4.A I itP :43attis Weather Continued Cool VOL. LIU, No. 28-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUG. 5, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS azis Abandon Orel As Reds Take City Allied Forces Blast Holes in Crumbling Mt. Etna Line Axis Admits Evacuation of Stronghold Yanks Seizer Caronia While Trap Tightens Canadian, British Push Threatens To Encircle Defenders of Catania By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Aug. 4. - Under 'cover of a shattering fire from naval artillery, hundreds of planes and massed field guns, American, Can- adian and British forces again have torn miles-deep holes in the crumb- ling Mt. Etna line across the tip of Sicily. Gaining as much as six miles in some sectors, slugging American doughboys captured Caronia on the north coast, four miles beyond fallen San Stefano. Dlefenders of Catania Threatened Canadians and British, fighting over bitterly contested ground at the central hinge of the Axis line west of. Mt. Etna, gained "several miles" in a mighty push which threatened to fold up the entire southern end of the enemy's position and envelop 'the large forces defending Catania on the east coast. Air force commanders turned the full power of their aerial tactical fleet against the Axis defenders. Completely unopposed swarms of planes of all types whipped back ahd forth across the Axis lines, bumping Germans from their pill- boxes and slashing their land con- vyoys. PT Boats Used American torpedo boat squadrons bruising along the north coast and light British naval forces patrolling Messina Strait virtually completed a circuit of blockade about the ) eleaguered Sicilian tip. A jackpot of blockbusters tumbled onto Naples' railway targets as RAF Wellingtons fought through a blind- Ping anti-aircraft defense to continue by night the Allied air offensive against the mainland. American heavy cruisers, disclosed in action off Sicily for the first time, ;thundered in unison with destroyers at the north coastal road and de- fense positions dug into the hills west of Cape Orlando, itself 18 miles east of the known position of American troops. Forces Blast Coast British naval forces poured a rak- ing fire on the east coastal road at Cape Molini, just north of Catania, and at Taormina, farther north, af- ter fighting two sharp engagements with the enemy motor torpedo boats in which one of the latter was put out of action. These were the highlights of the actions described in Allied Head- quarters announcements today.. The capture of Catenanuova 22 miles west of Catania and a out three miles southwest of Centuripe, already in Allied hands, was clinched by the British after a stiff battle. * * * Eisenhower Salutes Malta ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Aug. 4-W)-Tiny Malta, on the receiving end of savage Axis attacks for more than two years, served as the "brain" for the Allied invasion of Sicily to gain revenge for her months of suffering, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower disclosed today. Gen. Eisenhower established his command post for the operation in the limestone caves of the island. It was the second time that caves have served as headquarters for Al- lied offensives. Eisenhower's head- quarters in the attack on North Af- rice last November were in the tun- nels of the fortress of Gibralter. The tall, sandy-haired comman- der-in-chief of the Allied forces in Africa paid tribute today to Malta and the Maltese. "The epic of Malta is a symbolic experience of the United Nations in this war," he said. "Malta has passed British Storm Enemy Strongpoint Italy Declares New Regime Closer to Axis Rome Rejects Allied Demand for Unconditional Surrender; Badoglio Calls Cabinet Meeting By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 4.- Italian declarations by press and radio indicated today that Marshal Pietro Badoglio's regime was binding Italy closer to the Axis and stiffening the will t fight on. While Italian newspapers carried articles rejecting the Allied demand for "unconditional surrender," -Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden told the House of Commons that the Allies had offered no dther peace terms. Badoglio Cabinet Called Badoglio called his cabinet to meet tomorrow, but there was no indica- tion that it was to discuss peace terms. A Rome broadcast recorded by the Associated Press said the meeting would be an important one. Among matters to be considered was a com- mission to examine property ac- Soldiers of the British Eighth Army charge through a railway viaduct to storm an enemy strongpoint in a Sicilian railway station, according to the caption accompanying this official British photo. Latest reports from Sicily indicate that the British and Can adian armies are threatening to encircle the Axis army at Catania while the American assault troops have crashed through the Mt. Etna line in numerous sectors. Reuther A dvances EightKSecond Victory PointG.M. Progra mVanities Will Be TGiveii#u .2a8 u w "rector rresents, emana s oDe Incorporated in :New Contract Negotiations By The Associated Press DETROIT, Aug. 4.- Walter P. Reuther, director of the General Motors Department of the United Automobile Workers (CIO), advanced today an eight-point program of demands to be incorporated in negotiations on a new G.M. contract. Principal recommandation was that demands for wage increases be made from the corporation unless prices are rolled back to the May 15, 1942, level before the union's present G.M. contract expires on Oct. 5. The recom- mendation was placed before 120 delegates to the UAW's GM council meet- ing here. Among other demands which Reuther suggested were: elimination of swing shifts, which he said were no longer needed because there are "more men than jobs;" a $1 an hour mini-* mum for all GM workers, which Reuther said would affect some clas- sifications such as janitors and some women workers; a clause permitting wages to be adjusted with the cost of living every 30 days; guaranteed weekly minimum wage for 48 hours' work; industry-wide wage stabiliza- tion to be achieved through a wage conference; standard health and safety clause; and the resubmission of a. demand for a postwar security fund for GM workers. He also rec- ommended that going rates be estab- lished on a corporation basis. The wage increase demand, ac- cording to Reuther, would be be- tween 10 and 11 per cent, to coincide with an equal rise in prices since May, 1942. Reuther said, "I would prefer that prices be rolled back rather than de- mand wage- increases because I am unalterably opposed to inflation." He assailed the War Labor Board for fixing going rates for jobs on an area basis because "all it did was to average the wages for jobs and re- duce that by 10 per cent." Officers Will Study Warfare New Super-School Plan To Begin Today WASHIN GTON, Aug. 4-The Na- tion's new super-school of war, the Army and Navy Staff College, will be opened tomorrow when the first group of officers of all the armed forces begin an eight-weeks course on the complex, coordinated operations' of modern Warfare. The officers already have complet- ed eight weeks of study at the various service schools for the Army, Navy and Air forces and their new work will be devoted to "intensive instruc- Summer Terma Students To Get Grid Ticket~ Full-time civilian students en-! rolled in the summer term will be given student admission to the two home football games played during the summer term, Athletic Director Herbert O. Crisler announced yester- day. Unlike last year's set-up for the Great Lakes game, however, students enrolling in the fall term but not at- tending the summer semester will not receive student admissions to these first two home tilts against Michigan State, September 25, and Notre Dame, October 9. Summer semester students must call for their admission coupons at the Athletic Office, Ferry Field, be- tween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the fol- lowing days: Seniors and graduate students, Tuesday, September 7; juniors, Wed- nesday, September 8; Sophomores, Thursday, September 9; freshman, Friday, September 10. The University Treasurer's re- ceipt must be presented at the time the admission coupons are applied for, and students ,not calling for their admissions on the scheduled dates will lose their class preference for seat location. Students wishing to sit together must apply at the same time and in this case seats will be given out ac- cording to the lower class. Admission for students in service uniforms will be handled through the Commanding Officers of the Service Units. Ai h Ln - -ar . Union, League Will, Sponsor Program; Skits To Be Presented The second Victory Vanities to be given here will be presented at 8 p.m. Saturday, August 28 in Hill Auditori- um under the - joint sponsorship of the Union and the League. Following the plan of the first Vanities last February, the program will consist of short skits and enter- tainments presented by various cam- pus houses and organizations. Army and Navy units will also pre- sent acts, Doris Barr, League chair- man, announced. Co. A, 3651st S. U., will provide part of the entertain- ment, Miss Barr said. Any group or house on campus, including the Army and Navy, is eligible to enter the Vanities, ac- cording to Miss Barr. The only re- quirement is the sending of a l.etter or postcard of acceptance by August 14, to Miss Barr in the Undergradu- ate Office of the League. Eliminations to determine the skits that will be given in the Vanities will be held August 24 and 25. The best eight to ten houses will stay on for the finals. Skits should be 10 to 15 minutes long, Miss Barr added. War bonds will be given as prizes for the winning acts. Judges will be announced later. quired by political office holders be- tween Oct. 22, 1942 and July 14, 1943. Requisitioning of this property will be considered, Rome said. The Daily Mail reported from the Italian frontier that Badoglio had forbidden Italians to listen to enemy radios, a decree announcing that heavy prison sentences would be in- flicted on anyone caught listening to British, American "or other enemy wireless programs." Ciano To Be Replaced (Meanwhile, the Rome radio said the Italian cabinet met today to dis- cuss the appointment of a new am- bassador to the Vatican tonreplace Count Ciano, Mussolini's son-in-law. The Rome broadcast, reported by the U.S. foreign broadcast intelligence service, said the ministers also dis- cussed "reports from the air minis- try.") The Milan Corriere Della Sera, which had been outspoken in its criticism of Fascism after Musso- lini's downfall, was quoted by Rome Radio as writing : "The enemykeeps on repeating they are waging war against Fascism and not against Italy. Fascism has fallen. What have they offered to Italy? Nothing but a vague promise for generosity-the velvet glove over the iron fist of unconditional sur- render. "Those two words repeated every day on every occasion take away all illusions and break down moments when one might feel inclined to be persuaded. Our peace could be nothing but a continuation of war with us or without us or over us." General Tax Bill Delayed War Contract Study Causes Postponement WASHINGTON, Aug. 4. -(R)- Postponement of House ways and means consideration of the new and bigger wartime general tax bill, until the law for renegotiation of war con- tracts has been reviewed for possible amendments, was agreed upon today by Congressional tax leaders, a re- liable source reported. It was understood the delay was viewed favorably by the treasury, since this would forego the possibility of a heated tax debate in the midst of the September war bond drive. U.S. Troops Press Toward Muiida Base Infantrymen Break Through Main Jap Line South of Drome ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, Thurs- day, Aug. 5. - W) - United States troops inching forward out of the jungle upon the Japanese air' base of Munda have advanced on both flanks, it was reported today. Infantrymentwho previously had pressed along the coast to the east- ern edge of the air strip of New Georgia broke through the main Jap- anese line sough of the airdrome. Other troops which has occupied the northeastern slope of Bibolo hill to the north of the airdrome now are fighting on the western slopes. Bombers Attack Coast While this slow bloody effort was in progress, the United StatesrNavy and the Army 13th Airforce threw powerful formations of fighters, dive and torpedo bombers against enemy positions along the coast west of Munda in a savage low level attack which sent several hundred Japanese scurrying from their foxholes into the reef-studded waters. "Our left flank on the coast has advanced to a point opposite the cen- ter of the airdrome," General Mac- Arthur disclosed. Troops Fight on Bibolo "On the right our advanced ele- ments are fighting on the. western slopes of Bibolo Hill (to the north of the airdrome)." The Americans now have overrun a long strong trench east of Munda. Below Munda on American-occu- pied Rendova Island, 13 enemy Zeros were downed in air battles, adding to the more than 300 planes lost by the Japanese in the Solomons since the offensive opened June 30. In the northern Solomons, Ameri- can Corsairs destroyed three enemy float planes, three barges and a small cargo boat in a fighter sweep over Shortland Island. In northeastern New Guinea, where American and Australian jungle fighters are moving on Salamaua, there was sharp fighting reported south of that enemy air base. German Fort Captured In 24 Days, Russians Report Street Fighting By The Associated Press LONDON, Thursday, Aug. 5.-Rus- sian forces smashed their way Wed- nesday into the city of Orel, stra- tegic hinge of the Nazi defense sys- tem, and began street fighting with a fanatic Nazi holding force as the German radio announced the defend- ers were abandoning the city. Formal occupation of battered Orel by the Red forces after 24 days of, grand-scale fighting was believed to be only a matter of hours as the Germans announced that their lines had be'en "taken back behind the remnants of the city" and that the city had been evacuated. Reds Sweep On The Soviet midnight communique announced triumphantly that the Red Army had swept from four to five miles forward along the front which almost encircled the important German stronghold and captured more than"80 populated places. A railway station four miles north of Orel and a large populated point only two and one half miles south of the city fell before the-onrushing attackers. Germans Leave Ammunition The communique, recorded by the Soviet monitor, indicated that the last thin lines of German defenses had crumpled and in at least one sector the Russians were hotly pur- suing fleeing Nazis who abandoned artillery, machineguns and vast piles' of ammunition in a retreat that ap- proached being a rout. The Berlin radio announced early today: "It was learned from informed quarters here that German troop have evacuated Orel." DNB Quoted Quoting the German news agency DNB, the radio continued: "German lines have been said to have been taken back behind the remnants of the city of Orel. "German units were in a position to. disengage themselves from the enemy and took up previously pre- pared more favorable positions. "The evacuation took place accord- ing to plan. The flanks of the Orel arch had been shortened and strong Russian attacks smashed. All mili- tary and industrially important es- tablishments have been evacuated. "The enemy did not find out about the taking back of the German forces. Only several hours after the evacuation movements had taken place did they put out feelers against the new German positions." German, Russian Accounts Differ The German account of an orderly withdrawal did not jibe with the So- viet command's announcement that the Red Army was fighting the Ger- mans in the streets of the city and that vast quantities of material were captured outside the city as the Soviet forces pursued "the retreating enemy." On one sector alone more than 1,000 Germans were killed in this pursuit, Moscow announced. The capitulation of Orel, as al- ready acknowledged by the Germans, climaxes a Soviet power drive that began July 12 against this long-held Nazi front bastion. The Soviet of- fensive itself had followed quickly upon failure of the German offen- sive launched July 5 all along the Kursk-Orel-Belgorod salient. Prize of Summer Campaign Capture of Orel would be the great- est prize of the summer campaign that saw the Nazis twice frustrated in offensive attempts and the Rus- sians dislaying new offensive and defensive power in their third sum- mer of war. Announcement of the successes in- dicated that the breakthrough came late last night for the usual special Soviet bullein was omitted for the first time since July 19 and the vic- torious drive announced in the regu- lar midnight communique. Ontario Premier Is Defeated in Election TORONTO, Aug. 4.-(')-The Ad- ministration of Harr C. Nixon, Liber- SAFEKEEPING OF GERMANS: Goering Asks Rome for Mussolini Oerl 8 ONG Tu880lI'. By The Associated Press MADRID, Aug. 5.- Reichsmar- shal Hermann Goering went to Rome last week, it was reported here tonight, and interviewed King Vittorio Emmanuele and, Marshal Pietro Badoglio to ask that Benito Mussolini be handed over to the Germans for safekeeping. An authoritative source, who cannot be named but whose infor- mation was backed by verbal re- ports of Italians here who were in Rome last week, gave this version of the visit: Mussolini's fall so soon after the Verona meeting with Adolf Hitler so shocked Berlin that Goering was sent by Hitler to find out what happened. Goering had a long talk with the Goering was also believed to have expressed Germany's will- ingness and ability to give Italy sufficient aid to defend central and southern Italy as well as the Po valley in the north. The results of the conversation were strictly in the realm of con- jecture, but reports agreed that Badoglio's answer to the request for Mussolini was that it was for the King to decide. The King, in turn, said no, explaining politely that Mussolini was sufficiently protected where he was. Upon Goering's insistence, the King still said no, adding that he had no intention of handing over the. Duce to a belligerent power which might conceivably ranging from all out German- Italian collaboration stronger than, ever before to agreement that Ba- doglio would only stall off surren- der as long as possible to enable the Germans to dig in at the Po valley.. Meanwhile Madrid suddenly began to take notice of unusual press dispatches from Germany which hinted that the military might have taken over or was taking over from the Nazis. One dispatch in Arriba said, "Reporting events in Berlin is a job which imposes silence at the very moment when events come under military jurisdiction which marks them with the seal of secrecy." The question arose, did this