THE MIChIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, ULY $0,1$48 C7mnnw A T n Keeps Their Chins Up Arm y SoftballI Team To Play F i r st A Game T i hese men have had considerable ex- erience in radio and stage work. tangler Wrote Shows; Stanzler wrote several shows while > ,t Ohio State University and did' onsiderable theatre work in Provi- ence, R. I. before his entrance into he Army. Rush has acted at the4 lollywood Playhouse and was form- rly a professional radio announcer. ebut in "Nips" Acerno, Cotler and Yudkoff have lready made their Ann Arbor debut: ,ith Co. A hit show "Nips in the 3ud" on which they collaborated. .'~/$;' Acerno, leading comedian of the ..%: ?; kit tomorrow, has had considerable jroadway experience, while red- aired "Andy Hardy" Cotler did a " Teat deal of literary work at Colum- r.>' )a University. (u kff Directed at Celumbiak Yudkoff, director of "Nips," wasM lirector of the Columbia University MAv Y EsLsOT 'layers when that organization won - movie actress was named he 1939 and 1940 awards of ASCAP some American fliers in Sicily a ith the best college musical produc- their squadron's "chin-up" gi ions in the country. who "keeps up your morale." In addition to these men, others vith considerable background will into that of a dramatic actor willI ppear on the program. Pvt. Allan Beach. Beach, who was Dther Showmen On featured soloist .with the Co. A A Cpl. Harold Folland has announced Soldier Chorus which sings as usu ver national networks and will do on the program under the directi he announcing on this program. The of Bill Sawyer. ride of the Stanford Gaities, Pvt. Program Now Half-Hour [ohn Boucher joins with the Cornell Dramatic Club's Pvt. Grant Good- i Stretched from its ordinary nan and Philip Foisie, a former Har- minutes t a half hour tomorrow, ti ard stage satellite, to -help strength-I broadcast will offer the combinati mn the "Army Goes to College" of songs and skits which Co. A h hem "C specialized in since the presentati Stepping out of his singing role of "Nips in the Bud" at the close ______ing____t____h_____mgmg___ the spring term. The All-Soldier chorus will si War Bonds Issued Here! "Salvation is Created" by Tschne nikoff, "The Little Red Drum," a Continuous Cool!1 "A Soldier's Goodnight," which ori from l PM inally appeared in "Nips," duri their broadcast tomorrow. Now Playing ZtR ' COb MICA 25c ad 500 6LASS JARS NEW .. mae especially for SENSITIVE SKINS 1. Contains a special _"ski. M;. condtioner" 2. Is a cool, easy-tq-ase shv- ing cream 3. Contains all ingredients for a swell after-shave feel f / " BRUSH USEII AI , F R -and you won't forget the shocking picture Damon Runyon calls4 "One of the finest icturesever made" C 'Plete ine o Hoir Preparaton for sale at DRUG STORE 340 South State THE REXALL STORE ON THE CAMPUS ' - tiiony Iluinn Wiiiia, Eythi Dana Andrews . Mary Beth Hughes LIK HER'., Anthony Quinn Wi iam Eythe Henry Morgan - Jane Darwell A Irr Medical, Dental Group Challengedl To Play Co. C-3 at Palmer Field The new softball team formed by Army medical and dental students stationed in Victor Vaughan House will play its first game at 4 p.m. to- morrow at Palmer Field with Co. C-3, 361st S.U. Co. C Issues Challenge Challenged by Co. C-3, which has already won games played with the other units of Co. C from Fletcher Hall and the Pi Lambda Phi house,. the Vaughan team will present theI formidable battery of Bob Kolesar, Wolverine grid star, as pitcher, and Morrie Bikoff, the "Mighty Mite" of basketball fame, as catcher. Vaughan Team Listed The Vaughan House team includes the following men: James Nering, short center field; Kolesar, pitcher; Alex Weinberg, first base; Clayton Konas, second base; Irving Levitt, third base; Ziggy Zawacki, short- stopJoe Picard, left field; Bikoff, catcher; Ed Banta, center field; and Bob Ideson, right field. Utility men for the team are Joe Rogers, Don Brown, Nelson Bach, Richard Walker and Howard Eddy. Co. C Gives Lineup Co. C-3's lineup consists of Wesley Farbach, first base; Jack Steppling, second base; Bus Burdett, shortstop; catcher; Moose Kolombatovich, pitcher; John Swanson, right field; Duke Rex, center field; Mickey Mick- ilosky, left field; and Bud Marr, short center field. Substitutes are Jack Emlach and Bob Potash. y rl be a 11- aal ion I 15 he on as on of ing es- nd ig- ing Servicemen Ask For More Coeds At USO Dances "More women, more coeds," the majority of servicemen who turned in written suggestions Friday and Saturday nights as to how the League USO functions could be im- proved, state emphatically. Although the plea for coeds was predominant, there was a deluge of other suggestions, all pointing to the need for a USO with greater recrea- tiUnal facilities, where men without prtners at the moment or men who do not dance would have a place to go. "A ping-pong table would be swell," and "Lots more records," were two of the comments. Another sol- dier asked, "What about a billiard table?" Several soldiers requested a post exchange. "Could you persuade the merchants around town to permit a PX? We need one badly," read one slip. Many of the suggestions read "More USO," and "USO is great but there isn't enough of it." On ten slips the servicemen's hearty ap- proval of the whole USO idea and a demand for greater facilities was re- corded by the simple statement, "More!" Exhibit Held At Rackham Ten Latin American Countries Represented With the opening of the exhibition, "Paintings from Ten Latin American Countries," last Monday at the gal- leries of the Rackham Building an opportunity has been offered to study representative' art of Argen- tina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, F~quador, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. Consisting of 54 items, the exhibi- tion is circulated by The Museum of Modern Art, New York. The major part of the exhibition was obtained through gift or pur- chase and belongs to the Museum itself. Represented are oil paintings, water colors,. ink drawings, temperas, lithographs, monotypes and pencil sketches. Also included in the exhibition is "The Subway" by the Mexican, Oroz- co, which was the gift of Mrs. John Dt. Rpckefeller, Jr. It was this par- tiular oil painting that started the collection of Latin American art by the Museum in 1935. The exhibit is open to the public from 3 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 10 p.m. daily except Sunday and will extend through Saturday, August 14. NOW SHOWING Shoe Problem D:iffcat for PregulmanI CHEMICAL RESEARCH: *'U' T o Prod Synthetic rubber and various plas- tics will be produced for research in cannection with the course in Plas- ties and High Polymers offered for niors and graduates by the Depart- nent of Chemical Engineering under tae direction of Prof. Donald W. McCready. The course deals with the funda- mental principles underlying poly- rnerization, which is the building up a.' k -" of substances to a high molecular weight at which they become plastics --r synthetic rubber, depending on the.material, according to Professor McCready. The five kinds of synthetic rub- ber and various plastics now known .aout will be treated in relation to industrial fields and products, and heir physical and chemical engi- neering properties. Types Are 10 Years Old These types of synthetic rubber have all been known about for about ten years, according to Professor Mc- Cready, but the difficulties and ex- pense of producing them have held ap extensive research as long as natural rubber was available. lMervin Pregulman, Michigan grid center and member of the Navy Used in :Oil Proadugts V-12 training program, has larger feet than the Navy had planned on However, as synthetic rubber is outfitting. Pregulman's "gigs," Navy term for rowboat, demanded a highly resistant to oil, much more size 14-D. so than natural rubber, it has been used widely to line gas station hoses, ii pipelines and in other products lealing with oil and certain chemi- Largest Feet N ! ew Forensic 1als. Chloroprene, the synthetic rubber Ct Prob mana Er C osen sed as an oil resistant was the first For N(IVy V4T2 Don Hargis of Speech It's not the lack of a number 18 Department Appointed coupon that makes the shoe situation' Don Hargis of the speech depart- :o difficult for Mervin Pregulman, ment has been appointed manager of Michigan grid center and member of ,he Michigan High School Forensic he V-I2 training program. Acsociation for the coming year, Nowhere in the shipment of GI Piof. G. E. Densmore, chairman of shces for some 1300 Navy and Ma- the speech department announced i'ne men stationed here was a pair large enough for Pregulman.eterday. The big feet that propel the pigskin Mr. Hargis has served as a teach- for the Varsity team require size ing fellow on the speech faculty forfV d 14-D, "something we didn't plan on," two years. During this time he has Navy officials said yesterday. "In the been working on his doctor's degree Navy we call them 'gigs,' our term in the field of radio.t\ o.b for rowboat," the official added. Taught at Oregon . la0TOf'e Keh Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity broth- Before coming to the University " boft11}"m ers said yesterday that "Merv" al- Mr. Hargis taught at the UniversityM1 ways had to have his shoes made to of Oregon, having charge of all stu- lp' .' "n*. order. dent radio programs and directing b i al to However, Pregulman isn't the only the women's symposium. man in the Navy whose feet are He received his A.B. degree from larger than the usual size. "We've the University of California and his found a number who need 12 and master's degree from the University 13's," officials said. of Minnesota. Navy supply cffice indicated the Takes Over in September sItuation would soon be undet con- Mr. Hargis will assume his new of- trcl. "Pregulman's 14-D's are on their i fice September 1. He will replace Dr. way." they :aid. Arthur Secord, who is leaving to ---Iteach at the University of Missouri. j ( Tol (k$YJci - ire. Over 300 Michigan high schools participate annually in the contents t5 of the Michigan High School Foren- .ic Association. The Association has "England Today" will be the sub charge of contests in five distinct ject of a lecture by R. H. Jones, pro- fields. lessor at the University of Oxford, at 10 a.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Amphitheatre. All members of the Graduate Professor Jones. who is working Outing Club who are planning to with the British Education Associa- attend the party to be held from tion, is in the United States to in- 8 p.m. to 11:45 p.m. Friday, Aug. 6, vestigate what American universities in the Rackham Building are re- are doing in the field of workers' crested to leave their names at the education. information desk in the Rackham The lecture, which is free of charge, loby by noon tomorrow. is open to the public. RADIO AND RECORD SHOP CALKINS-FLETCIJ 'Jrc' cu/s 324 South State Sele('/OIIs frow /he Ro/h S/ring Quarlet While the University of Michigan Presents MR. FERRI RO'1'H and MR. EDEL 'Is L1,iest ro f essors of the School of Music oy EOaQR)IiaG Haydn ...........Quartet in C Major, Opus 33, No. 3 Haydn...........Quartet in D Major, Opus 76, No. 5 Mozart ...........Quartet in B. Flat Major (K458) Beethoven ....... Quartet in F. Major, Opus 59-No. 1 Beethoven ..... Quartet in F. Minor, Opus No. 95 Escape From Undera Tchikovsky ..... Quartet in D Major, Opus 11S EET Harris . .... Quartet No. 3 BRUNSWICK COLLECTOR ' SERIES Hidden down deep in the n fume is an ingredient which but deodorizes too. ApplyJ SWEET ESCAPE with yourf 1001 .... .ed Nichols escape from underarm unp 1002 Pine Time Smith Boogie ing -refreshing and entire 1003 Boswell Sisters_________________ 1004... ....CabCAowyDRY, SENSITIVE SKIN? 1006 . .. Jinignie Noone 1007 ....Penny G:oodman kA N "°* s. ';%e 1ke a :c .°Pebe rhdt GORES State With per ion, s of w~eet ool- hes. .in " Pe- i- NEST ..e Plastics ever to be made commercially suc- cessfully in the United States. Buna S Accepted The rubber accepted as most com- parable to natural rubber in its phy- sical properties and conforming to the present machinery set up in this country for processing rubber, is Buna S. Research and experimenta- tion are still going on with this pro- duct which is being used to some extent by the Army. Butyl Resists Weather Butyl, best synthetic rubber for in- ner tubes as it resists weathering remarkably well, is being produced in tremendous quantities now for military purposes. Thiokol, although not a good rub- ber for tire uses, has provided excel- lent recaps for tires. Buna N, the last type of synthetic iubber known about, is not ,easy to handle, and has been used very little. Equipment already owned by the University is now being set up in order to produce these plastics in la)oratory work as a part of the course. Will Study All Types All kinds of plastics are treated in t~he course. Styrene, which is used for electric insulation, radio and tel- evision sets; phenolics plastics which are bakelite substances; vinyl pro- ducts which make transparent belts, bill folds, watch straps and now fire- proof insulation will all be built up in laboratory work and studied ex- tensively in' class. *1 ER DRUG SI 818 South rm Perspiration ECAE ng Perfume mystery of this exquisite not only checks perspirat just a few heavenly drop finger tips and you find sN leasantness for the day. C ely harmless to your clot . ..':7:": I contain