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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Staff Marion Ford . Fud Brimmer . .. Leon Gordenker . . . . Harvey Frank . . . Mary Anne Olson . Ed Podliashuk . . Managing Editor . Editorial Director . . City Editor . . Sports Editor . Women's Editor . . Columnist Business Staff Jeanne Lovett . . . . Business Manager Molly Ann Winokur . Associate Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: MARGARET FRANK Editorials published in The Michigan Daili are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. AXIS SUPPORTER? Franco Should Not Be Given US. Aviation Gwas THE CURRENT RUMOR floating around Washington that the United States is mak- ing a deal to give Franco aviation gas presents a potentially dangerous set-up, if true. Gen. Franco has been a consistent under- cover supporter of the Axis. Reports that he is now leaning toward the United Nations as the Axis military situation grows worse, is still no proof that a deal giving him aviation gas for an unannounced purpose is worth the pro- posed landing privileges in Spain for the American Export Airlines. Franco's cooperation with the Axis dates way hack to the days when Nazi and Fascist troops help him wipe out the Loyalists and take over the government in the Spanish Civil War. Supposedly neutral, Franco has given no support to the United States that would war- rant the exchange of as precious and scarce a commodity as aviation gas, while, on the other hand, he is strongly suspected by most Allied sources as having long been a secret supporter of the Axis. Latest hint of this fact was the news broad- cast by the German radio that a squadron of Nazi torpedo planes sank 70,000 tons of Allied shipping Aug. 13 just off Gibraltar. Torpedo planes have not been able to operate near Gib- raltar for a long time because of their limited range. The nearest Axis base to this area is fully twice the distance of the normal torpedo plane's range. WHERE these Nazi planes sprang from, if not from the coast of Spain or the Spanish Balearic Islands, is a mystery beyond solution, unless the Germans have developed a new long- range torpedo plane. Such evidence as this against "neutral" Spain offers a strong argument against either military or civilian supplies being sent to a country whose use of them is dubious. If the United States is to help Spain with precious gas supplies, Spain should first offer guarantees that she will use this gas only for her own civilian uses and that she will cooperate with the United Nations wholeheartedly from now onn- Jane Farrant 'PALAVER': Johnston Warns U.S., Britain To Be Realistic NGLO-AMERICAN relationships have to be wisely worked out on the basis of fact and not racial sentimentality, Eric A. Johnston, pres- ident of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce warned Wednesday in London. "We ought to put a dead stop to all this palaver on either side of the ocean about how blood is thicker than water," Johnston main- WASHINGTON, Aug. 21.- Don't be surprised if Hollywood opens one of the strongest-and strangest lobbies ever set up in Washington. The film companies are making plans to this effect, and the lobby would not be to influence legislation, but to keep Congress acquainted with the multiple problems of Hollywood. The film industry now ranks, after farming, automobiles and steel, as one of the most important in the U.S.A. The farm lobby is all-powerful in Washington. Automobiles and steel are potently represented through the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the:National Manu- facturers Association, as well as their own private lobbies. But Hollywood so far has let its views per- colate to Congress through glamour girl pho- tos plus Will Hays' peregrinations between New Fork, Washington and Hollywood. Both have been equally ineffective. Will Hays is now as dead politically as the Harding Ad- ministration which spawned him. He carries no weight in Washington. Two years ago, the film moguls boped that the appointment of Wendell Willkie as counsel in the Senate "Smear" investigation, and later his chairmanship of 20th Century Fox, would help Hollywood. But today, through no fault of Willkie's, they believe Col. McCormick's Chicago Tribune attacks against Hollywood are motivated as much by his dislike of Wilkie as his objection to what he calls "New Deal Propaganda" in Mission to Moscow. That is why film industry leaders want to establish a streamlined, non-political lobby right in the Nation's capital. Capital Chaff Quite a few Italian soldiers in Sicily undressed, hid their uniforms, put on overalls and went home to work to avoid becoming prisoners . . . Tom Corcoran, the ex-Brain Truster, is helping his old friend Mayor Ed Kelly and his ex-Boss Jesse Jones in a proposed amalgamation of Chi- cago's streetcar lines, buses, elevated and alleged subway . . . Milo Perkins got off to Mexico this week to be gone until November-the first vaca- tion in seven years . . . The State Department's chief of the American Republics Division, blue- blood conservative Phil Bonsal, thinks "For Whom the Bell Tolls" is entirely suitable for foreign distribution. Paramount censored most of the anti-Franco criticism out of it . . . When forthright ex-assistant Secretary of War Louis Johnson got back from India his report was so critical of the British that State Department officials scarcely believed parts of it. But after Ambassador Bill Phillips got back from his India survey, Undersecretary Sumner Welles told Johnson that pro-British Phillips was in com- plete agreement . . . Among other things, Phil- lips advised that Field Marshal Wavell was in- adequate to command in Burma. He was subse- quently relieved of his military duties. Britain Backs Down It was not generally known, but when Madame Chiang Kai-shek was in the U. S. A. it was planned to present her with a gift of two Liberty ships which she was to christen. Then sud- denly the gift was mysteriously held up. Now, several months later, it has been de- cided to present China with the two Liberty ships. Behind this is one of the most impor- tant economic decisions made by the British Empire since the war began-the decision to pay Chinese seamen the same wages as British. Inside reason why the two Liberty vessels were withheld from Madame Chiang was because the Chinese proposed paying British-scale wages to the crews on these ships. This would have meant agitation by 10,000 Chinese seamen on British ships throughout the world. For a time this developed into an embarras- sing, almost ugly argument. The Chinese government felt that it had a right to pay its seamen any wages it wished on the two new Liberty ships we were giving Madame Chiang. But the British, supported by the War Ship- ping Administration, opposed. The argument got down to the very roots of Empire dominance: down to Britannia's rule over the seven seas. For what most people don't realize is that hundreds of British ships are manned by low-paid Chinese sailors, In peacetimes, Chinese seamen sail on every British merchant ship on the Pacific. Thousands of them ply up and down the Yangtze River, along the China coast, among the South Sea Islands-all under British captains and the Brit- ish flag. In wartime. their number has been perhaps greater, due to the terrific casualties among British seamen. U.S. vs. British Shipping The lower wage scale paid to Chinese is one way British shipping has been able to squeeze out American shipping in peacetime; also one reason why American ships have registered under the Panamanian flag. The Jones- LaFollette Act sets up labor standards aboard American registry ships far superior to those among Chinese crews on British ships. So after the last war, the American flag, de- spite the greatest shipping tonnage in the world's history, gradually disappeared from the seven seas. But now the British have taken a step which may mean more equalized wage competition after the war. They have agreed to pay Chinese seamen the same scale as British. The British did not make this decision eas- ily. Obviously they recognized the ramifica- tions it would have on the Empire after the war. Sir Arthur Salter negotiated regarding the matter for weeks. Lord Leathers, head of the British Ministry of War Transport, made a special trin to this country. In the end, Prime Minister Churchill himself sat in on the discussions. Finally. the increased wage was agreed to not because of Madame Chiang Kai-shek and her two stymied Liberty ships, but because of heavy Chinese desertions from British ships in Ameri- can harbors. We Have Seamen WSA officials contend that there are now enough American seamen available to man all the American ships coming off the ways. They point out that U.S.-manned ships are now sail- ing from U.S. ports with only rare delays. Last week there were only two delayed departures in all U.S. ports-one U.S. and one Allied ship-as contrasted with a condition far worse a year ago. These officials susnect that there is more than a manpower motive in transferring the ships to the British. There is also the empire motive. Certain countries which depend upon shipping for the life of empire-such as the British and the Dutch-are already worried lest the end of the war should find them with- out enough ships to maintain their empires. , Obviously, the strongest hands at the peace conference will be those which have the strong- est merchant marine. (Copyright, 1943, United Features Syndicate) NEW YORK, Aug. 21.- The thing that troubles us about Europe is that we have a sinking feeling we must make up our minds at last. This we resist furiously. The debate over our foreign policy has not been wholly a contest between good and evil. In large part it has been a contest between policy and no-policy, a contest between those who want to leave every possible stone unturned, and those who think we ought to turn a few. We are for almost any device that avoids a decision. I am quite sure that in our friendly approaches to the King of Italy, we had no desire to be reactionary, or pro-monarchist, or anti-republican, or to give a help- ing hand to the gray little brothers Iof Fascism. No, it seemed to us that in dealing with the King, we could deal with Italy without making up our minds about Italy. We could continue our hopfulprogram, which calls for progress without policy. Mr. Hull has said that he wants to keep politics out of the war. I am sure he believes it can be done. The difficulty is that every other nation and leader is playing poli- tics, including the King of Italy. Our non-political approach to the King turned out to be a week's re- prieve for the Germans in Italy, which was very political, indeed. (But if we had been unalterably in favor of an Italian republic, there would have been no such week's re- prieve for the Germans, permitting them to build a defense line at the Po without interruption by our bombers. Mr. Hull's non-political approach to the war turned out to be filled with political and military sig- nificance. How can anyone say that politics can be kept out of the war, when, because of the particular atti- tude which we entertained toward the King of Italy, our bombers were held back, whereas if our attitude had been different, they would not have been held back?) We have also felt that we could I have a non-political attitude to- ward the new French Committee, delaying our recognition while as- suring the committee we were do- ing so without prejudice, and with entire good will. But the long delay depressed every exiled government in London. We feared that to recognize the French Committee might be a political act, a choosing of sides in regard to the new France. It has seemed to the exiled governments that not to ree- ognize was also a political act; to vithhold recognition is to assert the right to withhold recognition, the light to choose against: and that is just as much a political act as to choose for. In point of fact, the delay itself has actually been a political act, as- serting our right to delay, to keep a new government in an ambiguous state, halfway between the living and the dead. Finally, still pursuing the goal of progress without policy, we have set up a system of non-political military government for occupied territory, such as is functioning, and no doubt efficiently and fairly, in Sicily. But it turns out that the exiled' governments (especially the Czecho- slovak) consider it a highly political act for liberated territory to be ruled1 GRIN AND BEAR I I - W Flew A "A new airplane that will make flying as safe as m ,torng isn't enough, Snodgrass! You'll have to make it safer than that!" by however non-political a military government that is not their own government. The flight from politics is a flight from reality. There are no ice-boxes for government, in which sovereignty can be preserved with- out being used. And however de- cent and fair we feel, deep in our own hearts, about our refusal to make decisions, those about whom we refuse to make decisions feel decided against. Because we did not feel like decid- ing in favor of an Italian republic, we did not keep anything from hap- pening; we got a Badoglio. If we lack policy, the policies of others Will leap into the empty space thus pro- vided. To bid the world sit still makes one think of the ancient who addressed a somewhat similar mes- sage to the restless waves. (Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) T B Lichty . DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN -7- f 'MAJOR BATTLES LIE AHEAD': New Evidence of Governm nt Teamivor-k Should Encourage Americans To Bickle Down ati Home ANAGEMENT OF THE WAR on the Ameri- can home front is looking up. Some loose parts of the administrative machinery are shak- ing down, more practical methods are being adopted and better teamwork developed. Two striking evidences of the improvement come along together in the confidence inspir- . ing speech of War Mobilization Director Byrnes and the OPA reorganization an- nounced by Chester Bowles, new general man- ager. A beginning has been made. More than any statement by a government official, Mr. Byrnes's radio talk gave the impres- sion of a clear, coordinated policy. Any Ameri- can who heard or read his statement must have gained a steadying sense of grave tasks ahead and an assurance that the high command on the home front is aware of the need for tighter ad- ministration. The warning half of his speech was backed by acts which have been too much over- looked: that so far the Axis in Europe has used less than half its combat troops; and that "the Germans still have a huge net balance in their favor in military and naval losses suf- fered, strategic advantages gained, territory and peoples conquered and even in equipment destroyed." IANIFESTLY American hoie front leader- ship is deeply concerned by some slacking of production efforts due to over-confidence. increase in the weekly wages of factory work- ers since the United States entered the war; a 50 percent gain in net farm income in 1942 over 1941; and an 83 percent rise in corpora- tions' net profits after taxes since 1939. He also stressed the plight of 20,000,000 citizens whose incomes have not increased. This sum- mary of the position should steel the resolution of the American people to resist new boosts in wages, prices or profits. SOME OF THE BYRNES FIGURES may be questioned, particularly that of a mere 12 percent rise in living costs since Pearl Harbor which leaves out of account the rise before December, 1941. Farmers, workers and corpora- tions may cite special individual hardships which are exceptions to the general figures, but the over-all picture is certainly one to support Mr. $yrnes's plea for holding the anti-inflation front. This is so despite the inflationary effect of the Government's, own new order giving more than a proportionate increase in pay when in- creasing the working week in some coal. mines to forty-eight hours. Mr. Bowles's whole approach to the rela- tions of government and business in the com- plex price-fixing, rationing problem promises to lessen the friction which has caused so much recent trouble. The plan for more self- policing should please business men and the general tendency toward simplification should help the public. There may be need for strong SATURDAY, AUG. 21, 1943 VOL. LIII, No. 40-S All notices for The Daily Official Bulle- tin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi- cation, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion: All students who are registered with the University Bureau of Ap- pointments in either the Business or Teaching Division should come in to leave their change of address when they leave school, and also notify the Bureau when they have taken a posi- tion. This is very important at this time as positions to be filled at this time of the year are quite urgent. -University Bureau of Appointmentsj and Occupational Information 1 A notice has been received of a! position for a staff nurse in the Dis- trict Nursing Association of West- field, N.J. The'"salary is $1,500. Ap- plicants must be qualified to register in the State of New Jersey and must have completed six points in funda- mentals of public health nursing. Further information may be had from the notice which is on file in the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. -Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing Civil Service Examinations. The United States: Senior Horti- culturists with the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, place of duty- various Central American countries. The salaries are $4,600 per year plus overtime (approxi- mately $5,000). Further information may be had from the notice which is on file in the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. -Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information r Room, Rackham Building, at 3:15 p.m. Chairman R. M. Thrall. By action of the -Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this exam- ination, and he may grant permis- sion to those who for sufficient rea- son might wish to be present. --C. S. Yoakum Faculty College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Wednes- day, Aug. 25. Report cards are being distributed to all departmiental offices. Green cards are being provided for fresh- man reports; they should be returned to the office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards, for reporting sophomores, juniors, and seniors should be returned to 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshman and upper- class, whose standing at mid-semes- ter is D or E, not merely those who receive D or E in so-called mid-sem- ester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or col- leges of the University should be re- ported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall. --E. A. Walter Freshmen, Summer Term, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Freshmen may not drop courses without E grade after Saturday, Aug. 21. In administering this rule, stu- dents with less than 24 hours of credit are considered freshmen. Ex- ceptions may be made in extraordin- ary circumstances, such as severe or long-continued illness. --E. A. Walter Seniors: August and October 1943: College of L. S. and A., Schools of Education, Music, and Public Health. Tentative lists of August and Octo- ber 1943 graduates have been posted in Rm. 4, U. Hall. Please check the list and notify the counter clerk of any discrepancies., the session will result in a needless delay of several days. -Robert H. Williams Assistant Registrar Students, College of Engineering: The final day for DROPPING COURSES WITHOUT RECORD will be Saturday, Aug. 21. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier, after conference with the instructor. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for REMOVAL OF IN- COMPLETES will be Saturday, Aug. 21. Petitions for extension of time must be on file in the Secretary's Office before that date. -A. H. Lovell, Secretary English 177: second 8 weeks of the Summer Term, will meet MTuWTh, 2. in 3010 A.H. --L. I. Bredvold English 107: second 8 weeks of the Summer Term, will meet in 301 U.H., MTuWTh, 1. --. Fletcher College of Architecture and Design, School of Education, School of For- estry and Conservation,. School of Music, School of Public Health: Mid- semester reports indicating students enrolled in these units doing unsatis- factory work in any unit of the Uni- versity are due in the Office of the school Aug. 25 at noon. Report blanks for this purpose mgay be se- cured from the office of the school or from Rm. 4 University Hall. -Robert L. Wiliams Assistant Registrar Concerts Record Concert at Hoa H. Rackham School: Another of the weekly concerts will be given Tues- day evening at 7:45 p.m. The Oro- gram will consist of the following recordings: Corelli's Sonata in D Major; Haydn's Symphony No. 104 in D Major; Beethoven's Sonata No. 14 in C Sharp Minor; Tschaikowski's Concerto in D Major for Violin and Orchestra, and Strauss' Emperor Waltz. Servicemen are cordially in- .I tained. And then he proceeded to point out just how Americans and Britons are different. "No Ameri- can can sincerely promise any cooperation in a system of world-wide cartels, for the average American would call it economic imperialism and he is against it, just as he is against political imperialism." Maybe this is what you call being realistic, l9r. Johnston, but isn't it also a little foolish? Certainly your statements will not aid in pro- moting good relations. Certainly your impli- cations that the average British citizen by favoring a world-wide cartel system is thereby an "economic imperialist" won't find enthiusi-