THE MICHIGAN:DIL TIITJUSDAY, JT1L~297 Fifty-Third Year WHILE WE WATCH... 1 ; ThatWondrfl. 1Town... -y. r' Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control f Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday and Tues- day during the regular University year, and every morn- ing except Monday and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Offict at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptionsduring the regular school year by car- -rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 Editorial Staff Marion Ford . . Bud Brimner Leon Gordenker Harvey Frank ., . Managing Editor . . Editorial Director . . . City Editor . . . Sports Editor '.-. t -... Mary Anne Uison . . . . .women's aor Business Staff Jeanne Lovett . . . Business Manager Molly Ann Winokur Associate Business Manager ' Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MARGARET FRANK Editorials published in The Michigan Daily' are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. IN CASE anyone is interested, it looks as if Chicago will be run by the Kelly-Nash ma- chine till the war is over and then some. Lake Michigan's thriving metropolis being my home town, I had occasion to spend last week- end there. The traffic and traction problems are just as bad, the slums are just as slummy, and I haven't heard any clarion's being rung for the end of graft in general among the political gentry, whose ranks are multitudinous indeed. But I'm willing to give odds right now that Xelly and his merry men will be in for a long time to come. In fact, Chicagoans, who have shown such an insatiable willingness to have their pockets picked the past ten years, prob- ably love the old rascal now more than ever, even those not on the payroll, and there are a few who aren't. It seems the boys in the back room got to- gether some time ago and. decided that with magazine articles exposing corruption, a threat- ening Republican counter machine, and even a blast or two from the Tribune, which is usually too busy with Roosevelt to hotice the smell at home, maybe that old devil public sentiment would catch on even in Chicago. Something would have to be done that looked good on the record for a change, even though it would prob- ably cut some of the boys up pretty much to have to dish out their hard filched coin. TAE RESULT was a campaign to make Chicago 4. the serviceman's paradise, and with the Win- dy City flair for spectacle when necessary, it's turned out to be just that. Chicago has several USO and the like centers, all of which are good, and in particular a big one in the Loop which has a reputation among the servicemen I know as being the best in the country. There's a big pavillion and bathing beach on the Outer Drive for servicemen exclusively. Food is free, beds are free, everybody's happy, including the city administration. Street signs and posters welcoming the weary soldier and sailor are rife, all bearing the fatherly signature, of course, of Edward J. Kelly, Mayor. In fact, almost everywhere you go there is that hearty handshake atmosphere, and everywlere possible there is due acknow- ledgment to the governing father of the town. And the machine rolls smoothly on once more. THE PHENOMENON of the Kelly-Nash extrav- aganza dates back to depression days, when nobody gave much of a damn who was running the town. The Kelly outfit joined hands with former Mayor Anton Cermak's clique after Cer- mnak had given his life, taking a bullet intended for Roosevelt in, I believe, 1932, in Florida and Kelly with his genial Irish smile was a perfect front man to please the heavy Irish and Catholic population of the town. Since then he's been smilingly heading one of the most efficiently organized groups of political highwaymen this country has ever seen. Their record, as I said, has had quite a few odorific airings in several good magazine articles. One peculiar feature of this machine is that while it has. a streamlined organizational setup on top, their methods are strictly old fashioned clambake ones. A good time for everyone, that's the general theme of their sell to the public. The politicians in Chicago have picnics, boat rides, benefit balls, as often as possible; the standard rule is to get as many people on the payroll dir- ectly or indirectly, one wayor another, no matter how small the capacity, the assumption being that everyone is a vote and so are their sisters and their cousins and their aunts. These plus the old frontier system of having registered vot- ers in vacant lots, haunted houses, and so forth, round up a top-heavy majority every year. The real issues, like the traction one, the Negro housing problem, the fact that Chicago has a greater city debt than any other in the country, never enter anyone's heads, and why should they, ehum. Step up and have another brew on the Fourth Ward and forget about it. This serviceman splurge is the first thing Chi- cago has shelled out for the common benefit of any import since the era of Big Bill Thompson in the twenties. Thompson also had his machine and his graft but he didn't mind parting with a lot of it to build parks, roads, etc. The Kelly- Nash lunch had nothing but empty beer bottles and dead picnic fires to show for their years of public service. That's why I believe this is the most solidify- ing move they've made in ten years, when they can point to their record and say, "Look at all those servicemen we make happy. We're not such bad guys after all. Have another brew on the Fourth Ward." As a matter of fact, there isn't much to choose from in Chicago politically. If the Kelly show gets the hook, a Republican machine backed by Col. McCormick and long thirsting for their turn at the trough, will be ushered in with their hands out. At least Kelly does the one good public service of garnering several million ballots for Roosevelt, not because he believes in Roosevelt's New Deal, but because the machine needs the backing of the Democratic Party. Souns more like honest politics that way. It's a gay town, the Windy City is these days, with all those smiling young soldiers and sail- ors. Ed and Pat Nash are a couple of smart ones all right. Step up and have another on the Fourth Ward, chum. War isn't such hell after all. - J.M. I'd Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON " NEW YORK, July 29.- The overturn in Italy is a first cousin to the recent overturn in Argen- tina. Both were revolutions designed to keep revolutions from happening. The first acts of both regimes were to stop the mouths of the people, to forbid assemblies, to ban parades and manifestations. There- fore we are entitled to say that these regimes came in, not as the result of popular action, but to head off popular action. In both countries, the powers that be have merely decided that a new formula is needed to keep the people down. In other words, Mussolini has not been thrown out because he is an evil man, but because he is no longer able to do the job he was initially put in power to do. He has not been dismissed be- cause he is a fascist; he has been dismissed be- cause he is an ineffective fascist. He has not been fired because of what he did, but because of fear that he would no longer be able to do it. These are the abiding realities. Black Shirts may come and Black Shirts may go, but reaction in Italy endureth. KDAILY OFFICIAL'I BULLETIN THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1943 VOL. L111, No. 23-S All notices for The Daily Official Bulle- tin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the daypreceding its publi- cation, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.' Notices Faculty of the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: The five- wveek freshman reports will be due Saturday, July 31, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. -Arthur Van Duren Chairman, Academic Counselors Faculty Form A and Form C: Each faculty member teaching in a regu- lar or special program is asked to fill out copies of Administrative In- DRAMA I J p n a ,a e m a t h is, r r b ,a i t is t Is FLEET'S IN: University U.S.O. Needs Greater Dancing Space THE NEED HAS BEEN URGENT for some sort of unified campus U.S.O. to entertain the four thousand servicemen who have descended upon Michigan's campus for training; and now that the women have gotten their organization functioning there is just one difficulty-lack of space. The University U.S.O. is a splendid organiza- tion, and all the women who have signed up to devote one evening to dancing with the mili- tary men are to be complimented. The few affairs thus far have proved that a good time was had by all except that the floor was en- tirely too crowded for comfortable dancing. . A medium-large room such as the Grand Rap- ids room in the League was never meant to be invaded by a large group of hearty, lively sailors interested in a little jive. And When such a room is taken over the result is a mild sort of bedlam with an unusual number of bruised ankles and weary hostesses. There is a desperate need for a larger room for the University U.S.O. Four thousand ser- vicemen and their hostesses deserve more ade- quate space for their social activities. - Margaret Frank A FASCIST? GOP Span gler Hurls Charges at Wallace H ARRISON E. SPANGLER, chairman of the Republican National Committee, cheerfully tossed his hat into the ring of current name- callers by accusing Vice-President Wallace last Tuesday of "playing into Fascist hands." Guilty of resorting to one of the most in- sidious methods of propaganda-that of cast- ing out broad hints on Wallace's patriotism without making any direct accusation-Spang- ler has succeeded only in drawing unfavorable atteniton to himself. The fact that he is a Republican has nothing to do with the merits of the case he so inade- quately presents against the Administration. Not one shred of evidence or proof does he offer;- not one attempt does he make to refute Wallace's accusations-if accusations they may be called. All he says is, "If there is Fascism in this country, it stems from the 'palace guard' of the New Dea."-which sounds very nice, but means nothing. Those people and groups whom Wallace called "American Fascists" are the isolationists, the reactionaries-and not specifically the Republi- can voters. It is true that the Vice-President did call those to task who are attempting to destroy everything Roosevelt has accomplished on the domestic front over the last ten years. IT IS TRUE that Wallace did condemn those who want to go back to the "good old days" as well as those who say "let's not do anything till we see what England and Russia are planning." But just exactly how this Justifies Spang- ler's charge that Wallace has started on the path of setting group against group and un- loosing 15 months of political warfare on the country is less clear than the proverbial mud puddle.- Wallace has been accused of being an imprac- tical dreamer, but if ever civilization needed dreamers it's now. The nations of the world can use someone who firmly declares, "Ours must be a generation that will distill the stamina and provide the skills to create a war-proof world." And America needs someone who tells her . , formation Sheets immediately andf to leave them in the hands of the1 department secretary or the depart-c ment chairman by the afternoon oft Friday, July 30, at the very latest.k This change in date is made because the Navy is requesting certain en-r rcllment information next week. N All regular enrollments of coursese of the summer session and the firstI half of the summer term as well as1 Navy and Marine enrollments of! these courses are to be reported onk Form A. All courses of other special programs are to be reported on Form1 C. Blanks may be obtained from the department secretary.1 Department secretaries will see that the President's copy is available for collection Saturday morning. Ad-! ditional blanks, if needed, may be secured from the Office of Educa- tional Investigations. -C. S. Yoakum Notice to all Delta Tau Delts on Campus: The Delta Chapter is giving! a welcoming party for all delts who are stationed here in the service. At the Shelter! 1928 Geddes! 8:30 Saturday. July 31. Graduate Outing Club: All mem- bers of the Graduate Outing Club who will attend the party in the Rackham Building from 8 to 11:45 p.m. Friday, Aug. 6, please leave your names at the Rackham Build- ing desk before noon Saturday, July 31. Graduate Outing Club: Members will meet at the club headquarters at 2:30 on Sunday, Aug. 1, for a trip to the Saline Valley Farms. Bring your lunch and a bathing suit. Lectures Round Table Discussion: "China After the War as Forecast by the Chinese Themselves," under the leadership of Prof. Hsing-Chih Tien, Friday, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theatre. Auspices of the Summer Session. Academic Notices The language examination for candidates for the Master's degree in History will be given Friday, July 30, from 4 to 5 in Room 216 Haven Hall. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and Architecture; Schools of Education, Forestry, Music, and Public Health: Summer Session stu- dents wishing a transcript of this summer's work only should file a re- quest in Room 4, U.H., several days before leaving Ann Arbor. Failure to file this request before the end of the session will result in a needless delay of several days. -Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar Engineering Seniors: graduating in October, and all. NROTC men in eighth term: The Senior Class Offi- cer elections have been postponed, and petitions may be handed in until Aug. 2 at the Office of the Dean of the College of Engineering. Elec- tions will be held Aug. 5 and 6. Exhibitions Rackham Galleries: Exhibition of Paintings from ten Latin-American Republics. From the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Open 2 to 5, and 7 to 10 daily, except Sundays. July 26 to Aug. 14. Events Today Russian Tea: There will be aRus- sian Tea at 4 o'clock at the Interna- tional Center today. Persons inter- ested in speaking Russian are cor- dially invited. HE MICHIGAN Repertory Players presented the traditional Chinese play "Lady Precious Stream" last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre to a tolerant and occasionally amused audience. The play is a ven- erable one (in a new translation) to which the Chinese Theatre brings its age-encrusted theatre technique. Of this, Mr. Chen will, undoubtedly, have much to say if you will but skip this portion of the review and read what he has written to the right. Valentine Windt and Claribel Baird have managed the difficult duty of bringing "Lady Precious Stream" to Ann Arbor audiences with consider- able artfulness. One assumes that it is not the fault of the direction that the inventive stage business is inclined to wear a trifle thin before the long evening is over. One as- sumes, further, that the slowness of pace and the frequent listlessness and lack of energy of the large cast are caused by the age of the play and not the age of the actors (or actresses, to be more exact). The best performance of the eve- ning is that of Genevieve Edwards who plays Wang with good sense, en- ergy, understanding and conscious humor. Gertrude Slack as General Mu brought a nice feeling of sincerity to the Drama of the Third Pass, and a humorous good-natured dignity which, one may observe, was sadly lacking during, much of the play. Barbara White, playing the difficult part of the hero of the piece, was both personable and pleasant. Ruth Sobotka is an appealingly tiny ac- tress, with a voice inclined, unfortun- ately, to sound peaked, and she is quite loveable as the heroine. Blanche Holpar looked and sounded quite right as the mother. The single set is serviceable and extremely pleasing on the eyes. The costumes, to keep it short, were very lush. The play had its amusing mo- ments. -Richard McKelvey "LADY PRECIOUS STREAM" was adopted from a popular Chinese opera translated into English by Dr. S. I. Hsiung. Genevieve Edwards and Blanche Holpar enacted Prime Minister Wang and his wife, respectively, with re- straint and true understanding of Chinese gestures and mannerisms, Ruth Sobotka portrayed Lady 'Pre- cious Stream with tenderness and charm. However, judging from the viewpoint of old Chinese opera, she could have injected a little more modesty and genuine shyness into the character. Barbara White played Hsieh Ping-Kuei admirably. Though, there is a certain lack of masculinity in her portrayal, especially in part I. Fawn Atkins, Miriam Ruge and many others all did well in their respective parts. Clarence Foster, acting as the narrator, captured the real spirit of a belletristic gentleman of the Tang Dynasty. It is regrettable that part of the third act was cut out to avoid a lengthy performance. The part deals with the interesting situation in which Hsieh Ping-kuei tried to test the fidelity of his wife upon his re- turn from the eighteen-year cam- paign in Western Regions. In 'my opinion, that. part is full of drama and typical Chinese subtlety. The stage setting adhered closely to that of Chinese opera, which means that there is no scenery. The actors, therefore, must grasp the at- tention of the audience. The cos- tumes were richly- colored though not authentic, but they offer a striking contrast against the plain back- ground. A sincere tribute is due Prof. Val- entine Windt and his staff whose courage and skillful direction were responsible for the greater part of the success. The true significance of this play is worth noting. Through this play, one phase of life in Chinese history is introduced to the American public. -Raymond C. F. Chen 4 GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty I" .sEARSON'S 1., MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON, July 29.- Unsung U.S. heroes who contributed heavily to Mussolini's downfall were Italian-American boys smuggled into Sicily several weeks before U.S. troops landed. How they got ashore must remain a military secret. But the fact that they got there is now recognized as a part of military operations, just as the, advance landing of Lt. Gen. Mark Clark, in North Africa, carrying bags of U.S. gold. These Italian - Americans were especially trained in the dangerous, delicate job of win- ning over military garrisons in advance of a landing force. In Sicily they had the advan- tage of speaking the language and being able to visit the Iomes of their relatives, few of whom loved Mussolini. From there they were able to work around to various military leaders. It has long been known that Italian military leaders were of two types. One, is the profes- sional soldier like Field Marshal Badoglio, who was in the army before Mussolini's time and has no love for the Fascists. Also he has no love for the Nazis, and so was not too difficult to win over to the 4llied side. Other type of Italian military leaders is the Fascist Blackshirt, who rose throngh favors from Il Duce, but who usually is susceptible to coin of the realm. Presumably U.S. advance scouts were supplied with what Gen. Clark took with him in advance into North Africa. At any rate, expert advance work by patriotic. Italian-Aperican4, plus the popularity of the United States in Sicily, contributed to one of the most, bloodless landing expeditions in history. Gen. Giraud's Waterloo Gen. Giraud was shown all the sights of Wash- ington during his stay here, including the War Department's massive Pentagon Building, rated as the, largest office building in the world. After the French commander had been led The mistake some of us make is "fascism" a thing-in-itself, like In itself it is nothing. It is merely faces worn by reaction. The time to consider applesauce. one of-the may come I wish I could tell whether it was love or not-like in measles, I broke out in a rashI' Letters to the Editor when the only way to continue fascist rule is' to throw out a fascist party. Then it is done. Come, are we really such children that we can- not understand this? Yet how happy some of our commentators are that the King of Italy's proclamations are no longer dated: "Done in the twenty-first year of the fascist era . . ." Italian fascism now dates its deeds by the Christian calendar. What a great change, forsooth! And the Italian radio no longer plays "La Giovanezza" at the conclusion of its news broad- casts! There is a fine revolutionary overturn for you., To those who roll these crumbs of comfort over their tongues it must be said with firmness that when the Italian people do finally move they shall move for other ends than to change the musical signature of Radio Rome or the wording of :royal proclamations. I .have no doubt that the most enormous sensations are impending in Italy, that Italians will stop fighting soon, that Italian soldiers will come home from the Balkans, that a way to peace will be sought and perhaps found. The installation of Badoghio is not a maneuver to prevent defeat. Italian defeat is inevitable. This is a maneuver by Italian reaction to make itself at home in the magpie's nest of defeat. It is a maneuver to make the defeat meaning- less. This is not an effort to save the Italian people from defeat; it is an effort to keep them from getting anything out of their defeat. It is a maneuver to place the whole cost of defeat on the people of Italy. It is a plan to insure that the bill for defeat, in terms of re- venge and reform, will not be presented to T SEEMS TO ME that the publica- tion of such a headline as "Soviet Dogma: Russian Gospel of Hate to Destroy a Free World" displays en- tirely mistaken zeal in trying to be fair. In the first place the article upon which the headline allegation is made distinctly ascribes this atti- tude to a group known as "Young Russia." Germany has been fight- ing to exterminate the Jews, Poles, Czechs, and Russians. The evidence that this has been taken literally by great groups of German soldiers, is the resulting murder of literally mil- lions of Jews, Poles, Czechs and Rus- sians. The threat to Americans would be the same today had not the Rus- sians, particularly; succeeded in holding fast, and with the aid of the English and the Chinese and the otherAllied nations, prevented the complete destruction of all who stood between the German (and Italian at 5 o'clock. It is important that everyone be present. Xi Chapter of Pi Lambda Theta, national honor association of women in Education, will hold its annual picnic at the Island today. Members will meet at the front entrance of the University High School atn5:30 p.m. Each member is requested to bring her own food. Misses Laurena Beadle, Bernice Adrian, Miriam Kan- and Japanese) desire to conquer by wholesale murder. Should the Rus- sians and the Poles and Czechs' and Jews begin now to love the Germans and Italians? The problem to assure a just peace' finally is sufficiently difficult so that the singling out of some chance phrase of Russians to make the Rus- sians appear to be different from Americans, Poles, Czechs, and Brit- ish seems to me a distinct dis-service to the war effort. We have those who still cry "Communist" at any- thing suggested by the Russians or those desirous of collaborating fully with the Russians. Personally I believe that a just peace will require tribunals who by judicial process will condemn~t to death hundreds of thousands of German and possibly Italian sol- diers who have participated in the atrocities in Greece, in France, in Norway, and in Holland and in Russia. I believe that Germans should be compelled somehow to restore hundreds of thousands of homes that have been destroyed. I believe that no Germans should be left after the war with any property that belonged to Polish, to Czechs, to Russians, or to any of those people in occupied epun tries. How this is to be done is suffi- ciently complicated so that silly ut- French Tea: There French Tea today at 4 International Center. will be a p.m. at the International Center: The regular Thursday tea will be held this after- noon flrom 4 until 6 p.m. Allforeign students and their American friends are invited. Carnival Booth Chairmen: There