TfiIt RICHiGAN AUIL JHUftSDAIT, AUG. 12, 1949 . ................... r'.. Fifty-Third Year Straight from. the Shoulder ...DCHIPS.. I I Ii' IC GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty Samuel Grafton's did Rather Be Right Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is ex*usively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Offlce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier '$4.25 by Emal $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Staff MarionFord . . . . . . Managing Editor Sud Brimmer . . . . . Editorial Director Leon Gordenker . . City Editor Harvey Frank . . . . . .'Sports Editor Mary Anne Olson . . . . . Women's Editor Business Staff *eanne Lovett . . . . Business Manager Molly -Ann Winokur . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: JANE FARRANT iditorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. FLOOD TIDE: Cooperation Needed in Solving Youth Prablems [. EDGAR HOOVER, the competent head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is nobody's fool when it comes to recognizing that the social and economic forces now in action are sowing the grain that will reap a whirlwind of destruc- tion and hate in post-war America. In a recent speech before the international Association of Chiefs of Police, Hoover pointed out that civil violence, race riots, and insidious campaigns against minority groups are reach- ing 'flood tide proportions.' And he minced no words when he said, "Every victory for in- tolerance in America is a menace to democracy for all of us." The reckless depredations of teen-age hood- lums who perpetrate race riots are a national disgtace, Hoover emphatically declared. And here in this same teen-age group lies the unfor- tunate effect of social -and economic conditions as well as a partial cause of the recent upheavals between races. The fact that the juvenile delinquency rate among 17 year olds has risen 17 percent, the fact that many of the most:active, most intol- erant rioters were definitely under 21, the fact that persecution and discrimination is growing in every community, whether large or small, should cause some of our "oldsters" to sit up and take notice. How to solve these problems of intolerance and delinquency has stumped the experts, but one thing is certain--nothing effective can be done by one individual or group. The school, the home, the church, the government and yes, even the movies have their roles to play. Cooperation is a law as old as this nation, but one phrase can stand repeating-"United we stand, divided we fall." - Virginia Rock eCtteri tth e &lito REACTIONARIES, sentimentalists and hu- manitarians have suddenly become one and the same, according to Chips, whose "Straight from the Shoulder" column gets a little twisted en route from shoulder to paper. in his column in yesterday's Daily, Chips de- clares that he does not believe that the majority of the campus shares the "vicious and in large part, totally unfounded views" of Prof. Slosson and Pfc. Bigman on Russia. Unfortunately for Chips' loud denunciation of the few who have taken the trouble to at- tack his own rabid ideas on the great "democ- racy" of Russia, the answers and comments of his refuters appear to possess a sound factual basis that Chips himself consistently lacks in his column. Chips has decided, on the basis of a propa- ganda film, that Russia has always followed an "honest and pro-democratic foreign policy" and ha's supported the "preservation of small demo- cratic states." This columnist overlooks com- pletely the fact that "Mission. to Moscow" does not explain why Russia attacked Finland. Only Chips explains it in the light of the film. The film has been radically changed from the origi- nal source since Russia became an ally of the United Nations. Prof. Slosson, a man who knows infinitely more about the history and policies of Europe than Chips does, receives a bitter attack by this columnist with a "chip" on his shoulder, in answer to a letter in which Slosson ceur- teously begs to differ with Chips utterly un- founded statements on Communist Russia's least. "DOES THE AVERAGE SOLDIER know why and for what 'we are fighting?" That is the question that is causing alarm among American educators today. It is causing alarm, because it is obvious that the large majority of servicemen do not understand either the real reasons for the war nor the real principles that must guide us in maintaining the peace. That they do not under- stand them is in large part the fault of the Army. College professors who have visited Army camps throughout the country have found that -almost without exoeption the =men never seem to find time to discuss the war, the home front, or the coming Peace, except in the most superficial sense. In fact, aside from a lim- ited number of special educational films, the Army does little to encourage such discussion and thinking, and in fact discourages it when that discussion or thinking becomes too "radi- ,eal" or progressive. There can be no doubt that rightly, or wrong- ly, many pre-induction liberals and progressives have 'felt the need to constrain themselves in discussing politics for fear of being prejudiced against in obtaining promotions and commis- sions. This has been especially true after such outstanding liberals as Joseph P. Lash, a per- s9nal'friend of.Mrs. Roosevelt, and prominent in progressive youth movements (he was definitely anti-Communist) were denied commissions by the -Army, largely on political grounds. '1THUS PERHAPS ONE xof the big reasons for the Army's refusal till now to permit American educators to go out and stimulate discussions of the war and the ;post-war by series of addresses -is the fear that this might "radicalize" the armed forces. In this the Army has the ardent support of Congressional Republicans who feel that the Army has gone far ienough in -its "New Dealism" by showing in -Its °educational films pictures of the Com- manider-in-Chief and that further discussion among the youth in the armed forces might swing ;the fighting men solidly behind the pro- gressves. The -Army is also afraid that too much "intel- lectualism" would not fit into the rigid Army training program. Other Army officials and many civilians feel that the men in the ranks know iquite enough about the war as it is, and that we ought to concentrate on training the men to fight in the shortest possible time. Again others feel that too much independent thinking might lead to breaches of discipline. However, the Army does not seem to con- sider the fact that the men of the armed for- tes, when they return, will be faced with the problems of deciding and 'maintaining the peace both at home and abroad. It seems to forget that two years ,of political and -intellec- tual oblivion for the men in the service, many 'of whom are being deprived of their customary education, will be disastrous to the nation after the war; that unless the Army encour- ages discussion among the men, they will be easy prey for the post-war demagogues to come, even perhaps the very left-wing dema- gogues that Army -conservatives fear so much. TOME AMERICAN EDUCATORS have been pleading for just one hour a week to stimu- late intelligent discussion among our fighting men. They have pointed to our Allies, Britain (except for colonial troops) Russia, and China as examples of how intelligent discussion of po- litical issues has raised morale and :contributed to the efficiency of the fighting units. "Certain- ly," they said, "if a totalitarian country like Russia needs to keep its fighting men informed and alert and finds time to do it, our democratic country which relies on the will of the people for its very existence desperately needs a pro- gram of political edifcation. I really cannot see any honesty in the charg- es of R--ublicans that such a program would be a "political pronaganda machine for the New Deal' since men on both sides of each issue would have to sneak to make the pro- gram effective. I am affraid rather that the Republicans fear that their program cannot be exnosed 'to intelligent discussion. I fear also that the Army is basing its opposition largely because this new program would be a change, and the brass hats oppose any change on general principles. However, no matter what the reasons for the strong opposition to this program are, the Army and the Republicans better think them over. For if they are wrong, they are again dooming the nation to another disastrous "lose the peace" period. NEW YORK, Aug. 9.- President Roosevelt said cheerily at a press conference the other day that noth- ing whatever had been done about planning for a postwar Germany. Now the President, as is well known, is not an isolationist. Yet this was a remark which an isolationist would endorse. He would be glad nothing had been done about planning for a postwar Germany, and he would add that nothing should be done. And when Secretary of State Hull drops disparaging comments about the political side of the war, and says he is interested more or less ex- clusively in the military side at the moment, those comments, too, stroke isolationist feathers in soothing fashion. For it is the isolationist conten- tion that political planning is im- practical (it's the bunk, is the way they put it) and the less of it, the better. I do not say that this administra- tion has gone isolationist in any sense, for that would be an absurd remark. Yet, on occasion, in the past as in the present, it has shown a tendency to succumb to the temp- tations of taking the easy way, of not looking too closely into the conse- quences of convenient deals, of dis- paraging the opponents of Darlan and the Duke of Addis Ababa, rather than disparaging Darlan and the Duke. And so, while the administration is undoubtedly the leader of forces tending toward world collaboration in this country, it has sometimes shown a predilection for using the catch-as-catch-can methods of the opposition to world collaboration. That this situation really exists, and is not merely a bad dream, is shown by the enthusiastic support afforded the administration by the .Hearst press. and the New York Daily News, et al., on its attitude to- ward Italy. The pro-isolationist, or ex-isolationist, press loved the ad- ministration's short-lived game of goo-goo eyes with the Duke of Addis Ababa. But this is the same press which continually engages in globaloney- g--a ... :'."' __., -,, r . " ' " r ,H e193"Chcago Tirmes nc "Maybe you did raise all of us, M4a--but the woman who wrote that book didn't raise any-she had time to give some thought to their care!" shouting against this same admin- istration for being partial to world planning. When we find this sec- tion of our press attacking the ad- ministration's theories but de- fending its practices, are we not compelled to say that there must be some divergence between theory and practice? Conversely, we find the pro-world- collaboration section of the press, such as the New York Post and the New York Herald Tribune, defending the administration's theories, butof- ten opposing its practices. This is a remarkable dualism of character on the part of the administration, for those who hate its theories love what it does, and those who hate what it does love its theories. The danger is that the adminis- tration, by using tactics vehement- ly endorsed by the isolationists, will so depress the :French, and the people of Italy, and the Russians perhaps, also, that each of these countries will also go in for its own improvisations and quickie deals, when able, on its own, for its own purposes, without conferring. We see signs of this in Moscow now. If that happens, if world planning goes out the window, our isolationists will then take over, reminding us that they said it would never work. The administration will then have prepared a theoretical victory for isolation by pursuing practices close to the isolationist heart. One thing leads to another. Can planners who spoof at planning be amazed when planning fails. I cannot believe Mr. Roosevelt will slip further into this pitfall. One must expect a startling reversal of field, very soon; some announce- ment that there will, from now on, be joint decisions, by all the Allies, on Italy, Germany and other prob- lem countries. Our practices will have to begin to match our theory, or our theory must soon begin to match ,,our practices. I think our practices are about to change. (Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post ,Syndicate) The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WASHINGTN, Aug. 12.- When members of the AFL executive council took up the applica- tion of John L. Lewis, United Mine Workers chief, for re-entry into the AFL this week in ,Chicago, they didn't bother to tell reporters that Lewis might have been back in the AFL some time before, except for strong intervention from the White House. It -can now be revealed that the Preside'nt was extremely perturbed about the burly mine labor chief'sefforts to climb back on the AFL f1 DRAMA BARBARA PIERSON, last night starred bril- liantly in the role of Hansel in the Repretory Player's final production of the year, "Hansel and Gretel," given in conjunction with the School of Music and the University Orchestra. Backed up by an orchestra that at times was more than adequate, nearly blasting the audience out of their seats and submerging the soloists, Miss Pierson's beautiful voice, vivacious actions and,'complete naturalness made the role of Han- sel one of the most outstanding of the season. She was the tough little guy of ten, and com- pletely convinced the audience with her rich con- tralto voice and tomboyish airs. Gretel, Charlotte Mullin, sang her role well, but the audience-had difficulty at times under- standing her. She was the typical flaxen-haired Gretel and sang beautifully the famous duet in the second act when the children pray-this was easily the best number in the opera. T I BAD beginning indicated by the shaky overture 'found its fullest realization in the dance of the angels. Fourteen angels--with hips, hips that rotated and twitched accom- panied °by various stages of pain on the sober Young ladies faces. The intentionally serious ballet-that wasn't ballet nor was it modern dance, was one of the most humorous scenes scenes ever presented on Lydia Mendelssohn stage. Bernarda Danfai'd gave a. terrific characteri- zation of the old witch-she was repulsive, in- sinuately flirtations, and her makeup was ex- cellent. Her solo was completely convincing and received the audience's approval of her horrible "make believe." One difficulty with the childrens' chorus was that it was impossible to tell when they were awakened and when they were still undei- the spell of the old witch so little animation did they show. The orchestra was best when it was building up suspense, as in the first 'act 'when it in- troduced the father. It was good because the bandwagon. In fact he expressed himself to friends in very blunt language about how fool- hardy it would be for the AFL to welcome back a man who was in disrepute for openly defying the government during the mine dispute. It also can be revealed that William Hutche- son, AFL carpenters' boss, and other Lewis friends on the executive council had the stage all set for a special meeting of the council last May to consider Lewis's application. This was the inside reason why John L. enclosed a fat $60,000 check for advance dues with his applica- tion. % Just who blocked the move-and how closely the President himself was involved-is a secret but Administration insiders report that Marvin McIntyre, the President's secretary, a great friend of the railroad brotherhoods, had a hand in it._ Furthermore, immediately after Lewis re- quested readmission, the President had sep- arate conferences with Dan Tobin, teamsters' boss and a ton-rung member of the AFL exec- utive council, plus George Harrison, railway clerks' head, who is the most powerful figure in the brotherhoods. Immediately afterward, the move for a special executive council meeting was abandoned. In the course of one of these conferences, the ques- tion of Lewis's application for readmission was discussed at sorte length-and the President ex- pressed himself point-blank against it. Unenergetic Hopkins When Winston Churchill was last in Wash- ington, one very private luncheon he attended was with President Roosevelt, Harry Hopkins and Bernie Baruch, the elderly but energetic pusher of war production. Baruch was discussing his favorite theme, more munitions, speedier munitions, and bet- ter munitions. Among other things he point- ed out, what now has just been officially an- nounced, that American airplane production would reach more than 7,000 planes in July, but that if certain short cuts had been made, this total would have been more than 8,000. "Good lord, Bernie," sighed Harry Hopkins, "aren't you ever satisfied?" Churchill and Roosevelt both looked surprised, but made no comment at the satisfied Mr.Hop- kins' remark. John L. Lewis Purrs A throng of spectators flocked to John L. Lewis's meeting with the War Labor Board to discuss portal-to-portal pay, but much to their disappointment, the expected fireworks didn't develop. The bushy-browed mine labor chief was courtesy personified. At one time he said in a low, syruny voice to WLB Chairman William H. Davis, whom he had once described as a "Park Avenue lawfyer on the loos~ea in Wasehinton against lao. THURSDAY, AUG. 12, 1943 VOL. LIII, No. '33-S All notices for The Daily Official Bulle- tin .are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi- cation, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 am. Notices P.E.M. (Phys. Edu. for Men): The few men students'who have failed to register for P.E.M. are reminded of the following Board of Regent's rul- ing: That as a condition to continued attendance in the University a phys-' ical conditioning course be required: of students who, at the beginning of a particular term, are regularly en- rolled in the University. Anyone who has been participat- ing in League activities this summer please get your eligibility card and have it signed in the Undergraduate Office on Thursday, 4-5:30 p.m. or Friday. 4-5:30. -Merit Committee Convocation: Students and the public are cordially invited to attend the Summer Convocation, Sunday, Aug. 15, at 8 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. E. Blythe Stason, Provost of the Uni- versity, will give the address. Music will be furnished by a church choir and Navy Unit Chorus, under the direction of Prof. Hardin Van Deur- sen. Prof. Palmer Christian at the organ. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of Education, Forestry, Music, and Public Health: Summer Session stu- dents wishing a transcript of this summer's work only should file a re- quest in Room 4, U.H., several days before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure to file this request before ther end of the session will result in a needless delay of several days. -Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar Change in University Year Salary Payments in 1943-1944: During the year 1943-1944 salaries for those on the academic or university year basis will be paid as follows: Summer Session Summer session staff will be paid in two equal installments on July 31 and Aug. 31, 1943. Summer Term (a) Those teaching the first half only' will be paid in two equal install- Salaries will be paid in eight equal installments on Nov. 30, 1943 and on the last day of each succeeding month through June 30, 1944. Annuity and Insurance and Group Surgery and Hospitalization Deduc- tions: For those teaching through the fall and spring terms, whether durfig the summer or not, one- eighth of total annual requirements for annuity and insurance premiums will be deducted from each of the eight checks received during the per- iod from November through June. For group surgery and hospitaliza- tion, two monthly premiums will be deducted in November, one will be deducted from each payment from December through May, and four monthly premiums will be deducted from the June payment to cover the summer months.. The above arrangements are for the year 1943-1944 only and are oc- casioned by the change in the aca- demic calendar due to the war emer- gency and the various features of the Federal Withholding Tax. Lectures Byron 0. Hughes, Instructor in Education and Research Associate in Child Development will address the members of the School of Education afternoon lecture series Thursday afternoon at 4:10 in the University High School auditorium on-the topic, "Physical Fitness of a Native at War." The public is invited. A cademic Notices Trigonometry Vourse: If there is sufficient demand for the second half of Mathematics 7, the $ equiva- lent of Mathematics 8, Trigonome- try, a section will be formed at 11 o'clock, MTuThF, beginning Aug. 23, for the second half of the summer term, 2 hours credit. Those who would wish to take this course, please leave their names in the office of the Mathematics Department, 3012 Angell Hall. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for August and October 1943: Please call at the office of the School of Education, 1437 University Ele- mentary School on Wednesday or Thursday, Aug. 11 and 12, between 1:30 and 4:30 to take the Teacher's Oath. This is a requirement' for the certificate. School of Business Administration: -Concerts School of Music Assembly: P'eri Roth, violinist, and Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist, of the School of Mu- sic faculty, will present a program consisting of two Beethoven Sonatas for violin and piano at 3:00 p.m., Friday, Aug. 13, in the Rackham As- sembly Hall. Open to the public. Events Today Russian Tea:'There will be a Rus- sian tea at the International Center at 4 o'clock today. Persons inter- ested in speaking Russian are' cor- dially invited. The French Club : The last met- ing of the club will be held today at 8 p.m. at the Michigan League. Mrs. Charles B. Vibbert will talk on:"A Rochelle La Pallice." Group singing and social hour. -Charles E. Koella French Tea today at the Interna- tional Center. -- International' Center Tea: From ,4 until 6 o'clock at the Internationol Center. Pi Lambda Theta Supper Meeting: Xi Chapter of Pi Lambda Theta, 'Na- tional Honor Association of woiaen in education, will have a supper meeting at 6 p.m, in the Michigan League Garden. Mrs. Mary Lou Chanter and Miss Marie Wallis will entertain the group. Misses Mary Ellen Dedman and Corine Grathwohl are in charge of arrangements. Members are requested to phone 3359, after 6 p.m., for reservations for sup- per. Coming Events All Lambda Chi Alpha's from all chapters are invited to attend union picnic Saturday Aug. 14, .at 1:00, Refreshments and games. 60t in touch with Al Raymond at 301 3054, or 4636 before' Saturday. If unable to phone, meet at the Parrot at 1:00. -F. X. Nutto, H.T. Graduate Outing Club: Members will meet at the club quarters at 2:30, Sunday afternoon, Aug. 15, 'for hike out Sunset Blvd. Bring your lunch. Wars Are I'nevitable MOST AMERICANS AGREE thkt World War II is not the "war to end war," reported the National Opinion Research Center, of the Uni- versity of Denver. Pollers found .- 4