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August 22, 1943 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1943-08-22

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Fifty-Third Year


T1 I

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday durkig the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter,
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43


Marion Ford
Leon Gordenker
Harvey Frank
Mary Anne Olson
Ed Podliashuk

Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
*. . City Editor.
. . . Sports Editor
Women's Editor


Business Staff
Ieanne Lovett . . . Business Manager
Molly Ann Winokur Associate Business Manager
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
American Public Should
Adopt Friendly Attitude
RUSSIA again - editorial writers, columnists
and cartoonists have all explored the misty
realms of Russian feelings for the United Na-
tions and the United Nations feelings for Russia.
The question could be settled, they insist, if only
the powers could get together for a discussion.
The Soviet labor magazine "War and the
Working Class" calls for a three-power confer-
ence of Britain, Russia and the United States.
Commentators have been loud in their condem-
nation of the Quebec meeting saying that Russia
should have had a gilt-edged engraved invita-
But, would a mere meeting suffice to settle
the complicated feelings existing between- the
Allied Nations and Russia? It would assuredly
settle specific plans of war strategy, but what
would happen if Joseph Stalin raised a cynical
eye-brow and asks about popular sentiment
toward his nation, or asks the Allied leaders
to explain things like cartoons suggesting that
we be even more suspicious of Russia than -we
already are?
WHAT would happen if he asked about the bit-
ter criticism about "Mission to Moscow?" And
what if he asks how we dare even think of send-
ing Eden and Wells to discuss war aims, when
Churchill and Roosevelt have been whipping
across the world: "Casablanca, Washington and
Is this an admission that we fear our leaders
wouldn't be safe going to Russia, or are they
too busy to confer with our most powerful Ally.
In either case as has been said countless times,
we are in no possition to antagonize Russia.
When their own publications recognize the
need of such a meeting and the entire public
wonders why we risk such a breach this time is
certainly ripe for a trip to Stalin's headquarters
to talk over the whole situation.
Thuis far, the United Nations have done lit-
tle to impress Russia. The North African cam-
paign, and the march through Sicily weren't
too ipportant as far as Russia's immediate
war aims were concerned. "Action they de-
mand instead of words," and they add we'd en-
joy having some of the words exchanged with
us directly.
More important than words or actions will be
a change of attitude on the part of every per-
son.' One cannot ask complete suspension of
suspicion about a people and country different
than their own-but at least give them an op-
portunity to explain themselves.
-Margaret Frank
Antidote for Delinquency
of Juveniles Pro posed
THOSE WHOSE work brings them closest to
the problem of Juvenile delinquency know
that today, more than ever before, there is need
for the right kind of adult companionship for
thousands of boys and girls who have lost it be-
cause of dislocations of the war.
On of the greatest present steeds is foster
homes for dependent, neglected, and delin-
quent children and youngsters whose families
are so busy in the war effort that proper sup-

WASHINGTON, Aug. 22--While the U S.A.
will be literally flooded with synthetic rubber
next year, it remains a tragic fact that the Amer-
ican public will still be in extremely bad shape
for tires.'
This is not only because we lack enough
natural rubber to mix with the synthetic, but
also because the Army and Navy with the War
Production Board have been inexcusably slow
in permitting the rubber factories to build
facilities for manufacturing tires.
After Pearl Harbor the big rubber companies
converted their plants to making rubber boats,
bullet-proof gasoline tanks, now have few tire
manufacturing facilities. So last April various
rubber companies approached the War Produc-
tion Board for permission to build new plants to
make tires. The matter went to the Industrial
Facilities Committee.
There the question of providing for civilian
tire manufacture came to a dead stop. The
Industrial Facilities Committee would not
move. For months nothing happened. Rub-
ber companies kept warning the admirals and
generals on the Facilities Committee that they
could not handle synthetic tire production
without new plants and equipment. But noth-
ing happened.
Finally WPB vice-chairman Charles E. Wilson
stepped into the picture. Also Donald Nelson
roused himself. At long last, after nearly six
months' delay, the rubber companies finally
got the green light in August.
However, it will now take time to build new
factories and install new manufacturing equip-
ment. The delay will mean that the huge
quantity of snythetic rubber coming on the
market next winter cannot be converted into
tires as soon as expected.,
Note: Members of the molasses-moving Indus-
trial Facilities Committee are: William B. Mur-
phy, Chairman; Mahlon E. Simpson, vice-chair-
man; Baltimore banker Howard Bruce for the
Army Service Forces; Gen. F. M. Hopkins, Jr.,
for the Air Forces; Rear Admiral Claude A,
Jones for Navy Procurement; Rear Admiral E.M.
Pace for Naval Aeronautics; Fred Searles for
the Maritime Commission.
* * *
Army Red Tape...
WASHINGTON, D.C., and Maryland manu-
facturers were summoned to the War Depart-
ment the other day for a series of lectures on
plant security. The idea was to prevent accidents,
fires and sabotage in war plants.
Col. Carl G. Richmond of the Provost-Marsh-
all's office gave an excellent talk on fire preven-
tion; then Capt. John F. Kerkam talked on
personal security, namely preventing sabotage or
the employment of foreign agents.
Captain Kerkam was extremely frank. "In
one case," he 'frankly admitted, "a truck
backed up to the War Department loaded with
a ton of questionnaires from a large plant in
Baltimore. We couldn't possibly handle them
all, so we boxed them up and sent them back."
Local manufacturers hope the Capt. Kerkam's
refreshing frankness will mark an end, or at
least a lessening of the ceaseless flow of govern-
ment questionnaires which deluge war plants.
After Kerham finished, one official of the Poto-
mac Electric Co. remarked:.
"Can you imagine the state of mind of plant
executives who have spent $50,000 getting those
questionnaires filled out, to have them all re-
turned! "
He related that it cost about $2 each to have
a questionnaire filled out and that his com-
pany had dutifully filled out more then 1,200
of them regarding its "key men" as requested

ominie Says
WITHIN OUR American life, there is a new
and subtle skepticism. Bewildered by the
complex nature of our civilization, unacquainted
with the controls, skeptical as to the ability of
man to agree, our people are weary. They try in
vain to live in cities the simple life. Not a few
dispair of social cohesion and, discrediting hu-
man nature, question the democratic process.
Others, pushed about from job to job without a
,part in the bargaining, caught up first with
much goods but no income with which to buy;
and then thrown down by much income but a
scarcity of goods to purchase, are confused.
Yet others, made dependent not on nature nor
the self, find themselves responsible to a money"-
making stranger and some remote management.
Being taxed for dues and frozen to their jobs,
they have taken refuge in fatalism. This retreat
is similar to that of the Continental nihilists.
Insofar as it distrusts man, God and the func-
tions of consciousness, it has the effect of a
Men of our tradition, broadly considered, ac-
cept three forces which plan upon each other
and our civic life should keep- these three in
full freedom. First there is that stream of ten-
dency, the dynamic of existence by which life
goes on and on with a sublime continuity and a
reassuring certainty. Therein these herditary
forces with such imponderables as birth, growth,
energy, thought, social necessity, mating, death
and memory, impinge on us. Second, there is
that cross-section of life at any given time,
whereby the objective world can register upon
men's organism, mind and personality the cur-
refit wisdom which society has achieved to date.
It is commonly called environment. The third
factor is referred to as personal response by the
religious, but called "the creativity of man" by
those who avoid religious implications. The
society in which we find ourselves turns dramat-
ically upon this third factor. To assume that no
"wave of future" nor other unrelated power op-
erates outside of nor in spite of these three fac-
tors is to live the life of faith and courage.
Institutions, movements, men and the very
habits which seem fixed are interwovenand suf-
fer interactions of far reaching significance.
Even "the good" itself which men personalize as
GOD does not set these forces aside nor become
the determiner of our future. Much less can
business acumen, political expedience, nation-
al greatness nor any other device, plot, or scheme
of man hope to reach control by a leap. The
future will be what man, in cooperative under-
standing, and that mutual support traditionally
called Grace; can bring to pass.
And, says religion, when the transaction cul-
minates the stern justice of sheer goodness will
be at its heart. Religion insists that certainty is
assured or can be attained by men, because our
universe has integrity and God cares. Only those
who share in this adventure of faith at ascending
levels of experience and can live as adventurers,
choosing a goal and going persistently toward it,
as whatever cost, will grow consistently in wis-
dom or come to appreciate the spiritual values
involved. To gain meaning thus and to live above
the incidental results, whether they bring a
cross or a crown, is victory. That is far different
from leaping upon a trend just because it seems
sure to win next week. This deep and eternal
mutuality and its lessons may be said to consti-
tute what the ethical'theist means by "being re-
-Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education
by the War Department. Then the Army sent
the forms back again, saying they wanted
questionnaires filled out only for the top exec-
So perhaps Capt. Kerkam did a real favor to
(Copyright, 1943, United Features Syndicate)

(Continued from Page 3)
ports are due not later than Wednes-
day, Aug. 25.
Report cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for fresh-
man-reports; they should be returned
to the office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards,
for reporting sophomores, juniors,
and seniors should be returned to
1220 Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should name
those students, freshman and upper-
class, whose standing at mid-semes-
ter is D or E, not merely those who
receive D or E in so-called mid-sem-
ester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or col-
legesof the University should be re-
ported to the school or college in
which they are registered.
Additional cards may be had at
108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell
Hall. -E. A. Walter
Freshmen, Summer Term, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Freshmen may not drop courses
without E grade after Saturday, Aug.
21. In administering this rule, stu-
dents with less than 24 hours of
credit are considered freshmen. Ex-
ceptions may be made in extraordin-
ary circumstances, such as severe or
long-continued illness.
-E. A. Walter
Seniors: August and October 1943:
College of L. S. and 'A., Schools of
Education, Music, and Public Health.
Tentative lists of August and Octo-
ber 1943 graduates have been posted
in Rm. 4, U. Hall. Please check the
list and notify the counter clerk of
any discrepancies.
-Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
College of Literature, Science,. and
the Arts, and Architecture; Schools
of Education, Forestry, Music, and
Public Health: Summer Session stu-


dents wishing a transcript of this
summer's work only should file a re-
quest in Room 4, U.H., several days
before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure
to file this request before the end of
the session will result in a needless
delay of several days.
-Robert H. Williams
Assistant Registrar
--- ______
College of Architecture and Design,
School of Education, School of For-
estry and Conservation, School of
Music, School of Public Health: Mid-
semester reports indicating students
enrolled in these units doing unsatis-
factory work in any unit of the Uni-
versity are due in the Office of the
school Aug. 25 at noon. Report
blanks for this purpose nlay be se-
cured from the office of the school or
from Rm. 4 University Hall.
-Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
English 177: second 8 weeks of the
Summer Term, will meet MTuWTh,
2. in 3010 A.H. -L. I. Bredvold
English 107: second 8 weeks of the
Summer Term, will meet in 301 U.H.,
MTuWTh, 1. -F. Fletcher
Mr. Altan Baltacioglu, a graduate
student in the University, of Istan-
bul, Turkey; will speak on "Old Is-
lamic Architecture" at 8 o'clock
Thursday evening, Aug. 26. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Record Concert at Horace H.
Rackham School: Another of the
weekly concerts will be given Tues-
day evening at 7:45 p.m. The pro-
gram will consist of the following
recordings: Corelli's Sonata in D
Major; Haydn's Symphony No. 104
in D Major; Beethoven's Sonata No.
14 in C Sharp Minor; Tschaikowski's
Concerto in D Major for Violin and
Orchestra, and Strauss' Emperor

Waltz. Servicemen are cordially ii-
vited to join the Graduate Students
at these concerts.
Student Recital: Irene Bernstein,
pianist, will present a recital for her
Bachelor of Music degree at 8:30
p.m., Monday, Aug. 23, in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Her program will
consist of compositions by Bach,
Beethoven, Tcherepnine and Brahms.
The public is invited.
Events Today
International Center: An informal
"American evening" for the purpose
of welcoming the group of newly-
arrived Latin - American graduate
dental students will be held in the
Center starting at 8 p.m. Refresh-
ments will be served. All foreign stu-
dents and i:terested Americans are
invited to attend.
The Lutheran student Association
will meet at 5:30 o'clock. Lutheran
students and servicemen are cordial-
ly invited to this meeting whh will
be at the home of Rev, and Mrs.
Henry Yoder, 215 E. William Street.
Coming Events
Dr. Paul C. Hodges, Professor of
Roentgenology at the University of
Chicago, will give the annual Alpha
Omega Alpha initiation lecture on
"The Role of Radiography in Medi-
cine" at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 31,
in the third floor amphitheatrein
the Horace H. Rackham Building.
All interested persons are invited to
Churches v
First Presbyterian Church: Morn-
ing Worship-10:45 a.m. "God and
the Unfulfilled," subject of sermon
by Dr. Lemon.
Nursery-10:45 a.m. (for children
under six years of age).
The First Baptist Church: 512 E.
Huron St. The Rev. C. H. Loucks,
minister. Mrs. Geil Orcutt, associate
student counselor.
Sunday, August 22: 10:00 a.m.-
The Class for students will meet in
the balcony of the Church to review
the religious concepts of the letters
of Paul. 11:00 a.m.-The Church at
worship. The Rev. H. 0. Smith of
Yonkers, N.Y. will preach on "Our
Thoughts That No One Else Knows."
7:00 p.m.-At the meeting of the
Roger Williams Guild at the Guild
House, 502 E. Huron St., Miss Mary
Ella Durigg will lead a discussion on
"The Church."
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00
a.m. Junior Church (Nursery--4th
Grade), Tatlock Hall; 11:00 a.m.
Morning Prayer and Sermon by the
Rev. Robert M. Muir, Student Chap-
lain; 5:00 p.m. Canterbury Club for
students and servicemen. Swiniming
and picnic supper at the Moehlman
Residence; Barton Hills. Please meet
at Page Hall not later than 5p.m. for
transportation. There will be a cele-
bration of the Holy Communion in
the church at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Aug.
24, in commemoration of St. Bar-
tholomew the Apostle.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
409 S. Division St., Wednesday eve-
ning service at 8 p.m. Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30. Subject "MIND."
Sunday School at 11:45.
Free public Reading Room at 106
E. Washington St. open every day
except Sunday and holidays from
11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Saturdays
until 9 p.m.





i'j ,1

"I thought that city helper would be wild about the smell of new-mown
hay-but he just wants to stand and sniff at the gas tank on
the tractor'"

I'd Rather Be, Right


NEW YORK, Aug. 22-The new stage of war
finds the Germans without a plan. They are en-
gaged in a grotesque military enterprise, a war of
attrition against superior forces. They kill and
are killed, but on the pages of this bloody ledg-
er, the Allied balance grows and rust continue
to grow.
Each day that the German people prolong
the war, or allow it to be prolonged, worsens
their position. We are now able to say to them,
unsentimentally, and without any need to pose
as their friends, that continuation of the war
means extension of the process of exchanging
the lives of their sons for the reluctant services
of enslaved Russian housemaids and Polish
factory workers.
The best the Germans can hope for now is to
save their skins, to save their physical existences,
their lives. But this is exactly what the war will
not let them do. The war is worse than any peace
which could be imposed upon 'them.
It is unthinkable that any terms of peace
would call for killing up to 5,000 Germans a day,
and the daily shipment into Germany of 5,000
foreigners to take the places of the German dead.
No government in the world would impose so
criminal and deadly a program on Germany: Yet
that is Hitler's program. He has no other.
If it were the Allied aim deliberately to de-

If the Allies wanted to destroy Germany, they
would be compelled to want the war to continue,
to hope that it might not end too soon. It would
be hard to obliterate a German port by a clause
in a treaty, but we do it now in ten nights.
It is inconceivable that a condition of the
peace should be the obliteration of Hamburg,
but the obliteration of Hamburg is a mere inci-
deut in the war.
The frustration of the German summer of-
fensive in Russia is part of the same picture of
meaningless attrition. Here is what the Rus-
sian General Rokossovsky now says about the
German army: "I have fought against the
fathers. Now I'm fighting the sons .. . I do,
honestly think the fathers were the better
soldiers. Hitler has ruined the German army.
The German army is not a real army. It is
an ersatz army." In other words, if it were out
plan that Germany should have no army after
the war, then Hitler is the best agent for that
Here is what Colonel Fred M. Dean of the
United States' Army Air Forces says: "The enemy
pilots we met in the last months no longer had
the same fight, the same skill, the same-train-
ing they showed when I first met them. They
had p. few good leaders left and the rest seemed

of education during and
after the war . . . At the
invitation of the British
government, he will spend
several weeks investigating
war education and the
adult education system
used by the British army
and to be used for educa-
tion of returning service-
men . . . This is a step in
coordinating and develop-
ing an international un-
derstanding in educational
problems, he said.
students were given ad-
vanced degrees and a
mighty sendoff last week-
end when the Navy-
Marine -Chorus and First
Methodist Choir were on
deck and on hand to fur-
nish special music .
The 80-voice Navy-Marine
Chorus composed of 71
sailors and 8 leathernecks
in melodious fashion ren-
dered the Navy hymn
"Eternal Father, Strong to
Save" . . and the First
T/'infiim.+hr n Addndto

Arbor to attend the gradu-
ation ceremonies of the 1st
Officer Candidate Class of
the Judge Advocate Gen-
eral's School . . . Major
General Myron C. Cramer,
Brigadier General Thomas
H. Green, Major General
Blanton Winship, and
Brigadier General Law-
rence H. Hendrick will do
the honors as approxi-
mately 80 enlisted men re-
ceive commissions as sec-
ond lieutenants.
POLICY' may work for
China butmembers of
three campus fraternities
aren't so sure it is just the
thing for Greek letter men.
They have changed their
mind since a thief or
thieves lifted $232.50 from
the Zeta Psi, 'Alpha Tau
Omega, and Alpha Chi
Sigma houses at the break
of dawn this last week ..
Inherent believers of the
open door rule, house man-
agers said thieves could
have entered through

ranks of an engineering
honor society this week as
Tau Beta Pi pledged Wil-
liam Chapin, John DeBoer,
Jack Elanbass, Alten Gileo,
Lowell Hasel, Frank Lane,
Dan Ling, John Linker,
Robert Miller, Tom Muel-
ler, Edward Orent, Henry
Schmidt, Pete Smith, Ray-
,mond Tate, Paul Teeter,
James Tootle, and Don
* * *
ANN ARBOR, long with-
out MP's, will have its
share of them tomorrow as
an 800-man battalion ar-
rives for a one-day. show
including a military pa-
rade, sham battle, and
camp life exhibition .
Complete with tanks, jeeps,
and guns, the battalion
will salute local industry,
labor, and agriculture . . .
Led by a spirited 40-piece
band, campus soldiers will
fall in accompanied by the
Air Corps Band, 240 men
from Company A, Com-
pany A's 3651st S. U. Bag-
pipers and 400 men from
the ROTC : .A con-

. . . 95 volunteer women,
including wives of Army
and Navy officers, towns-
people, and students, have
worked 277 service hours
. . . Top honors go to
Mrs. Sione Grosjean, wife
of an Ary officer, who has
contributed 24 and one
half hours in the last six
* * *
IF COACH "Fritz" Cris-
ler were to name his Wol-
verine football lineup right
now; the Marines, though
outnumbered by Navy
trainees four to one, would
have the.situation well in
hand .. . After four weeks
of summer practice, "the
Maize and Blue coach has
a reasonably good'idea who
will carry the ball for
Michigan this fall, and by
the time regular autumn
practice starts Aug. 30,
just 20 days before the
season opener, the mystery
of the starting lineup for
the Camp Grantgame will
probably be out. . . During
the, series of scrimmages
iniries handicannnd snme


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