A I I, 6 !i 'd i: 431W 4a t! Weather Warmer VOL. LII, No. 4-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Roosevelt Saves Stephan from Death Navy Takes Over West Quad as Training Begins Traitor Gets Life Term - 1,300 Men Are 'On Deck' For Duration Bluejackets, NROTC, Marines Say Goodbye To Civilian Leisure Approximately 1,300 men left civ- ilian life yesterday at the command "Chuck your gear and show your or- ders" as the fleet came in at West Quad for four to eight semesters of land training. A muster of bluejackets or "raw boots," the Navy's term for new re- cruits, NROTC members, and ap- proximately 300 Marines turned the eight houses of staid West Quad- rangle into a "ship," full-dubbed with a quarterdeck, main deck, half- deck, hold, and gangway. The first mass training of naval men on the University campus will be "squared away" or shipshape as reveille sounds at 0600 (6 a.m.) to- day and a routine of calisthenics, muster, mess, sick call, and inspec- tion gets under way for the duration. All members of the Naval Training Unit's V-12 program, the bluejackets Turn to Page 4, Col. 1 Allies Smash At Palermo Raid Is Prelude to Future Aerial Battles ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, July 1.- (P)- American Flying Fortresses, encoun- tering little opposition, smashed the main Sicilian port of Palermo yes- terday in an unrelenting aerial prel- ude to trans-Mediterranean amphib- ious operations that must be the greatest in history. Escorted by P-38 Lightnings, the American heavy bombers spread new debris amid the island capital's stor- age depots and barracks, and raked four airfields, a communique said today. Prime Minister Churchill's fore- cast of heavy fighting in this area before fall did not surprise anyone here-soldier or civilian. Both Al- lied and Axis leaders know that in- vasion thrusts across the Mediter- ranean-when they come-will be and must be the greatest ever under- taken. The Axis leaders also must know that the Allies hold these advan- tages-the initiative to choose the points for invasion, domination of the air, and complete rule of the sea. Gas Shortage Seen Here WASHINGTON, July L.-()-The wartime gasoline famine probably will spread from Eastern states to the midwest shortly and to the Pa- cific Coast before the year is out, Secretary Ickes indicated today, forcing tighter curbs on motorists throughout the nation. 'Ru w-boot' Gets Taste Of Navy Al Perlberg, of Standish, a new Navy "raw boot," stepped. up to the Madison Street entrance of the West Quadrangle at 4 p.m. yesterday to get his first taste of military life. At the command. of "Chuck your gear and show your orders," he dropped his bag and proceeded through the entrance way, now "gangway" and presented his orders to a NROTC member stationed on the quarterdeck (main office level of Michigan House). On a signal to "main deck," (Com- mons) Perlberg proceeded to a mus- ter where yeomen at half deck level detached a portion of his orders for his permanent service record and collected his "TR" (transportation request). Advancing down the passageway, Perlberg received a slip for equip- ment-pillows, sheets, and blankets -and assignment to Room 418 Ad- ams equipped with bunk, mattress, mattress pad, desk,,lamp, wastebas- ket, mirror, and chair. At the next glimpse of Perlberg, preliminaries were nearly over. "Yes, I'm in Battalion 2, Company 2, Pla- toon 1, Squad 3,tMess Hall 3, Table No. 13; this is the real thing!" he shouted going down to the "hold" (basement) for a physical examina- tion. Workers Strike At Ford Plant Produetion of Jeep Parts Is Curtailed DETROIT, July 7.-(AP)-Produc- tion of jeep parts and tank engines at the Lincoln plant of the Ford Mo- tor Company was halted tonight as 1,600 employes walked out in a dis- pute over a change of working hours, William H. Rooks of the State Labor Mediation Board said. I A Ford spokesman said 1,100 em- ployes on the night shift walked out in a group and were joined later by the remaining workers. "The employes walked out because the Company wanted to change their shift from 3:30 to 11:30 p. in. to 4 to midnight," Rooks said. "The president of Local 900 of the UAW-CIO tried in vain to get them to return to work and Union commit- teemen told me that they would do everything they could to have the smaller midnight shift on the job." The Company spokesman ex- plained that the change in working hours was decided upon because em- ployes of the night shift sometimes got to the plant early and interferred with the last half hour of the shift that ends at 3:30 p.m. to eliminate this, the 30-minute "dead" period was created, he said. The change was scheduled to go into effect next Mon- day. Senate, House Agree To Slash Agencies Funds 01A, OWI Allowances Are Reduced After Congress Compromises WASHINGTON, July 1. - (IP) - Senate and House conferees agreed tonight to slash Senate-approved al- lowances for the Office of Price Ad- ministration (OPA) from $177,335,- 000 to $155,000,000 and for the Office of War Information (OWD from $35,037,593 to $33,155,993. The funds are included in the $2,900,000,000 war agencies appropriations bill. Senator McKellar (Dem.-Tenn.) said agreement had been reached on all differences between the two branches of Congress except the Sen- ate's proposal to require confirma- tion of all war agency employes mak- ing $4,500 or more a year. He said the House conferees decided to take that provision to the floor for a vote. The compromise on OPA funds compared with House-approved al- lowances of $130,000,000. OWI Allowances Reduced The conference report reduces allowances from OWI's domestic branch operations from the $3,561,- 499 fixed by the Senate to $2,750,000. The House voted against any funds for OW's domestic operations. A House prohibition against em- ployment by OPA of men without five years of business experience was rewritten to require the employment of men with "some practical" experi- ence in the field business with which they would deal as OPA employes. The conferees' decisions must be ratified by both House and Senate to become final. Regional Offices Closed Because of the prospective reduc- tion in OWI's funds, that agency's 58 regional and field offices in 45 states were closed today on orders from Director Elmer Davis. However, their estimated 330 em- ployes were granted two weeks more on the government payroll to liqui- date their operations. House insistence on abolition of the National Youth Administration (NYA) and Senate insistence on con- tinuation of federal crop insurance maintained the Congressional log- jam of appropriations bills. House Refuses Compromise By a vote of 197 to 176, the House refused to accept a proposed com- promise on the $1,200,000,000 labor- federal security appropriations bill because it contained a $47,800,000 fund to finance NYA. The House had voted to abolish the agency and the fund was put into the bill by Senate amendment. By 53 to 21 the Senate declined, for a third time, to go along with the House and agree to liquidation of the Federal Crop Insurance Cor- poration (FCIC). The Senate had approved $7,818,748 for its continued operation. The vote kept the $875,- 000,000 agriculture department bill tied up. Rendova Island Is Captured By U.S. Forces MacArthur's Army Shells Vital Jap Position at Munda ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, Friday, July 2.- ()- Complete occupation of Rendova Is- land in the Central Solomons was indicated today from headquarters of Gen. Douglas MacArthur and ar- tillery has begun to shell the vital Japanese air base at Munda five miles away. The United States forces which landed on Rendova June 30 "comi- pleted the operation shortly after midday, destroying the enemy garri- son," said today's communique, While the air arm provided cover- ing protection all over the sectors of the growing Pacific offensive against the Japanese, the forces which struck in the Solomons and on New Guinea consolidated their newly won positions, the high command an- nounced. Bombers struck at Rabaul, New Britain, from which theJapanese might parry the Allied thrusts and other planes rained death on enemy forces opposing the landings near Salamaua, New Guinea. Complete occupation of Rendova would constitute a speedy action. Landings were made only Wednes- day on that island which not only puts Allied forces within easy range of Munda but also within fighter range of Rabaul itself. Australians who landed at Nassau Bay, less than 15 miles below Sala- maua were reported attacking the Japanese in that sector which is just across Dampier Strait from New Bri- tain. In the ground fighting, Allied pa- trols killed at least 26 Japanese and wounded many others at Malolo and Orodubi in the Salamaua sector. Over Rabaul, which felt the im- pact of nearly 23 tons of bombs Wednesday, nearly 25 tons were dropped yesterday on its three air- dromes, Lakunai, Vunakanau and Rapopo. Professor Looks For Mystery Maxi Prof. Lewis G. Vander Velde is looking for a mystery man who has been plaguing him "for years.' "Every morning somebody comes along and softly closes the door of my lecture room," he said yester- day. "I've never seen him, but I al- ways ask my students to watch. It may be poor pedagogy, asking students to keep one eye on their notes and another on the door. But I want to find him." "It's not that I'm interested so much in the door-closer. I want to know who I'm disturbing so much," Prof. Vander Velde re- marked. Convicted Traitor Is Thankful Today Pictured above on the right is Max Stephan, accompanied bly a guard, as he was entering Judge Tuttle's court during his trial. It was at this time that he made his momentous statement: "An Axis victory will save me from death." Post-War Group Plans Summer Programs, Polls Elizabeth Hawley To Head Council; New Officers Appointed Plans for the Post-War Council summer activities got under way last night in a meeting in the Union un- der the direction of the new chair- man, Elizabeth Hawley, '44. Appointments made at the meet- ing were: executive secretary and treasurer, Herb Heavenrich, '44E; corresponding secretary, Dorothy Zabin, '44; conference chairman, Kit Kammeraad, '44; personnel chair- man, Kathy Garrity, '44; publicity chairman, Cecil Sink, '45E; librarian and bibliography chairman, Barbara Greenberg, '45 and polls chairman, Lucille Christmas, '44. In conjunction with The Daily, the Post - War Council is completing plans for campus polls on current and post-war problems. "We shall have faculty members interpret each of the polls, as was done last semes- ter," Miss Hawley said. "Our plans for the summer include a meeting of the council study group each week," she said, "at which we shall make a detailed and careful analysis of post-war problems so that we may formulate definite poli- cies on each of them. "In addition to this," she added, "we are arranging for several speak- ers to lecture during the summer. Also, the Student Speakers Bureau, in conjunction with the council, is planning a series of discussions on post-war problems to be held in the Turn to Page 4, Col. 1 Stephan Kisses Warden's Hand, Laughs, Cries Traitor Collapses in Chair at News of FDR's Commutation By The Associated Press MILAN, Mich., July 1.-Saved from the hangman's noose by a Presidential commutation of sen- tence, Max Stephan, convicted trait- or, today kissed the hands of Warden Cecil J. Shuttleworth of the Feder- al Correctional Institution when the warden told him of the order. Stephan "collapsed on a chair and burst into tears" said a De- partment of Justice representative when he learned of the commuta- tion. A specially- constructed gallows, built in sections in Detroit arrived at the prison to be set up at about the time the warden broke the news to Stephan. The Department of Justice ordered that it be stored at the prison "for possible use at some future time." Nicholas Salowich, one of Steph- an's attorneys, who was with him in the death cell when the news was broken, said Stephan shrieked with joy . There were tears in Stephan's eyes as he kissed the lawyer's hands, too, Salowich said, and cried: "Oh, thank God'!" "If you can imagine a man excited beyond excitement, that was Max," Salowich said. At Detroit, Salowich's associate in the defense, James E. McCabe, said an effort would be made "after the war" to have the life sentence re- duced, but that until then he ex- pected no further clemency would be sought. All Faculty Dailies Will Be Delivered In answer to inquiries concerning the delivery of The Daily to faculty homes, members of the business staff have announced that any faculty member who subscribes for the pa- per will have it delivered to his home if he so desires. No free Dailies will be distributed this summer to either students or faculty members contrary to an ear- lier announcement in the summer bulletin. Student salesmen on campus and at The Daily office, Maynard Street, will continue to accept subscriptions during the next week. Wavell Is Viscount LONDON, Thursday, July 1.-()- No. 10 Downing Street announced today that King George VI had con- ferred a viscountcy on Field Mar- shall Sir Archibald P. 'Wavell in- At Zero Hour Roosevelt Claims His Treason Not Part of Preconceived Plan By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 1.- On the very eve of his scheduled execution, the death sentence of Max Stephan, Detroit traitor, was commuted today by President Roosevelt to life im- prisonment. The Chief Executive took this step, a White House announce- ment said, because he believed "that the sentence imposed by the court was too severe in that it did not sufficiently take into account the statute which provides for the consideration of different qualities of treason." Stephan would have died by hang- ing before dawn tomorrow if the Chief Executive had not commuted the death sentence. Arrangements for his execution, which would have marked the first time the Federal Government has exacted a life as the penalty for treason, were completed; the can- vas-surrounded gallows set up on the grounds of the federal correctional institution at Milan, Mich. Strong Pleas for Commutation Strong pleas for a commutation of sentence were presented to the Pres- ident. Largely they were based on a convention that capital punishment was too severe a penalty for the crime-harboring and assisting a German prisoner of war who escaped from a Canadian detention camp and who turned to espionage as he subsequently made his way from Stephan's home to San Antonio, Tex. The White House statement as- serted that the Chief Executive hoped-none of his successors would commute the life prison term, since he said Stephan was "prop- erly convicted of treason" and that "he was guilty." But the President decided that the law under which Stephan was con- victed contemplates "treason of dif- ferent qualities" in fixing a sentence. He pointed out that when six Nazis were executed last year and two oth- ers given long sentences after land- ing from submarines in this country, they were members of the German armed forces wearing civilian clothes and acting in accordance with "a mature plan" concocted in Germany. He compared their offenses with a "carefully planned murder in the first degree." 'Stephan Did Not Plan Treason' Mr. Roosevelt took the position that Stephan's treason did not come from a plan "maturely initiated by him." The White House statement noted that the escaped German pris- oner from Canada was put in touch with Stephan after reaching Detroit and that the prisoner said he- was trying to escape to rejoin the Ger- man armed forces and was assisted by Stephan in proceeding to another place. The statement said there was no question in Mr. Roosevelt's mind that Stephan was, and probably is, pro-German or pro-Nazi. "His treason, however," it said, "was not part of a pre-conceived plan. His treason bore something of a parallel to murder in the second degree or manslaughter in the first degree. "Therefore, his case was less of an offense than the case of the sabo- teurs last year." W alterhotise To. Leave for Duty At West Point Dick Walterhouse, one of Michi- gan's most promising all-around athletes since Tom Harmon, said yesterday that he had received an appointment to the Military Acad- emy at West Point and that he would report there Saturday for his physical examination. Walterhouse won his varsity letter as a first baseman on the baseball team last spring, and was considered EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT OF SURPRISE ATTA CK ON JAP STRONGHOLD: London] WIT of aI Rendov Ji U.S. Forces Land on ew Georgia Island By HENRY KEYS the late afternoon and a most ex- boats which frequently were hidden Scene Of "Yank Assault Daily Express War Correspondent traordinary incident occurred. One in showers of spray as they plowed Scn Oanss On Jap tronghoL H THE U. S. FLAGSHIP torpedo crashed into the bow of through the choppy sea.S destroyer division between the destroyer on which I was ob- By lunchtime, when I returned ve Island and Munda Point, serving the operation and which in to the beach to board the de- Kit&ISLANDS n _P) (D l d) This future I shall call "the can." stroyer which I was accompany- une .u -H 1 'jelayeui-11 eyewitness story is a world beat and should remain so for a couple of days. It was hitch-hiked a thousand miles by sea, land and air to reach the nearest radio. An all-out American assault on the Japanese stronghold of New Georgia Island got away to a flying start at dawn this morning. The brilliantly conceived and caringly executed plan caught the Japs flat-footed; the landing of men and materials had actually The torpedo failed to explode or damage the destroyer in any way, although the small vessel shud- dered and reeled at the moment of impact and as the torpedo bumped alongside before falling harmlessly away. Now that it is over ,and we have gotten away with one of the most brazen attacks against the Japanese it is almost impossible to believe we have accomplished the objective. It was conceded - _ ___ - - - . .__ t - - _ 1 _ V ing on the operation, the beach was more or less deserted, how- ever. I was nearly out of the war be- fore I got into it. I was crouch- ing in the shelter of a machinegun mounting on a landing boat to es-, cape the drenching seas breaking over me when suddenly the ma- chinegun broke loose and hurtled down. A quick - witted Army boy grabbed and pulled at it as it fell, dragging it to one side. It only BOUGAINVILLE 6uin Pacific Ocean CHOSEUL SHORTLAN Rekato VELLA SANTA LAVELLA49 ISABEL NEW ~Q EORGIA MALAITA MU NDA " AREA