- SATURDAY, AUG.1,1943'
Arms Output
Of Auto Plants
Is on Upgrade
Production Increases
In Spite of 'Second
Conversion' of Firms
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Aug. 6.- Although the
strategy of war has necessitated
many changes in material' require-
ments-in some cases requiring a
complete cessation of production of
one type of implement while another
is put into production-the automo-
tive industry's over-all output of
armament still is on the upgrade.
This is emphasized by the Auto-
motive 'Council - or War Production
in pointing 'out how the industry is
going through what it terms a "sec-
ond conversion," contrasting sharply
with the' initial swing from civilian
to wartime manufacturing activities.
The council points out that in May
of this year, the month during which
the nation's output of war materiel
lagged according to Donald M. Nel-
son, chief of the War Production
Board, the automotive industry pro-
duced $25,000,000 more in war goods
than it did in the preceding month.
Significant of the trend in war
goods manufacture is the fact that
in the last quarter of 1941-that in-
cluded the Pearl Harbor attack-
more than half the military output
of the car industry was made up of
vehicles for the armed forces, while
12 months later vehicles made up
only 29 percent and in April of this
year represented 25 percent of the
industry's war goods production.
Jungle Lookout amid Palms
A Marine officer scans the surrounding area from atop a lookout
tower on Guadalcanal Island. From here he can view the surrounding
territory for miles in search of the enemy.
Special Matinee Today
2:30 P.M.
The Recent Broadway Comedy Hit
"PAA..1P A ,IS ALL y.,
by Patterson Greene
!"A lot of fun" - "Genuine entertainment"-
"A lark" N.Y. Critics
Priees: 88e - 66 - 44c (inel. Fed. tax)'
Box Office Phone 6300
Michigan Repertory Players - Dept. of Speech
(in Michigan League Building)
Super Specials
for you week-end shoppers that
you can't afford to miss!
Latin American
Bureaus Protectt
Indiani Culture ;
Solution of Problems '
Is Vital to Republics,
Prof. Titiev Declares
"Practically every Latin-American
country has a vigorous bureau of In-
dian affairs to see to it that the In-
dians' place in culture, society and
government is developed and pro-
tected." Prof. Mischa Titiev of the
anthropology department said in a
Quarterly Review article yesterday.
Discussing "Indian Problems of
Latin America," Prof. Titiev pointed
out that the satisfactory solution of
Indian problems is not a question
of sentiment, but is oftvital impor-
tance to the republics, such as Mex-
ico, whose total population is 90 per
cent Indian or mestizo.
Spandiards Seized Treasures
"The Spandiards who first pene-
trated the New World were primarily
interested in seizing either great
stocks of accumulated treasures or in
finding natives who might be con-
verted to Catholicism," he said.
"Consequently, their scheme of at-
tack was invariably to seek out and
subdue the most populous and highly
developed centers of Indian life."
"The natives soon discovered
that they were bound to the land'
as serfs, although they were legally
free, and they steadily grew more
and more dispirited as they came
to realize the hopelessness of their
fate," Prof. Tietiev said.
The Aztec tribe, which dominated
the Mexico area, were skilled archi-
tects, clever craftsmen, and efficient
administrators, but their aggressive
policies had made them a great many
enemies who aided the, Spaniards
in bringing about their downfall, he
Mayas Developed Alphabet
In Guatemala and the Yucatan,
the Maya Indians were outstanding,
he said. Their greatest achievements
were in intellectual pursuits, and
developed a written alphabet and a
precise calendrical system.
"Another zone of Indian culture
was located in the Andean high-
lands where the Incas ruled. They
are best noted for their social and
political system, which may be
described as a benevolent dictator-
ship," he said.
"A far reaching program of re-
forms has long been overdue, and it
is encouraging to know that it is now
actually under way," Prof. Titiev
Co. A To March
Aug. 23 with
Military Police
Army Camp To Be Built
At West Park; Parade
Will Begin at 6 p.m.
Company A, 3651st S. U., will take
part in the parade to be given Mon-
lay, Aug. 23 as a part of the program
)f the River Rouge special military
police battalion.
The parade will begin at 6 p.m.,
ollowing a full day exhibition of the
miniature' Army camp at West Park,
where civilians will have a chance to
ee how an Army camp is organized.
March To Begin at Chapin
The line of march will begin at
Chapin and Huron and will proceed
from there to the site of the sham
battle at the Municipal Golf Course.
The Army units will be accompan-
ed in the parade by a 45 piece band,
a detachment of WAGS and various
ocal organizations.
Approximately 500 men will clash
in the sham battle on the golf course,
using blank ammunition and light,
medium and heavy weapons.
Besides two of the 33-ton, so-called
"medium" General Sherman tanks,
the battalion will have two 14-ton
light "Honey" tanks of the latest
design, four 25-ton tank carriers,
three amphibious jeeps and an as-
sortment of regular jeeps, scout cars
and half trucks. The versatile am-
phibious jeep may be demonstrated
on the Huron River.
Experts Will Explain Battle
Military experts will be on hand
to explain the action over a public
address system operated by the U.S.
Signal Corps.
The MP's will also bring airplane
landing mats, an airplane engine
mounted for display and a Link
The evening program will open
with a concert by the battalion band,
followed by the sham battle, and will
close with a formal retreat parade.
This ceremony, the Army's "good-
night" to the national emblem, in-
cludes a formation of the entire bat-
talion, lowering of the Flag, and a
review of the troops.
During the afternoon, some of
the military police will visit nearby
farms, perhaps demonstrating the
use of Army jeeps in plowing, while
others will visit factories throughout
the city to see the work of the men
on the home front.
The military police battalion is
formally designated as an Army sa-
lute caravan. Capt. Harrison L. Win-
ter, Army director, stated that the
program, a salute to Ann Arbor labor,
industry and agriculture, will give
the unit tactical training.
Bill Sawyer To
Play Tonight
Playing the newest hit tunes of
the season, Bill Sawyer and his or-
chestra will swing out from 9 p.m.
to midnight in the League today,
when coeds, students, and servicemen
gather for dancing.
Following their usual policy of in-
formality, no ties or coats will be
necessary, Sawyer stated.
Sawyer also said that he would
play several of his new arrangements
that have been featured at the
League dances recently.
Haines, Hackett, To
Sing Tomiorrow
Four guest soloists will appear at
the first performance of a cantata to
be presented in Ann Arbor during
the summer, when the choir of the
First Methodist Church offers Alfred
R. Gaul's "The Holy City" at 8 p.m.
tomorrw at the Church.
The guest performers will include
Margaret Martin, soprano, Joyce
Haines, contralto, Arthur Hackett,
tenor, and Hardin Van Duersen, bar-
itone. Mary McCall Stubbins will ac-
company the choir on the organ.
Navy Officer Arrives
Lt. Raymond Moore has arrived in
Ann Arbor to join the executive staff
of the Naval V-12 student training
program. At the present time he i,
connected with the supply office.
Beach Idea
'0.1. Stomp'
Will Be Held
Today in Union
Broom dances and mixers to keep
the party going strong will feature
the first "G.I. Stomp," record dance
for servicemen and coeds, to be held,
from 3 to 5:30 p.m. today in the
North Lounge on the first floor of
the Union.
Sponsors for the dance, first in a
weekly series designed to provide a
meeting place for coeds and service-
men, will be Company A, 3651st S.U.,
Mosher and Jordan Halls, Alpha Phi,
Alpha Chi Omega and Collegiate
Open to all servicemen and coeds,
"G.f. Stomp"' will be sponsored each
week by different groups on campus.
Not a date affair; the "Stemp" is-
designed to give servicemen and
coeds a "new way to spend Satur-
day afternoons having Tun," bunny
Crawford; Union president, said.
Esther Williams, former swim-
ming star now in the movies, can't
seem to get the sea fever out of
her veins, fortunately.'
Co. A To Present Dramatic
Poem in Broadcast Today
Every Type of
Coed Is Signed'
Up at Bureau
"Registered with the Acquaintance
Bureau are blondes, brunettes, and
red-heads; short girls and tall girls;
graduate students and freshmen; all
of whomnare anxious to make; the
servicemen's stay in Ann Arbor a
pleasant one," Mary June H'astiei'tr
'44, chairman of the Bomber Schol-
arship Fund, said yesterday.
"We have applicants-to suit the
taste of every student or service-
man who would like a dte to the
Summer Prom or -any -other date,"
she added.
The only prerequisite for an Ac-
quaintance Bureau date is registra-
tion with the committee in charge
from 1:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. every
Monday and Tuesday at the League.
Every applicant' is required to
register name, age, hight, color-
ing, religious' preferenc~e, and in-
terests. These vital statistics, to-
gether with the 'iersonal evalua-
tion by the registrar, will be con-
sidered when coke' dates are ar-
Women are asked to register before
3 p.m. and the men to register later,
if possible.
'U' USO To Give Dance
Mortarboard, 'senior honorary so-
ciety, will sponsor the University
USO dance to be held from 7:30
p.m. to midnight today in the Grand
Rapids Room of the League. The
Kalamazoo Room will be open and
will feature cards, bingo, checkers,
and other informal games.
k**~*****1~'*Y~ *~*~*~*~**** I
Soldiers of Company A., 3651st
S. U., will present a condensation of
Edna St. Vincent Millay's "Murder
of Lidice" at 10 a.m. today over sta-
tion WJR in the last of a series of
Saturday morning broadcasts.
Pvts. Robert Langbaum and Mil-
ton Stanzler adapted the script for
the broadcast. Private Langbaum,
who played the role of "I'm a Michi-
q x ..
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You, too, can be proud. Save withsafe
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gan Girl" in "Nips in the Bud,"
studied dramatics at Cornell Uni-
Stickney, Holpar To Take Part
Janet Stickney and Blanche Hol-
par, who have played leading roles
in this summer's Play Production,
will also take part in "Murder of
Members of the cast are Pvts.
John Boucher, Robert Cohn, Phillip
Foise, Grant Goodman, Bernard
Rush, Gordon Cotler and Almin Yud-
The All-Soldier Choir of Company
A will open the half-hour program
with "Concordia Laetitia," a four-
teenth century hymn. A Russian
Red Army number, "Song of the.
Plain," will follow.
'Begin the Beguine' To Be Sung
The soldier choir will then sing
"Begin the Beguine" in a special a1-
rangement by Bill Sawyer. The group
plans to sing this number, as well
as "Rhapsody in Blue, at the League
dance next Saturday.
"The Lord's Prayer," sung by a
guest choir of the Congregational
Church, will be the next selection
on the program.
Pvt. Robert Cohn will then recite-
a passage from a chorus of "God
Save the Xing" as background. Pri
vate Cohn, a graduate of the Uni-
versity of Washington, lived in Eng-
land for many years.
A Rachmaninoff piano solo by pvt.
Eugene Blakenship will conclude the
program. Private Rush will be ,an-
nouncer for Saturday's broadcast.
2 Groups of Odds and Ends
DRESSES ... 500100
Better prints, sheers, dark crepes, cottons .
many good for Fall and Winter wear. Also formal.
Sizes 9-17, 12-44.
One group of cottons and spun rayons. _
DRESSES ... 3.95
All Sizes
MATERNITY DRESSES included in all groups
For the convenience of
defense workers, we open
Monday at noon and close
at 8:30 P.M.; Tuesday
through Saturday at
9:30 until 6:00 P.M.
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