VALE TWO tEMI CHI1GA t3lI r1 I ;fAY 1JLY '2;1941 , .. ._,,.. u ",a . . . Fifty-Third Year pm. . M ' '~~ o$JTETi b~ac1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use ror republication of al news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper.All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Staff Marion Ford ..Managing Editor ud Brimmer . . Editorial Director Leon dordenkerC . . . City Editor Harvey Frank . . Sports Editor Business Staff Jeanne Lovett . . . . . Business Manager Molly Winokur . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MARGARET FRANK Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. 150 NEEDED: ''Men Must Not Fail To Donate to I31o'd Bank "IIS IS ADDRESSED to two and a half thou- sand men, for that's the male civilian en- rollment in the University at the present time. Two days ago a call for 150 blood donors was issued by Roy D. Boucher, chairman of the Red Cross blood drive. This quota is the usual num- ber which has been asked in past drives and never have University men failed to meet it. Actually this quota is a very small one, for out of those 150 volunteers there'll be donors who for physical reasons cannot be accepted to give their blood plasma to the war effort. YET, TODAY .ONLY FIVE STUDENTS IAVE OFFERE) TO IDONATE TO THE DRIVE. The value of the Red Cross blood bank work cannot be highly enough praised. Through this organization's good offices colorless, life-giving blood plasma has been collected and sent to our far-flung battlefields where thousands of Ameri- can doughboys' lives have been saved by it. The contributions which we University students make to the blood bank are unquestionably helping the Nation in its struggle for victory just as surely as the toil of the men in armament factories, steel mills, and shipyards. N DONATING A PINT OF BLOOD, volunteers have found that there is no easier method of helping a war. The process is painless, speedy, and efficient. Army officials here at Ann Arbor expect that at least 100 members of the armed forces wfll voluntarily give blood to meet the quota in August, but that leaves the July quota up to civilians. Out of 2,500 male students on cam- pus, 150 blood donors must and will be found. 'Ihe volunteers have until July 9 to sign up. The place to volunteer is the Union mai desk. Only those students 18 years or more inay regis- ter. It is the direct responsibility of dampus men to see that this worthwhile home front objec- tive is achieved. There are drily 7 days, but 145 volunteers to go. - Bud rimmer NOT A PRANK! Newsmen Did Not Start Agency Row PRESIDENT ROOSEVtLT tried Wednesday to blow a smoke screen over domestic troubies by accusing newspaper writers of stirring up "some of the, controversies among officials and agencies'of his Administration." He mentioned the "internecine affairs" start- ed by the newspapers, but when aked to be specific reported. "there were flocks of them .,. Read any columnists, pretty nearly, and go Back to the files." It may be a newsman's ideal of a prank that Vibe-President Henry A. Wallace should be at the same time calling FDR's Secretary of Co&- merce Jessie Jones "an obstructionist to the war effort" but it may be running true to the old axiom "where there's smoke there's fire." It seems that Mr. Roosevelt is providing the smioke. The resignation of War Food Administrator Chester C. Davis the day before was a little too tangible for a newspaper prank. Also too tangi- ble was Mr. Davis's statement to the Chief that "the program to combat inflation won't work" before he walked out and closed the door. 1T ALL BOILS DOWN to this. Whether the smnr that h irst into flames this week'issued L A OIREAY: C eclares ft wi Fight Congress' Acts WHEN CONGRESS ordered the repeal of the roll-back subsidy plan it declared war on organized labor. The Connally anti-strike bill and the pro-inflation moves of the legislators are comparable to the Jap sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. Labor has no choice but to declare war oi the reactionaries who are bringing this nation to its knees. Phaillip Murray, president of the CIO, de- clared reluctantly that unless prices were rolled back by July 15, regardless of the actions of Con- gi'ess, labor would do everything to break the "Little Steel Formula". Mr. Murray has an ex- cellent record as far as the war is concerned far better than that of many of the Republican and Democratic congressmen who voted the "declar- ation- of war" on labor. But he- has no choice. As leader of one of organized labor's largest rep- resentative organizations, he knows that labor cannot give up the freedom to organize freely, and the principle of equality of sacrifice. Oth- erwise, Hitlerism will creep in by the back door. The current Michigan CI convention knows that too. They have gone on record' as willing' to fight for their rights against the eneknies at hmie as well as abroad. Yesterday the CIb fiade its position clear, by declaring "that we consider our no-strike pledge no longer binding unless the assurances made to labor at the time the pledge was made are immediately put into operation. The resolu- tion further stated that "American industry which fought against the establishment' of our unions has used the war as an excuse to refuse1 to bargain." HE DELEGATES were justly incensed at the activities of industry and their Republican- Democratic stooges in Congress. Said one dele- gate from Pontiac referring to a specific case: "Strikes are the only language the Chrysler Cor- poration understands, so let's give it to them." Whoever does the thinking for the irresponsi- ble reactionary coalition ought to have realized what the result of recent Congressional actions would be. This is the typeof action that brought on a civil war between the workers of France and their government in pre-Vichy days and brought about that country's collapse. But perhaps there is a iplan ad purpose to this partisan war on the President and labor. Perhaps tie' Repuliicans want the war to go to pot for a while so that in 1944 they can promiise to fix it all up agaii. Yes, the Re- publican leadership doesn't miss on an anti- Roosevelt trick nowadays even if it does cause civil war. In the face of these outrageous activities of Congress, in the face of a constantly more scorn- ful attitude of emfployers towards the unions, organized labor is faced with one of the greatest dilemmas in its history. Will it abandon its right's, throw away its hard won privileges, suffer privation, when the rest of the nation, the cor- porations, the farmers and such will be per- mitted to make higher and higher profits "to induce them to produce?" Rather, they would gladly enter the armed forces. T'IE WAY the national CIb organization is handling the issue and the way the Michigan CIO stands on the issue, seuarely means that workers will fight for a people's War. They will not denand more of the national resources than any other group. But if under the recent Con- gressional acts they are unable to do so, they will have to strike and the responsibility will not be theirs. , And if countless unjustified strikes occur through heated tempers, the responsibility will rest on Congress whose acts have made em- ployers cocky in their dealings with unions, and the press, especially in Detroit and Chi- cago, which has misrepresented labor's ease so 6dusistently Labor has declared war but the hostilities have not yet begun. The labor movement has wisely given the Administration 15 days to convince the Congress that either the anti-strike bill or the anti-rollback must go. If the Republicans espe- cially fefuse to see it that way their true purpose Imust be publicized thrdUgh the width and breadth bf the land-the Republicans are out to destroy the New Deal even if it costs its the war. Above all, let that be clear. - Ed Podiashuk AERIAL BATTLE: British Use German Strahegy on Ruhr Area THE ArR BATTLE of the Ruhr has become so intense that it has turned into an aerial Ver- dun or Battle of London in reverse. The Ger- mans started both battles with the objective of attacking wvith a superior air forde a target which the enemy would have to defend at all costs. They attacked Verdun and London not for their own importance but rather 'as incidental objec- tives to bleeding the French army white and knocking taut the Sritish Air Force as a pre- liminary to invasion. The same strategy 1I now being applied by the Allies to the kAuhr with devastating suc- ces's. The Gerimins must defend the Ruhr at any cost, for in it are prodeed three-fourths of Germany's coal, four-fifths of her coke, and two-thirds' of the nation's raw iron and coal, the loss of which would cripple Axis armies, At first, the Germans like the British, did not call up reserve forces to resist the raiders as they were willing to sacrifice factories to save DREW PEARSON'S 411* MERRYGO-ROUND WASHINGTON, July 2.- Current rowing be- tween the President and Congress is viewed by White House advisers with a mixture of philoso- phy and alarm. The White House staff is so big these days that you are bound to get all shades of reaction, beginning with that of worried Mar- vin McIhtyre who recently told a friend on the telephone: "When you have as much on your mind as the President and Winston Churchill, you can under- stand why things at home come second." "Yes, Mac," said the President's friend, "but if the Boss doesn't watch the home front, the ground may be cut out from upder his main war objectives." Marvin agreed. More philosophic advisers, on the other hand, point to the problems which Woodrow Wilson had with his last Congress, the Con- gressional rows with Coolidge, Hoover and Teddy Roosevelt. They argue that this fric- tion is bound to develop, and that domestic legislation especially suffers during a war. This, of course, is true. But it is also true that fiiction increases the further away a President gets from his honeymoon days with Congress; the longer he-stays in office. Anti-Strike Confusion However, nothing explains away the glaring White House ineptitude of last week in not noti- fying Capitol Hill leaders that the anti-strike veto was coming so they could have the Presi- dent's own labor supporters present to try to sustain him. That ineptitude substantiates what many have felt for a long time, that with all the high-powered White House secretaries and a special assistant, ex-Congressman Jim Barnes, supposed to coordinate between the White House. and Congress, there just isn't any coor- dination. Note: One difficulty with every President is that he hasn't the time to see many people, has t- filter his views through the eyes of advisers. In the last year or so, Roosevelt's advisers have changed. He sees less of Congressional leaders, more of Harry Hopkins, the genial Pa Watson and the charming Princess Martha of Norway. And because of the war, he has to devote a great deal of time to military conferences with admir- als and generals. The domestic front and Cor- gress take a back seat. Governor's Merry-o-Round The Governors' Conference, with police motor- cycles and special cars whizzing all over Colum- bus, set no example to gas-saving Americans. Highlight of the meeting was a lovely junket of $0 miles in 50 cars to inspect a nearby war plant for no purpose at all . . . Perhaps they wanted to equal the record of Maryland's First Lady, Mrs. O'Conor in driving to Charleston, S.C. in a state car . . . Ex-Governor George White, Demo- crat, who deserted FDR for Willkie in 1940, this time seemed to desert Willkie for Tom Dewey ... When Dewey arrived in Columbus, he completely stole the show from the Bricker crowd-women rushing up to shake hands, admirers crowding the hotel lobby. Finally when Young Tom looked around for his Bricker aide to escort him to his own hotel, ex-Gov. White stepped up and offered to take Dewey off to his home for the night . . . At the starch-bosom banquet Dewey was the only man appearing in a business suit. Ambassador Davies made a good speech at the dinner, but the most talked of incident was the fact that when he mentioned Roosevelt's name a commander-in-chief, you could have heard a pin drop. There was not one ripple of applause. "I felt like yelling Heil to see if they would all stand up," remarked a waiter . . . Some Bricker leaders claim that the Taft boys are secretly backing Dewey now in order to block Bricker- thus creating a deadlock from which Taft would emerge as the nominee. They say it is a favorite Taft trick to put a rival candidate out in front early, then let the politicos take pot-shots at him. Axis Poison This is only one sample of the poison being poured in on Italian-American families day in and day out. The Schenectady family listening to this broadcast had bought more than its quota of bonds. The father worked in a war plant. They were above average in their patriotism. Yet when they heard this broadcast they wept. The poison regarding American planes bombing children could be easily refuted, be- cause American pilots have a miraculous rec- ord for hitting military objectives in precision bombing. But a hog-wild Congress, bent on cutting off all radio propaganda on the domes- tic front, wants to let Axis poison from Rome go unchallenged, Note: Smart Dr. Frank Gigliotti, patriotic Italian.- American from California, promptly looked up Mussolini's edicts banning the use of gasoline or oil for all entertainment, including merry-go-rounds, pointed out that the incident broadcast by Guidi could not have happened be- cause no merry-go-rounds are operating. This type of counter-propaganda is what OWI wants to broadcast to Italian-Americans-if not barred by Congress. (Copyright. 1943, United Features Syndicate) effort to defend one of their most vital areas. I'd Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, July 2.-The trouble along with my overwhelming ap- line on the Willow Run scale, you with most of our talk about foreign proval of it. still have to go right back to building policy is that it is too lofty and time- that same wretched little shed. less. It is conversation on a marble The Fulbright resolution doesn't It is perfectly possible for a Con- pavement, among high pillars, in- start in any 'shed. 4t would put gressman to vote for this resolu- stead of being instant, urgent col- Congress on record as favoring tion, and, next day, demand that loquy on the sweating Tenth Ave- "creation of appropriate interna- we move our troops to the Pacific nues of this world. tional machinery with power ade- and stop fretting so much about Our sentences are round, and quate to maintain a just and last- Europe. He can vote for this reso- smooth. There are- no projecting ing peace ... and participation of lution, and then vote against a sys- knobs on them, on which a man the United States therein." Amen. tem of treaties with Britae, Rus can hang .his hat. Do I want "in- I must also add: Build thee lesssia, and China, when these are can hang :,lfinally. offeredt onntheground that ' ternational machinery" to "keep istately mansions, 0 my soul. This . finaldoesn't le clausegran is the peace?" Of course I want it. is a resolution against sin. Even resolution, in other words, does not But what does it mean? In the sinners can vote for it. The entire really hook them. It is round and year 1943, the only international House Foreign Affairs Committeersmooth m. s tnisprouns and machinery that can "keep the has voted for it. I am approxi- smoothasph an peace" is a second front in Europe. mately as impressed as if it had cannot catch anything. Possibly, too, we should join Brit. voted in favor of motherhood and Out of the Ages, Into Today amI in her twenty-year treaty with against leprosy. I would be much I would .swap it for a resolution Russia. Something on the order ofr more: impressed if it had: voted saying that this Congress goes on these developments i s necessary as $5,000 to pay the expenses of a record in favor of immediate nego- the first, crude machinery toward, roving ambassador to negotiate a tiation of binding twenty-year treat- building the high powered peace system of twenty-year agreements ies of friendship and collaboration plant of the future. with Britain, Russia and China. I with Britain, Russia and China. That like timeless truths as well as the kind of resolution would implicitly The Refinements Come Later next man. But I also like to know carry the Fulbright resolution in its We need to use whatever machin- what time it is. teeth. ery is available this year, to do the It would be a specifically 1943 reso- work we have to do this year. Later We need a foreign policy for the uo a s modl, whres on we can install air conditioning and ages, but we also need one for 1943. the Fulbright resolution is an any- put rugs in the executives' offices. Too Round, Too Smooth, Too Big -old-year model. After all, Henry Ford started in. a This one is too big and therefore It would sharpen the iron spears shed. it lets Congress off too easily. Be- under the fence-sitters. It would take This is may major objection to the cause, after you pass this resolution the issue. out of timeless into time. Fulbright resolution, and it goes in favor of a peace-making assembly (Copyright, 1943, N.Y. Post Syndicate) 'SPITE AND FOLLY AHEAD OF WAR' An Open Letter toCongressne DEAR MR. CONGRESSMAN: dEAR k. CONGES : r ave tnersThere are those who hate Rosevelt don't know whether you ar Let me put it this way. There is a only a little more than they fear Hit- aware of it, but you have during your grvlaneehtrh.ahieyo And there are those who fear grave danger that the machnery of actions over the last few weeks cut government on the home front will Hitler a good deal more than they out a fateful role for yourself. By cometo a standstill. There is a hate Roosevelt. youracrippling of the Office of War grave danger of the total collapse of The firstgroup has always been Information, by your killing of the our price control structure. There is ready to. sabotage the anti-fascist a grave danger of the further spread war. The second group has until Farm Security Administration, by of strikes and the further corrosion Inow supported it. But now, whe- your cuts in the OPA budget and of labor morale. There is a grave ther because of heat and irritation, your ban on subsidies for rolling back danger of further organized with- or because of bitterness about the food prices, by your vote to override holding of food from the market, as coal strike, or beeause they think the President's veto of the Smith- in the present "beef strike." that the war is as good as won any- Connally anti-labor bill, you and way, theyb have let their hatred of your colleagues have assumed 'an fAnd, sie a war economy is all Roosevelt spill over until it drowns ofa piece, there is a grave danger enormous responsibility. that runaway prices, growing cut their fear of Hitler. In the simplest words, you have strikes, labor bitterness, synthetic Responsibility taken away from the President his food scarcities will have a drastic constitutional role as leader on the effect on war production and on You ave a Constitutional right, home front. You keep him and his the will to victory. Mr. Congressman, to talk and vote as Administration from doing their red and spite. You have a rig t to ,fob. On the other hand, you and A Question folly. You do not have a moral rigit, your fellows are obviously une- I put a frank question to you, Mr. however, to put your hatred and spite quipped to run the home front Congressman: are you willing to car- and folly ahead of the war economy yursel. T e rnut mut ba ry the responsibility for this on your and the homefront, or to endanger chaos, stalemate, confusioni, and a shoulders? Because that is what it victory with them. fearful crippling of the will to vie-adds up to. You are risking the high If there are more strikes, you will tort'. stakes of victory in this war for the have to bear the burden-for you Immoral not-so-obscure motives that impel have taken over the home front. If you to act as you do. there are price collapse, food scarcity, I assume you know this. And know- You are takingsthe greed and co- race riots, you will bear the heavy ing this, I assume you have intne nomic self-interest of the big cattle responsibility. it. eng ho donoreon ithmeedmen and the big food profiteers, the Look into your heart, Mr. Con- it. Men who do not reckon with the emions of the Roosevelt-haters, the gressman. Are you ready for that? consequences of their acts are not panting for office on the part of -Max Lerner, PM only ignorant: they are immoral. And those who have been out of it-and I cannot bring myself to believe that you are heeding them in preference ngress my Congress is made up of amajor-f a people's war. You ConS AI uC my ongrens ansim oralmejr-are putting profits, politics, and pow- The predictions The New Republic ity of ignorant and immoral men. er ahead of human life and ahead of made last year about what would Since you are grown men, with national survival. happen if we elected the kind of your eyes open -and with a know- I am not proud of you, Mr. Con- Congress we subsequently did elect ledge of the facts of life, you must gressman. I have written in the past came true. Our Congress ran amuck. know that we are in the midst of in these columns that the large ma- In rapid succession, our lower an authentic home front crisis. It jority of Congress are decent and house voted in substantial favor of won't do to mince words in speak- patriotic men, and that they must measures which if upheld in the ing about these things. I think deal with their vicious minority. Well, Senate would bring: 1) Dangerous that In speaking out during the they have dealt with that minority- inflation. 2) Confused and garbled past week in words and pictures and ended by being swallowed up by presentation of the facts about the about the anti-Negro riots, PM it. progress' of our war. 3) Post-war performed a service to the NatIon. lack of any attempt at planned re- And PM will speak out just as Roosevelt Hating turn to peacetime ways. No Axis frankly about the extent to which The majority of Congressmen have agenda for undermining our strength Congress is creating a national cri- revealed themselves as little emotion- could improve on these three points. sis on the home'front. al mlen who fall into two groups. -The New Republic DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN a All notices for The Daily Official Bulle- tin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi- cation, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1943 VOL. LIII, No. 3-S Notices STUDENTS IN NAVY TRAINING PROGRAM: All V-1 and V-7 stu- dents assigned to University of Michigan should obtain orders for text books as follows: All Engineer- ing from Assistant Dean A. H. Lov- ell, 259 West Engineering Building; all others from Assistant Dean L. S. Woodburne, 1208 Angell Hall. Season Tickets for the series of five plays to be presented by the Academic Notices Anthropology 159s, Primitive Soci- ety will meet in Room 1025 Angell Hall. -Leslie A. White Mathematics 278-Mathematics of Relativity-will meet Mondays and Thursdays at 7:20 p.m. in the Staff Room, 2nd floor, East Physics Build- ing. ---G. Y. Rainich Graduate Students: Preliminary examinations in French and German for the doctorate will be held on Thursday, July 6 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Dic- tionaries may be used. 4 FACULTY, COLLEGE OF LITER- ATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS : Attendance report cards are being 'distributed through the departmen- t ailr fip_"Isrora eraus page '52 of the 1941-42 ANNOUNCE-, MENT of our College. -E. A. Walter Students, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Election cards filed after .the end of the first week of the semester may be accepted by the Registrar's Office only if they are approved by Assistant Dean Walter. Students who :fail to file their election blanks by the closeof the third week, even though they have registered and have attended classes unofficially will forfeit their privilege of continuing in the Col- lege. -E. A. Walter C9oming Evaents Spanish Teas: There will be a Spanish tea this afternoon in the cafeteria of the Michigan League at 3 o'clock. All those interested see Professor del Toro from 1:30 to 3 in Room 201 Romance Language Build-