by the neck until dead" was his sentence. His record was an amazing one and four times his case appeared before the U.S. Supreme Court, twice, before the federal circuit of appeals. His -tearful puffed face graced the front pages of Detroit papers week after week. Because he believed "that the sentence im- posed was too severe" President Roosevelt com- muted Stephan's sentence to life imprisonment and loosed upon himself some of the most reac- tionary, stupid criticism of the war. His action has been branded as a direct aid to the Axis.. BECAUSE one man's life was not taken, critics choose to seize this occasion as an oppor- tunity to say all the uncomplimentary things they can against the President. Politically the President's move was not wise. However, it was humane and based on a law that defines treason in terms .of different qualities. Stephan did not design a deliberate plot to sabotage America's war effort, his crime was aiding a prisoner of war. That blubbering man who took the witness stand time and time again in his own defense is certainly a poor example of humanity, but ac- cording to democratic principles and ideals he has a right to live. The people who rant and rail, against the President's action are merely admitting that the President is far beyond his time. If democratic law is to be maintained there must be no exceptions. Not even emotional ex- ceptions like Max Stephan. - Margaret F'ank I'd Rather Be lkRight - 3y SAM'iUEi GRAFTON NEW YORK, July 2.- I would not take too much comfort from the German delay in start- ing the offensive against Russia. Maybe a grain or two of comfort, but better not make a meal of it. For the German people are probably taking comfort from the delay, too. It is like a reprieve for them. It is a pause in their dying. German delay in striking at Russia fits into Hitler's propaganda picture of Europe as a for- tress defending itself against deadly enemies. Hitler has tried to rally the Germans to him by making his war appear to be a war of defense. If there is no major offensive against Russia, and no major change of any kind in the European picture this summer, there may even result in a lift in German morale. Let us remember the days when we used to base our happiness on the fact that no major change was taking place. If we are glad that nothing big is happening on the Russian front, why should not the Ger- mans be glad of that, too? This year's nothing is a big improvement for them over last year's something. The whispered hope may go through Germany that, after all, she holds a great part of the Ukraine; it is now the third summer since the Ukraine was scorched; its physical wounds are healing; it may begin to provide food; while Ger- many merely fights a defensive war. Defensive wars are popular. Even rabbits fight them. Current talk about how marvelous it is that the German offensive has been delayed takes us back to an earlier period in the war, when we appeared to have no affirmative program of our own, when it seemed like an enormous victory for us if Germany were merely not at- tacking. We used to dread the summers and long for winter and bad weather, because then the German machine would halt. There are ten miles of open ideological space between the hope that Germany has stubbed her toe, and the deliberate desire to smash her armies by our own creative effort and will. Russia's contribution has been her disdain of the winter lull, her refusal to accept the winter lull, her invention of the winter war. I should imagine that all sound strategists, similarly, if they were conscious of military su- periority, would want a German offensive, would welcome it, would even seek to provoke it. That should be our spirit in the year 1943, and not this flashback to 1940's mood of comfort in inac- tion. The real question for us to worry our pretty little heads about is not whether Germany is able to take the offensive, but whether we are. If we are, then a German offensive against Russia would be useful to us, by further stretching and extending Germany's armies and supplies, and making her all the more vulnerable to a blow in the west. If we are really panting for an offensive of our own, we can draw no heart's-ease whatever from the absence of a German. ditto. The mood of rejoicing that the German armies are avoiding a -4''c anA fr .nirlnnn of af The W ASHINGTON MERRY=GO-ROUND By DREW-PEA-SO WASHINGTON, July 3.-White House intimates say they have never seen the President so reso- lute on any issue as on the ques- tion of holding the price line. One of his intimate advisers remarked: "The President really had his Dutch up when he fi'ed Chester Davis." Usually Roosevelt would rather find a compromise than to offend people. Sometimes he goes to ex- treme lengths to find' a new place for a man who doesn't fit. But when it came to a choice of let- ting prices rise or offending Ches- ter Davis, he took the latter course with a vengeance. His letter to Davis will go down in the Roosevelt records as one of the sharpest, letters he ever penned. Though it opened with the usual first - naming ("Dear Chester"), it told Davis to get out 'immediately, instead of waiting to announce his new program for I944. It also charged that Davis 'was unwill- ing to "support a program to hold down the cost of living". Hoeing His Own Ro Davis was brought to Washing- ton because of his farm support, but inside fact is that trouble be- gan as soon as Roosevelt found Davis was using that support for his own food program rather than the President's. Davis has always been close to Republican farm leader Earle Smith and conservative Ed O'Neal ofthe 'Farm Bureau.. 'ut when he began to play the Smith-Q'Neal game on Capitol Hill-opposing subsidies and the roll-back of pri- ces-the President thought it was time to get rid of opposition with- in the official family. The question of how much au- tliority"Davis had or dir't have is incidental. 'He might have had more if he had played ball and tried to hold the line in the first place. But as it became ap- parent that Chester was not a holder-of-the-line, he was more and more frequently overruled by Jimmy Byrnes. So Davis raised the cry of divid- ed authority. Final split came over the ques- tion of subsidies, which the Presi- d ntbelieves is being used as a red herring by food processors, who found in Davis a convenient mouth-piece. One reason for their opposition is the fact tlat subsi- dies and the roll-back "of prices would require government inspec- tion of their books and records. FDR's Comeback The New Deal has lost much of its old fervor. Domestic issues have given way to war issues. But now Roosevelt is coming back, like a prodigal son, to the liberal strug- gles which made him famous'. He is determined to keep pri- ces down for the housewife and the average consumer. The Re- publicans are already preparing to make food shortages a cam- paign issue next year, and Roosevelt is selecting his own weapens for the duel. Note: When Davis came to Washington for the War Food job, he gave indication he thought it would be a temporary job, which he might quit at any time. Instead, of taking ~"a modest government salary, he preferred to keep' his handsome salary as Federal Re- serve Bank President in St. Louis. He now returns to that job. Obstructing justice Even Supreme Court Justices have their troubles in that vast and teeming head'quarters of the War Department-the Pentagon Building. Recently Justice Felix Frankfurter called to see Secretary of 'W~jar' Stimson, 'but' was asked by a pretty receptionist if he had any "identification." "I have an appointment with Secretary of War Stimson," re- plied Frankfurter. "What's youi' address?" inquired the receptionist. "The Supreme Court of the United States," said Frankfurter. "I am late for an appointment with Mr. Stimson. Would' you please call his office immediately and get this thing straightened out." A phone call developed that Stimson was waiting at that very minute to confer with Frankfur- ter. "Oh, there's one more thing, Mr. Frankfurter," said the reception- ist. "Every visitor in the building must wear a badge." She held out'a badge and a pink slip of paper, which Stimson was supposed to sign in order to let Frankfurter out of the building after his conference. The Supreme Court Justice took both and hur- ried off. After he was gone, the receptionist hastily referred to a Congressional Directory. "Hmmm, well, it just goes to show you," she remarked to the next visitor. "That man was born in Austria. You can't be too care- ful these days." Anti-Strike Fury The President's veto message of the anti-strike bill arrived on Cap- itol Hill at 3:05:p.m., and here is one conversation which took place at 3:05 between two loyal Roose- velt leaders who had had no ink- ling that the message was coming. House Leader John McCor- mack of Massachusetts, confer- ring with Democratic Whip Ramspeck of Georgia, said he would vote to sustain the veto, even though he, MeCormack, or- iginally had voted for the anti- strike bill. But Ramspeck demurred. "I can't do it, John," he said. "I supported the bill in the first place because I was assured that the President was for it. I don't like to desert the President, but after all, it looks like he hasn't been faithful to us." Burning with fury over the White House shift, McCormack re- plied: "Well, I can't desert the ship, Bob, but I can't object if you do." Note: Speaker Sam Rayburn, who had been informed by Justice Byrnes that the President was for the anti-strike bill, was so furious that he put the bill to an immedi- ate vote, knowing full well the President would be defeated. (Copyright, 1943,. United Features Synd) _ _.. _ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1943 VOL. LIlT, No. 5-S All notices for The Daily Official Bulle- tin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi- cation, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices STUDENTS IN NAVY TRAINING PROGRAM: All V-1 and V-7 stu- dents assigned to University of Michigan should obtain orders for text books as follows: All Engineer- ing from Assistant Dean A. H. Lov- ell, 259 West Engineering Builcing; all others from Assistant Dean L. S. Woodburne, 1208 Angell Hall. college of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Schools of Education, Fo'- estry, Music, and Public Health: Students who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semesterj or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by July 28. Students wishing an ei- tension of time beyond this date 'in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school in Room 4 U.H. where it will be trans- mitted. --Robert R. Williams Assistant Uegistmr The General Library and all the Departmental Libraries will be closed Monday, July 5. -Samuel W. McAllister Associate Director The annual summer registration meeting of the University Bureau of Appointments andi Occupational 'In= formation will be held' Thirsday, July 8, at 7 o'clock inroom 205, Ma- son Hall, for all persons interested in seeking new jobs in all walks of life. There will also be a short discussion of the present situation regarding teaching, government and industrial employment. The bell chaWber of B.urton Tower will be open to visitors interested in observing the playing of the carillon frm19nnnfi 12 " - 1 Rm an- -h Academic Notices FACULTY, COLLEGE OF LITER- ATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS: Attendance report cards are being distributed through the departmen- tal offices. Instructdrs are request- ed to report absences of freshmen on green cards, directly to the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. Buff cards should be used in reporting sophomores, juniors, and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall. Please note especially the regula- tions 'concerning three-week -absen- ces, and the time limits for dropping courses. The rules relating to ab- sences are printed on the 'attendance cards. 'They may 'also be found on page 52 of the' 1941-2 ANINOUNCE- MVENT"'of our College: --E. A. Walter Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Election cards filed after the end of the first week of the semester may be accepted by the Registrar's Office only if they are approved by Assistant Dean Walter. Students who fail to file their election blanks by the close of the third week, -even though they have registered and have attended classes unofficially will forfeit their privilege of continuing in the Col- lege. --E. A. Walter' Meical Students: Any medical) students on campus who made ap- plication for a room in Vaughan House for the summer or fall, ~1943, should call at the Office of the Dean of Students to arrange for a refund of the ten dollar deposit. Elementary Radio, Electrical En- gineering 23n: The orignal plan to cancel EE 23n has been reconsidered and the course is to be given as scheduled. The first class will be held in loom 111 West Engineering Building. Thursday afternoon, July 6, 2-5. Those who have inquired about the course and are interested Coring Events The First Vesper Service will be held on Sunday, July 4, at 7 p.m. in the First Congregational Church. Wesley Foundation: Recreation program tonight for all Methodist students and their friends and for service men, 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. in the Wesley Lounge at the First Metho- dist Church. Lecture Recital: Rene Amengual, , Chiean 'pianist and composer, 'will present a program of music for the piano by Chilean composers at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 6, in the Assem- bly Hall of the Rackham Bhilding. Admission by complimentary ticket obtainable Tuesday at the office of the School of Music. -t., The Lutheran Student Association will meet Sunday, July 4, at the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 East Washington Street at 4:40 and leave from there for a picnic. Lutheran Service men are cordially invited to join with the members of the Asso- ciation. Graduate Outing Club: Will meet at 2:30, July 4, in the Club Quarters just inside the West Entrance 'of the RackhamBuilding on Huron Street. Election of officers and choice of committee, to be followed by a hike along the Huron River. ** Brogans Marching feet of our boys itching .to push the Germans closer to $er- lin and the Japs closer to Tokyo, are shod in comfortable and strong leather shoes. Every soldier is is- sued two pairs costing $3.85 each. It's important that our soldiers have good footwear for they have impor- tant dates 'to keep with Hitler a d 'iCojo..: the advantages in food pyrdcuctien it would bring and in view of the 14 billion dollar budget of the Department of Agricultpre. It must alsq be remember d that $uis aid given small farmers is a loan which FSA rec- Ards show will be nm re ti 90% rpeid by the farmers. NOW is the time for American citizens to de- mand that their Senators and Representa- tives become acquainted wKh this sitiation. The City Congressmen, speeringly referred to by professional farm Congressmen. as "window box