_: IU rg Ar 2 T, Jmq rr1w t IA ailg Weather Showers VOL. LIII, No. 40-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUG. 21, 1943_ PRICE FIVE CENTS Japanese Flee from Salamaua Defenses Navy Seizes Italian Islands; Raid Foggia More Than 700 Planes Drop Block-Busters on Important Rail :City By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Aug. 20-Alliedl 'Task Force' Tackles Tomato Crisis air fleets slashing at Italy's railroad sinews of defense blasted the com- munications center of Foggia in sat- oration block-buster raids yesterday, while at sea American naval forces seized the Aeolian stepping-stone is- lands north of Sicily. The raid on Foggia, 20 miles in- land from the east coast opposite Naples, was described officially as the heaviest of the Mediterranean war, and although the total num- her of planes participating was not specified, it was greater even than the total hurled against Rome in the first attack on the Italian cap- ital. 700 Planes in Raid Seven hundred planes-500 bomb- er. and 200 fighters-were used by the Allies in the Rome raid. The city is one of the master bastions in any Axis blueprint for the defense of southern Italy. The important industrial and com- munications center was left a seeth- ing mass of flame by three different types of bombers that attacked by daylight and darkness on a scale unparalleled in both size and feroci- ty in the Mediterrean war. Fortresses Strike First Flying Fortresses in double waves, followed by formations of liberators, struck the first blows. Their strings of bombs interlaved the freight yards, squarely hit a railway bridge. and kriocked out repair shops, ware- houses, military barracks and set fire to a large number of freight and pas- senger cars. Sheets of flame shot upward from locomotive repair shops and the rail- way station itself, and explosion- hurled bits of wreckage and rubble filled the air as the last of the big bombers swept past. But even then the "triple strength" road wasn't ended. As darkness fell, RAF Welling- tons, guided by fires visible 80 miles away, loosed a cascade of 2,000- pound bombs that spread the old fires and started new ones, and toppled the walls of buildings al- ready undermined by the day as- saults. 5Coal Mines Are Returned To Operators Government Indicates Control of Others Will Be Relinquished Soon WASHINGTON, Aug. 20.- (A- ive coal mines were turned back to their owners today, amid indications that the government soon would re- linquish control of others and there- by test the willingness of John L. Lewis' United Mine Workers to con- tinue production. None of these five mines had ex- perienced strikes and none had a contract with the UMW. Thus their return did not involve the union's stated position that its members would continue to work until Oct. 31 if government operation continued, but would "automatically terminate" this agreement should the mines be returned to their owners. The five were Barnes Coal and Mining Company, Coshocton, O.; Elk River Coal and Lumber Com- pany, Columbus, O.; Rail and Lake Coal Company, Cleveland; Sheban Mining Company, North Lima, O.; and the Shuff Coal Company, One- onta, Ala. Labor Board Calls Act Constitutional WASHINGTON, Aug. 20.-(')- The War Labor Board (WLB), re- jecting a contention by the Mont- gomery Ward and Company, Inc., thsa the, gmit -nnqll Art is un_ Sailor volunteers from the Philadelphia Navy Yard, lending a hand at the request of the War Manpower Commission, unload tomatoes at a cannery at Camden, N.J. The bumper crou had ripened ten days ahead of time. Soviets Take Lebedin; Dash Deep into Ukraine Army Has Captured All but 13 Miles of Kharkov as 6,100 Germans Are Killed By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 21, Saturday.-- Russia's new steppe army smashed deep into the Ukraine almost 100 miles northwest of Kharkov to capture Lebedin, highwater mark of last winter's offensive, Moscow announced early today, while London reports indicated the Red Army had encircled all but 13 miles of Kharkov itself. Lebedin is 100 miles from the starting point of the Soviet Ukranian offensive near Belgorod and midway between captured Akhtyrka and threat- ened Sumy. The Russian column that took it apparently was aiming for -,the vital rail junction of Konotop on FDR To Speak To Canadian Parliament Address Wednesday To Follow Conclusion of Strategy Conference By The Associated Press QUEBEC, Aug. 20. - President Roosevelt will address an informal meeting of the Canadian Parlia- ment at Ottawa Wednesday, follow- ing conclusion of the high strategy conference here in which he and Prime Minister Churchill are work- ing in "complete harmony" and mak- ing excellent progress. Plans for the speech were an- nounced officially late today at the same time that a Citadel spokesman gave the first picture of how the Chief Executive and Prime Minister are putting in their time. Fish for Relaxation Mr. Roosevelt and Churchill set such a pace last night, by working until 2:30 a.m., that today they were completely caught up on current tasks. This enabled them to go on a picnic and fishing trip, with mem- bers of their immediate parties, to an unidentified lake about 50 miles north of here. This evening they swung back into conference routine at a dinner with Secretary of State Hull and Britain's Foreign. Minister Anthony Eden. Hull joined the Quebec group during the afternoon, his presence here drama- tizing half a dozen urgent political problems, directly grown out of the war, for which solutions of one sort or another must be found. Discuss Closer Russian Cooperation Foremost among these problems, in the opinion of many here, is the matter of closer coordination with Russia in the campaigns-apparently soon to be undertaken for final vic- tory in Europe. Announcement of the President's Ottawa plans was made at a press conference by Canadian, British and American spokesmen. Stephen Early, one of President Roosevelt's secre- taries, was authority for information about how the Chief Executive and Prime Minister worked until the small hours this morning to wipe theirschedule clean of all matters requiring their attention up to that time. ** * Berlin Answers Quebec Meeting with New Boast By The Associated Press Berlin's answer to the meeting of British and American leaders at Que- bec was a broadcast statement last night that Germany is "building up new strength and reorganization and planning all fields of German strat- egy.~ The Berlin radio statement, quot- ing a German foreign office spokes- man, said: "The question of an Al- lied attempt on the European conti- nent is little discussed by the Ger- man public. Whether such an oper- ation is discussed at Quebec is left open here." Rushton Will Ask Wind U" Of Jury Probe State Official Plans To Avoid Interfering with Special Winter Session LANSING, Aug. 20.-(')-Attorney General Herbert J. Rushton, prepar- ing to petition next week for a grand jury investigation of the state legis- lature, asserted today he would at- tempt to avoid interference with next winter's special session of the law- makers by driving for a wind-up of the probe 'before the holidays. Some state capital sources have expressed fear that functioning of the legislature might be hampered or embarrassed if its members were being called continuously before the grand jury while the lawmakers were in session. Gov. Kelly has indicated he would summon a special session about Jan. 1. Rushton conferred today with Cir- cuit Judge Leland W. Carr of the Ingham County Circuit Court rela- Where Invasion Blows May Fall Patriots in occupied Europe (shaded areas) have been told to pre- pare for an Allied invasion (arrows) which observers say will fall frogs Britain or the Mediterranean area or from both directions at once. The broadcast was directed primarily at France. TANKS, JEEPS TO BATTLE: Military Police To Parade Down State Street Monday Jungle Troops Withdraw to Inner Citadel Yanks Mop Up at New Guinea Air Base; 350 Of Enemy Are Dead By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, Aug. 21, Saturday.- Japanese jungle troops are in full flight from the mountain ridge defenses before Sala- maua, New Guinea, and are falling back on the inner defenses of the air base, Gen. Douglas MacArthur an- nounced today. "The enemy is in full retreat to his inner citadel of defenses at Salamaua itself," a new communi- que reported. Machineguns and artillery have been abandoned along with more than 350 buried dead. Troops Are Mopping Up "Our troops are mopping up."' The Japanese troops, their supplies low as the result of Allied air attacks on coastal barges and their air sup- port virtually wiped out on 'dromes above Salanaua, suddenly gave up positions from which they long have held off Americans and Australians. Today's communique disclosed that their defenses cracked wide open. All at once, they gave up Orodubi, five miles southeast of Salamaua, the nearby strongpoint of Komiatum and the Goodview junction and Mount Tambu areas near the coast. The day before General MacAr- thur's communique had announced the capture on the Francisco River of Bobdubi Ridge, only three miles from the Salamaua airdrome whose possession would put the Allies wit- in easy fighter plane range of big Japanese holdings on New Britai. Japs Have Held Since 1942 Salamaua, which the Japanese have held since January, 1942, re- cently was laid in rins by more than 1,000 tons of bombs. Today's communique said that American and Australian troops, which for long have approached it, driving the enemy from ridge and jungle positions, had taken several key points in a drive on the last defense. Twenty-four Japanese planes were destroyed and nine damaged in a new raid 350 miles up the coast on Wewak. This brought to 248 the number of enemy planes smashed there within a week. The other 215 out of a fleet of 225 which might have supported the Salamaua garri- son were wiped out in raids Tuesday and Wednesday. Friday 66 more tons of bombs were dropped there on air re-enforcements. Publications Building's Hours Are Announced The Student Publications Building will be open from 8:30 a.m. to noon and from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from Aug. 25 to-Sept. 30, Prof. Mervin Waterman, secretary of the Board in'Control, said yesterday. For the remainder of the week the building will be closed all day. All editorial rooms are to be locked dur- ing the- remainder of the summer term. ,. Danes Confer To Determ ine War' Policy STOCKHOLM, Aug. 20.- U()- Danish political leaders met in Co- penhagen today to consider whether the government would back an open rebellion of the ;people against the Nazi occupation and war services, or yield part of its justice administra- tion to the Germans. The government of Premier Eric Scavenius appeared to seek a show- down between the rising public clam- or for a new government with a more militant attitude toward Germans and the Berlin demands for a more submissive Denmark. * Attacks on Nazi soldiers and sabo- tage against factories producing Ger- man war materials have been report- ed rampant for a week. Details of the swelling campaign against Nazi rule were brought here by travelers arriving from Denmark today. The meeting of the political lead- ers, which included all members of the Danish Parliament, was the first since a year ago when they put Scav- enius at the head of the government. Each of the five parties has held separate sessions to discuss the cri- sis. There was no official indication what the outcome of the conference might be. the Kiev-Bryansk railway, 70 miles to the northwest. New Offensive Opening (The BBC quoted a Berlin broadcast as saying the Russians "are now attacking furiously at six widely separated points along a 1,000-mile front" between Lenin- grad and Murmansk in the far north. NBC heard the BBC broad- cast, which, if true, means the Russians are opening a new offen- sive on the long-stalemated Fin- nish front.) A Moscow communique recorded by the Soviet monitor said a total of 6,100 Germans were killed yesterday on all fronts, including 1,400 in the Kharkov zone, 2,600 on the central front southwest of Spas Demensk, and 1,300 on the Bryansk front. Fierce German Opposition On the Bryansk front the Soviets acknowledged fierce German opposi- tion as they pounded on from cap- tured Karachev. 25 miles to the east. Farther north, in the Spas Demensk offensive, the Russians were moving between the two railroads leading to Smolensk, roughly 75 miles north- westward. In the Ukraine offensive over 20 towns and villages fell to driving columns northwest of Kharkov, said the communique. The Ger- mans countered with fresh infan- try and tanks in an effort to stem the Red Army advance. Opposing tanks crashed over the countryside in a weaving battle of armor but the Germans receded after 45 of their tanks were disabled by Soviet fire. University students living on State Street will have the opportunity of seeing a military police battalion march past their doors at 6 p.m. Monday, enroute to Ferry Field where a sham battle, complete with tanks, jeeps, and guns will be staged in honor of local industry, labor and agriculture. The parade route was changed it was announced late yesterday, and instead of proceeding to the golf course, as originally planned, the band and soldiers will go down West Huron Street to State Street, turn south and continue to Ferry Field. A reviewing stand will be set up in front of the Michigan Union. Parade Route Changed The parade route was changed when Coach Fritz Crisler agreed to have Ferry Field used for the sham battle. This will enable the battalions to make use of the tanks which would have been left out if the mock con- flict had been at the golf course. Heading the parade will be the 728th Military Police battalion band, followed by the 792nd battalion and several mobile units, including tanks, jeeps, and guns. Soldiers to Parade Soldiers attending the University will also be represented by the Air Corps band, 240 men from Company A, Company A's 3651st S.U. Bagpi- pers and 400 men from the ROTC. Also participating in the parade will be a contingent of State Police under Capt. Eugene Gehringer, mil- itary guards of industrial plants, the' American Red Cross, labor units rep- A SICK BELLIGERENT : resenting the CIO and AF of L. Color Guards of the American Le- lion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars will also march. Manufacturers will sexhibit war materials and 50 Boy Scouts will carry War Bond ban- ners. Members of the St. George Rid- ing Academy will end the parade with a group of 20 decorated horses. Redls Call for Joint Meeting MOSCOW, Aug. 20-(jP)-The So- viet labor magazine "War and the Working Class" called today for a three-power conference of Britain, Russia and the United States with the aims of shortening the war and preparing for peace on the basis of friendly collaboration among the Al- lies. In an editorial entitled "Quebec and the Soviet Union," the magazine said that the conferences between President Roosevelt and Prime Min- ister Churchill were "serving the in- terests of the Anglo-American forces" but did not "express the opinion of the entire Anglo-Soviet-American Coalition." The editorial again presented the Soviets' demand for another fight- ing front in Europe, saying, "the time is ripe to inflict a decisive blow from, the east and the west. The time is ripe to change over from words to actions." Victory over Germany is still pos- sible this year, it said. I Italy Is Silent on Continuing War KILLED IN ACTION: Letter from Lt. Snot Tells Story of Lt. Ragd'iesdeath 4. - E -- Lk NBy The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 20. - Italy was plainly a sick belligerent tonight, with her King issuing to the people of Sicily a proclamation which was silent about any intention to go on fighting the war. There was con- siderable feeling that Allied armies might move next against fresher and stronger objectives than the cracked Axis southern wall. Although it is far too early to play the bugles of conquest over the Ital- ians, King Vittorio Emanuele's curi- ous and timorous message to the peo- ple and the loss of seven more Italian islands to the U.S. Navy-the Aeolian group off the west coast-were im- mensely heartening to the Allied world. Hope for 'Better Future' Whatth e int nl the neonle "The future will bring a reward for your sufferings," the King said in the proclamation, which was broadcast by the Rome radio and re- corded by the Associated Press. "I have lived with you this ter- rible moment," the King told Sicil- ians. "I have heard your voice. I have understood your sufferings." King Near to Sicilians "Italians of Sicily, your King is near to you." He called insistently for Sicily's loyalty to the crown and the House' of Savoy. For years the Sicilians have been regarded as tepid in regard to Fascism. A later Rome broadcast indicated that the proclamation was an attempt to forestall a separatist movement, rather than an impli- amid growing apprehensions that separatist feeling may increase to a point which would cause a break with the Italian peninsula. A Milian dispatch to the 'Libera Stampa of Lugano stated that the Sicilians had not forgotten the cry of "We need only a glance to understand" with which they fought a losing battle against the imposition of Fascism. La Suisse of Geneva declared edi- torially that separatist feelings- in Sicily were complemented since Ita- ly's entrance into the war by the fact that for nearly three years the Brit- ish were so strongly checked in the Mediterranean that they preferred the long route around the Cape rath- er than Suez passage exposed 'to Italian and German attacks. The A letter to his mother by Lt. David Snow confirmed recently that Lt. Paul J. Ragsdale, former University student and Hopwood winner, had been killed in action over Germany. Lieutenant Snow was bombardier and Ragsdale was the navigator of a Flying Fortress that crashed over Germany and he wrote from a Ger- man nrisnn emn Ragsdale has heen bell he died a hero as he kept the plane in position for his crew to jump. The engine was on fire and melting the wing off. The rudder was basted off. The co-pilot, three of the gunners and Ragsdale never got off. "The ship blew up just after I got out." The Armv hasn't given official