PA' rornu is i E SHnAY, At . t, ,i149 _:... . ------- ----------- Fifty-Third Year SSays r I Edited and managed 13y students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control (f Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year. and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Offica at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. . Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Staff, Marion Ford Bud Brinmer Leon Gordenker Harvey Frank Mary Anne Olson Jeanne Lovett Managing Editor . Editorial Director . . . City Editor W. Sports Editor * . Women's Editor . Business Staff . Business Manager Molly Ann Winokur Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: CLAIRE SHERMAN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. ZERO HOUR: Bdadoglio Must Decide Road for Italians Soon IN THE short week that has elapsed since Il Duce fell from his throne, the Allies have looked for a peace settlement with the Badoglio government. The situation of the Italians in seeking peace is much more complicated than it would appear at first glance. While the mobs clamor for peace in all sectors and Italian troops clash with reinforced German divisions in Northern=Italy, Badoglio and his aides are trying desperately to maintain law and order, and perhaps even to refuse peace terms. The reason for the government's continued resistance against the Allies is principally that Italian neutrality would be almost as dangerous to the Germans as active warfare against them. THE GERMANS know this, and are not doing a very good job of concealing the fact. They have been rushing troops to Italy, seizing all available Italian goods and have taken over the revolting port cities of Fiume and Trieste in anticipation of Italian capitulation. Therefore the new Italian leaders are caught between three choices, each one promising little more than the other from the Italian point of view.- In the first place, they may continue as a third-rate Axis power, using their own meagre supplies and troops to halt 'the onslaught of the Allies as long as possible and in so doing keep the Germans from seizing Northern Italy out- right. But Badoglio knows that any such action on the part of the government will result in a violent revolt throughout the whole of Italy. In such an event, which is sure to be bloody and devastating to Italy, any party may take power. I NOTHER solution open to Italy is to accept - ethe unconditional surrender terms, lay open _t e country to the mercy of Allied leaders and maintain a neutral status. This is what the Italian people want, but it means an open invita- tion to Germany to seize the northern sectors. The remaining course open to the Italians is active participation on the Allied side. If the reports of Italo-German fighting can be believed, this is more than a mere possibility. Although the Italian military strength is very weak, the import of all-out Italian aetion against the German troops in Italy cannot be ignored. It's easier for two men to lift a bale than it is for one, even if one man is minus an arm. The Italians may force this decision on Badoglio should the Germans overrun their country, much as they want peace. Whatever the decision, it must not be long in coming. Neither the Germans nor the Italian people will wait. -Claire Sherman "THOSE HAVING only immediate ends crack up," said an Army physician recently when asked if the consideration of the ideal order has any place in the experience of a good soldier. Many have never been taught to focus attention on what ought to be, but rather have been trained to focus attention upon attainable reality. They have been schooled to the main chance. According to Immanuel Kant, the ideal has a certain dynamic quality. He spoke of the ought and claimed for it both drive and even- ness. According to that theory, youth are rested of mind and body by turning from strict duty to the kind of a world man should have. . Students who for the past two years have wrestled with the aims of the war and the pos- sibilities of a lasting peace are keeping them- selves in fighting fitness. They debate the na- ture of the war's settlement, the type of social order democracy should evolve, the applica- tion to our home base of all the improvements we promise to the peoples being liberated, the global significance of our technical skill and the necessity of scope for man's new-found economy, In this practice, they are acting re- ligiously. WE ARE impressed not alone by the lads in uniform at a killing academic program and their fellows who are yonder in Sicily, but by our post-war crusaders, the debators in Church. guilds, student promoters of race understanding and The Daily revoluntionists. Very few of these students ever associate their present perform- ance with religiousness or would care to have this drive for what ought to be identified with a church or called an expression of the immortal God. They are pursuing values; hammering out patterns, projecting modes of behavior and achieving a spiritual reality which outruns their present grasp. The soul identifies itself with the ideal for mankind. This is satisfying. It is in very essence religious, just because it transcends the ego. The worth of these adventures of the mind to the persons concerned is the significant factor. Given adequate guidance in the realm of fact and the smile, if not the love, of those who have moved through similar experiences before them, these youth will transcend the strife, the cost, the sense of defeat and the literal shame which besets their sensitive souls as they live in a warring epoch, The ought in the case of these youth should become a social therapy. The actual in its ap- patent effort to "caving in on" the soul will find itself arrested. Stubborn imponderables will succumb to growing convictions within the per- son. Fear may thus be overcome and these per- sons should be able to go forward in a new sense of worth and completeness. Such persons will not crack up and in the years beyond our decade of struggle when called upon to man homes, alma mater, institutions of culture and society itself, such citizens will be quick to understand and sure to act. Counselor in Religious Education -Edward W. Blakeman LOSING FIGHT: OP Ceilings Must lBe HeldTo ~opInflation rTHE FIGHT against inflation will be lost be- fore it has really begun unless price control is continued and enforced. Waging a war against rising prices, the OPA appears to have been beaten because their price eeilings have so far not been enforced. The current investigations in Detroit have re- vealed that in that city alone food prices are frequently as much as twice the ceiling set by the OPA. What good is a system of price control with- out enforcement?( WHEREIS more money to spend in this coun- try now than there has been since 1929. War workers who have for years barely been able to live are now making enormous wages that they want to spend. As there is a scarcity of almost all goods, prices are going to go up and up unless ceilings lre enforced. The OPA is the most useless of the Presi- dential organizations now strangling business men with red tape unless it is given the addi- tional powers to enforce its present limited authority. The trials and tribulations that the various OPA directors have gone through in the past months to make their bureau a sensible and necessary war measure have demonstrated clear- ly that no OPA at a is better than a part-time organization. AS LONG as wages rise, and labor demands still more pay increases, the problem of infla- tion is going to become more and more acute. One way to stem this approaching tide is by stabilization of wages, another coordinate neces- sity is subsidation to keep prices down, and the last method is strict price control along with the subsidy plan. We have a certain amount of inflation now, and we will have more and more unless the above measures are taken. When the OPA not only sets price ceilings, but is given the power and reach to enforce them throughout the country, then the fight against inflation will have really begun. Now the battle eppme i+ hanut ffctivena s fightin n. whirl- DREW PEARSON'S MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON-Twenty years ago almost to the month, this columnist, then a very young newspaperman, interviewed Benito Mussolini, then a very young dictator. Il Duce at that time was relatively fresh in of- fice. He was at the peak of his popularity. Italy thrives on drama, and Mussolini was the matinee idol. To criticize him, was rank heresy inside Italy, even unpopular outside Italy. People said he would inuugurate a new era, a new type of. government which would replace outmoded de- mocracy. Mussolini could do no wrong. I advanced over a stretch of floor that seemed endless. The man at the desk pretended to con- centrate on papers before him. Suddenly he bounced up, shook hands, and before I had time to open my mouth, plunged into the inter- view. "Is Germany finished with Communism?" f asked. "No, Germany has much to go through with yet. Communism," he continued, "is a spasm which convulses a nation and leaves it feeling better for the experience. Men and women suffer changes in their lives. So do nations." Il Duce did not realize at that time-twenty years ago- how prophetic he was. Perhaps to- day, as he sits forlorn, he realizes it. In response to another question, I Duce went on to tell how he had brought prices down in Italy, an experience somewhat similar to FDR'S current problems of the price roll- back. Only Mussolini used different methods. "Prices must come down, I told my people- by force if necessary. Next morning my black shirts appeared in the market place and they forced the prices down." "Is is still necessary to use force in reforming Italy?" I asked. "No," was his decisive reply, "force has not accomplished as much as the spirit of sacrifice." Perhaps if Mussolini had stuck to that last statement Italy would not have used force to conquer Ethiopia, would not have shattered the peace machinery of the League, would not have headed the world toward war, and today he would not be a friendless, despised, lonely old man. (Copyright, 1943, United Features Syndicate) *. While We Watch .. Huzzah for Hollywood.,.. HOLLYWOOD deserves some sort of special recognition lately. They're actually produc- ing movies that even opinionated columnists deign to comment on. Pictures like Citizen Kane, The Magnificient Ambersons, Mission to Moscow, possibly For Whom The Bell Tolls, and one I saw yesterday, The Ox-Bow Incident, mark impressive steps in the movie industry's process of becoming part of the American education system. It's importance as an educational organ lies in the fact that it can reach an adult audience which smugly con- siders its formal education completed, but which sadly needs many a confused issue clari- fied. Movies can act, with a dramatic appeal and a lucidity that no book or newspaper can cap- ture, to give the great bulk of Americans a sensible and lasting standard to go by in de- ciding the problems they pass over now as just too confusing, seemingly too impossible for the average mind to grasp securely. It can provide an ideal antidote for the frightening disease of indecision which finally makes us all too easily shy away from any thinking about matters that concern us most. Take the Ox Bow affair. Instead of treating the lynching as one sidelight in a saga of the plains, as most western flickers do, it makes lynching the story, the issue which must be faced.. That's a brave step in itself. Hollywood risks taking a lot of kickback from the Solid South which still isn't adverse to a good lynching party even in these modern times. Lynching is a touchy subject down there in many places. That's exactly why this movie is so valuable.. Perhaps many who see it up north, in met- ropolitan areas won't see much in the story. But if the picture is given wide distribution in rural and particularly southern districts, where perhaps people who have had something to do with lynchings before will see it, it will give rise to a great deal of thought, and per- haps some serious conscience probing. That may sound like embracing the noble na- ture of man with too open arms, but I don't be- lieve it is. I feel that mob atrocities are the re- sult of plain unthinking, perhaps emotional con- fusion, which the small minds and fevered tem- pers of a few willful men can harness into blind action. The whole theme is simple, easily under- standable. But it implies great truths, and with a dramatic realism that gives them life. It shows those who felt lynching is wrong, but who weren't sure that going against the mob was the smart thing, as fine examples of in- decision, confusion. It brings home neatly that their honestly-felt convictions were right, that they should have spoken them out, that think- ing is not a painful process to be substituted with the false haven of emotion. People who see. this picture, if they have any r-.,.s htm rr r-tinna all 1ril , f. U Coe will speak on "A Diaphantine Equation." Graduate Students in Speech: A graduate symposium in interpreta- tion and history of the theatre will be sponsored by the Department of Speech at 4 p.m. Monday in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of Education, Forestry, Music, and Public Health: Summer Session stu- dents wishing a transcript of this summer's work only should file a re- quest in Room 4, U.H., several days before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure to file this request before the end of the session will result in a needless delay of several days. -Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar Concerts School of Music Assembly: The first of a series of three chamber music programs will be presented at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 3, in Patten- gill Auditorium, Ann Arbor High School, at which time Artur Schna- bel, pianist, Feri Roth, violinist, and Oliver Edel, cellist, will be heard in Beethoven's Trio in D major, and Schubert's Trio in B-flat major. Other programs in the series will be presented Aug. 5 and 10. Due to the limited seating capacity of Pattengill Auditorium, admission will be by card, obtainable in the office of the School of Music. Record Concert at Horace H. Rack- ham School: Another of the weekly concerts will be given Tuesday eve- ning at 7:45 p.m. The program will consist of the following recordings: Weber's Overture to Oberon, Moz- art's Quintet in C Major, Mendels- sohn's Symphony No. 4 in A Major, Strauss' Don Juan and Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue. Servicemen are DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) cordially invited to join the Grad- uate Students for these concerts. Exhibitions Rackham Galleries: Exhibition of Paintings from ten Latin-American Republics. From the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Opeh 2 to 5, and 7 to 10 daily, except Sundays. July 26 to Aug. 14. Events Today Lutheran Student Club, Gamma Delta, will have an outing this after- noon with St. Paul's Walther League, meeting at the Racklbam Building at 3 o'clock. Supper included. Lutheran students and servicemen cordially in- vited. The Lutheran Student Association will have its regular Sunday evening meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haas on Plymouth Rd. The group will leave the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 4:30 p.m. After sup- per Mr. Nicolas Davila will speak on "The Church in Mexico." All Luth- eran servicemen and students are cordially invited. Graduate Outing Club: Members will meet at the club headquarters at 2:30 this afternoon for a trip to the Saline Valley Farms. Bring your lunch and a bathing suit. Michigan Outing Club: Will meet at 2:30 at the Women's Athletic Buil- ding. A bike trip to Delhi Falls for a swim is scheduled. For further in- formation call Barbara Fairman, 24471. The Michigan Christian Fellowship will offer its regular program this afternoon at 4:30 in the Fireplace Room of Lane Hall. Coming Events All former members of the School of Education Workshops are invited to attend the 11 o'clock assembly Monday in University High School Auditorium. Meet in Room 1203. Graduate Students in Speech: A graduate symposium in interpreta- tion and history of the theatre will be sponsored by the Department of Speech at 4 p.m. Monday in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Churches Unitarian Church: State and Hur- on Streets, Edward H. Redman, Min- ister. 11:00 a.m. Church Service with the Rev. John G. MacKinnon, minis- ter of the Unitarian Church in. Rich- mond, Va., preaching the sermon on: The Meaning of Life. 3:30 p.m. Pro- gram for students and servicemen- Folk Dancing School led by Mr. Hans Schmidt with refreshments and dis- cussion. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Wednesday eve- ning service at 8:00. Sunday morn- ing service at 10:30; subject: "Love." Sunday School at 11:45. Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Washington St. open every day except Sundays and holidaysfrom 11:30 a.m.nuntil 5 p.m., Saturdays until 9 p.m. Lutheran Student Chapel: Service Sunday morning at 11 in League Chapel. Sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "The Christian Youth and His Possessions." The First Baptist Church: 512 E. Huron St. Sunday, Aug. 1, 1943. 10:00 a.m.: Sunday morning class for students will meet in the balcony of the Church to study Paul's letter to the Philippians. 11:00 a.m.: The Church at Wor- ship. The Rev. H. O. Smith of Yon- kers, N.Y. will preach on "Afraid of Being Ourselves." 7:00 p vm.:eThe Roger Williams Guild will meet in the Guild House, 502 E. Huron St. Miss Lorna Stor- gaard and Mr. James McClelland will lead a discussion on "God." First Presbyterian Church: Morn- ing Worship-10:45 a.m. "How Do We Know God?" subject of sermon by Dr. Lemon. Sunday Afternoon Forum- 4:00 p.m. "The Sore Spots of thePlanet" will be conducted by Dr. Lemon. So- cial hour and buffet supper follow- ing. Grace Bible Fellowship: Undenom- inational Masonic Temple, 327 South Fourth Ave. Harold J. DeVries, pas- tor. 10 a.m. Bible School. 11 a.m. Morning Worship. The pastor will continue a series of messages on the Gospel of John. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. Sermon subject: "Christ- ianity Without a Straitjacket." First Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation: Student Class at 9:30 a.m. with Dr. E. W. Blakeman, leader. Topic for discussion "Personality and Religion." Morning Worship Ser- vice at 10:40 o'clock. The Rev. John E. Marvin, editor of the Michigan Christian Advocate will preach on "Religion for Tomorrow." Wesleyan Guild discussion group at 4:30 p.m. Mary Jean Sanford will lead the dis- cussion on "Education." Supper and fellowship hour at 5:30 p.m. Memorial Christian Church (Disci- ples): 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, the Rev. E. W. Blakeman will speak on "Personality and Religion." 4:30 p.m., Students and their friends will meet at the Guild House, 438 May- nard St., for a trip to Barton Hills and Huron River. There will be swimming, games, picnic supper and a vesper service. Men in service are especially invited. GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty r 3 "Easy street, eh? Seems to me I never worked so hard or got up so early since you and the kids started making such big money!" * THE MICHIGAN DAILY SE RVICE EDITION 4 AN EXAMPLE: ' took in a few more pieces to do.. . "We use our own mangle and washing ma- chine," one of the pro- prietors stated, and we've worked the ironing system down to seven minutes per uniform" . . . Refusing to reveal their place of busi- ness for fear of a rush from the more than 1300 sailors and marines stationed in the West Quad, the coeds have found the job much easier than the Navy is finding it, with the iron situation what it is. * * * NEWS THAT the beer situation in Ann Arbor is acute has thrown students into unhappy and dire pre- dictions of what the town will be like minus their favorite beverage . . . The locality has been drained of all available supplies and the prospects for getting more are none too hopeful . . Government curtail- ment of the existing corn supplies released for mak- ing beer have added to the already serious situa- play here August 14 for the all-campus Summer Prom, only big dance to be held this summer . . . Service- men and civilians alike will be able to attend the function, which will fol- low in the footsteps of last year's Prom . . . All pro- ceeds will be donatedrto the Bomber Scholarship. PLAY Production offer- ing of the week was "Lady Precious Stream," Chinese drama which was given in a mixture of Oriental solemnity and color... Enthusiastically hailed as something "new and dif- ferent" by the campus, the play went over with the ac- customed Repertory bang. FRATERNITIES still functioning here began rushing last Monday for all University students and V-12 trainees . . . New rules specify that one- month pledging only is re- quired before initiation provided the pledge's dent, has been reported killed in action in the South Pacific, according to word received by his par- ents . . . He is believed to have been lost in the sec- ond battle of Kula Gulf, when his ship, the U.S.S. Gwin was torpedoed.. While at therUniversity, Lt. Durfee was a member of Psi Upsilon. I'HE CREATION of a "Nisei Plus" club has; brought American-born Japanese who came here from western relocation camps into a group de- signed to acclimate them to University life. . .Called "Nisei Plus" because both American - Japanese and Caucasians are included in the organization, the club already has a membership of more than 60. FIRST GRID practice for the summer found the Maize and Blue outdoing themselves with a turnout of more than 70 Wolver- thin when it comes to cap- able line replacements . The "Seven Oak Posts" carried the line through last season and it ;looks as if some such arrangement will be required this year. The forwards will proba- bly be more numerous but not to the extent of having the two or three inter- changeable lines charac- teristic of most Minnesota teams, for instance Men from other schools out for the team seem to be falling into the Crisler system with gusto and,. all in all, the situation for fall appears to be extremely hopeful for the Maize and Blue. * * * SOFTBALL teams have been formed by some of the Army units stationed on campus ... Scheduled for a battle are Co. C-3 champions of Co. C with victories over two of the other teams formed within the Company, and the newly formed team of Ar- my medical and dental students stationed at Vi0- Church Groups Extend Welcome to 'Nisei Plus' NN ARBOR students and church groups are to be commended for the fine attitude they have adopted toward the American-born Jap- anese, or Nisei, who arrived here more than a month ago. Already- the group has been organized into a club called the "Nisei Plus," and already they have been invited by several church groups to to attend social meetings. ,hnt hia a i nh onaete