THE a-ft loltGA fiit TI 1"J SATI ATJ. 51F19#~ 12 Straight from the Shoulder ...By CIPS ... MERRY-GO- ROUND PEARSON bi A- h WE'VE BEEN HAVING a fine lecture program on China this summer, here on campus. It's been fine bergse so many Qf the speakers stopped talking about generalities for a while and got cown to brass tacks. An excellent example of that kind of a talk Was the one Prof. Decker of the History Depart- ment gave on the future of East Asia yesterday. He got down to the basic issues and specific de- tails and gave his undiluted views on what we --~ .1 DRAMA Business Staff Jeanne Lovett . . . . Business Manager Molly Ann Winokur . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: JANE FARRANT Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. INFLATION: --Employers Violate Wage Stabilization Act WORD comes from dynamic Detroit that crafty, entrepeneurs there have found new ways to hoodwink the Wage Stabilization Act. In an effort to keep their help, these men are in some cases paying the employes 20% withholding tax. This means that they are receiving the equivalent of a 20% increase in wages. Other more cautious employers are promising to pay an additional wage at the end of the war for time actually worked during the war period. Both of these actions are flagrant violations of the Wage Stabilization Act. The employers and employes are equally guilty in scheming to cir- cumvent the policies that have been drawn up for their own protection. COOPERATION is needed in every sector if in- flation is to be checked. Lewis and the farm bloc have taken just beating for their selfish demands, but they are not alone. Every employer, employe and consumer. is responsible for the outcome of the fight against inflation. There can be no check of the black market and no control of the excess purchasing power if everyone does not support the acts that have been passed. Evasion or outright violation of these acts as in this instance, is a calling card for complete government control over the economy, for it will mean that voluntary cooperation is impossible. There should be no need for a democratic gov- ernment to take drastic steps to enforce laws that are passed to effect a just sharing of the war burden. - Claire Sherman BEST TRAINING: U.S. Military Program Promotes Democracy "MEN IN THE ARMED FORCES receive the finest kind of training in democratic liv- ing," Maj. Thad Hungate, of the Army Special Services Branch, declared in a recent discussion in the School of Education. Maj. Hungate qualified his statement by say- ing that military life is democratic because dis- cussions between men and officers are encour- aged. Discussions alone, however, do not seem adequate to dispell the common idea that mili- tary training is nearer autocracy than democracy. There is a more fundamental characteristic of democracy in the life of a serviceman than the opportunity to participate in open discus- sion with officers. r This characteristic is that in the Army and Navy, as in a democracy, men of different races, religions, and accustomed ways of living, men with different ideas about political par- ties and policies are bound together by m n goal-victory for the United Nations, peace and freedom for the world. The friendly rivalry between sailors, soldiers, and marines is typical of the spirit foundc on col- lege football fields and on the famous American baseball diamonds. But no worthy serviceman allows this rivalry to make him forget the com- __ -- , _ ,....,, 4 ,.4 ,e ;a f mh in :fn , 1 W ITH A TIRED CLICHE for a plot, "Papa Is All" could not be more than amusing. Nev- ertheless, as a substantially good play-refresh- ingly light, gaily, wholeheartedly amusing-it could not be less than that. Its performance last night by the Repertory Players left it exactly there. The performance was capable, occasion- ally brilliant. It was never bad. Co-director Claribel Baird as "Mama" was more than brilliant, she was superb. Through the haze of a difficult, near-Brooklyn dialect, she made herself perfectly under*ood. Her tim- ing was ideal. With a mainstay role she held the plot together convincingly. Her winning, dead- pan "poor papa" delighted us. We joined, glee- fully, the applause which preceded her second- act exit. A special matinee performance of "Papa Is All" will be held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in the Lylia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets are now on sale. Cast with her, the student players failed to show up as well as they might have alone. Harold Cooper, however, did well. He was an adequate stooge for his mother; nothing more was expected of him. He was sufficiently naive in the role of a questionably bright, unworldly young man. We failed frequently, however, to understand his well timed quips through an ac- cent with which he was apparently embarrassed. Marcia Nelson, as "Emma," was cast in the play's only hollow role. Left alone, without one honestly funny line .she slipped badly below the par which her colleagues set for her. In the second act she waxed poetic, figited badly on the stage and finally lunged across in a dying-swan appeal to her mother. David Protech so well looked his part that it is almost impossible for us to judge his perfor- mance critically. Appearing with a grizzled heard and a convincing stoop, he was accepted witlout .question .as the stern "Papa" whom he represented. Admirably, he resisted the tempta- tion to become offensively bombastic with lines that were near-satire of Mennonite traditions. Clara Behringer's "Mrs. Yoder" was some- times jerky and always over-.dorie, yet immensely funny. We enjoyed her even when she turned front and talked directly at her audience. Her difficulties seemed to come largely from being forced to compete far laughs with Mrs. Baird whose performance defied competition. The entire cast showed capable direction and studied timing. There was not a lost laugh. They made the most of a play that could not be described as more than refreshing. The setting was simple and satisfactory. Shocked at first by the painted dishes and brass candlesticks in the strictly Mennonite house- hold, we at last grew used to them and were, finally, not annoyed. The costumes were apparently in keeping with -the .character of the play. They did not intrude and more was not asked of them even though "monkey ward" blue denim trousers raised a question of propriety which, as far as we are concerned, remains unanswerable. All in all, "Papa Is Ali" is well worth an .eve- ning. As the best of an up-to-now rather bad season, it's a good laugh, even if you wonder later why you laughed so loud. - H. J. S. should do with Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Siam. and the rest of Asia after we win the war. And he wasn't vague about it either! We all know darn well how important it is for the United States to step off on the right foot when it goes in for Asiatic power politics again in the post-war era. We've got to know what we want, how we mean to get it, and go after it with everything we've got. Otherwise Russia and Britain will take the initiative away from us, and we'll be left holding the bag just the way we were in 1941. In deciding what's going to be done in Asia, I think it's important that we realize that the two powers with the largest stake there, are China and India. China whether it goes fascist, com- munist, or by some slight chance democratic has a greater national interest in the whole of East Asia than any other independent power today. India, which undoubtedly will gain its indepen- dence, by bloody revolution if need be immedi- ately after the war, will be vitally interested in the fate of Burma, Malaya and the Dutch East Indies. It is only when the fate of Japan and its present possessions of Manchuria and Korea come up for consideration that America, and the Soviet Union will be vitally concerned. THINK IT IS IMPORTANT for us not to count too much on whatever international organization we establish after, the war to solve all our problems for us. The fundamental ques- tions in the Far East as well as elsewhere will be solved finally by common agreement on respec- tive spheres of influence. If the Soviet Union enters the war against Japan, as I believe it will, then Russia, the United States and China will have to work out a joint policy for 4,he rehabilitation of Japan; Russia and China will.have to work out a joint policy for the supervision of an independent Korea until it is able to have self government; and China will have to reincrporate Man- churia into China proper. These things cannot be the work of disinter- ested and impartial international commissions, though the "international organization," such as it is, can advise the powers 'vitally concerned. The same policy will have to be applied in Burma and Malaya where India and China will have to help the people to educate themselves for dem- ocracy. What will be the result of this policy in Asia, of allowing the powers with a vital in- terest in a backward area to help develop it with the advice of the international organiza- tion? It will result in the Asiatic powers, like Asia and India, dominating Asia, just as the United States dominated some Latin and South American countries during their period of tutelage. And, after all, what is more rea- sonable than having Asiatics help their back- ward yellow, black, and Polynesian brothers to educate themselves? LET'S BEAT JAPAN to the draw. She ostens- ibly created the policy of Asia ,for the Asi- atics. Let's show Asia we too believe in that policy, and show her what we mean by it. Let's show the people of Asia that we, unlike Japan, want Asia to be really controlled by Asiatics, to have its backward sections admin- ' istered by Asiatics, and to have its resources used to better the living standards of Asiatics. Let's come out with a policy for the freedom of India not only as a great power, but a power helping to forge the destinies of its backward neighbors. Let's come out for a policy like that now, a Pacific Charter you might call it, and see what happens. There can be no doubt that it would not only win us the peace but would probably cut the length of the war by a year, and that's plenty considering the war is only going to last a couple of more years anyway. (The Brass Ring-plastic for the duration-good for one free ride on the Washington Merry-Go- Round, is awarded today to thet new premier of Italy.)t WASHINGTON- Pietro Badoglio, the man who tried to pick up the broken pieces of Italy where Musso- hni dropped them, will go down in history for his blind devotion to his King and for his inability to make up his mind when the fate of his. country hung in the balance. Twice in two decades, Badogliol could have changed the entire1 course of his country and perhaps the world. But each time he hesi- tated and failed. The first was when he was chief of staff in 1922 and Mussolini staged his march on Rome. Weeks before that march, Mussolini's Fascists had been getting arms and ammunition from the Italian army right under 1fadoglio's nose. He must have known about it, unless he was asleep, and he does not sleep soundly. Even retired army officers, still answerable to Badoglio, were enlist- ing in the Fascist cause. He could have check-reined them easily. T arcf4 on Rome When the march on Rome finally was consummated, and Benito Mus- solini stepped out of his special sleeping car (after his Blackshirts had made it safe for him to enter the capital) Badoglio sent word to the King that he could easily drive them out of Rome with two regi- ments. But the King hesitated, and Ba- doglio hesitated with him. A few days later it was too late. Badoglio's second tragic moment of hesitation came last week. He and the King at last had the cour- age to oust the mani who had cowed Italy, who had led the Ital- ian people to destruction. But having taken that one bold step, the new Premier of Italy waited. True, he faced a tragical- ly complicated situation. German troops in the north could make a battleground of Italian soil. But also he knew that the invincible might 'of Allied air power could make mince-meat of Italian cities and that the Allied armies, already in their stride, were sure to over- run Italy. That moment of hesitation may mean Italy will be an even bloodier battleground and that the surge of Allied victory may be slowed. But Badoglio has spent his life as aprofessional soldier and caution is his watchword, even when empires are at stake. Human Bombs Just as Mussolini was always stick- ng out his chin, Badoglio has always pulled his in. As Governor of Libya in 1929, he stood by while Marshal Graziani, the rabid Fascist, subdued Arab natives by taking rebel chief- gains up in an airplane and tossing them out on the- desert below. By this time Badoglio had swal- lowed his early revulsion against Fascism, and, following his King, had accepted Mussolini's tempting offer of field marshal of the Italian army. Inside the Italian army there has always been jealousy between the political Blackshirts and the non- Fascist regulars. So when Mussolini launched his armada of tanks and' airplanes against defenseless Ethi- opia tie placed one of his Blackshirts, Gen. De Bono, in command. De Bono was a complete flop and Badoglio, from the regular army, was called to the rescue. In the field of battle, Badoglio does not hesitate. He is an A1 techni- cal soldier. He cleaned up the Ethiopian war in sort order-and GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty he did not hesitate to use gas to do it. Afterward Badoglio was quite Will- ing to receive from the hands of II Duce the title of Duke of Addis Ababa with the lush salary that went with it. Badoglio also swallowed his pride and his anti-Fascist leanings sufficiently to become chief of all the armies. As such he was si'posed tv :re- pare for war, which anyone could see from the rantings of Italy's Akis partner in Berlin, was just around the corner. But the Italian arrty lapsed into a state of unpreparedness and poor morale. Badoglio has been both blamed and exonerated for the Italian fi- asco in Greece. The truth is that he did not want to undertake this campaign, warned Mussolini that the army was not* ready. By this time, also Badoglio's latent hatred of Fascism, deluged under all his Fascist honors, had come to the fore again. Friends say that he resented both the French stab in the back and the attack on Greece. But he did not protest publicly. Finally he was yanked back from the Greek cam- paign, discharged by Mussolini, and for a time friends feared for his life. It was then that his old friend the King held out a sheltering wing and invited him to live in the imperial palace. (Copyright, 1943, United Features Synd.) *~~.'~Z' *1 071943, Chicago'rTimes. Inc, ,'? "Otis and I always had a joint account, bnt I liked it better before I started working-now, I have to pit in money, too!" DAILY 'OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1 I'dather Be Right By SAMU.L GRAPiONr NEW YORK, Aug. 5.- The collapse of a one- party State is a fearful and Wonderful sight. There is so little confusion about it. really. The people know whom to blame for their miseries, because there has been only one party in charge. Under the circunstances, it is almost impossible for revolutionaries to make a mistake. And it is quite impossible for demagogues or special pleaders to divert such an uprising, against, say, Jews, or international bankers,.or red-headed bicycle riders, or Freelasons, or whatever. .In fact demagogy ;has less.chance in Italy today than anywhere else. For this is a revolt against demagogy 'itself, in a state built on. demagogy. This is a revolt against all spurious theories, which are usually used to divert pop- ular discontent into blind alleys. The nasty men of this world are silent in Italy, and fresh- out of ideas. They can't say the Jews done it, or the Masons done it, or the intellectuals done it, or the movie industry done it, or that anybody but they them- selves done it. This is the end of that road of Which such men as Gerald L. K. Smith in America are:testing out the beginnings. This is a preview for Mr. Smith you on the nose if you called him a fascist, but who, harrassed by his problems, sometimes explodes: "If it wasn't for these labor unions (or bureaucrats, or Jews, or Negroes, or radio commentators, or peace-planners, or what- ever) everything would be fine." Honey, it's been done wholesale in Italy, and look at .the place now. They did everything you could have asked for, kid, in your wildest dreams, and they did it for'' twenty-one years. I think we, who have listened patiently while the collapse of idealism after the last war has been rubbed in, ought to rub it in, in our turn, on the collapse of demagogy. One might say that fascism is an even bigger failure than the League of Nations. Poor Woodrow Wilson (after all the jokes) is more of a live man in Italy today than the Italian realists who left the League and broke it. .And I have heard those sardonic jests about how funny it is to try to give milk to every Hot- tentot, but it turns out to have been even more comical to try to put chains on every Italian. Love may not have worked so far, but hate has really collapsed. Look at it. It lies in ruins. The THURSDAY, AUG. 5, 1943 VOL. LIII, No. 28-S All notices for The Daily Official Bulle- tin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi- cation, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m' Notices Notice of Withholding Tax Deduc- tions: All persons upon the Univer- sity Payrolls for services rendered after June 30, 1943, are notified that under the federal "Current Tax Pay- ment Act of 1943" there will be de- ducted from each salary payment made an amount equivalent to 20 per cent of such payment above legal elected, under Federal authority, to base this deduction, after legal ex- emptions, upon 20 per cent of the salary payment to each individual calculated to the nearest dollar. Ev- ery employee of the University, in whatever capacity, should secure, at the Business Office, or at other of- fices at which they will be available, a copy of the Government withhold- ing exemption certificate, Form W4 and should promptly fill out and mail or file this exemption certifi- cate at the Business Office at which the certificate was obtained. The burden of filling out and filing this form is -under the law exclusively upon the employee and if it is not, filed in time the deduction of 20 per cent must be taken upon the basis of the employee'' entire earnings with- out benefit of the exemption to which the employee would be en- titled if he or she filed the certifi- cate. -Shirley W. Smith Vice-President and Secretary Pest-War Council members and faculty advisers are reminded of the meeting this afternoon at 4:30 in the League Coke Bar. Student Admissions to Football Games: Full-time civilian students Sept. 9; Freshmen, Friday, Sept. 10. Students who do not call for their admissions on the dates scheduled above, will forfeit their class prefer- ence for seat location. Students desiring to sit together should apply for their tickets at the same time. Your University Treasurer's re- ceipt must be presented at the time you apply for your football admission coupons. Admission of students in service uniforms will be handled through the Commanding Officers of the Service Units, and manner of these admissions will be announced later. -H. 0. Crisler, Director Lectures Dr. Fred S. Dunham. Associate Professor of Latin and of the Teach- ing of Latin, will speak on the topic, "The War and. Our Young People of ,Pre-Military Age: How Can We Safeguaar Their Future?" before the Schoo1 of Education Lecture Series audience, this afternoon at 4:10 in the University High School auditor- ium. The public is invited. Academic Notices Students, Summer Term, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Courses dropped after Saturday, Aug. 7, by students other than freshien will be recorded with the grade of E. Freshmen (students with less than 24 hours of credit) may drop courses without penalty through the eighth week. Exceptions to these regula- tions may be made only because of extraordinary circumsta ces, such as serious illness. -E. A. Walter Freshmen in the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts may ob- tain their five-week progress reports in the Academic Counselor's Office, Room 108 Mason .all, from 8:30 to 12:00 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. ac- cording to the following schedule: A through. K, Thursday, Aug. 5. L through Z, Friday, Aug. 6. -Arthur VanDuren pianist, and Joseph Brinkman, pian- ist, will be .heard in Brahms' Trio in C minor and DeLamarter's Sonata in E-flat major. Due to the limiteci seating capacity of Pattengill Auditorium, admission will be by card. Student Recital: Miss Elizabeth Ellison, soprano, will present a reci- tal for the Master of Music degree at 8:30 p.m., Friday, Aug. 6, in the As- sembly Hall of the Rackham Build- ing. A student of Arthur Hackett, Miss Ellison will be accompanied by Mrs. Laura Whelan, pianist,' and Thelma Shook and Richard Morse, flutists. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Rackham Galleries:. Exhiion of Paintings from ten Latin-Amnrican Republics. From the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Open 2 to 5, and 7 to 10 daily, except Sundays. July 26 to Aug. 14. Events Today Department of Physics: Conf4r- ence -on Industrial and Chemical In- fra-red Spectroscopy today. The papers will be presented in the Am- phitheatre of the Rackham Buildiqg. The meeting will open at 11 aim. Pi Lambda Theta Tea: Xi Chapter of.Pi Lambda Theta, National Honor Association of Women in Education, will sponsor a tea in honor of mem- bers who will graduate at the end of the six-week summer session. The tea will be held in the West Con- ference Room of the Rackham Build- ing, from 4 to 6 o'clock this after- noon. Mrs. Marie Wallis, and Misses Florence Smith and Almerene Mont- gomery will be hostesses. The French Club: The sixth meet- ing of the club will take. place today at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League. Miss Elise Cambon of 'New Orleans