it: 411fl1 Ratty Weather Little Change VOL. LIII, No. 33-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUG. 12, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Allies Knife German Forces at Randazzo Reds Advance Roosevelt and Churchill To 8 Miles Of Kharkov Russians Cut Last Nazi Escape Rail to South; Dnieper Trek Shorter To Confer in Quebec' Allied Leaders To Plan Continued Axis Onslaught; Censorship on Sites Removed By The Associated Press QUEBEC, Que., Aug. 11.- President Roosevelt will meet Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain here, Canadian officials announced tonight, to draft their blueprints for continuing the onslaught of Allied arms against the Axis. It was disclosed at a-press conference that the ban imposed by American censorship on revealing the site for the strategy' talks had been removed. The date will be divulged later. Parleys To Be Secret As in the past, the parleys are expected to take place in an atmosphere of utmost secrecy, to be climaxed by a joint press conference at which the . , . .two United Nations leaders will dis- / By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 12, Thursday.- Russian forces advanced to within eight miles of Kharkov yesterday and shot a column southwest of the al- most encircled city to cut one of the last German escape railways in a sudden wheeling movement that carried them to within 93 miles of the Dnieper River bend. By cutting the Kharkov-Poltava railway at Vodyanaya, 40 miles west of harkov, the Russians thus nar- rowed the escape gap from Kharkov to about 60 miles in the south, a vpecial Moscow communique indi- cated. flonets Basin Threatened The advance toward the Dnieper threatened to drop down behind the Germans in the Donets Basin, where large Nazi forces are deployed from 160 -to 200 miles southeastward of the new thrust. 'Capture of the hamlet of Cher- k sskie Tishki, brought the; Russians nearest to Kharkov from the north- east. Russia's third largest city, 'Kharkov, lying on an open plain, appeared doomed, for the Russians were now 20 miles away on the east, 12 miles on the north, 30 miles on the west and 22 miles on the south- e ast. Nazis Bring Up Troops 'The Germans hurriedly brought up several tank divisions in an attempt to? break the Soviet drive on Khar- kv, the Moscow midnight communi- que, recorded by the Soviet monitor, said. . * But the Russians crashed through, capturing 50 populated places in a 12-mile advance. One unit burst into the large town 4 Akhtyrka, 42 miles south of Sumy, aid captured it after heavy street fighting in which 1,600 Germans were killed, 36 tanks destroyed and 20. trucks wrecked. Almost 200 trucks and other war material were captured in this area, 65 miles north- West of Kharkov. )oItava Railway Cut In cutting the Poltava railway the Aussians sent the Germans into .headlong retreat. Typical of the fighting was a night attack by Rus- sian 'automatic -riflemen who stole silently into a village and wiped out 150 Germans, capturing the village and large amounts of war material. Moscow dispatches said that Pol- tava itself was heavily battered Tues- day night by Russian bombers. The communique said that a total of 127 German planes were brought down in two days of fighting. The battle, raging along a 400-mile front from north of Smolensk to south of Kharkov, saw other Russiar. gains. Bryansk Neared One column reached to within 40 miles of Bryansk by capturing Alex- eyevka despite stiff resistance and cleverly-placed German minefields. .Seventy populated places were cap- tured in this area and one Russian formation wiped out about 2,000 Ger- mans and captured stores, guns and trucks. South of this area, near kromi, 1,200 Germans were killed and 5,000 Soviet citizens, about to be sent to Germany for forced labor, rescued from their captors. AFL Declines To Reinstate UMW Charter CHICAGO, Aug. 11.- (0)- The !American Federation of Labor exec- utive council today referred the charter application of John L. Lew- is's United Mine Workers to its an- nual convention without recommen- *,dation, a decision which President William Green conceded was unusual in the council's history. The council in effect declined to exercise a power it commonly uses, although in this case there was some question whether it could charter the UMW legally in view of Lewis's insistence that the Federation take him "as is" and talk about jurisdic- WINSTON CHURCIMLL .. Prime Minister arrives in Canada for war discussions with Canada and the United States. Stalin To Be Absent from Conferences LONDON, Aug. 12, Thursday-P). -The absence of Premier Joseph Stalin of Russia from the impending conferences in Canada between Prime Minister Churchill and Presi- dent Roosevelt drew comment from London newspapers today. The Moscow radio announced that Stalin received the American and British ambassadors in Moscow yes- terday in a meeting also attended by Vyacheslav Molotov, Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs, but there was no explanation of the topic discussed. London, however, quickly connected it with Churchill's visit to North America. The London Times commented that if Stalin "for perfectly compre- hensible reasons" cannot leave his own country "other means of per- sonal consultation exist or must be found." The Daily Telegraph commented that "the practical inconvenience" of Stalin's absence is not a barrier to associating the Russians closely with the talks. The Daily Express said Stalin had been invited but was unable to ac- cept, so he will be given detailed ac- counts and will send his comments. In Buckingham Palace King Georgdconferred yesterday with the Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and Dominions Secretary Clement Att- lee. It was the second successive day he has received Attlee, labor member of the cabinet. Premier Joseph Stalin received the American and British ambassadors in Moscow today, the Moscow radio announced today. Vyacheslav Molotov, Minister of Foreign Affairs, also was present, said the broadcast, recorded by the Soviet monitor. German Bishops To Discuss Air Warfare By The Associated Press The Berlin radio said last (Wed.) close whatever they can of the sub- jects they have considered and the decisions reached. The full significance of the forth- coming meeting, the fifth between the two principals since Pearl Har- bor, obviously will not become known until it is translated into action against the enemy. Chiefs of Staff To Confer American chiefs of staff also will come here to confer with the British chiefs of staff whom Churchill brought along with him from Eng- land when he arrived in Quebec yes- terday. Since then, Churchill and Prime Minister Mackenzie King of' Canada, and the British and Cana- dian staff chiefs have been in con-' ferences forming a significant intro- duction to the Anglo-American talks which will follow.' Churchill and Mackenzie King spent three hours today at a joint session of the British war cabinet and the war committee of the Cana- dian cabinet, described by Canadian officials as unique in the annals of the British dominions. Field of War Surveyed The two prime ministers said in a statement afterward: "The field of the war was surveyed and questions of especial joint interest to the two governments were discussed. "A further joint session will be held at a later date." The British were represented by Churchill, who also is Minister of Defense, and Sir John Anderson, Lord President of the Council and a British cabinet member without portfolio. Britain Hopeful Of Italian Exit LONDON, Aug. 11.-UP)-Prime Minister Churchill's war councils with Canadian leaders and later with President Roosevelt, at a time when Allied fortunes are at their highest, produced the confident hope in Brit- ain today of Italy's quick exit from the conflict followed by a grand of- fensive against the Germans before the end of 1943. These were the immediate pros- pects raised for Britons whose para- mount interest lies in the European phase of the struggle. But the pos- sibility that far-reaching decisions may be reached on the whole global war was not overlooked. Churchill's meeting with the Ca- nadian cabinet's war committee in Quebec after talks with-Prime Min- ister W. L. MacKenzie King may be a significant pointer to coming events. Yanks Split Munda, Base On Bairoko. Japanese Bulwark Develops Around Zieta New Ireland Territory By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, Aug. 12, Thursday-The left flank of American forces pushing on the last foothold of the Japanese on New Georgia Island has advanced north to a point midway between captured Munda and the encircled enemy gar- rison at Bairoko Harbor, Gen. Doug- las MacArthur's headquarters an- nounced today. Simultaneously, a spokesman for the general disclosed for the first time that capture on Aug. 5 of the vital Munda airfield was accom- panied by the elements of the 25th, 37th and 43rd infantry divisions and the Marines. Advises from South Pacific head- quarters of Admiral William F. Hal- sey gave little information about the general progress of a two-pronged American drive on Bairoko except to say that enemy resistance was devel- oping around Zieta, a village four and a half= miles southwest of Bai- roko. The right flank of the north- ward-pushing elements previously had been reported within two miles of the harbor and had joinedwith other forces which have been in the area since July 5 when they landed from the Kula Gulf at Rice Anchor- age northeast of Bairoko. Northwestward of this land action above the Solomons in the vicinity of New Ireland, our Liberators recon- noitering those enemy-controlled waters enjoyed some success against Japanese shipping. Planes Bomb Nazi Shrine City 1,500 Tons of Bombs Spilled on Nuernberg LONDON, Aug. 12, Thursday-( P) -British heavy bombers spilled more than 1,500 long tons of explosives on the Nazi shrine city of Nuernberg Tuesday night, and Berlin radio abruptly quit the air just after mid- night Wednesday to indicate that the ROF was hammering Germany for the third straight night. German planes dropped bombs on a southwestern English coastal dis- trict early today. These retaliatory stabs have grown infrequent during the summer as the Axis air force has been put more and more on the de- fensive. The blasting of Nuernberg dis- closed a switch in Allied strategy, aimed at destroying Germany's fin- ished products centers as distinct from her already devasted basic in- dustries. Convinced that the long, heavy blows in the Ruhr and the Rhineland, where the Reich's elementary mater- ials of war are produced, has all but put an end to the enemy's flow of basis materials, the RAF bomber command has decided to concentrate on the manufacturing stage. Friendly youngsters crowd themselves into an American jeep parked on a street in Sicily hoping the Yankee driver will give them a ride. .billion Dollar War Foo Request Is Anticipated RFC May Loan Commodity Credit Corporation Funds To Encourage Higher Farmn Production By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.- The administration may ask Congress for at least a billion dollars when it returns from recess in September to finance the 1944 war food program-a program which is expected to set production goals considerably above this year's prospective record output. Programs Being Prepared Associates of Food Administrator Marvin Jones said tentative recom- mendations for funds were being prepared for submission to the lawmakers. Congress would be asked to grant the Commodity Credit Corporation authority to borrow the necessary funds from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. The money would be used largely to support farm prices at levels de- signed to encourage farmers to produce to the limit of their resources. Be- cause production costs have ad- h- A Jeepful of Hopeful Sicilians vanced somewhat and Congress has eliminated AAA benefit payments for 1944, it may be necessary, food officials said, to raise the support prices on some commodities to assure farmers a sufficient return. Prices May Conflict with OPA The increased support prices may in some cases, they said, be out of line with price ceilings established by the Office of Price Administration. Where such was the case, the offi- cials continued, it would be neces- sary for the CCC to buy the affected crop or commodity and resell to dis- tributors and processors at prices in line with the ceilings. Such resale operations would in- volve losses. The losses would be borne by the billion dollar fund now under consideration. Officials emphasized, however, that losses would be far less than a billion dollars. They explained that a large fund would be necessary to finance purchase and loan opera- tions. Transport Party Reported Safe; Await Rescue NEW DELHI, Aug. 11.--()-An American officer, returning from the American base in Assam, India, re- ported today that two-way ground contact had been made with the American and Chinese passengers and. crew who parachuted from a transport plane over northern Burma Aug. 2, and he said that all were comfortable. By an undisclosed method, written messages passing through the hands of native runners and other secret means have already arrived at the base saying in part "all comfortable, awaiting rescue party, natives friend- ly." The entire party was ordered to remain in the same location until a rescue mission arrives and American authorities in Assam estimated it may take two or three months before the stranded party can be returned. Among the group who bailed out of their plane when engine trouble developed were 20 of the 21 passen- gers and crew. Faulty Building Causes Crash St. Louis Glider Was Poorly Manufactured WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.-(M)- The War Department announced to- day that faulty manufacture and in- spection caused the St. Louis glider crash in which 10 persons were killed, and said two Army Air Force inspect- ors have been temporarily suspended. A summary of conclusions reached by three air forces investigating groups, the announcement said, in- dicated "that faulty manufacture by a sub-contractor, faulty inspection by the prime manufacturer, and in- adequate enforcement of inspection procedures, combined to produce a fatal hidden defect in a wing strut metal fitting." The air forces have acted to pre- vent any recurrence of such parts failure, including the grounding of all similar gliders manufactured in the St. Louis area because they might contain fittings from the same sub- contractors. The glider which crash- ed Aug. 1 was manufactured by the Robertson Aircraft Corp., the Army said, and approximately 100 craft were grounded Aug. 4. Occupations To Decide Order Of draft Call WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.-()- Selective Service , Headquarters is preparing, D. C. Speaker said tonight, to make occupation the principal fac- tor' in determining the order of calls for induction into the armed forces, now that drafting of pre-Pearl Har- bor fathers has been authorized af- ter Oct. 1. Speaker, unofficial authority, said that as steps to this end it is planned: 1. To extend the long-dormant "non-deferrable" list and make holders of certain "non-essential" British Naval Groups Rake Bay of Naples Contact Established Between American, Tommies, near Bronte By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Aug. 11.- British and American attacks, knifing through both coastal flanks, put the heart of German bitter-end resis- tance at Randazzo in Sicily under increasing pressure today. While British naval units in a foray up . the coast of Italy 'raked targets at the edge of the Bay of Naples, British Tommies of the Northumbrian Division fought their way through the town of Guardia, seven miles north of Acireale on the east coast of Sicily, and advanced to within a short distance south of Riposto. Contact Established Ross Munro, Canadian Press cor- respondent with the British Eighth Army, said contact was established between British and American forces about midway between Bronte and Randazzo, about nine miles north- east of Bronte. Munro reported the British were working into German positions in the area while the Amer- icans, a few miles northwest of them, were moving slowly down the Cesaro- Randazzo road. The vanguard of the British Eighth Army thus drew up to a line directly east of Mt. Etna's summit and gained its first glimpse of Italy's shoreline after battling its way from Egypt. Riposto is nine miles south of Taormina, an Axis evacuation base, and less than 30 miles from Italy. Americans Gain The American Seventh Army was reported to have made gains in the battle for Cape Orlando, a little more than 40 miles from Messina, after firmly establishing itself on the bridgehead won by sea-borne infan- trymen two days ago. This landing was at the mouth of the Rosmarino River, three miles east of San Agata. (The German communique said German forces there were adopting a mobile defense.) Evacuation Fleet Gathers The enemy's small boat traffic across the narrow strait of Messina increased and indications of the gathering of an evacuation fleet mul- tiplied-signs which caused the Al- lied air forces, favored by moonlight nights, to hurl greater fleets than ever into making any Sicilian Dun- kerque a costly endeavor. But Allied spokesmen warned against expecting anything but a measured advance. The battle for Randazzo, north of Mt. Etna, grew in intensity in fact, as the stubborn enemy burrowed into the ruins of that central sector key point, apparently determined to make it a Sicilian Verdun. Troops Approach Objective American troops threw themselves across mountain river's in the face of raking artillery fire and with their British and Canadian Allies charged to within about six miles of their objective. Allied combat engineers continued to perform near miracles in building temporary bridges and clearing th roads of thousands of tons of dyna- mite-loosened debris in order to get up the guns and the materials to strangle the Germans into submis- sion. For the fourth consecutive "day fleets of Allied light and fighter- bombers saturatedgRandazzo with bombs, intended to choke the narrow twisting roads and make it unten- able. German losses in killed and woun- ded were reported by Allied spokes- men to have been extra high because of their grim, fanatical resistance against overwhelming odds. Richenbacher Finishes Tour WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.-(W)-- Capt. Edward V. Rickenbacker re- turned to Washington today from an inspection tour abroad, including a trip to Moscow in June, and reported immediately to Secretary of War Stimson. Rickenbacker arrived in Moscow i RACIAL TENSION: Dispute over Responsibility For Detroit Race Riots Settled DETROIT Mich., Aug. 11.--( ')- Dispute over the responsibility for Detroit's race roit of June 21 appar- ently ceased tonight in the accept- ance of a report by Gov. Harry F. Kelley's fact-finding committee. The committee, in a 300-page re- port, said the riot was neither planned nor premeditated, nor was it inspired by subversive enemy in- fluence. Tension Caused Riots "The riot resulted," the report said, "from smoldering racial tension which was inflamed as the result of several disconnected incidents pro- voked by a group of Negroes." Dr .Tames TT M cendon .president measures so this disgraceful thing should not happen again." The NAACP and Prosecutor WU- hiam E. Dowling had been at odds over the advisability of calling a grand jury. Dowling opposed a grand jury investigation as "an unnecessary expense" and the city council voted down a proposal for such an inquiry. Members Listed Dowling was a member of the com- mittee which made the report. Its other members were State Attorney General Herbert J. Rushton, State Police Commissioner Oscar Olander and Police Commissioner John E. Witherspoon of Detroit. Mavorn .Tffries called the cnmmit-