PAGE FOUR T HE MICHMIAN DAILY THURS'DAYTAUG. 19 143 I I Air Corps To Give Chaplain Hour Sunday The Army Air Force Detachment has planned "The Chaplain's Hour," to be held at 4 p.m. Sunday on the library steps to thank Ann Arbor residents, churches and the Univer- sity for all that they have done for them, Pvt. Stanley Diamond, pro- gram chairman, said yesterday. The invocation will be given by Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Education. Pvt. Gerald T. O'Brien, master of ceremonies, will then introduce Chaplain Francis P. McVeigh, Lieu- tenant, U.S.A.A.F., who will speak on "The Duties of an Army Chaplain." "The Servicemen's Place, in the Post-War World" will then be pre- sented by Chaplain Paul Sampson, Captain, U.S.A.A.F. Members of the Detachment Chap- lain's Committee besides Private Dia- mond are Pvt. Bruce Cooke, Pvt. Gil- bert Koch, Private O'Brien, Pvt. Dwight Smith and Pvt. Gilbert Steiner.% The program is sponsored by the Chaplain's Committee and the Stu- dent Religious Association. "Some of the men in the detach- ment will be leaving campus within a month, and are giving this pro- gram in thanks for all that has been done for them while they'were here," Private Diamond said. Purdom Is Appointed Military Camp Head Dr. Luther T. Purdom, director of the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, was recently appointed chairman for the Military Training Camps Associ- ation for Washtenaw County. Dr. Purdom will work under the plan of civilian aides to the United States Secretary of War for the next two years. He is to assist the War de- partment in finding civilian special- ists in this locality to perform tech- nical War department jobs. Slosson Predicts Fall Of Sicily 'On the Nose' In - the tradition of the best of news commentators, Professor Preston Slosson, 'hit the nail on the head' when he predicted the fall of Sicily within ten days in a lecture delivered at Rackham Auditorium on Tuesday, August 10. Messina fell to Allied troops last Tuesday, ending the battle of Sicily within the ten day period forecast by Professor Slosson. Spoils for the Victor Model Plane Meet Offers $300 in Prizes The sixth annual Model Airplane Meet to be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Aug. 29, will offer $300 in prizes to winners in gas-power in classes A, B and C, rubber band power, and outdoor cabin models. The meet, co-sponsored by the Ann Arbor Junior Chamber of Commerce and Ann Arbor Model Flying Club has been sanctioned by the Academy of Model Aero- nautics. Contestants must have a license from the academy to enter. Those not holding licenses may ob- tain them at the Ann Arbor Air- port on the day of the event. There will in addition be a glider event demonstrating towline and hand launched gliders and a u-con- trol event allowing participation in four classes. The Motor Corps will be on hand with two Army jeeps, offering rides to those buying war bonds and stamps and chasing lost planes. In addition, a war bond and stamp booth will be maintained. The Civil Air Patrol will put on a demonstration of message pick up. Prizes for the special events will be awarded on a blind boogie basis with the winning time sealed in a bal- loon. The planes reaching closest to the winning time in each event up to 2 p.m. willbe awarded prizes. The exhibition will be free. BAND TO SET PACE FOR PRECEDING PARADE: Golf Course Is Stage of MP Sham Battle . _ 4) * * * * * * Tanks have bowed out from the sham battle to be staged on the golf course by the 792nd military police battalion Monday so that the fair- ways will not be torn up. Battle to Be Informal The decision, making the mock battle strictly an infantry affair, was decided upon at a recent meeting of the officials in charge of Army sa- lute to industry, agriculture and la- bor. The parade preceding the battle will begin at 6 p.m., led by the parade marshal riding in a military car and the 728th military police battalion band from Camp River Rouge. The 792nd battalion and its equipment will come immedi- ately behind the band. The Air Force band will be next in the line of march. followed by Company A, 3651st S.U. Bagpipers Nick Carter and William Elmendorf, both of Company A, will pipe their merry tunes during the march. Men Are Experts The band of the 728th battalion is directed by Sgt. Lawrence Fogel- berg. Many of the men in his hand picked band have played in 'name' bands throughout the country. Among these are Pfc, Norton N. Himmel, of Chicago, trumpet play- er formerly with Jan Savitt and Clyde McCoy; Pic. Joseph E. Fo- bart of Mosinee, Wisconsin, who played with Tiny Hill, and Pfc. Thomas M. Shapiro of Chicago, who was one of Maestro Ben Ber- nie's "musical lads." Sergeant Fogelberg held auditions for three days after his enlistment in November of 1942 to select the per- sonnel. At that time it was possible for enlisted men to choose their branch of service and musicians who volunteered late in 1942 formed the nucleus for this fine and versatile military band.! Played in Theatre When Sergeant Fogelberg was a senior in DeKalb, Illinois high school in 1928 he began playing in a theatre orchestra. He played clarinet and piano in orchestras throughout studies at Northern Illinois Teachers College, studied privately in Chicago and then took up graduate study at Northwestern University and re- ceived his Master of Music degree in 1940. {hSergeant Fogelberg has arranged the music and assisted Mr. Glenn Bainum, former band leader at Northwestern University, in direct- ing the All-American College Band which provided the pageantry for the All-Star Football Games held annually at Soldier Field in Chicago. Band Plays at Parades The 728th military police battalion band has played in all Detroit par- Military Police Are Coming to Town! A British Tommy walks down the main street of Catania, Sicily, with flowers given him by the wel- coming residents. The Eighth Army was deluged with flowers and fruit when it entered the city. .Dental Students. To Be Honored An informal evening has been planned by the International Center at 8 p.m. Sunday to honor the 22 graduate Dental students from Latin American countries who are studying here. "The object of the social program is to introduce the students to the International Center, to other Latin American, foreign and other stu- dents," Robert Klinger, assistant counselor said yesterday. Feature of the evening will be a community sing, after which refresh- ments will be served..Both North and South American songs will be sung. Tau Beta Pi Gets 17 New Members Tau Beta Pi, national engineering honor society, announced yesterday the initiation of 17 new members. Pledges initiated were Williarp Chapin, John DeBoer, Jack Elan- baas, Alten Gileo, Lowell Hasel, Frank Lane, Dan Ling, John Linker, Robert Miller, Tom Mueller, Edward Orent, Henry Schmidt, Pete Smith, Raymond Tate, Paul Teeter, James Tootle, and Don Kurst. Following the initiation ceremony, the new members were honored by a banquet at the League. Coach "Fritz" Crisler talked on "Football and Emo- tions" to student and faculty mem- bers at the banquet. This scene will be reheated Monday when the 728th Military Police Battalion Band from Camp River Rouge comes to Ann Arbor to partici- pate in the Army salute to agriculture, industry and labor. The band will lead a parade of civilian and Army units, including the Air Corps. band and Company A, through the streets of the city on the way to the sham battle to be staged at the golf course during the evening. ades since it arrived at Camp River Parade," over the Michigan Radio Rouge near the end of 1942. In ad- Network and a one-half hour pre- dition, it has done two radio broad- gram on Wednesdays over Pontia casts a week regularly -- "Wacs on Station WCAR. SHIP NAILS FIVE VICTIMS: Flying Fortresses Limp Home After Bombing Nazi Bases F ;} . By GLADWN II1LL Associated Press Correspondent AT THE ORIGINAL U. S. BOMB- ER BASE IN ENGLAND, Aug. 18- Excitement surrounded the home- coming of the Flying Fortresses which yesterday accomplished the deepest penetration made by Ameri- can planes into Germay-the bomb- ing of Schweinfurt and Regensburg. There was the ordeal of 4'sweat- ing 'em out." Then one came in with a wounded crewman and fired an emergency flare. The sec- ond ship in made a belly landing. The planes were part of one of the largest forces ever announced and their flight marked the anniversary of a momentous year. Some Are Missing First for the ground crew came worry over the missing ships-some were missing because the boys had an almost three-hour battle against a great swarm of German fighters on the way into the Schweinfurt Ball- bearing Plant area and out again. Then hearts jumped as the first returned and fired a blare for a quick ambulance. It was Lt. Philip Algar of Modesto, Calif. who had come tearing back at 200 miles anl hour because a waist- gunner was wounded in the lung by shrapnel. Wounded Gunner Goes Along It happened near the coast on the way in. The gunner was coughing blood but they couldn't turn back. For four hours he lay there, with jhe other crewmen by turns doing what they could. Yet when he was lifted onto a stretcher he grasped the pilot's hand, managed a smile and said "It was a very good flight, Sir." Other crew members were co-pilot Lt. Richard V. Wolf, -Stillwater, Calif., Navigator Lt. Frank Celen- tano, 8 Miller St.; Rochester, N.Y., Bombardier Lt. James McClanhan (address unavailable), Gunners Sgts. The crew of a crash fire truck was so spellbound by the beautiful landing of this obviously crippled ship that the firefighter failed to get rolling until the bomber reached a full stop. But the plane didn't catch fire. It was out of gas. That is what neces- citated the crash landing. Tire Shot Out "We had a landing wheel tire shot out by flak, so when we got over the field we pulled out of formation to let the other ships in," the pilot re- counted. He was 23-year old flying officer Randolph Jacobs of Fort Wayne, Ind., and 1360 Greenleaf Ave. Chicago. Jacobs is pudgy, calm and collected. "I had just pulled out when the number one engine ran out of gas and then number four. I didn't have a chance to get the wheels down. I brought her in with full RPM (revolutions per minute) and full throttle. "I'd already had the boys move up into the radio room and flight deck for a crash landing on account of the tire so they were all set. When we hit we saw the boys scattering from the tent. It's one of those things you just hope for." Ship Has Rough Time The ship already had had a rough time-German 20 mm shells in the the wing, tail and waist window and anti-aircraft in the belly. Yet the crew stepped out without a scratch. They were Co-Pilot Lt. Eugene Boger, Coldwater, Navigator Lt. John Curtin, Rochester, N., Y. Bombardier Joseph Seibel, Kansas City, Mo., Gunners Sgts. Jack Goetz, Gettysburg, Pa., Doy Cloud, Phoenix, Ariz., Lawrence Wager, Kansas City, Mo., Aldo Gregori, Washington, D. C., Thomas Vezin, New York City and Robert Comp- ton, Cincinnati, Ohio. "That Compton (the tailgunner) is the best man in the world. He ought to be a major," exclaimed Ja- rnl.., uhn icin u4c' ynrlr in he. ,. P r gs.c .001* That's all it is-just a piece of cloth. You can count the threads in it and it's no different from any other piece of cloth. But then a little breeze comes along, and it stirs and sort of comes to life and flutters and snaps in the wind, all red and white and blue. And then you realize that no other piece of cloth could be like it. It has your whole life wrapped up in it. The meals you're going to eat. The time you're going to spend with your wife. The kind of things your boy will learn at school. Those strange and wonder- ful thoughts you get, inside a church, on Sunday. Those stars in it-they make you feel just as free as the stars in the wide, deep night. And Just a piece of cloth, that's all it is-until you put your soul into it, and all that your soul stands for and wants and aspires to be. Get that straight-it's just a piece of cloth. It don't mean a thing that you don't make it mean. What do you want to make it mean? A symbol of liberty and decency and fair-dealing for everyone? Then snap out of it. The enemy's been getting closer every day. Don't let him get any closer. Start driving him back now. Now? There aren't enough ships yet. Aren't enough cannon, tanks, planes. How are we going to get them? Make them; f course. No, sir. We're going to pay our way. And you've got to help. Got to help? No, you don't even have to give up your dough. All you have to do is lend it -at interest. Higher interest than you can get in almost any other way-in U. S. War Bonds, Interest that makes the Bond worth /3 again a much as you paid for it, in just ten years-just at the time you'll be wanting to take that vacation or buy that home in a world that's free and peaceful and swell to live in again. Yes, that flag is just a piece of cloth until you breathe life into it. Until you make it stand for everything you believe in and want and refuse to live without. Mister, is it worth pledging 10% of your iacQtn