two. or - ICTAN nATI AVINDAY, AUd. t2, 1943 3 -. ,....,... , tinI May Get' New Order of Government New Milder Form of Communism Will Suit. Inpoverished Chinese "I believe communism will play an important part ii the post-war re- construction order of China, basing this statement on the present dis- rganized economic and. social con- citioris in China," Catherine Choy, 4, who lived' in China until 1939, said yesterday. "'erhaps this statenent may seem tihusal," she continued; "when one' realizes the present government has tried to eradicate communism and that it has been fighting it for years and years. But I wish to point out that a new form of conmunistic or- der may be adopted in the new China ard that it will be a milder form ad- jtlsted to the temperament and needs of the Chinese people. "I thinkthat the political, eco- notnie, and social characteristics of a people determine the kind of govern- nieat they will have. Therefore, I think there will' be a trend toward ornmunsm for. the poverty-stricken, backward people of 'China," Miss j Choy declared. - "I think thatt in the .coming new equality of races.-and the betterment, of all classes'of-people, there are cer- tain inherent:characteristics of com- miunism. There is an international txerid toward a mhodified form of cofmnunism," she said. INSPIRATIONAL TALE OF THE TROPICS: Maj. Justin McElroy Describes South Sea Paradise -I Life in the Southwestern Pacific wouldn't be hard to take if one hap- pened to be fortunate enough to have landed on' the island where MAJ. Justin McElroy, JAGD, spent about 13 months. Recently returned from a place that'sounds like the inspiraion for Hollywood tributes 'to the simpiie- ity and beauty of lovely South Sea Isles, Major McElroy is now a member of the Staff and Faculty of the Judge Advocate General's School. Cited for gallantry in action in World War I when he was awarded the Belgian War Cross as a first lieu- tenant in command of Company G, 146th Infantry, Major McElroy fol- lowed his inclination for things mil- itary and was active in ROTC train- ing at Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio, as commanding officer of an infantry heavy weapons company. This was in addition to his practice of law there. In describing the 'natives and their customs, he was unable to re- veal the name of the island, its 1o- ~ai meia t : c 0 cla fri ca ca ex nfl tin th we se M t t h , ation, or other specific facts, for bvious reasons. "Natives on 'the island are a high ass Polynesian race, and extremely iendly to visitors, especially Ameri- ns. Some favored the Japanese be- use of the yellow men's policy of tending long term credit in fi- ancial transactions which often- mes was so long that it approached Le nature of a gift. Such natives ere exceptional and were promptly nt away to an internment camp," ajor McElroy related. A charming native trait was heir custom of giving presents to "friends." Any native walking down the street might suddenly come up to an American and say, "You my friend, here's present," and hand over a chicken, for ex- ample. That did niot mean that the chicken was a gift; as the donee soon found out when the giver came around with a request for something=in return. The friendly spirit of the inhabi- ants was illustrated by Major Mc- lroy with another instance in which ie was directly involved. Standing in' native store he watched a sailor, soldier and a native price ;he same dish in turn. To the sailor the storekeeper quoted $1.,. to the Soldier, $75, and to the native,50. How much will you sell it to me or?" Major McElroy asked. "To you? You my friend, I give it to you, was he reply. Turning rather reluctantly to a discussion of his military duties Major McElroy revealed that he was Judge Advocate cf the island, and in addition to his regular, duties, he was head of the claims commission there which passed on claims of natives for damages" CLASSIFIELB ADVIErTISING CLASSIFIED RATES, $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of We for.each additional 5 words.) 1017 Oakland, 22281. IDEAS INC. EXCOGITATION DE- LUX.J E'. By Appointment Only. Ann Arbor Phone 6554. MAKE MONEY-on your used clo- thing by- phoning Claude H. B>rown.. 2-736, 512.S-. Main. -Associated Press Photo An ammunition train is blown up by a direct bomb hit which jets a column of smoke high over the communications center and indistrial elty of Foggia, Italy-110 miles east of Itome. NAVY TO.PERFORM: r. , ,0 Prof. BrCmm To Be Master .Of Ceremones at Vanities Master of ceremonies for the second Victory Vanities to be held: at 8:30 p.m. Satur'day in Hill Auditorium, will be Prof. John L. Brumm of the Department of Journalism, according to Doris Barr, League chairman of the Vanities.. Eliiinations to determine the acts to be given at the Vanities will be held from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium, while a re- hearsal df the competing acts will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in Hil : Auditorium. J a f e ;l caused by American military per- sonnel, and from time to- time he . was also plans and training officer, and supply officer. i, ,, ! I .', , ' . . .. _ .4, .,. . , . _. ,..._ 'I Notkhing ex-els a diamond .. . 64 FORTY YEARS Of serving our:1'&CommUtv iUau rally our experience and prestige' accompany the sale of every dia- mond.' Even though it iswartime, we are'proud that e have not dcuiated fron o(r usual high standard 6f quality. Platinum rings' although scarce, are still obtainable from 125.00 up. Also in,, yellow g oid Jo . EBLE, fewer P Since 1904 N6w at 308 South State _____________________________ _________________________-- - - - ___________________-_ The first half hour of the two-' hour - program will be taken up by the 90-piece .Navy-Marine Band and the 84-voice Navy-Marine Chorus under the direction of Prof. William D. Revelli, University band director. Added attractions to the program besides the competing skits, will be selections by the Navy four-man "jive" band under the direction of Cadet Robert Dondero.- Company A, 2651st S.U. will pre- sent four skits during the course of the program. Their skits will not be drawn from their hit revue of last. semester "Nips in the Bud," but will, be "new and different" entertain- i ment from the Company's wide reper- toire. A skit will also be presented by the Judge Advocate General's School. Skits entered in the eliminations include two acts from Stockwell Hall, one from the Kappa Kappa Gamma House and one from the Alpha Delta Pi house. Also on the fire are acts from fraternities still operating on campus, TYPEWRITERS Bought, Rented, Cleaned and Repaired Student and Office Supplies 0. D. MORRILL 314 S. State Street Phone 6615 a Lat AMe tcan a Dentists To Be Hontored Toda4y Dental students from Latin Aneri- t can countries studying at the Uni- versity will be honored at an "Infor- mal Evening" at 8 p.m. today at the International Center. Members of the Dental faculty have been .invited to the program, which will be as informal and Ameri- can as possible, Dr. Esson M. Gale, director of the Center, said yester- day. Members of a special social com- mittee of the Inter-Club Board will be hostesses for the affair. During the evening, group singing of both South and North American songs will be held. Refreshments will be served after the community sing. The 22 dental students have been, studying at the. University since the beginning of the month. 'The object of the social program is to introduce the students to the [nternational Center, to other Latin American, foreign and American stu- dents," Dr. Gale said. "Everyone in- terested is cordially' invited to at- tend." Turkish Student To Talk Thursday at Raekha Altan Baltachioglu, Grad., from Is- tanbul, Turkey, will speak on "Old Islamic Architecture" at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Rackham Building. Baltachioglu, a student of archi- tecture, will illustrate his lecture with slides. The speech is sponsored by the In- ternational Center and the Turkish Society. Non-ContractI $1.00 per 15-word insertion for 1 - three or more days. (In- crease of $,25 for each additional 5 words.) Contract Rates on Request MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-. ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S. State. PERSON finding two headed dime palease call 22539. Valuable to owner. LOST-Light raincoat on campusa some time last week. Call D. F. Rendinell, 7142. - WANTED: Pots and pan boy for next eight weeks. Alpha Orricron Pi, WAR BONDS DAY OR ISSUED HERE NIGHT Continuous from f P.M. t W~tI IDENTIFICATION PHOTOS 35mm. Film' Loads-For 36 hour service come to 335 E. Ann 6:30-7:0O weekdays. WANTED: Ten male students who are interested in , boarding by month for rest of summer session. $45 per month. Call Al Bek, ATO House. 23205. WANTED: Three young couples in- terested in co-op living. Good location; roomy, light quarters; economical-; friendly atmosphere, 802 Packard, Phone 3630. ACCLAIMED Phrenologists and Characterologists. Send picture for FREE analysis. Personality Ad- justment Department. Ideas Inc. Excogitation deluxe. 1021' E. Uni- versity. Ann Arbor. STARTS TODAY! /: 7s &n/C6/6J/f( 1 C - Cary at his grandest i the story he chose himseIF plus lovely Laraine in the role that makes' her great! .k 1W ' V + - romthe rt kis (Please ) to the final (ah.)it sone:. big hitibus scream - Oneof the ten best ? ffIt's ' HE ten best rrn11Rd into one! r' I GREATEST PRODUCTION *x .GNDON CHARLES t4C W TIERNEY - AMECHE * COBURN U