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August 11, 1943 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1943-08-11

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Little Change.









Post-War World Transportation Dream

-Daily Photo by George R. Clark
Pictured above is Karl Schakel, beside the helicopter which he and
Corwin Denney designed and built at the Ann Arbor Citty Airport.
Sehakel and Denney hope to have "all the bugs out" within a month.
The youthful engineers are planning to begin production of the heli-
copters by the beginning of the year.


Local Engineers Build
Helicopter for War Use

Two youthful Ann Arbor aero-
nautical engineers, both fresh from
college, are singing a new tune today.
Instead of promising to "fill the air
with bombers," they're planning to
do it with helicopters.
After working three months in
their small machine shop at the
Ann Arbor airport, Corwin Denny,
who graduated from the University
engineering college last January,
and Karl Schakel, a 1941 gradu-
ate of Purdue, have produced a
helicopter, new and original in its
design, which actually flies.
Neither of them had ever seen a
helicopter before their own was built,
bt proceeding on theories and de-
Sgns which Denney developed while
a sophomore in college, they built a
cabin-type, two-seater flying model,
complete with three "wind-mill" ro-
tors, a torque-compensating rear
prbpeller, and a tricycle landing gear.
Their plane is slightly longer than
an ordinary light airplane.
S)0der Web in Aluminum
Right now the Schakel-Denney,
helicopter is a spider-web of alumi-
num tubing-it still lacks those or-
naments of design which soon will
niake it as modern-looking as any
engineer's "dream-ship." But, recent
performance tests indicate that this
m'ay be one of the best helicopters
yet produced. The tests proved that
he plane can easily lift itself from
he ground using less than half the
{horsepower of its single engine. Ul-
timately, Schakel and Denney esti-
mate, it will carry either four per-
sons or two and a cargo. It is ex-
pected to have a cruising speed of
100 miles per hour-40 miles an
hour fater than the known speed
of any other helicopter.
In talking about their plane, Den-
ney, who just turned 22 last month,
and Schakel, who is now 21, are
quick to point out its unique features
of design.
Its "safety-angles" are numer-
ous, but the most important one,
they claim, is that the passengers
are seated directly under the ro-
tor-hub and the engine has been
placed in the nose of the fuselage.
Thus, in case of a blade failure,
Music School
o Give Opera
Repertory Group Also
To Participate Tonight
The final offering of the summer
drama season, "Hansel and Gretel"
will be presented at 8:30 p.m. today
:in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
by the Michigan Repertory Players
of the speech department and the
School of Music.
Appearing in the leading roles will
be Jacqueline Behr and Charlotte
Mullin as Gretel, Barbara Pierson as
,Hansel, Dorothy Feldman as the

the pilot will run no risk of being
struck by unattached rotors.
Also, the placement of the engine
and passengers gives their helicopter
a variable passenger capacity. Since
the latter are seated under the
rotor-hub at the center of gravity,
no compensating weights need be
added to the tail to make the ship
balance when an extra passenger
steps in
Yet another unique feature of their
plane is its method of synchronizing
the torque-compensating propeller
with the main rotor, so that in or-
dinary forward flight it is not nec-
essary to adjust the pitch of the
rear propeller to any operating rotor
blade speed.I
Their pilot's control system, too,
is super-simplified, so that accord-
ing to their own estimate "practi-
cally anyone can learn to fly it
in an hour while it is tethered to
the ground." Visibility is better
than in the averageautomobile,
they claim, and since propeller
noise is at a minimum in any
helicopter, in this particular model
an ordinary conversation may be
held while flying.
Their 1 exact technical improve-
ments, however, are a military se-
cret-to-be, since Denney and Schakel
expect an Army Air Corps contract.
One of the biggest and darkest se-
crets concerns the rotors and their
hub, which Denney said "have an
unusually favorable combination of
structural and aero-dynamic prop-
Built Small Scale Models
After conceiving his idea for the
plane while working with Prof. Ed-
ward A. Stalker, formerly of the
University's aeronautical engineering
department, Denney built small
scale-models of it and then last
summer attempted to construct a
full-size model at his home in Wash-
ington Court House, O. The at-
tempt, however, was halted by finan-
cial difficulties.
Upon graduating from Michigan
last January, Denney worked in an
Ohio aircraft plant and there met
Schakel, who had done extensive
work in amateur glider construc-
tion and flying. Mutually inter-
esteo in helicopters, they began to
look for financial "backers" and
their revolutionary designs finally
secured them the financial assis-
tance of Aeronautical Products,
Denney and Scbakel took the job
April 8, and got actual construction
rolling a week later. Their biggest
handicap was finding skilled or ex-
perienced shop-labor. In McNeil
Smith, an Ann Arbor mechanic, they
found a capable shop foreman, but
they had to resort to high school
students and college draftsmen for
other laborers.
Dissemble Plane for Alterations
At present they've dissembled the
plane to make minor alterations, or
"to get the bugs out of it," as Denney
cevnlriined ~it T Nouruhe.nice

Allies Close
On Nazis for
Messina Kill
Yanks Smash on to
Randazzo, Italian
Troops Withdrawn
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, Aug. 10.-Allied
forces, smashing the center of the
German line northwest of Mount Et-
na, drove today to within 7 miles
of battered Randazzo, one of the last
of the enemy's hedge hog defenses on
the road to Messina from Central
Harold V. Boyle, Associated Press
Correspondent with American troops
fighting toward Randazzo, reported
that American soldiers have smashed
their way to within seven miles of the
city "in mule pack, mountain war-
fare." The Americans also have taken
the western terminus of a long
sought, hidden German supply road
that had helped the Nazis bring up
heavy artillery, 'ammunition and
troops in the rugged terrain between
Cesaro in the hills and Sant' Agata
Di Militello on the north coast, he
Make Relentless Progress
(A Reuthers report said the Ameri-
cans, advancing from Cesaro, were
only two miles from Randazzo.
As the Sicilian campaign entered
its second month, American, Cana-
dian and British troops were official-
ly reported to be making relentless
though unspectacular progress in
forcing the fiercely resisting Ger-
mans back into the Sicilian funnel
at Messina.
Report All Troops Withdrawn
It was reported that the Rome
radio announced that all Italian
troops had been withdrawn from the
Sicilian front because of the over-
whelming superiority of Allied
Forces. The radio asserted that "if
the Americans pay a proportionate
price for Italy as they have paid for
Sicily, they will be in a state of utter
exhaustion at the end of the war."
Randazzo was still ablaze from
ceaseless air raids some of which
continued without a break through-
out entire days. The full power of
the Allied Air Forces, which are in
complete command of the skies over
Sicily and Southern Italy, has torn
against this highway keypoint.
May Proposes
Drafting Limit
For Fathers
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. -(P)-
Legislation prohibiting the drafting
of fathers and setting a definite limit
on the size of the armed forces-
probably at 10,000,000-was proposed
today by Chairman May (Dem.-Ky.)
of the House Military Committee.
May announced he would intro-
duce such agmeasure on Sept. 14,
bhe day Congress returns from its
summer recess, and said it might
also provide for the discharge of
fathers already in the armed serv-
The announcement followed a
statement by Paul V. McNutt, War
Manpower Director, that fathers be-
tween 18 years and 38 years old
would be reclassified and made avail-
able for induction beginning in Oc-
"I think when Congress meets,"
May told newspapermen, "they are
going to pass legislation prohibiting
outright the induction of fathers. I
think they will determine that the

Army is big enough with the 80,000
18-year-olds being inducted monthly
keeping it current. We now have
under arms approximately 10,000,000
AFL C hinese
.Ban Continues
CHICAGO, Aug. 10.- ()- The
American Federation of Labor went
on record today against any relaxa-
tion of the ban on Chinese immigra-
tion. Meanwhile action on the ap-
plication of the United Mine Work-
ers for' re-affiliation was deferred
for at least another day, after the

-Associated Press Photo

Red Army Tightens Grip 12
Miles from Nazi Stronghold
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Aug. 11, Wednesday- The Red Army battered its way into
the northeast Ukraine Tuesday to within 14 miles of Sumy, tightened its
flanking grip around Kharkov where Russian forces were barely 12 miles
from the city and smashed into a railway town 45 miles east of Bryansk,
Moscow announced today.
The Russians made general advances along the entire 300-mile active
front. Seventy towns and villages were taken in the Kharkov advance and
30 in the Bryansk drive rolling ups

the main rail line from Orel.
One Soviet column, striking west
toward Sumy, made a significant
penetration to 14 miles southeast of
the town. Their last reported posi-
tions were 21 miles away.
The attack toward Sumy was made
at night when a Soviet unit struck to
capture Bolshoi Bobrik and Borom-
lya. They killed about 1,500 Ger-
mans, captured 42 guns, 300 carts
and other war material in the sur-
prise dash. At one railroad station
250 trucks fully loaded were seized
by the Russians.
Sumy is 190 miles due east of Kiev
and the Dnieper River, and the last
important defense line in Russia, to
which the Germans may now be fall-
ing back. It is about 75 miles west
of a line through Kharkov and may
be the hub for a Russian pivot to the
southwest. The Germans, falling
back from Kharkov, were expected
to retire to the winding river which
bends around to the southeast in this
Northwest and west of Kharkov
the Red troops were "grinding down
enemy reserves which have been
brought up," said the Moscow mid-
night communique, recorded by the
Soviet monitor.i
Navy TO Sing
At Convocations,,
550 Students Will
Be Graduated Sunday
Seventy-three sailors and nine
marines, forming the personnel of a
new Navy-Marine chorus, will ap-
pear on the Honors Convocation pro-
gram for summer session graduates
at 8 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium.
The training unit chorus, organ-
ized and supervised by Prof Hardin
Van Deursen, conductor of the Uni-
versity Musical Society, will sing the
Navy hymn "Eternal Father", by
John D. Dykes.
The First Methodist Choir, also
under the direction of Prof. Van
Deursen, will present the other musi-
cal part of the program.
E. Blythe Stason, dean of the law
school, will address the 550 students
to go through the convocation cere-
Most of the students to be honored
Saturday are high school teachers
who will receive advanced degrees.
This year's ceremony replaces the

Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Roosevelt are pictured above during the war par-
ley held in Washington in May of this year. The Allied chiefs will confer again soon on the war prob-
lems before the United Nations. At the present ti me, Churchill is in Quebec discussing the world situ-
ation with Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King. T op advisors of Churchill's staff made the Atlantic
crossing with him.

FDR, Churchill To Meet Again Soon in New War Parley

Large RAF
Forces Batter
Germany Again
LONDON, Wednesday, Aug. 11-
(AP)-The RAF, sweeping across the
channel in waves that coastal ob-
servers said indicated a raid in
great force, battered Germany last
night for the second successive
night, the British announced to-
From the roar of the engines of
the heavy bombers it sounded like
one of the biggest forces to leave
England in some time.
With thundering attacks on the
Ruhr and Rhineland Monday night,
Britain had served notice that the
bombing lull was over even while
the Nazis continued their anxious
evacuation of unessential civilians
from Berlin.
RAF heavy bombers in such num-
bers that channel coast residents who
saw them heading eastward just be-
fore midnight said the moonlit sky
"seemed full of them" droned back
to the big twin Rhineland industrial
cities of Mannheim and Ludwigshaf-
en and bombed them for the 57th
time, after, a four months' respite.

Allies Tig~hten
Grip on Jap's
Bairoko Harbor
Amnericans Advance
From Captured Munda
'T o Enemy Garrison
11, Wednesday- (IP)- American
ground forces tightened their grip
Tuesday on the only point where the
Japanese are holding out on New
Georgia Island at Bairoko Harbor.
The left flank swept aside enemy
resistance to register a substantial
advance and the right flank pene-
trated to a point only two miles
southeast of Bairoko Harbor.
Pushing north from the captured
Munda airfield, where there are from
30 to 40 wrecked enemy planes and a
graveyard of still uncounted Japan-
ese dead, American columns deployed
around a mangrove swamp north of
the 'drome. The column pushing
along the western fringe of the
swamps met enemy resistance but
official reports made no mention of
enemy attempts to block the advance
on the right flank which reached the
Bairoko River. There it joined pa-
trols from the American force which
has been hemming in the Bairoko
garrison from the northeast since
landing near Enogai July 5.
The Japanese sent a force of 50
bombers and fighters Tuesday after-
noon over Rendova Island, eight
miles below Munda, on which the
Americans landed June 30 to set up
artillery positions against the air-
Fourteen American fighter planes
-Airacobras, Kittyhawks and War-
hawks- waded into the raiders,
shooting down two and losing one of
our own planes, whose pilot was

lied War
Plans Will
Be Discussed
Prime Minister Talks
With MacKenzie King;
FDR Meeting Later
By The Associated Press
QUEBEC, Canada, Aug. 10.-Win-
;ton Spencer Churchill completed
another venturesome Atlantic cross-
ing today to perfect a pattern for
global offensives in conferences with
President Roosevelt and Prime Min-
ister W. L. MacKenzie King of Can-
Britain's Doughty Prime Minis-
ter arrived here in Canada's oldest
city to talk first with his Canadian
ally. He will see Mr. Roosevelt
later, for separate Anglo-Amer-
can war talks, at a time and place
which cannot now be disclosed.
Into these strategic conferences,
carrying obviously ominous conno-
tations to Axis nations wondering
where the next momentous blows will
fall, the three United Nations leaders
are bringing their top naval, air and
military advisers.
Russia Not Represented
Russia, intent on pressing every
advantage of her victories on the
entral front, will not be represented
at any of the parleys. Mr. Roosevelt
:isclosed that much at a press con-
ference in Washington, adding that
this did not mean he would not be
awfully glad to have the Russians
sit in.
The biggest question mark hanging
over the strategy parleys is where
and when the invasions of the Euro-
pean continent, which Churchill and
the American President repeatedly
have promised, will be initiated. And
the answer can come, of course, only
when the khaki-clad troops of the
Allies pour ashore to hammer the
foe with hot and cold steel.
War Is Primary Interest
Churchill came to Quebec as the
guest of the Canadian government,
but as a guest who came to concen-
trate only on war. A statement issued
by his office in the Chateau Fronte-
nac, high above the picturesque city
and the St. Lawrence River, said
"The Prime Minister of Great
Britain has arrived in Canada ac-
companied by Lord Leathers, the
Minister of War Transport for the
United Kingdom, and the British
chiefs of staff: Mr. Churchill was
received on arrival by Mr. Mac-
Kenzie King and during his stay
in Canada will be the guest of
the Canadian government. Mr.
Churchill will have discussions
with Mr. MacKenzie King and
later on will attend a conference
with President Roosevelt and the
combined chiefs of staff of the
United States and the United
FDR Confers
With Officials
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. - () -
President Roosevelt met with high
military and State Department ad-
visers today in conferences possibly
preliminary to his forthcoming new
war talks with Prime Minister

Gathering at the White House for
one conference were Secretary of
State Hull, Undersecretary Welles,
Chairman Norman Davis of the Red
Cross, Dr. Isaiah Bowman of Johns
Hopkins University, and Dr. Leo Pas-
volsky, special assistant Secretary
of State in charge of post-war plan-
This was followed later by a meet-
ing of the President with Admiral
William D. Leahy, his personal Chief
of Staff; Admiral Ernest J. King,
Chief of Naval Operations; General
George T. Marshall, Army Chief of
Staff, and General Henry H. Arnold,
Commander of the Army Air Forces.
Algiers Reports on
Frecl Committee
ALGIERS, Aug. 10. - (A) - The
United States and Britain were re-
ported tonight to have agreed to rec-
ognize the French Committee of Na-
tional Liberation as the de facto gov-

Dr. Lwbaik "o Talk Of Iy on
TPers ntasion or Propaganda?'

The final speech assembly of the
summer session will be held at 3 p.m.
today when Dr. Henry L. Etwbank,
professor of speech at the University
of Wisconsin, speaks on "Persuasion
or Propaganda?" in the Rackham
Prof. Ewbank, who was the former
president of the National Association
of Teachers of Speech and of Delta
Sigma Rho, national honorary fra-
ternity, has recently become interes-
ted in radio education.
"The Wisconsin Project," a book
compiled by a committe headed by

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