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August 22, 1943 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1943-08-22

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Fall Term Opening Date Is Moved to Nov. 1

Late Schedule
Of Navy V-42
Causes Shift
Incoming Group Will
Arrive Too Late for
Original 'U' Program

rions So!dier"s View efished Jap Planes on Munda

Coordinating the Navy V-12 pro-
gram with academic schedules, the
University yesterday moved the op-
ening date of the Fall Term ahead to
Nov. 1.
- This action, postponing the op-
ening of the semester from Oct. 25,
Was taken by a committee of the.
Dean's Conference after telephone'
consultation with the Navy De-
partment in Washington.
"The men who are now here in the
naval program could be here by Oct.,
25, but an incoming group will not
be here until Nov. 1. There might
be a considerable number of men
entering," Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
chairman of the committee, said.
"The ones who could-not be here
until, Nov. 1 are entering freshmen
a.nd. V-12 trainees from other
schools," Dr. Robbins stated.
Dr. Robbins: pointed out that
changed dates avoid the need of
instituting :new classes for Navy
group on Nov. 1.
Registration for classes will be
held on Oct.. 28, 29 and 30, one.
week later than the University had-
planned. Officials urge civilian
students to register in the regular
period to avoid confusion.- .
Spring,.Term classes will begin on
March-6 and Commencement will be
held on June 24 under the new cal-
Details of the 1944 Summer
Teriand other changes will be
announced at a later date, Dr.
Robbins said.
Included in the Deans' Conference
conmittee are Dr. Robbins, Dean
Edward H?. Kraus of the literary col-
lege,' Dead Ivan C. Crawford of the
engineering college, Dean of Stu-
dents JosephcA. Bursley and Regis-
trar Ira M. Smith. Capt. Richard
1. Cassidy, -naval commandant, and
Col. Frederick Rogers, -Army com-
mandant, attended yesterday's meet-
ings by invitation.

Members of American forces which captured Munda airfield from the Japanese after a bitter
struggle, examine wrecked Japanese fighters and bombers found on the field, by the victorious Yanks.
Russia RecallsA-mbassadorLitvinoff

Hayden To Give
Seventh Talk
Negro Book, Music
To Be Next Subjects
Robert Hayden will conclude his
discussion of Richard Wright's "Na-
tive Son" and begin an explanation
of Negro music in the seventh of his
series of lectures on Negro history
and culture, in the Amphitheatre of
the Rackham Building at 8 p.m. to-
In his last lecture, two weeks'froni
tomorrow, Haydenhwill take up the
graphic arts. By this series he has
hoped to promote a better under-
standing of N~egro problems and cul-
ture and to show the importanceof
the Negro as a part of American life.


Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21.- The
Moscow broadcast announcing that
the presidium of the supreme Soviet
of the U.S.S.R. had relieved Maxim
Litvinoff of his post as ambassador
to the United States and named An-
drei Gromyko to succeed him did not
come entirely as a surprise to offi-
cials and diplomats here.
It set off speculation. in diplo-
matic ,circles, however, that the
move might herald a change in
Soviet policy and may possibly be
an expression of Marshal Joseph
Stalin's displeasure over the fail-
ure of the Allies to meet the oft-
expressed Soviet appeal for a sec-
ond front in Europe.
. It had been rumored ever since
Litvinoff was called to Moscow last
May, ostensibly for a routine report
to his government, that there was
more to his departure than met the
eye and that he would not return.
Almost at the same time Joseph E.
Davies, former U.S. ambassador to
Russia, flew to Moscow bearing a
letter from President Roosevelt to
Stalin. The contents of the letter'
never were disclosed, but the Davies
journey was deemed of such impor-
tance it was generally referred to as
his "second mission to Moscow.",
Davies was lavishly entertained
in the Kremlin and there was no .
surface indication that Soviet
Aemrican diplomatic relations had
cooled. But the rumors that Lit-
vinoff would not return continued,
and were revived with each re-
newed expression of Moscow's im-
patience over the non-appearance
of a second front in Europe.
One version was that Stalin had
called Litvinoff home because he
failed in the vital task of persuading
President Roosevelt that a second
front must be opened at once at
whatever cost; another version was

that Stalin would indicate a major
shift in Soviet policy by replacing
Litvinoff with a diplomat not identi-
fied with the policy of close coopera-
tion with the western democracies.
It was recalled that Litvinoff's
sudden removal from the post of.
Soviet commissar of foreign affairs
in 1939 marked a turning point in
world history. As the Soviet Un-
ion's chief spokesman before the
League of Nations, Litvinoff had
become identified with the policy
of collaboration with the western
democracies, a symbol of the unit-
ed front against Fascist aggression.
Therefore, when the Moscow radio
casually announced one night in
May, 1939, that Litvinoff had been
relieved of his post as foreign com-
missar, diplomats in all parts of the
world saw it as an indication of mo-
mentous developments yet to come.
A few months later, the Soviet-
German non-aggression pact was
Litvinoff for a long time remained
in obscurity. The signing of the
Soviet-German pact seemed to some
his political epitaph. But when Ger-
many attacked Russia in June, 1941,
Litvinoff emerged again as an ex-
ponent of Soviet foreign policy.
When he was named Soviet am-
bassador to the United States it was
clear a new era of Soviet-American
collaboration was about to begin.
The announcement of his re-
moval today, amid new rumblings
of discontent in the Kremlin over
delay in the opening of a second
front, therefore is regarded here as
a major development in interna-
tional diplomacy, possibly fore-
shadowing a momentous change in
Soviet policy.
It was pointed out, however, that
the announcement of Litvinoff's re-
moval as ambassador referred to him
as assistant commissar of foreign
affairs. Some diplomats, for that
reason, cautioned against jumping at
the conclusion that his replacement
in Washington meant also the
eclipse of his influence in Moscow.
It was suggested that Stalin,
while retaining Litvinoff among
Former Grid Star
Missing in Sicily
Former University grid star, Pvt.
Harry Lutmoski, an Army para-
arooper, was reported mission today
by the War Department.
Lutmoski has been missing from
his company stationed in Sicily since
July 14, it was revealed. A graduate
of Hamtramck High School, Lutmo-
ski come to Michigan in ;1932. He
played fullback and guard on the
Varsity squad in 1934.
Dr. William Lyon Phelps
"T~ V.,.7 1T_ w_ . __T'l

his chief advisers in Moscow, might,
have chosen to 'express, hisdis-
pleasure over second front devel-
opments by returning to aroutine'
diplomatic representation in
* * *
Germans Lose
Million Men
LONDON, Sunday, Aug. 22-(A)-
The Germans have lost 1,000,000
men killed and wounded in the third
summer of fighting in Russia, a spe-
cial Soviet bulletin announced last
night. This is a third of their esti-
mated effectives along the 1,g00-mile
Russian front.
On the basis of previous Russian
announcements this brought the
losses of Germany and her allies to
7,400,000 men killed, wounded and
capture since Adolf fitler first
plunged to the east on June 22;:1941.
A special Soviet comm uni que
marjing the second anniversary of
the war last June 22 said that 6,400,-
000 German and satellite troops had
been killed or made prisoner, turning
Russia into a graveyard for German
hopes of world empire.
Even as these staggering losses
were announced, the German radio
said that more than 4,000 other-Nazis
lost their lives yesterday as the Red
Army drew its noose tighter about
vital Kharkov and hammered at
stubborn German forces near Bry-
ansk and Spas-Demensk.
The midnight communique supple-
ment, recorded by the Soviet monitor
from a Moscow broadcast, said that
1,000 Germans were killed as a Rus-
sian column fighting northwest of
the city overran several more villages.
The embattled Germans threw
fresh reserves into the battle' raging
west of Kharkov, and the Moscow,
bulletin said that Russian forces cut
down 1,200 of them as they counter-
attacked strongly. Forty Nazi tan's
were knocked out in this action, the
Russians said.

Allies Wage
Air Battle for
Southern Italy
Flying Buzzsaw Rips
Into Vital Connecting
Links Around Naples
NORTH AFRICA, Aug. 21-(P)-The
air battle for southern Italy is going
full tilt four days after the fall of
Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Ted-
der's flying buzzsaw-which forced
the surrender of Pantelleria and cut
Sicily's communications to pieces
even before the invasion-is ripping
at long range into-the vital connect-
ing links between ; northern and
southern Italy around Naples.
Close at hand round-the-clock pa-
trols are maintaining a cannonade
and bombardment of vulnerable
points of the railway and highway
Thewaves of fire from the sky are
being sUpplemented by navalrforces
which move'with impunity along the
Italian coast, pouiring broadsides into
ta gets' which 'can 'be reached form
the ;sea.
American warships shelled Gioia
Tauro, 20 *ils northeast of Messina,
and set"fires ragiig-among 'fdrtfied
points and railway objetives yester-
day in the latest. of. their naval at-
tacks, Allied-headquarters announced
today. British, sea' forces sank seven
landing ;craft'"off- ,Scalea -farther
north in'-another close-range en-
counter the preceding night.
'This was. along the west side of a
"HeIl'sa Triangle," . roug y . bounded
by-Naples,Reggia CalabrIa' and Fog-
gia, whice Allied airmen have
mapped out with exploding boinb and
Five lDrown at
Portage Lake
Two Bodies Found;
Three Still Mising
Portage lake is still being draggedj
by sheriff's officers for the bodies of
three men believed to have drowned
when their boat capsized early yes-
terday morning following an outingf
of war workers from International
Industries, Inc.
The bodies of their two women
companions 'were recovered in the
morning. Members of the party said,
that the five, John J. Shanahan, Mr.
and Mrs. Jocob R. Shelton, Duaine
Warner and Miss Allice Burmeister,
had gone out on the lake in a row-
boat with an outboard motor shortly
after midnight.
The boat, a 12-foot, flat-bottom
rowboat with a one-quarter horse-
power motor capsized about 600
yards from shore. When the group
did not return a search was organ-
ized; an oil slick was discovered,
when this line was followed it led the
searchers to an oar, a seat cushion
and finally ,to Miss Burmeister's body
which had risen to the surface. Two
hours later Mrs. Shelton's body was
found on the surface.
The five factory worker had with
nine others gone from Ann Arbor to
the lake for a picnic.

Allies Capture Jap
Island Unopposed
Enemy Invasion of North America
Lies Bombed, Bombarded Failure
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Aug. 21.- A Tokyo broadcast tonight announced
the "transference" of Japanese forces from Kiska Island in "the latter
part of July."
The report was made by Domei, Japanese News Agency, and was
recorded by the United States foreign broadcast intelligence service.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21.- (P)- American and Canadian forces, their
enemy fled without offering final battle, stood undisputed masters of Kiska
tonight and the once ambitious Japanese invasion of North America lay a
bombed and bombarded failure.
"No Japanese were found." With those words the Navy told today of
seizure on Aug. 15 of the once strong enemy air and submarine base in the
Aleutian Islands.
Bombings Precede Landings
Two weeks of the heaviest bombings yet carried out against the Japan-
ese preceded the landings, the Navy disclosed in lifting the silence that has
cloaked North Pacific actions for three weeks. It explained this silence was

* G* *b
Goes to Quebec

..Secretary of State Joins lead-
ers of the Allied nations in Quebec.
Sciong'To Join
War Conference
QUEBEC, Aug. 21. -(P)-- T. V.
Soong, Chinese Foreign Minister, is
expected to join the Quebec war Con-
ference within the next 48 hours for
discussions with President Roosevelt
and Prime Minister Churchill on
China's role in forthcoming offensive
operations against Japan.
Word of Soong's expected arrival
was the day's second development fo-
cusing attention on plans for power-
ful smashes at the enemy in the Pa-
cific. The first was the simultaneous
disclosure here and in Washington
and Ottawa that a combined Ameri-
can-Canadian force had occupied
Kiska Island, the enemy's last bas-
tion in the north central Pacific,
without resistance.
Mr. Roosevelt and Prime Minister
W. L. MacKenzie King of Canada in
a joint statement acclaimed this
bloodless reconquest of the Aleutian
Island as a victory which "frees the
last vestige of North American ter-
ritory of Japanese forces."
The Daily Suspends
Publication Today
Publication of The Summer
mer Daily ends today with the
close of the summer session, ex-
cept for the freshman supplement
which will appear next week.
Football extras will be put out
after each game during the sum-
mer term. Regular publication of
The Daily will be resumed at the
start of the fall term in November.

Lprompted by a belief the Japanese
radio equipment had been smashed
and the Navy wished to supply Tokyo
with no news.
In 14 days-Aug. 1 to 14-heavy
and light bombers, dive bombers,
fighter planes, cannon carrying
planes roared down on Kiska 106
times. They dumped tons andbox s
of bombs on the enemy positions,
knocking out gun emplacements,
tearing up the Japanese - aixfield,
blowing up or setting afire buildings
and, supplies.,
Surface Units Busy
Naval surface units were equally
busy. On 15 occasions they steamed
into the choppy waters off Kiska and
sent their big shells' shrieking onto
the island. Once heavy naval units
-certainly cruisers, possibly battle-
ships-stood off shore and poured
2,300 shells onto the -Japanese' posi-
tions. They were unopposed.
President Roosevelt and Prim.
Minister W. L.. MacKenzie King of
Canada hailed the'occupation ii 'a
joint statement at Quebec where.=Al-
lied leaderssare plotting new troubles
for the Axis. They said :
Japs Are Out of U.S.
"The present occupation of Kiska
freesvthe last vestige of North Ameri-
can territory of Japanese forces.";
The absence of opposition to the
big naval bombardment was one of
the indications of the beginning of
the end for the Japanese on Kiska.
Doubtless this shelling was a 'major
part in the relentless pounding that
ultimately forced the enemy decision
to give up the island.
Two days later when American and
Canadian troops made their landings
no enemy forces were found on Kis-
ka. Fogs presumably aided the Jap-
anese in evacuating the remnants, of
'their garrison, once estimated at
10,000 men.
* * *
Kiska Opens
Route to Japan
ADAK, Aleutian Islands, Aug. 19.-
(Delayed)- (AP)- "Our recapture of
Kiska without opposition means that
we have completed our northern road
to Japan," Vice-Admr. Thomas G.
Kinkaid, Commander of the North
Pacific, said today.
He added: "Our completed chain
of air and naval bases also will pro-
tect our surface vessels and our ship-
ping units two-thirds of the way to
Admiral Kinkaid said it was be-
lieved United States surface craft
sank some of the ships evacuating
Japanese troops from Kiska.

Cadet Petersen, Former Daily
Night Editor, Killed in Crash

Naval Air Cadet Henry J. Petersen,
former University student and junior
night editor on The Daily editorial
staff,, was killed Friday when his
training plane crashed near Joy Air-
port, Roseville.
Word "of Petersen's death was
brought to his mother, Mrs. Louise
J. Petersen of 1614 Morton; by Cmdr.
Harry Kipke, former University foot-
ball coach who is now head of
all naval' aviation cadet training in
Michigan and adjoining states.
Cause of Crash Is Unknown
The cause of the crash is still un-
known; only detail available being
the evidence of four golfers on a
nearby golf course who saw the
plane nose into some trees and crash,
according to Commander Kipke.

A member of The Daily staff since
his freshman year, Petersen received
a junior appointment as night edi-
tor as a second semester sophomore
during the 1942-43 fall term.
He Was Rated Valuable
Rated as one of the most able of
the junior members of the staff,
Petersen decided to enter the Navy
instead of remaining in school. He
was one of the "best-liked staff mem-
bers," according to Daily editors,
who said, "It doesn't seem possible
that such a thing could happen to
Hank before he even finished his
Petersen, a 1940 graduate of High-
land Park High School, confined his
campus activities to The Daily, as
nn o~f itc r.cn a ,'.fi'rr mzpmvhp~rc, fnl-.


Military Police Battalion To Invade Ann Arbor~

The Army will invade Ann Arbor
at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow when 800
Military Police roll into town to give
Ann Arbor an inside slant on how
Uncle Sam's soldiers work.
Tent City To Be Set Up
A tent city, complete in every de-
tail, will be set up immediately upon
arrival at West Park.
Civilians will have a chanee to
inspect modern weapons of mobile
warfare at the West Park camp
site, to witness a sham battle' at
Ferry Field complete with tanks

Ferry Field. A reviewing stand will
be set up in front of the Union.
Heading the parade will be the
728th M.P. band, followed by the
792nd battalion and several mobile
units. The University groups will
follow. Various local organizations
will come next in line, while mem-
bers of the St. George Riding
Academy will end the parade with
a group of 20 decorated horses.
The sham battle will begin at 7
p.m. when the task force arrives at
Ferry Field.
Task Force Units Listed

The 792nd M.P. Battalion will be
accompanied by the 728th M.P.
Battalion band from Camp River
In the Armored Forces detachment
are two 33-ton medium "General
Sherman" tanks, two of the light
"Honey" tanks, an amphibious jeep
called a "Seep" and heavy trucks and
trailers to carry the tanks between
cities visited by the Army Salute
Civilians May Inspect
Civilians are invited to inspect the
IArmv , nifnmn f-d fnlr n nt+ ,',nr.n.A

bass singer known professionally as
Michael Stewart to radio listeners;
Junior leader (Cpl. Verna Nelson of
What Cheer, Iowa, singing membei
of the Women's Army Corps sta-
tioned at Fort Sheridan, Ill., who was
with the St. Paul .Opera Company,
Pfc. William H. Hodgson, cornetist
and co-writer of "Music Goes Round
and Round" and Cpl. Carmen Del-
Guidice who does clarinet specialties,
Wounded Soldiers To Speal
Two wounded soldiers, back in the
United States recuperating after hos-
pitalization following overseas ser-

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