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July 12, 1942 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-12

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. P , tf [t ilt Daily




Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
The Summer Daily is published every morning except
Monday and Tuesday.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc,
College Publishers Representative
420 MAoieoNi Ava. NEW YORK. N. 1G.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff
Homer Swander . . . Managing Editor
Will Sapp . . . City Editor
Mike Dann Sports Editor
Hale Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho,
Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel
Business Staff

Edward Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Morton Hunter

. . . Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
. . Publications Manager



The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

National Unity Necessary
For American Victory.. ..
N EVER in the history. of our country
has the need for preserving and
strengthening our democratic principles of gov-
ernment been greater. From foreign battle fronts
we are deluged with discouraging news. The fall
of our great Russian ally looms once more on
the horizon as a grim possibility while in Egypt
the Suez Canal remains in imminent peril be-
fore Rommel's desert legions.
To all appearances we are entering what may
prove to be the most trying months in the history
of the United States, and we must enter a deter-
mined and unified nation.
We are not united now. That is a fact the
American people must realize. Splitting the
ranks of American unity are racial prejudice,
politics, business interests, wildcat strikes and
other more minor rift-creating factors. Far
from discouraging this disunity which is defi-
nitely injuring our war effort, certain persons,
wittingly or unwittingly, are fostering and
nurturing these rifts.
THE BASIS of American unity must be the
powerful democratic principles that have
been developed during our history as a nation.
Unlike the Nazis, we cannot create unity by
promising rich loot and power over all peoples.
The United States is fighting to create a lasting
peace, not to rule the world. Nor have we tiat
unity which saved the British when they were
menaced by German invasion hordes after Dun-
kirk. The war is still too far from our shores
for the feeling of immediately impending danger
to draw us closer together.
The time has come for the strength of our
democracy to prove itself in a test the like of
which it has never been through before. We
have always boasted that here is a strength so
powerful, a purpose so right, a basic unity so
mighty that nothing could overcome it. It is
the foundation of our nation and we must do
everything in our power to keep that foundation
IN WARTIME civil liberties are bound to be
trampled on to a certain extent. Of course
citizens cannot be permitted-and should not
even want to-to shout military secrets to the
four winds. Of course we must keep watchful
eyes open for the suspicious actions of sabo-
teurs. These are necessary curbings that must
be expected in wartime, but this does not mean
the sacrificing of democratic principles.
Now is the time that our government should
build up good will among its peoples by making
our courts as just as is humanly possible, by
stopping racial prejudice in industry, by recon-
ciling and healing the rifts between business
and labor. These things can be done and they
will create American unity.
BUT some departments have taken the wrong
attitude. Last week the actions of the United
States Supreme Court struck a blow at national
unity, creating bad feeling when it could easily
have aided the war effort, perpetuating injustice
when it could have helped stop it. Odell Waller,
Negro sharecropper, condemned by a poll-tax
jury of white men, and twice refused reviewals
of his case by the Supreme Court, was executed.
The Court, on purey technical grounds, found it
expedient to not review the case, and America's
large Negro population were given good cause to
wonder about those democratic principles we
are fighting for.
Tn vnnmy it,4n rae ar , l.n vnr -inain i

American Tragedy
cropper Odell Waller died in the electric
chair in Virginia State ?enitentiary last week
after having been sentenced to death by a
white jury on which his peers were not al-
lowed to sit. His last testament made U.S.
readers hang their heads in shame:
"Have you thought about some people are
allowed a chance over and over again, then
there are others allowed little chance some
no chance at all. I accident (ally) fell and
some good people tried to help me. Others
did everything they could against me so the
governor and the coats dont no the true facts.
In my case I worked hard from sunup until
sundown trying to make a living for my fam-
ily and it ended in death for me. , You take
big people as the President, Governors, judge,
their children dont never have to suffer. They
has plenty of money. . . The penitentiary all
over the United States are fulp of people ho
was pore tried to work and have something,
couldnt so that maid them steel an rob."
WASHINGTON-It hasn't leaked out yet, but
Eric Johnston, idealistic new President of the
hitherto reactionary U.S. Chamber of Com-
merce, had a significant session the other day
wth 35 of the biggest leaders of industry at which
a new course for American business was mapped
A few years ag the meeting would have
seemed revolutionary.
Johnston, who comes from Spokane, Wash,
and is the youngest man ever to be elected Pres-
ident of the U.S. Chamber, got down to bed
rock immediately.
"The trouble with us," he said, "is that we've
been arguing about the superficiality and done
nothing about the fundamentals. We haven't
realized that we can't get anywhere just going
around calling everyone in the Government
visionary fools.
"'We all like to think that we stand for the
right of individual freedom and enterprise-the
right to work, to make fair profits, and to sit on
the front porch in our stocking feet if we want
"And that's exactly what the great majority
of the American people are fighting for today.
But that system works only if you apply it real-
istically and fairly. And if we're going back to
the days of the bread-lines after the war, then
some people wonder whether the system is worth
fighting for.
"We may not like to admit it, but we have to
face the fact that the German soldier in this
war has been an awfully good fighter. Appar-
ently he has a system which he thinks is worth
fighting for. And the Russian has been an aw-
fully good fighter; so he must have something he
thinks is worth fighting for.
"Now that doesn't mean we want to adopt
their systems, or that we're going to adopt them.
The great majority of Americans want the
American system of free enterprise. And the
only danger we face of any foreign 'ism' coming
over to this country is if our own system breaks
"And that's where the members of the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce come in. It's up to us,
after this war is over, to make the system work.
We can't go back to breadlines. If we do, we're
all ruined. We don'tswant government regimen-
tation. And the surest way to lick regimentation
is to make our system work.
"You are the future of industry," Johnston
concluded, "and the future is in your hands."
Roosevelt's Reaction
Some days after this meeting Johnston was at
the White House and told President Roosevelt
about this meeting. The PresiIent listened at-
tentively, then chuckled:
"How did they ever elect you president of the
United States Chamber of Commerce?"
However, after Johnston's meeting with the 35

executives was over, almost every one of them
congratulated him heartily and expressed agree-
ment with his views.
Higher Cigarettes
Despite the price-ceiling efforts of Price-Czar
Leon Henderson, cigarette smokers can look for
a boost in the cost of their favorite brands after,
passage of the new tax bill.
Or probably it is more correct to say that be-
cause of Price-Czar Henderson this will happen.
The Office of Price Administration already has
given an informal but very definite nod to the
idea that the new excise tax on cigarettes can be
passed on to the consumer.
This assurance was given when Congressman
Lansdale Sasscer from the tobacco growing
counties of Southern Maryland went to the OPA,
worried that the new tax would hit the tobacco
farmer. The congressman feared the big tobacco
companies could cover the tax boost simply by
paying less to the farmer instead of charging
more to the smoker. Such, however, Sasscer was
told, will not be the case.
One thing biographers of War Production
Chief Donald Nelson have missed in writing
about him is his strong dislike of ghostwriters.
It is common practice among big shot govern-
ment officials to have most of their mail an-
swered by assistants. But not Nelson. He signs
nothing he hasn't dictated himself. WPB press
aides got a first-hand lesson on this the other
They had prepared for Nelson's signature a

Worst Of Luck
To Anti-Labor Firm . .
FIVE YEARS of hard plugging should
be rewarded by something. Ernest
T. Wier-one of America's most eminent reac-
tionaries-has had his high-class corporation
lawyers from the National Steel Co. working like
charwomen to wash away the National Labor
Relations Act.
The latest episode in the five-year-old labor-
baiting show produced by National's subsidiary,
Wierton Steel Co., has been reintroduced in the
Federal courts. This time the high-pressure boys
want to prove that the National Labor Relations
Board was very biased and prejudiced in the case
of 17 workers begun and carried through these
long five years.
THEIR CASE was first the great test-case
against the law. The Supreme Court found
that the NLRA was constitutional and that the
procedure of the board was permissible.
But the lawyers at Weirton Steel, who know
must more than the Supreme Court justices,
and Ernest Weir-who knows all about some of
the poorest labor relations in the entire country
-intends to beat the NLRA if it takes them
forever. They're going to show those dirty
unions who is boss.
In the meantime 17 workers are collecting
back pay. That pay is somewhat smaller an
amount than the cost of prosecuting a Supreme
Court case. But then the stakes seem to be much
bigger-this time it is greater profits than ever.
THE UNION is no longer spending its time on
this case. The only work it had to do was to
put the original case before the NLRB where it
was carried up to the board itself. The company
then took upon itself the task of saving Amer-
ica's labor-baiters in the Supreme Court. Now
they're beginning their heroic task over again.
We wish the worst of luck to Ernest T. Weir
and the National Steel Co. and its subsidiary,
Weirton Steel Co., in this new case. We hope
its length is longer than any former case and
more costly than any they have yet started. And
we know that they will lose their case.
In the meantime, we know that the Steel
Workers Organizing Committee-the union to
which the men in question belonged-will con-
tinue their terrific pace of steel production, not
to make money for Ernest T. Weir and his esti-
mable stockholders, but to make steel for the
winning of the war. - Leon Gordenker

THE PHILOSOPHERS of history tell us
in a reconstruction epoch, those faiths
would die for 'come to the fore. Rinehold
buhr in FORTUNE for July, stresses the


that when civilization seems to be breaking up,
we do well to remind ourselves that the culture
must have failed long before. Ideals, standards
and former values had ceased to be adequate.
Had our charity been real, our faith creative,
our virtue virtuous, our justice many-sided and
complete, we would be in the old civilization
moving from strength to strength. To realize
that our world is passing is like putting to sea
without a destination. More disconcerting, no
one can describe for us the world which will take
its place.
Life turns about, as it were, to inform us that
we are a process-part of a moving stream and
before we can describe the age ahead, we will
find that we are being pushed along into it.
This is history. Only a prophet, a genius, a seer
can see ahead. The best we can do, therefore,
is to seek reality humbly, accept responsibility
willingly, shape a faith which will demand much
and go forward in the warmth of a chosen ideal.
If, perchance, each can discover significant
meaning en route, as every learner does, then
deeper values, higher standards and nobler ide-
als will emerge to command us. Such is the
confidence of parents and educators. Men of
valor, in the life of a nation, wear that confi-
dence with a grace which makes debtor a whole
generation of fellow men. In this is the redemp-
tion of wasted values. Here also is a chance for
renewal, the "blood of the martyr's becoming
THIS LINE OF REASONING helps us to see
that the investment of mind and a steady
devotion to problem-solving in society is the
practice by which a citizen may become at once
true to himself and useful to his family, state
and epoch. It is only as each man, with full
charity to his neighbor, holds to his deep con-
victions and expresses them that a major con-
tribution on the part of fnany can be made. Here
is where democracy serves. In a democracy all
act, write, speak and register opinion. One can
not only change his mind, but his change or
series of changes can be registered efficiently.
Thus growth, a process of discarding outmoded
practices and of taking on more effective pro-
cedures, can take place rapidly, in good will and
with the frankness of a fellowship.
Both personal and social industry are essen-
tial. The personal was well phrased by Presi-
dent Robert M. Hutchins of Chicago recently at
a Convocation in the Chapel. "Our educational
task is the formation of good habits; and the
cardinal virtues are still fortitude, temperance,
prudence and justice. What we must make sure
of as individuals is that we understand these
goals and that we have the best possible equip-
ment to participate in the national effort to
achieve them." The social demand includes not
only a person-to-person relation, but a group-
to-group relation and a group-to-person rela-
tion. The task of learning to think collectively
is one step higher than competitive pressure
group existence. Likewise, we must learn as
groups as well as persons, to hold steadily
through struggle or ease, to a growing ideal
rather than to a static one, and to re-educate

(Continued from Page 2)
guage and Literature; thesis: "Cen-
sure of Majority Rule as a Theme
in American Literature: 1787-1853,"
will be held on Monday, July 13, in
West Council, Rackham Bldg., at
3:30 p.m. Chairman, M. L. Williams,
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the ex-
amination and he may grant per-
mission to those who for sufficient
reason might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Graduate Students in Speech: A
graduate symposium in rhetoric, or-
atory, and argumentation will be held
in the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building at 4 p.m. Mon-
Women Students: New sections in
Archery, Body Mechanics, Golf,
Riding, Swimming, Tennis, Tap
Dance will be started July 13. Regis-
ter now at Barbour Gymnasium.
Dept. of Phys. Educ. for Women.
The German Department is spon-
soring German language tables in
the alcove of the Women's League
cafeteria beginning June 29 for the
duration of the Summer Session.
Luncheon and dinner (cafeteria
style) at 12:15 and 6:15 respectively.
All students of German, faculty
members and others interested in ac-
quiring practice in spoken German
are cordially invited.
High Lights in the History of the
University-a lecture by Dr. Calvin
0. Davis, Professor Emeritus of Edu-
cation in the University High School
Auditorium, Monday, July 13th at
4:05 p.m.s
Tuesday, July 14th at 4:05 p.m.-a
lecture, "Michigan's Study of Its
Youth Problem" by James D. Mac-
Connell, Field Representative of the
American Youth Commission (Uni-
versity High School Auditorium.)
Weekly Review of the War-a lec-
ture by Professor Howard M. Ehr-
mann, Professor in the Department
of History. 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, July
14th in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building. This is a regu-
lar weekly feature. The public is
Why People Do Not Get Jobs: The
second of a series of lectures on
Guidance and Placement will be giv-
en on Tuesday, July 14 at 7:15 in
the Rackham Lecture Hall. "Why
People Do Not Get Jobs" wilbe an
illustrated lecture with demonstra-
tions by employers and applicants of'
the right and wrong ways to go
about getting jobs.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Speech Students. At the depart-
mental assembly at 3 p.m. Wednes-
day in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
ater, Professor-Emeritus Thomas C.
Trueblood will ispeak on "A Panor-
ama of World Oratory with SpecialI
Reference to Wendell Phillips." AllI
speech students should attend.
Events Today
The 1942 High Schol Clinic Band
will present its first concert at 4:15
p.m. Sunday, July 12, in Hill Audi-
torium, under the direction of Wil-
liam D. Revelli. Guest conductors
will be Mr. Mac E.pCarr and Mr.
Cleo G. Fox in a program compli-

mentary to the general public.
The Graduate Outing Club willy
meet behind the Rackham Building,
at 2:30 p.m., Sunday for the canoet
trip to Barton Pond.
The program of the Art Cinemaj
League advertised for this evening
at the Rackham Building, has been;
Coining Events
The regular Tuesday Evening Re-t
corded Program in the Men's Lounge1
of the Rackham Building at 8 p.m.
is as follows:1
Brahms: Symphony No. 1 in C
Hayden: Quartet in D Major, Roth<
String Quartet.
Mozart: Symphony No. 38 in D
Major (Prague).1
Debussy: Suite Bergamasque, Wal-
ter Gieseking.
Mathematics Club will meet on#
Tuesday evening, July 14, at 8 o'clock
in 3011 Angell Hall. Professor Cope-
land will speak on "Capddeecronhsis"
(.codes and ciphers), and Professor
Rainich will speak on "Mathematics
and Meteorology." All those interest-t
ed are cordially invited to attend.
Faculty Concert: Miss Julia Rebeil,
pianist, will appear in a faculty con-
cert in Hill 'Auditorium at 8:30 Tues-


15th, from 811 P.M. Come and
bring your friends.
Commercial Education Students.
There will be a "Get Acquainted"
meeting of all students in Commer-
cial Education on the Campus Tues-
day evening, July 14, at 7:30 p.m. in
the East Conference room, Rackham
Building. Alan D. Meacham will dis-
cuss and demonstrate the Interna-
tional Business Machines,
J. M. Trytten
"Thunder Rock," second produc-
tion of the Michigan Repertory Play-
ers of the departmentof speech, will
open Wednesday night and will run
through Saturday evening. Tickets
are on sale at the box office, Men-
delssohn Theatre; box office hours
are from 10-5 Monday and Tuesday
and from 10-8:30 Wednesday through
Institute Aeronautical Science:
There wli be a meeting of the In-
stitute at 7:30 Tuesday evening, July
14, in Rooms 318-320 Michigan Un-
ion. There will be sound movies en-
titled "Keep 'Em Flying." Refresh-
ments will be served. All engineers
are welcome.
Women in Education: Luncheon
Wed.. July 15 from 11:45 to 1 in the
Russian Tea Room, Michigan League.
Miss Eunice Wead, Associate Profes-
sor of Library Seince will speak on
"What Librarians are Doing for the
War Eftort." Come and bring your
Campus Worship: Mid-day Wor-
ship at the Congregational Edifice,
State and William Streets, each
Tuesday and Thursday at12:10 p.m.
Open to all. Adjourn at 12:30. Led
by various Ann Arbor Clergymen,
Henry O. Yoder, Chairman.
Daily Mass at St. Mary's Chapel,
Williams and Thompson Streets, at
7 a.m. and 8 a.m. Open to all. Fath-
er Frank J. McPhillips, Celebrating.
E. W. Blakeman, Counselor
in Religious Education.
Trinity Lutheran Church: Services
will be held Sunday, July 12 at 10:30
a.m. The subject of Rev. Henry o.
Yoder's sermon will be "The Gospel
Meets Our Needs."
Zion Lutheran Church services will
be held at 10:30 a.m. Sunday with
Vicar Clement Shoemaker speaking
on "Be a Willing Witness."
Lutheran Student Association: A
fellowship dinner and meeting will
be held this Sunday at 5:30 at the
Zion Lutheran Parish hal. Prof.
Bennett Weaver will be the speaker
for the evening.
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples). 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship,
Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister.
5:00 p.m. The Disciples Guild will
meet at the Guild House, 438 May-
nard St. Transportation will be pro-
vided to a picnic ground for games,
a picnic supper and vesper service.
In case of unfavorable weather the
supper and program will be held at
the Guild House at the same hour.
Small charge.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 11:00
a.m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall; 11:00
a.m. Summer Church School; 11:00
a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by
the Reverend John G. Dahl; 5:00
p.m. Episcopal Student Guild Pic-
nic at the home of Dr. Inez Wisdom,
2301 Packard Rd. The Rev. James
G. Widdifield, Rector of St. Paul's
Memorial Church, Detroit, will show
colored slides on the life of St. Fran-
cis. All Episcopal students and their


f l' l f 'I l',l.,.. s. 7-1
"Hon. Spy report American mentality failing rapidly-adult
people now talking like baby--keep saying: 'Well, we dood it'!"

Lew Hoskins, a member of the Soci-
ety of Friends, will lead the discus-
sion. All students are cordially in-
First Baptist Church, 512 East Hu-
ron. C. H. Loucks, Minister. 10:00
a.m. Children's Departments of the
Church School.
10:15 a.m. Adult Classes of the
Church School. The Student Class,
led by Mrs. Geil Orcutt, will meet in
the Guild House to study "Moham-
medanism," in a series of discussions
on "The World's Living Religions."
11:00 a.m. The Church at Worship.
Mr. Walter Van Hoek of Andover
Newton Theological Seminary will
preach on the subject, "Why Cannot
7:00 p.m. Dr. E. W. Blakeman,
Religious Counselor to Students for
the University, will conclude the
series of discussions on "Religious In-
struction in the Public Schools" at
the Roger Williams Guild. The meet-
ing will be held in the Guild House,
502 East Huron.
Unitarian Church, State and Hur-
on St. 11:00 a.m. Church Service,
"Humans, Nature and Science." Solo
by Sidney Straight.
8 p.m. "The CIO Comes to Ann
Arbor" discussion led by representa-
tives of labor and others.
9 p.m. Social Hour.
First Congregational Church. Min-
ister, Rev. Leonard A. Parr. At the
morning service at 10:45, Dr. Parr
will speak on the subject, "Turning
Language Into Life."
The Monday Book Lecture will be
presented on Monday at 3 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday at 12:10
noon the Campus Worship service
will be held in this church.
Wesley Foundation: The student
class will meet in the lounge at 9:30
a.m. Sunday. Continuing his course
in "Personality and Religion," Dr.
Blakeman will discuss "Christian
Wesley Foundation: At the Sun-
day evening meeting Mr. Wally Watt,
field worker with the Michigan Child
Guidance Institute, will speak on
"Problems of the Willow Run Com-
munity." Following his talk, three
discussion groups will meet: "Racial
Tolerance in Wartime," "Winning
the Peace," "Uprooted Strangers in
'our Midst." Supper and fellowship
at 6:00, program at 6:40.
Anchors of Faith. Rev. H. O. Yoder,
pastor of the Trinity Lutheran
Church, will speak this Sunday after-
noon at 4:30 p.m. at the Michigan
Christian Fellowship meeting in Lane
Hall on "Some of Faith's Anchors."
A musicale featuring the works of
Ernest Bloch will be presented by
Avukah this Sunday night at 8:00 in
the Hillel Foundation. Among the
compositions to be heard are: Baal
Shem Suite, Hebrew Rhapsody:
Shleomo, and a Violin Concerto. All
are welcome.
Dr. Leonard A. Parr of the First
Congregational Church is giving a
series of Monday Book Lectures in the
assembly room of the church at 3
p.m. Mondays. These lectures pre-
sent in brief review the current books
in Biography, Fiction, Poetry, World
Affairs, etc. The students and visi-
tors at the Summer Schools are spe-
cially invited to these lectures which
are free to the public. Tomorrow
the following books will be presented:
"The Sea-Gull Cry," Robert Nath-







"The New Testament in Basic Eng-
"The Price of Free World Victory,"
Henry A. Wallace.


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