Y ft 4 1 ALg Weather Warmer VOL. LIII, No. 34-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUG. 13, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Germans Retreat Across Strait into Italy Stalin Soviets Say .I. )Vas Not * * * * *= a .,t, 4- 4-t t+" +° Invited to Allied v Russian Leader Participation Not Suggested Russians Not Invited Because of 'Quebec Meeting's Character' By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 13, Friday.- The Soviet government today answered eiiticism of the absence of Russian delegates to the forthcoming Roose- *elt-Churchill conference at Quebec by saying that such Russian partici- pation "was not and is not suggest- ed." Soviets Not Invited "The Soviet government did not receive an invitation to be present at the meeting, and because of the 6haracter of the conference the par- tlk ation of any one representative of, the Soviet government at the meeting in Quebec was not and is not suggested," said an official Mos- cow broadcast recorded by the Soviet monitor: President Roosevelt already had disclosed in Washington that Rus- sian representative would not attend the conference, but he said that did riot mean he would not be awfully glad to have them present. Moscow Quotes Tass Agency The Moscow radio quoted this statement, which the official agency Tass said it was "authorized" to Make: "The Tass News Agency denies that Stalin or any representative of the Soviet government will partici- te in the forthcoming meetirg be- tween President° Roosevelt and- Mr, Churchill. "The British Reuter Agency, bas- ing itself on the American radio sta- tion Columbia, reporting on the meeting now taking place in Quebec of Roosevelt and Churchill suggested that leaders of the Soviet govern- ment should be present. (The meet- ing actually has not occurred yet so far as is known.) Fall London Meeting Hinted (A CBS London correspondent broadcast that he believed "a high- ranking Russian" would arrive in London in September and "be em- powered to negotiate on matters of the greatest importance." ("Before then," he said, "the Rus- sians may have signed an agreement with Czechoslovakia which will set the pattern for her future relations with other central European pow- ers.") Officials at Conference Refuse To Give Comments QUEBEC, Aug. 12.- (P)- All offi- cials connected with the Allied war conferences here preferred to with- hold comment tonight on an an- nouncement by the Soviet news agency, Tass, that the Russian gov- ernment received no invitation to attend the parleys. The top ranking personnel still on hand here were not available and other officials said they had no in- formation as to whether Russia had or had not been invited. Navy Chaplain Will Be Here For Convocation Lt. (j.g.) Murray 0. Johnston, Na- val chaplain at the Dearborn Naval Base, will lead services at the Sum- mer Session Convocation 8 p.m. Sun- day in Hill Auditorium. About 500 graduates will be hon- Dred at the Convocation which takes the place of other year's graduate breakfasts Law School Dean E. Blythe Stason will address the degree candidates on "Technology and Education." The newly-formed 84-man Navy- Marine chorus and the First Metho- dist Church Choir both under the direction of Prof. Hardin Van Deur- sen of the musc school will sing. Russians Are In Suburbs Of Kharkov Shock Troops Storm Within Five Miles of Ukraine Metropolis By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 13, Friday.-Rus- sian shock troops stormed through the suburbs of Kharkov yesterday to within five miles of the Ukraine metropolis from the northeast, while other columns in the south smashed into the strongpoint of Chuguev where the Germans were in full re- treat, a Moscow communique said today. Kharkov Fall Imminent The Russian offensive against Kharkov-now in its eighth day- appeared on the verge of success as Nazi infantry retreated in disorder, leaving war materials and prisoners in Russian hands. Capture of Chuguev indicated that Kharkov may soon fall to the Rus- sians for although it is 22 miles from the city its capture in last winter's Russian offensive preceded the oc- cupation of Kharkov. The Germans reoccupied the city and the sur- rounding area a month later. The Russian midnight communi-. que, recorded by the Soviet monitor, said the Germans were making a bitter last stand defense in the Khar- kov area and were even using bat- Campus Leathernecks March Up for First Pay JOSEPH STALIN ... wasn't asked. Yank Bombers Smash Through Ruhr Defenses Flying Fortresses Bomb Synthetic Oil, Industrial Plants LONDON, Aug. 13, Friday.- (') -A strong force of RAF bombers was reported to have pounded Mi- lan heavily early today after Amer- ican Flying Fortresses attacked ob- jectives in three German Ruhr and RIhineland cities by daylight yes- terday. LONDON, .Aug. 13, Friday. - American Flying Fortresses smashed through heavy German defenses in the Ruhr and Rhineland yesterday to deliver daylight attacks on syn- thetic oil plants at Gelsenkirchen and Wesselring and industrial tar- gets at Bonn, and new aerial attacks apparently were in progress over northern Italy early today. Switzerland announced air raid alarms in its territory bordering Italy, the usual first indication of a raid on northern Italy from England. Nazis Bopib England At the same time German planes raided England for the second night, dropping bombs in scattered points of East Anglia. Yesterday's raid ended a layoff since late last month. Twenty-five of the four-engined craft were lost, but it was announced that they shot down at least 20 en- emy fighters and that escorting Thunderbolts and Spitfires destroyed three more. Crews reported that tar- gets in all three cities were left flaming. The air offensive against the con- tinent continued into the evening when a strong force of medium bombers, escorted by fighters, streak- ed across the Channel in the direc- tion of Cologne about 7 p.m. RAF Fighter Planes Active RAF fighter planes were unusually active over the Straits of Dover dur- ing the evening. Formations crossed and recrossed to northern France for nearly two hours. German fighter planes were en- countered chiefly by the Fortress for- mations which pounded Gelsenkir- chen, the battered oil refinery town 27 miles west of Dortmund on the Duisburg-Hamm railway, but the Nazis threw up an explosive anti- aircraft umbrella over all three cities, a joint American and British com- munique said. In the lead plane over Gelsenkir- chen was Capt. Clark Gable, the former movie star. Were They Embarrassed! The staid residents of East Uni- versity were treated to a free show last night as the soldiers quartered in the East Quadrangle turned out for a surprise fire drill-attired in pink pajamas, shorts and towels. Evacuation of the Quad was completed in one and a half min- It's a happy day for smiling Melvin J. Rau, Mar ine stationed in West Quad, as First Sgt. J. Shepherd (second from left) calls his name to step up and rece ive his first pay from Capt. Joseph Hoffman (at end of table). Third from left is Marine Gunner W. W. Croyle, counting out greenbacks. Sgt. Robert Kraho (extreme left) collects laundry fee. FREEDOM AFTER WAR: talions freshly arrived from many. Technical troops and neering .detachments wrenched their special tasks were given and sent into the front lines. Fight To Finish Indicated Although the escape corridor Kharkov was only 37 miles, the munique indicated that the Ger- engi- from rifles from com- Ger- mans were preparing a fight to the finish, rather than a strategic re- treat. But the fight was costly. Crack Russian Guards divisions in two days fighting killed about 2,000 Germans, took 450 prisoners and destroyed 36 tanks in the Kharkov fighting. The Germans had reported earlier that a large Russian shock force was organizing in the Chuguev area last week and capture of this town indi- cated the force was on the march, menacing the Nazi escape route from Kharkov's southern gates. Reds Near Poltava West of the city another Russian force was fanning out toward Pol- tava and Sumy, nearing the high- water mark of their offensive last February. They took towns 65 miles west of Kharkov but they were still 37 miles southeast of Lebedin, the farthest point reached last winter. To the north, the Russians stormed to within 25 miles of Bryansk and six miles of Karachev, a railway point between Orel and Bryansk. An- other column was only four and three-tenths miles east of Karachev. Manuscripts For Hopwoods Are Due Today Hopwood manuscripts for the sum- mer session must be turned in by 4:30 p.m. today in room 3227 Angell Hall, Prof. Roy W. Cowden, director of the Hopwood room, said yesterday. All regularly enrolled students of the summer session or the summer term are eligible to compete if they have been doing work of a passing grade and if they are enrolled in at least one composition course. Manuscripts must be typed, double space on Swan linen, for the first copy at least. Two carbon copies must be turned in on any white paper of the same weight. Eight awards of $75 and $50 will be given in four fields of writing- the essay, drama, poetry and fiction. Judges for the contest will be drawn from the staff of the University. Winners of the awards will be an- nounced at 5 p.m. next Thursday in the Summer Session office of Dean Edward Kraus. Roosevelt Promises Filipinos iIndependence. By The Associated Press4 WASHINGTON, Aug. 12.- President Roosevelt tonight promised the Filipino people full independence from the United States "the moment the power of our Japanese enemies is destroyed" and said that such freedom would come quickly. Gives Filipinos Pledge The President said flatly: "I give the Filipino people my word that the republic of the Philippines will be established the moment the power of our Japanese enemies is de- stroyed. The Congress of the United States has acted to set up the indepen- dence of the Philippines. The time'> will come quickly when that goes into full effect. "You will soon be redeemed from the Japanese yoke and you will be assisted in the full repair of the rav- ages caused by the war.'' The Chief Executive's remarks were interpreted in Philippine circles here as countering Japanese Premier Tojo's reported pledge to the Japan- ese-seized islands that they will be made an independent nation by the end of this year. Would Cancel Act Joaquin M. Elizalde, Philippine resident commissioner in Washing- ton, gave this meaning to the ad- dress. He also said it meant that the islands would not have to wait until July 4, 1946 for full freedom, as provided by the Tydings-McDuffie Independence Act, but that political independence would be "automatic when the Japs are driven out." This would require amendatory legislation by the American Con- gress, but Elizalde saw no difficulty there. Present law provides for full freedom after a transition period to prepare the island economically to become a republic. Elizalde said Tojo's independence promise was being followed up by a commission in the Philippines work- ing on a new constitution for the is- lands, but that it was "hard to tell" whether the Filipinos on this com-' mission were cooperating voluntarily with the Japanese or at the point of guns. Bombers Blast Ku rile Islands WASHINGTON, Aug. 12. - WI) - Giant Liberator bombers, striking out 1,000 miles along the northern road to Tokyo, blasted Japanese de- fense positions in the Kurile Islands for the second time, the Navy an- nounced today, and shot down at least five of a group of 40 enemy FDR Approves Of Lgslators .publicity .Plan WASHINGTON, Aug. 12.-W)- President Roosevelt has approved a campaign being conducted by some legislators to arouse public interest in international collective security pro- posals but has delayed a decision on whether to seek a Senate showdown on the issue this fall, D. C. Speaker said today. Speaker, unofficial authority, said there is no doubt that both the Presi- dent and Secrtary of State Hull would like to have a statement from the Senate pledging this country's cooperation in some form of post- war world organization to preserve the peace. But Speaker said the President is not at all sure that any such pro- posal would be approved by the two- thirds Senate margin necessary to ratify treaties and until he can be given some reasonable assurance that the votes could be obtained, is not likely to show his hand publicly on the issue. If Administration leaders decide the signs are favorable, they will push for early action, probably with the President's open support, he said. In an announced effortt o arouse public demand for their proposal, a dozen or more legislators have been touring the country in support of a resolution by Senator Hatch (Dem.- N. M.), Hill (Dem.-Ala.), Ball (Rep.- Minn.) and Burton (Rep- O.) New Commission Is Created in Algiers ALGIERS, Aug. 12.- (P)--- The French Committee of National Lib- eration created today a special com- Chtt'rehil I Goes From Quebec to Niaglara Falls Advance Guard of U.S. Military Men Continue To Review Strategy QUEBEC, Aug. 12.---1P7)-Britain's Prime Minister temporarily shifted his base of operations away from Quebec today, while British, Canadi- an, and an advance guard of Ameri- can military men continued a review here of the master war strategy of the Allies. Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt will meet in Que- bec later on for concentrated war discussions and a meeting of the British-American chiefs of staff. Churchill left here late last night and showed up this morning at Ni- agara on the Canadian-American boundary. Then he bearded a special six-car train and left for an undis- closed destination. Prime Minister W. L. McKenzie King of Canada, with whom Church- ill had been in consultation here for two days, remained in Quebec, along with th2 ranking military. naval and air advisers the two statesmen had brought along with them. The only word during the day from Canadian officials was that military talks still were going on during Churchill's absence. The time when the Prime Minister and Mr. Roosevelt will come to Que- .ec for war councils behinds the walls of the city's famed old citadel cannot e disclosed. ankClose Trap on Japs Encircle Garrison At Bairoko harbor arley Allied Planes Blast Retreat Of Nazi Army New 'Disengagement Movement' of Troops, Berlin Broadcast Says By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Aug. 12. -+The bulk of German troops in Sicily are now in flight across the Messina Strait to the Italian mainland under a merciless attack by Allied airmen braving a barrage from more than 500 anti-aircraft guns mounted on the escape beaches, front reports said tonight. Leaving desperate rearguards and road demolition squads behind to slow the American and British armies converging on Messina, the Germans have a good chance to avert another Tunisian disaster because of the narrowness of the strait. It is only two miles wide at one point. German Lines Crumbling The right wing of the Nazi line was ensnarled by the second Ameri- can pincer movement initiated from the sea in three days, the left was slowly giving way under British pres- sure and the Germans' central an- chor at Randazzo h d been brought under light artillery fire. A dispatch from Noland Norgaard, Associated Press staff correspondent who is attached to the British Eighth Army, said the German evacuation of the Messina bridgehead was Ain full swing, with at least 80 vessels ferrying men and equipment east- ward across Messina Strait night and day. Axis anti-aircraft guns were de- clared massed in record strength in an effort to protect the vessels from Allied planes. The dispatch said the German High Command, wishing to keep down the loss of equipment dur- ing the movement, had decreed that "the passport to Italy is a gun." Retreat Termed 'Systematic' The retreat was described in a Berlin broadcast by Capt. Ludwig Sertorius, Nazi military commenta- tor, as a "systematic new disengage- ment movement by German and Italian troops." "What matters," Ludwig said, "is to prevent the enemy from extending his operations to objectives on the mainland." Striving for the knockout, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's officers steadily threw in fresh units to re- place battle-weary troops at the front in the fight against numeri- cally weaker German detachments which could obtain no such respite. Tank-supported infantrymen of the U.S. Seventh Army, aided by American warships and warplanes, landed from assault boats three or four miles behind the German lines on Cape Orlando just before dawn Wednesday. They beat off three Nazi counterattacks and established a bridgehead just as they did earlier this week to outflank the San Agata- Cesaro defense line, it was dis- closed today. Italy Bases Hopes On Quebec Meeting BERN, Switzerland, Aug. 12.- () -Italians seemed to be longing anx- iously toward Quebec tonight for some softening of the Roosevelt- Churchill "unconditional surrender" stand which might swing the door open for Italy to step out of the war. Simultaneously, the Italian press suddenly altered its tone toward its Nazi ally-and from the Italian fron- tier came reportst that German civil- ians still in Lombardy and other provinces of northern Italy had been advised by their' consulates to pre- pare to leave. Several hundred al- ready have left Milan, Como and other cities. Federal Judge Asks For More Evidence I E I l I ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, Aug. 13, Friday.--- (/P- The advance of United States jungle troops, closing a trap on the encircled Japanese garrison at Bairoko Harbor, on New Georgia, continues, the high com- mand said today. Bairoko, on the Kula gulf coast of New Georgia, is the only remaining point of Japanese resistance on that central Solomons island. Advices from Adm. William F. Hal- sey, commander of the south Pacific DETROIT, Aug. 12.- (P-Federal Judge Frank A. Picard demanded more information as to the damage I I'