we i t 4 aUtt weather Thundershowers VOL. LIII, No. 26-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, AUG. 1, 1943 PRICE FIVE CENTS Italy Giraud Named Leader of All French Forces De Gaulle Heads New Defense Conlimittee In New Organization By The Associated Press ALGIERS, July 31. - Generals Charles De Gaulle and Henri Giraud achieved today unification of all the French fighting forces under a single command responsible to a central government in a forceful bid for recognition by the United States as A* equal partner in the Allied war effort. Decrees named Giraud Command- er in Chief of all the French land, sea and air forces in the wo-rld and give De Gaulle presidency of a new committee of national defense. Allied Recognition Necessary - The new French organization was immediately followed with a demand by the French .commissioner of in- formation, Georges Bonnet, that British and American recognition of the DeGaulle-Giraud setup as a pro- visional government was "absolutely necessary.", "Our countrymen in France regard recognition as a sign we are fully cepted in Allied ranks," he said. "When French troops land on the hoeshofeFrance tomorrow, they mst go there as the fighting forces 0f a recognized Allied government." x Previously, DeGaulle and Giraud had maintained separate armed forces. Under the old arrangement as joint -presidents of the French com- mittee for national liberation they presided alternately. Now Giraud will preside when the committee deals with military affairs and DeGaulle when it handles civil or political 'ro lems. When Giraud is in the field with his troops DeGaulle will preside ione. ,Lend-Lease Issue Settled ,,The compromise also .settled the issue of how American lend-lease military shipments would be divided among Giraud-DeGaulle forces and answered the Allied demand that Gi- raud be placed in charge of the ;F'rench armed forces. The new defense committee re- tained the right to decide the "gen- eral conditions and the distribution of French forces in the various the- aters of operations." , The new defense commissioner was not named but DeGaulle's loyal fol- lower, Gen. Paul Le Gentilhomme, who commanded the free French troops in the 1941 Syrian campaign, was appointed assistant commission- er of national defense. It was noted that the French Com- mittee of National Liberation with headquarters on French soil express- ly retained for itself the power to "direct the general conduct of the war and dispose of all land, naval and air forces." Rev. John Fenlon, Of Holland, Dies HOLLAND, Mich., July 31.-()- The Rev. John F. FenIon, Provincial of "the Sulpician Order of Catholic Priests in the United States, died suddenly here this afternoon. Death resulted from a heart at- tack at the home of his sister, Mrs. Bernard J. Donnelly. Rev. Fenlon, widely known as an educator and Catholic leader, was spending a vaca- tion here from headquarters of the Sulpician Order at St. Mary's semi- nary, Baltimore, Md. Warned of rushing Riotous Street Demonstrations Air Offensive !.) So viets Halt Axis Drive In Donets Reds Roll Slowly On Toward Orel in Determined Attacks By The Associated Press LONDON, Sunday, Aug. 1-Rus- sian big guns smashed almost 100 German tanks yesterday as Soviet forces fought to a standstill another major Axis blow in the Donets Basin of Southern Russia, while in the Orel sector Red troops rolled on slowly to take several populated places, killing 1,400 Germans in the advance. f Germans Pushed Back The German push southwest of Voroshilovgrad, powered with tanks, planes and shock troops reeled back under concentrated Soviet shelling, said the Moscow midnight communi- que, recorded by the Soviet moni- tor. In another, the bulletin said, Ger- man infantry divisions, covered by large numbers of tanks, attacked the Russian lines. Soviet troops separat- ed the enemy infantry from the tanks by machine gun and rifle fire, forcing the troops to turn back. Then Red artillery and tanks picked off the Axis armor. By the end of the day 50 wrecked German tanks studded the battlefield. Counterattack Launched The Russians said the desperate German defenders, hurriedly rein- forced by airborne troops from Ger- many and France, launched four counterattacks which were beaten down by Soviet troops near the gates of the city. Six hundred Germans were killed in one of these futile chargesn Service men la y_Beco me Union Members Servicemen stationed on campus7 will be allowed to become members of the Union by decision of the Board of Directors at a meeting yesterday, according to Bunny .Crawford, presi- dent of the Union. At the meeting, the Board also voted to extend Union facilities to members only. Servicemen will have to join the Union in order to con- tinue using its facilities, Crawford said. Servicemen Rates Lowered Less than one third the amount taken from civilian students' tuition will be charged servicemen becoming Union members, Crawford added. "Membership in the Union, grant- ing the right to use the varied facili- ties of the building, is a privilege that has never been open to everyone," Crawford declared. Facilities Made Available "By allowing servicemen to become Union members at a reduced rate, we are entitling them to the same con- sideration enjoyed by civilian stu- dents who pay for their membership every year when they register." he added. Booths to take fees and give mem- bership cards to all servicemen who wish to continue using the facilities of the Union will be set up at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the East Quad, at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the West Quad, and Thursday in the Union. The amount paid by each service- man will be deducted from the charge of Union life membership, Crawford said. Allies Smash Remscheid in French Raids Fighters, Bombers Hit Vital Airfields In Heavy Bombings By The Associated Press LONDON, July 31.- A week of the most concentrated, sustained attacks ever made on Germany's "third front" ended today with hundreds of Allied fighters and bombers roaring over smoking, Axis-held Europe by daylight. A joint American and British com- munique said tonight medium and fighter bombers smashed at German airfields in northern France today, U.S. Eighth Air Force mediums strik- ing fields at Poix, Merville, Tricque- ville and Abbeville, while RAF med- iums and fighters attacked 'others at St. Omer, Amiens and Lille. Thunderbolts Participate At the same time, Thunderbolt squadrons swept over the French coast in further raids. Two Axis fighters were destroyed and one medium bomber and two fighters are missing. The daylight fleets attacked after a saturation assault last night by the RAF on Remscheid-a previously untouched key town in the German industrial system. Matching Allied efforts elsewhere in the United Nations' greatest month of the war, the shattering aerial offensive from Britain at- tained new fury in July, with the great German port of Hamburg ap- parently marked for obliteration. Hamburg Still Burns A reconnaissance pilot flying over Hamburg at noon today found great fires still burning from the last 2,300- ton attack 36 hours earlier. Smoke stretched for 50 miles south of the dock area, he said. A main target was the Alexaneer- werk A. G., a 75-acre establishment turning out machinery for the chemi- cal industry and for production of motor parts and small arms. The city harbored 25 smaller factories, mostly machine tool producers, and railway repair shops. The total bomb weight hauled by the Allies from Britain to the conti- nent in July approached the 15,000- ton mark of the record month of June, with one night still left. Hamburg No Longer Exists STOCKHOLM, Sweden, July 31.- (A)--Germany's second city and main port of Hamburg has "ceased to exist" after a week of shattering Al- lied air raids which leveled entire blocks and killed perhaps 10,000 per- sons, eyewitnesses reported tonight. Swedish crewman of the Hildur, which was hit while in Hamburg har- bor, were quoted by the newspaper, Aftontidning, as saying the city was "an inferno" where perhaps only 50 houses remained undamaged. Thou- sands of its dazed citizenry were streaming out of its ruins to eastern Germany, they said. Other eyewitness reports received here told this story: Altoona and other parts of the Hamburg harbor area were flattened and in the harbor itself there was such disorder that no control of any kind existed. Even German authorities, estimat- ing 10,000 dead, explained the high casualties by saying the people didn't expect such furious raids." in Rome Allied Bombing Threat May Cause Surrender { -Associated Press Photo This picture was sent by radio from Bern, Switzerland to New York, with the Bern caption describing it as a picture of demonstrations in Rome which appeared in the July 28 edition of the Milan newspaper Corriere Della Sera. Similar demonstrations are occurring throughout Italy. RELENTLESS RAIDS: Allies Smash Jap Strongholds Near Munda, Vila A irdromes I By The Associated PressI! ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC, Aug. 1, Sunday-United States Army and Navy warplanes delivered a series of smashing attacks against Japanese positions in the central Solomons yesterday, concentrating their bombs Roosevelt Asks Neutral Refusal To Harbor Axis WASHINGTON, July 31.- UP)- United States diplomats in the neu- tral countries are conveying to these governments President Roosevelt's request that they refuse asylum to Mussolini, Hitler, Tojo or any of their "gangs" wanted as war crim- inals. The State Department issued this announcement tonight: "The diplomatic representatives of the United States in Stockholm, Sweden; Ankara, Turkey; Madrid, Spain; Lisbon, Portugal; Bern, Swit- zerland; Vatican City and Buenos Aires, Argentina, have been instruc- ted by the Department of State to bring the President's statement (at his press-radio conference yester- day) to the attention of the govern- ments to which they are accredited. "The British representatives at the above places and the representatives of the U.S.S.R. in Stockholm and Ankara are making similar repre- sentations." (Dublin, Eire, was not among the list of neutral capitals and it was said at the State Department that Eire apparently was considered vir- tually inaccessible because of the British blockade.) In his statement, President Roose- velt expressed the hope that no neu- tral government would permit its territory to be used as a place of refuge, since the affording of asylum "to Axis leaders or their tools" would be considered "inconsistent with the principles for which the United Na- tions are fighting." Biddle Claims Union Strike Vote Is Legal WASHINGTON, July 31.- (A)-In a far - reaching opinion, Attorney General Biddle held today thatrany union group-representing either the majority or minority of the employes -could demand and obtain a strike around the Munda and Vila air- dromes. Bibilo Blasted Torpedo and divebombers dropped 52 tons of bombs on Bibilo hills, a mile northeast of Munda airdrome on New Georgia Island. Escorting fighters drove off 30 Japanese Zeros which attempted to interfere with the operation. Two of the American fighters were shot down but one pilot was saved. Across Kula Gulf heavy Flying Fortresses, Mitchells, Dauntless and Avenger bombers with a strong fight- er escort, pounded enemy camps and positions around the Vila airdrome on Kolombangara Island. Sixty tons of bombs were dropped on the target area. Strong anti-aircraft fire was encountered in this area, the com- munique from Gen. Douglas MacAr- thur's headquarters said, but all the American planes returned. No Reports on Munda There were no reports on the pro- gress of the ground assault by Amer- ican troops against Munda. The heavy pounding from the air indi- cated there still we e a number of enemy strongpoints hat had to be blasted out before the infantry could move forward. Meeting the enemy's increasing use of barges to move men and supplies from New Britain to New Guinea, Allied planes made a series of day and night sweeps along the coasts of the two islands, sinking at least 14 barges and starting large fires among a concentration of 12 barges hidden in a small bay at the tip of Huon Peninsula. Taft Suggests .Different .Draft Classifications WASHINGTON, July 31 .-(P- Predicting early action by Congress to overhaul the selective service sys- tem Senator Taft (Rep. Ohio) wrote Draft Director Lewis B. Hershey to- day urging separation of men over 30 years of age and those younger into different draft classifications. Taft told an interviewer he felt confident that demands for a halt in ' the drafting of fathers, linked with indications of an easing off in se- lective service quotas, would bring the whole question of a reassessment of the present induction system be- fore Congress shortly after it recon- venes in September from a summer Rome News Hints at ° Imminent Collapse By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 1, Sunday-Italian Premier Pietro Badoglio, facing al grim Allied warning that his refusal@ to surrender would subject Italy to ae renewed wave of aerial destruction,r maintained silence early today ands there was every reason to believeI that Britain and the United States were preparing to fulfill the threat.r Fresh reports of peace demonstra-1 tions within Italy trickled in earlyt today and the impression grew thatl Marshal Badoglio could not stave off a showdown much longer.f Axis Affairs Look GraveI A digest of news reports from Rome itself, from neutral nationsr and from Germany- whose radiot announcements conceded thegravity of affairs for the Axis-indicated strongly that Premier Marshal Pietrot Badoglio could not teeter muchc longer. The situation drew one official statement tonight.1 "No communication whatever has been received by any United Nationss representative regarding a proposala for neutralization of the Italian pen-j insula, as reported in a dispatch from Bern earlier today," the state- ment said. Badoglio Cannot Delay The consensus in London was that Badoglio has been hoping to obtain a negotiated peace, but that inside pressure is making it extremely dif- ficult for him to delay the war-or- peace decision further.- It seemed obvious that Badogli was trying desperately to hold pub-t lie opinion in check and delay a peace settlement to prevent. Italy from becoming: a battlefield while retrieving some 30' Italian 'divisions from the Balkans and about 270,000 Italian workers from Germany. Premier Bogdan Philov of Bulgaria was reported favoring a German plan that Bulgarian troops go into Greece, but King Boris opposed it, an Istanbul dispatch said. The result- ing crisis might lead to the fall of Philov's government. Italian forces in Greece are esti- mated at 17 divisions, which exceeds the entire effective Bulgarian strength. Hayden To Talk Tomorrow on Negro Poetry To show how poems by the new Negro group have been influenced by; the Imagist movement in American poetry during the 20's will be the purpose of Robert Hayden's conclud- ing lecture on Negro poetry entitled "I Too Sing America" at 8 p.m. to- morrow in the auditorium of the Rackham Building. Poems by modern Negro writers such as Langston, Hughes, Jean Toomer, Sterling Brown and Claude McKay will be read. I Mr. Hayden will point out that the Negro poetry has grown and broad- ened as all American writing has done. It is more reflective of trends in this country, and should be criti- cized on the same standards as other writings. The following lectures will be a discussion of Negro art and litera- ture and conclude with graphic arts. This lecture series which is free of charge and open to the public is sponsored by the Inter-Racial So- ciety. Navy Blasts Kiska Again WASHINGTON, July 31. -(')- A new one-two punch by sea and air has been delivered against Japanese positions on Kiska island in the Aleu- tians, the Navy reported today, to end a two-day respite from, attack which weather gave the enemy. An American Flying Fortress bombed Japanese installation Thurs- day and a warship force followed up with a bombardment yesterday in actions announced in the first com,- munique on pre-invasion fighting arournd Kiskas ine W ednedav. New Regime Permits More German Power By The Associated Press ALLIED 'HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, July 31.- The grim warning that a crushing new air offensive against the Italian mainland is coming immediately waf sounded by radio tonight to the peo- ple of Italy. The Allied command in North Af- rica declared that the blood of every Italian struck will be on the headsof the men in Rome. New Regime Temporizes Advising Italians to stay awar from railways, factories, depots, Ger- man barracks and all military tar'- gets, the Allied broadcast accused the new Badoglio Government of giving Germans time to strengthen their hand. in Italy and said the new re, gime in Italy's hour of decision had temporized instead of acting for hon- or, peace and freedom. There was no confirmation of 4a report that Gen. Dwight D. -Eisen- hower, commander of Allied forces in North Africa, was negotiating wift a representative' of' the Itilin gov * ernment. In view of the warning that bombings: would be resumed it was considered- highly unlikely. Italians Have No Choice p (The first Italian broadcast after' the Allied warning of bombs to come was a broadcast by Rome Radi which said that- the Italian people had no choice but to continue the, war. (The broadcast; wlch was report- ed by the OWI in the United States, came three hours'afterA the 'Allied message and may have been too soon to.constitute a repy. Mitohlels B$opb i ree . A. preview, of the -renewed on.. slaught was. given yesterday when American Mitchells swept to within 11 miles south of ' m to bomb thge Practica Di Mare airdrome, tn ' ing Fortresses rained sledgehame blows on the Grottaglie airport near Taranto in southern Italy. The warning-a 48-hour follow up of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's dec- laration that Italians must get rid of Germans on their soil-came as it was announced that both American and British armies in Sicily had made good advances behind terrific artillery barrages which blasted out areas 400 yards deep at a time for the infantry mop-up. Three more Italian islands-Fav- ignana, Levanzo and Marrettimo- off Sicily's west coast, accepted the unconditional surrender formula of the United Nations and ran up the white flag. The British Eighth Army of Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery for the first time in two weeks made "good progress" yesterday up' the Sicilian east coast toward Catania and Mt. Etna, while the - American Seventh Army of Lt. Gen. Qeorge S. Patton Jr. driving to a junction with the British at Messina, pluriged deeper into the intervening mountains frin- ging the north coast. * * * Bern Dispatch Hints at Peace IRA DEMANDS JURY PROBE: 'WiesLetter on Riots Sent to Detroit An open letter sent to Detroit newspapers, and telegrams to Pros- ecuting Attorney William J. Dow- ling.and Mayor Edward J. Jeffries of Detroit sent by the Inter-Racial Association indicate the societies' attitude 'toward the recent 'race riots and their subsequent investi- gations. The telegram to Mayor Jeff- ries demands his immediate ac- tion on the race riots by public support of a grand jury investi- gation, stating that the students of the University resent the "weak, vacillating nosition" of the recent race riot" is stated in the telegram to the Prosecuting Attorney. The open letter, written by Mar- garet Stevens, president of the Inter-Racial Association, explains the interest of the students here in the aftermath of }the riots, say- ing that "we have watched with mounting alarm the blundering attempts of the city officials to bring coherence out of confusion." Answering Dowling's Indict- ment of the N.A.A.C.P., Miss Stevens writes, "Certainly the long and nontwnrthv history of flect a lack of public confidence in law enforcement agencies," Miss Stevens declares that by this time "no thinking person" could have any confidence in these law en- forcement agencies after the ev- ents of the riots. Overcrowded housing conditions apd the great influx of Southern whites into Detroit caused the ri- ots, Miss Stevens says. The assertions of Dowling that the Negro people are responsible for the race riots is ridiculous, according to Miss Stevens. BERN, Switzerland, July 31.- Strong indications came from Rome tonight that peace was and is the real goal of Marshal Pietro Badoglio, but that presence of German troops fighting on Italian soil is the main obstacle. A statement from the government clarifying the issue was expected within the next three days, possibly within the next 24 hours. Axis diplo- mats had waited for it last night. The Neue Zurecher Zeitung;:re- ported from Chiasso that German re- inforcements continued to arrive in northern Italy by the Brenner Pass. Meanwhile in other major devel- opments: Frontier dispatches said German civiliansliving in Italy had been ad- vised today by their consuls to go home immediately. The Rome radio said Count Gale- azzo Ciano, son-in-law of Mussolini had resigned as Italian ambassador to the Vatican, possibly as a step peace, and Rome newspapers re- ported that Ciano and Mussolini were