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July 30, 1943 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-30

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FRIDAY, JULLY 30, 1943

_ __.

Fifty-Third Year

Straight from the Shoulder

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday and Tues-
day during the regular University year, and every morn-
ing except Monday and Tuesday during the summer
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved
Entered at the Post Offica at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff
Marion Ford . . . .Managing Editor
Bud Brimmer . . . . . Editorial Director
Leon Gordenter . . . City Editor
Harvey Frank . . . . . Sports Editor
Mary Anne Olson . . . . , Women's Editor
Business Staff
Jeanne Lovett . . . Business Manager
Molly Ann Winokur . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Spangler's Chasing the
Isolationist Dream Again
THIS WEEK it's Republican Chairman Harri-
son E. Spangler that's chasing the "galloping.
dreams" which he has accused Vice-President
Wallace of pursuing.
The Grand Old Party head was yesterday in
hot pursuit of the comfortable isolationist dream
which has fevered the stauncher Republican
minds for o these many years. Never adverse to
a little name-calling, he clashed with the Re-
publican Postwar Policy Association, accusing
them of "trying to split the Republican Party
wide open," and then went on to charge that "if
there is fascism in this country, it stems from
the palace guard of the New Deal."
The last accusation can be taken for the non-
sense to which it adds up. But his denunciation
of the most progressive, hopeful tendency yet
shown by the G.O.P. deserves serious considera-
The Postwar Association, meeting Monday
in New York, has vowed to go down the line
for party candidates and a party platform
committed to definite "cooperation in world
affairs." Although the group is unofficial,
and, indeed, a rival of Spangler's own commit-
tee on this subject, the Association recognized
that America is part of - an interdependent
world, and that the best hope for peace and
prosperity lies in actively working together
toward universal brotherhood and liberation of
SPANGLER, by denouncing this Association's
work only in terms of what it might do to the
Republican Party, has shown then that he re-
fuses to even consider the merits of its forth-
right resolutions. Party-minded Mr. S. is inter-
ested only in the obvious political play-that of
presenting a united Republican platform which
is a compromise broad enough to give lip service
to Middle Western "Nationalism" and to Liberal
Republican "Internationalism." He refuses to
recognize the main thing which the Association's
resolutions indicate-the fact that the little Re-
publicans all over the country are beginning to
wake up and have found isolationism or a con-
venient straddle worthless.
This is something Chairman Spangler should
weigh heavily and the next time he should not
be so hasty to denounce good work as "party-
splitting" if he'd like to see a Republican vic-
tory in 1944.
The sleep of detachment and the apathy of
isolationism are finished, Mr. Spangler. You
can't recapture dreams, you know.
- Bud Brimmer

President Promises
Fascist Punishment
THE ASSURANCE that the Fascists in Italy
will not escape the justice of the United Na-
tions was stated definitely by President Roose-
velt in his speech Wednesday night.
Even though hope for Italy's unconditional
surrender is becoming stronger every minute
with the rioting in that nation, the essential
point that the Mussolini regime and their lead-
er be brought to justice cannot be overlooked
in elation that part of the Axis is crumbling
in defeat.
The President has given proof that the fas-

I SUPPOSE many Michigan students went to
see "Mission to Moscow" when it played here.
I went to see the film Sunday with an engineer
friend of mine. He started out by telling me he
thought the picture was propagandized. He came
to the picture with a chip on his shoulder, look-
ing for some technical misrepresentations of
fact, or some filming defects and I am sorry to
say he found them. For when we came out of
the theatre he said: "Oh, it's a poor film, just
like Dixie Dugan."
Now this is not intended as an insult to the
engineers, for many lit students to whom I
spoke not only did not see the importance of
the film, but actually fell hook line and sinker
for the red-baiting line that the film was rank
Soviet propaganda. And what's more the large
majority of these students had not even seen
the film. When I asked some of these seers
where they got their information they looked
abashed and stuttered out something like, "Oh,
I don't know; I read it someplace."
THE REASON the film caused so much confu-
sion and controversy is not, by any means, a
mystery. Against it are arrayed all the tradi-
tionally anti-Soviet forces which vent their pent-
up hatred for Russia in this indirect and safer
way. Controlling the majority of American
newspapers, many American periodicals, and in-
cluding a Hearst-Norman Thomas coalition they
have established in the mind of almost every
American a healthy suspicion of the film.
"MISSION TO MOSCOW," they said, ."is
nothing but rank Communist propagan-
da straight from the Kremlin. It is distorted,
confused, false, and generally misleading."
That is what the Hearst press said day after
day. That is what the Call and the New Lead-
er, Socialist publications kept plugging week
after week. "Soviet propaganda, lies, false-
I do not believe what I read in the Hearst
press, nor do I put much stock in the vitriolic
red-baiting pronouncements of Norman Thomas,
but I must admit that when I saw the film this
week I felt prejudiced against it. I came away
convinced that, in content, it was one of the
greatest films ever produced by Hollywood.
WASHINGTON, July 30.- Just before he left
the United States for the war zone,'Archbishop
Francis J. Spellman of New York, the President's
closest link with the Vatican, told friends of
weekly conversations he had had with Pope Pius
XII in which His Holiness expressed hope for an
early understanding between the Vatican and
Soviet Russia.
Archbishop Spellman was secretary to the
Pope when, as Cardinal Pacelli, the Pope was
Vatican secretary of state, and he remains one
of Pius XII's most trusted confidants. All dur-
ing the war and until the New York archbishop
left the United States, the two conferred regu-
larly by trans - Atlantic phone at 1 p.m. on
These phone calls, never before publicized,
are one of the anomalies of the war. Though
this meant a telephonic hookup of two enemy
countries, connections were made promptly
and the conversations never censored or gar-
bled-at least from our side.
When the history of this war is written, it may
show that the trans-Atlantic calls between the
Pope and his closest adviser in the United States
played an important part in paving the way for
a rapprochement between the Vatican and Rus-
sia. Pius XII dropped many tell-tale hints in
these talks about discord in Italy, which were
relayed to the President.
Pope Against Dictators
Speaking from an enemy country, the Pope
could not of course unburden himself of his
innermost feelings toward the Axis, but Arch-
bishop Spellman told friends that he mani-

fested his contempt for Hitler and Mussolini
in subtle ways. He was extremely depressed
about the state of affairs in Europe and once
confessed to his former secretary:
"I'm very lonesome and worried. I wish you
could come over and visit me because I need
your advice very much."
It was shortly after this that Archbishop Spell-
man left to visit the Pope and to take up his:new
duties as "military vicar" of Catholic chaplains
of foreign war fronts. In the light of the fore-
going background, his itinerary is interesting.
After flying to Lisbon and thence to Madrid, a
Spanish plane carried him to Milan, Italy, from
where he was driven to the Vatican with an
escort of Italian soldiers.
In several of his trans-Atlantic talks with
Archbishop Spellman, Pius XII mentioned Rus-
sia and expressed hope that some way could be
found to bring about a religious accord which
would endure in post-war years. The Pope made
it clear that he looked to President Roosevelt to
blaze the trail.
When this was made known to Roosevelt
shortly before Archbishop Spellman's depar-
ture, the President pledged his whole-hearted
assistance. He urged the church leader to act

And it is the content of the film, not the
filming or acting, that are vitally important.
In fact it is the idea behind it-that the Soviet
Union has consistently stuck to an honest and
pro-democratic foreign policy, a policy based
on collective security and the preservation of
the independence of small democratic states,
that is vitally important. That "idea" is the
only true and logical analysis of Soviet foreign
"MISSION TO MOSCOW" shows how in the
Ethiopian crisis only Mr. Litvinov, delegate
of the Soviet Union to the League of Nations,
urged that the strongest measures be adopted
against the Italian aggressor; how in the case of
Czechoslovakia the Soviet Union was the only
nation that kept promising to the very end to
send its troops and planes, across foreign coun-
tries if need be, to aid Britain and France if
they would only resist Hitler; and how, only
after continued betrayal by England and France,
Russia decided to sign a pact with Germany to
gain time to strengthen its defenses. In the film
the age worn question of why Russia attacked
Finland is answered. It was not "an act of wan-
ton aggression." Russia, knowing that GermanyI
would turn against her at any moment, and
knowing that the fascist Mannerheim would
gladly join in a war against the Soviet Union
asked Finland to give her certain military bases
for which Russia offered to give twice as much
territory of less strategic importance. It was
only the pro-Nazi attitude of Mannerheim that
brought on the Finnish war.
Yes, these issues and the many others in the
film are important. They are the issues that
have been misrepresented throughout the exis-
tence of the Soviet Union. They are the issues
that we must understand if we are to work
with Russia on a basis of mutual trust and
understanding. They are the issues, such as
collective security against fascism, which had
we understood in 1936, would have sived us
the terrific costs of the present war.
1'd Ra*ther
L Be Right_
NEW YORK, July 30.- What role do we seek
for the average Italian in this war? Apparently
we want him only to stand still and not bother
us while we fight for freedom over his fields. We
want him to kindly step'-out of our way, while
we march to glory.'
So the talk is of a non-fascist government in
Italy, a government of nllities and neutrals, a
mindless and nerveless government of round
blank faces.
There was an ominous note in Mr. Churchill's
Tuesday speech, when he said we must have
some government in Italy with which to dead, a
government which will keep order while passing
through on our way to freedom.
Are the Italians to be only a mattress of
peoples, then, on which the great wrestling
match takes place? Is inaction to be their ac-
tion from now on? Have we nothing better to
say to forty millions of people, who know more
about fascism than any other people in the
world, than to ask them to stand aside?
We should let nothing in the world persuade
us that the Italians, after twenty-one years of
fascism, are doomed to be mere spectators at the
finish of the fight.
They have a function, and it is not to watch
us, but to stand beside us and fight with us.
Down with fascism in Italy, good enough. But
down with non-fascism, too, that bleak neuter,
that doctrine of pallid convenience. Up with
anti-fascism, which is an entirely different dish.
There lies the regeneration of Italy. We have
watched Italians stand on the sidewalks and
wave their handkerchiefs while we pass. It has
been fine, and heart-\varming. But it has gone
on long enough. Now there is a place for Ital-
ians in the street itself, and we shall be fearful
and foolish if we settle for less.
The rebuilding of Italy is a terrible task. A

weak and exhausted nation faces it. Where
shall Italians find energy for this job?
Where, but in taking part in the rebuilding
of Germany, too, and Europe, and the world?
But shall we put the Italians on ice, and quick-
freeze the historic process now coming to a
head among them with the fall of Mussolini,
and sentence them to suspended animation
for the duration of the war for freedom?
That is what it means, to recognize the gov-
ernment of Victor Emmanuel and Badoglio. And
it is only a step from a government we can deal
with, to a government we must help.
We face an awful and familiar choice. For if
we do not take our places now, beside the Italian
people, in their rising against all of Italian fas-
cism, we shall find ourselves taking our places
against them. We shall find ourselves preserv-
ing order, when order means keeping the Italian
people out of the fight against fascism, their own
and all others..
In the streets of Italy, men stir at last; and on
Italian newspapers writers begin timidly to tap
the forbidden keys of their typewriters; and one
Badoglio has been put in to halt all this. It is
the plan of Victor Emmanuel that there shall be
no rain after twenty-one years of lightning.

eeiiter6 to i/ic e tor
'.the friendliness of' Ann Arbor the I lowing incident will give you an
'AunALuthio t hgreatest memory they have to take idea of what I mean.
ALL this controversy about the with them. Forget the fancied slights Last week we girls were invited,
attitude toward the men in uni- and start today.
form, I should like to add my opin- -Ruth Bacon Buchanan yes, I might say even urged to vol-
ion. Aunt Ruth to men in service unteer for hostess duty at the em-
When one grows old, one's ideas 209 South State Street bryonic U.S.O. Generally speaking
are apt to become hard and fast, and the girls were too shy or busy to sign
often become intolerant. No so with up. However, one loyal young lady
young people for this is their ,own * did venture, and this is some idea of
age and these young men in uniform RECENTLY through the columns what happened. After dancing for
are of their age. I have not changed of your paper I have read opin- awhile she sat down with two ser-
mine in the sixty-odd years of my ions concerning the attitude of the vicemen for bridge. Soon another
lifetime. coeds to servicemen. I feel that the man in uniform came up and made
I never see a man in uniform opinions are purely from the mascu- the foursome. The rest of the eve-
that I do not want to stop and line viewpoint. I do not entirely dis- ning was spent in this manner. Near
shake his hand and tell him how agree with the opinions expressed, midnight the young lady arose, said
deeply grateful I am for his stead- but feel that the suggestions can go the usual thing of having a pleasant
fast and unwavering loyalty to our for the opposite sex as well. evening etc., and declared her inten-
country. Wearing the uniform of Most of the servicemen that I tion of going home. Not one of the
the Army and Navy, he assures us pass on the campus do not have a three men inquired as to her mode
all-old and young-of his pro- friendly smile, but ,a very preoc- of getting home. How would any girl
tection of us, and if, as a Marine cupied look or look as though they like to walk eight or ten blocks unes-
Captain wrote, "it takes death to were afraid the girls might speak corted at midnight. Maybe the days
carry the mission through." to them. I don't think all girls of chivalry are past, but surely not
These brave and courageous de- are out to "catch" every man in the days of decent courtesy.
fenders of our precious freedoms are uniform, but they could enjoy a I don't wish to appear harsh, may-
surely entitled to our friendliness, pleasant event with good company. be it was just thoughtlessness. But
our courtesy, and any kindness we However, -a girl does not want to I still think if our friends would hae
can do or give to them. Personally, appear bold. They too have friends, friendship they must show them-
I still feel that I should salute each not on the campus, whom they do selves friendly (not fresh) there is a
one of them. I do not do that, of not wish to forget. I'm not an difference, you know.
course, but I do speak to as many as eloquent writer, but maybe the fol- -H. E. Willobee
glance my way and say, "Good morn-
ing or good evening."
friendly-and the memory of the
friendliness of Ann Arbor will linger'W
long in the hearts of these brave lads ;.~;:
wherever they go. There is much
talk about keeping high the morale
of the men in camps and on the
fighting fronts-these men are in -
training the same as if they were in
any other camp or school. The boys
stationed here are far away from "WX-
their homes-we have a great and
wonderful responsibility to keep high V WA_#
the morale of the lads here in Ann+"Vl, ,:
Arbor. If I were in their place I s-2..' 9
certainly would expect that the peo
ple would be friendly. -'j' -.
We should all be proud that our
great University was one to bens r
chosen to give advanced training "r" k4u o -
to these fine young men. We, grad-*.
uates, students and townspeople
should treat our guests with all the
courtesy and friendliness due these "IRS
-men who have taken their oath to
protect us. We each have a re-
sponsibility to each one of them
for we owe them a debt we can
never repay. It is such a small 1, 2-
thing-friendliness-but a mighty, .
force when put to work. We have i a i3t6
no right to hold an imagined
grudge toward any of the men in
service for we are truly greatly in-
debted to them for their protec-
From letters written to me by s~~T
about seven hundred men in service,
I know that the memories of the *
friendly towns, in which they had
spent their training periods, live for- 'Bond selling, Red Cross, canteen work, first aid, block captain!-
ever in their hearts. Let us make Sometimes I think I'm over-trained for just one war!'

(Continued from Page 3)j
Change in University Year Salary
Payments in 1943-1944: During the
year 1943-1944 salaries for those on,
the academic or university year basis
will be paid as follows:1
Summer Session
Summer session staff will be paid
in two equal installments on July 31
and Aug. 31, 1943.
Summer Term
(a) Those teaching the first half
only will be paid in two equal install-,
ments on July 31 and Aug. 31, 1943.
(b) Those teaching the second
half only will be paid in two equal
installments on Sept. 30 and Oct. 31,
(c) Those teaching the entire
term will be paid in four equal in-
stallments on July 31, Aug. 31, Sept.
30, and Oct. 31, 1943.
Fall and Spring Terms 1943-1944:
Salaries will be paid in eight equal
installments on Nov. 30, 1943 and on
the last day of each succeeding
month through June 30, 1944.
Annuity and Insurance and Group
Surgery and Hospitalization Deduc-
tions: For those teaching through
the fall and spring terms, whether
during the summer or not, one-
eighth of total annual requirements
for annuity and insurance premiums
will be deducted from each of the
eight checks received during the per-
iod from November through June.
For group surgery and hospitaliza-
tion, two monthly premiums will be
deducted in November, one will be
deducted from each payment from
December through May, and four
monthly premiums will be deducted
from the June payment to cover the
summer months.
The above arrangements are for
the year 1943-1944 only and are oc-
casioned by the change in the aca-
demic calendar due to the war emer-
gency and the various features of the
Federal Withholding Tax.
- __ 1. -1. _7L. m __ 1_ ... _.

ing desk before noon Saturday, July
Gradute Outing Club: Members1
will meet at the club headquarters
at 2:30 on Sunday, Aug. 1, for a trip
to the Saline Valley Farms. Bring
your lunch and a bathing suit.-
Academic Notices,
Engineering Seniors: graduating in
October, and all NROTC men in
eighth term: The Senior Class Offi-
cer elections have been postponed,
and petitions may be handed in until
Aug. 2 at the Office of the Dean of
the College of Engineering. Elec-
tions will be held Aug. 5 and 6. ,
Preliminary examinations for the
doctorate in English will be given in
series: Aug. 4, 7, 11, 14. Please notify
Prof. N. E. Nelson by Aug. 1 of inten-
tion to take them.
-N. E. Nelson
Mentor Reports: Reports on stand-
ings of all Engineering freshmen will
be expected from faculty members
during the 5th week and again dur-
ing the 11th week of the semester.
These two reports will be due on July
31 and Sept. 11. Report blanks will
be furnished by campus mail.
Students who wish to enter a com-
bined curriculum at the beginning of
the fall term must make application
on or before Aug. 1 in Room 1210
Angell Hall. There will be a $5 fee
for late registration.
Comprehensive Examination in
Methods and Materials required of
all who will receive a Master's De-
gree in Music Education this sum-
mer, Saturday, July 31, 10 to 12,
Room 506, Burton Tower.
-David Mattern
History 347s. Seminar in Hispanic
American History. There will be a

Record Concert at Horace H. Rack-
ham School: Another of the weekly
concerts will be given Tuesday eve-
ning at 7:45 p.m. The program will
consist of the following recordings:
Weber's Overture to Oberon, Moz-
art's Quintet in C Major, Mendels-
sohn's Symphony No. 4 in A Major,
Strauss' Don Juan and Gershwin's
Rhapsody in Blue. Servicemen are
cordially invited to Join the.Grad-
uate. Students for these concerts.
jRackham Galleries: Exhibition of
Paintings from ten Latin-American
Republics. From the collections of
the Museum of Modern Art,. New
York. Open 2 to 5, and 7 to 10 daily,
except Sundays. July 26 to Aug. 14.
Events Today
The Language Examination. for
candidates for the Master's degree
in History will be given this after-
noon from 4 to 5 in Room 216 Haven
There will be a French tea today
at 4 p.m. in the Cafeteria of the
Michigan League.
Round Table Discussion: "China
After the War as Forecast by the
Chinese Themselves" under the lead-
ership of Prof. Hsing-Chih Tien at
4:15 today in the Rackham Amphi-
Coming Events
All former members of the School
of Education Workshops are invited
to attend the 11 o'clock assembly
Monday in University High School
Auditorium. Meet in Room 1203.

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