Weather No Change Y r 4tit 43tU 4 it Editorial Costello Moves Argentina Towards Axis .. . I I VOL. LII. No. 19-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1942 2:15 A.M. FINAL ital Russian Railway Lines Cut In South Savage Battle Breaks Calm In Area West Of El' Alamein Combined Attack Of U. S. And British Bombers Crushes 400 Armored Axis SupplyVehicles Sub And Bombers Hit Libyan Convoy By The Associated Press CAIRO, July 10.--(A)-Fierce fight- inig broke out today between British/' and Axis desert forces on the Medi- terranean rim west of ElVAlamein in ' a renewal of the battle for Egypt which had been bogged down in an uneasy lull for more than. a week. The new fighting erupted after RAF ad American planes were re- ported to have destroyed or disabled 400 - to 500 Axis vehicles out of a concentration of 2,000 shuttling for- ward to replenish Field Marshal Er- win Rommel's thrust toward Alex- andria, 70'-miles from the front. The fighting ended a deadlock of several days during which both ex- hausted armies dug in under severe sandstorms and awaited supplies and reinfo6rcements. .Front 'dispatches gave no hint of the trend of the great struggle, but did say that the Axis apparently had not made any additional gains east- ward. Rommel Forced Back Rommel's German-Italian legions already had been compelled to with- draw part of his curved-back right wing northward toward the sea be- fore today's fighting was resumed. Huge four-motored bombers of the U.S. Air Force were reported at- tacking enemy shipping in the sea- lanes while the RAP concentrated on Axis land lines. Besides the 400 to 500 vehicles caught in bne huge camp the RAF war' said to have destroyed 55 other trucks. It was certain that the Germans were moving supples and reinforce- ments to their army threatening Al- exandria, 70 miles to the east, be- cause for the second time in a week the British told of attacks on Medi- terranean convoys. A British submarine sank two ships of a sea train bound for Libya, an Admiralty announcement said. It was probable that the Liberators (Consolidated) of the U.S. Army Air Corps assaulted the survivors of the same convoy. 24 Axis Planes Downed (The British announced that 24 Axis planes had been shot down over Malta during the 24 hours ended last night. The same number was claimed Tuesday. Ueavy Axis air attacks on Malta in the past have coincided with the movements of convoys across the Mediterranean.) On land, the Germans withdrew part of their already curved-back right wing northward, closer to the sea. The reforpling or the Axis right wing was forced by a clash in the southern sector between stabbing british armored columns and Axis tank forces, recorded by the British Command communique. The effect is that Rommel's line now describes a rough arc from the coastal anchor on the left slightly west of El Ala- mein to the right flank in the south- west. Nmitz Slightly InjuredIn Crash WASHINGTON, July 10.-(JP)- Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Com- mander of the United States Pacific Fleet, was injured recently in a West Coast airplane crash in which a Na- val Reserve pilot lost his life. The accident, which occurred when the plane was landing at an airfield at an unidentified port, was1 announced today by the Navy de- partment in a statement emphasiz.- ing that the foremost Naval officer1 German Subsidization Of U.S. Trucking Bared FBI, Army, Reveal "Accidents" Result Of Sabotage; 28 American Operators Found In Nazi Pay (Editor's Note: Thistexclusive story by Clifford A. Prevost, head of the Detroit Free Press Washington Bureau, is printed by special permission of the Detroit Free Press.) WASHINGTON, July 10.-Comple- tion of a nationwide study of the ownership of trucking concerns re- vealed that 28 of them had been sub- sidized by the Geran Government, it was made known today. The probe, by the FBI and military intelligence, was under way for several weeks. Now that the survey has been ter- minated it is expected that the truck- ing route between Detroit and Port Huron, on the western end ,and Buf- Saboteur Trial Secrecy Irks OWlDirector Rep. Monroney Declares Procedure In Violation Of Democratic Spirit By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 10.-Dissat- isfaction with the profound secrecy in which a 'military commission is trying the eight alleged Nazi sabo- teuts who landed in Anerica from U-boats was expressed today by El- mer Davis, the director of war in- formation. At the same time, Rep. ,Monroney (Dem.-Okla.), said in a statement the procedure was a violation of "the democratic principle for which America is fighting," and was "not satisfactory to the American people." From the trial itself there was lit- tle news. A statement issued at the close of the day said.: "The commission opened the third day's proceedings at 10:27 a.m. "Before the proceedings opened, the commission permitted the United States Army signal corps to make photographs and silent motion pic- tures of the trial scene. "Most of the day was taken up by the testimony of An FBI agent and by the reading of documents. "Counsel for both sides stated to the commission that the great vol- ume of evidence to be introduced was expected to prolong the trial. "The commission will sit on Sat- urday." This was an intimation that the trial would run into next week, al- though earlier Attorney General Biddle had expressed the view that it could be finished by tomorrow. It was understood that the commission would not sit on Sunday. Labor Threatens Strike For Rent In Detroit Area DETROIT, July 10.-()-The Of- fice of Price Administration, reply- ing to UAW-CIO threats of a "rent strike" if real estate owners succeed in their drive to raise rents above the present ceilings here, said to- night that no such action in behalf of landlords is contemplated now. The OPA made the statement in a telegram to George F. Addes, Sec- retary-Treasurer of the United Au- tomobile Workers-CIO, who had asked that labor and tenants be given a hearing before any rent boost is authorized. Meantime, Karl H. Smith, presi- dent of the Greater Detroit Property Owners and Taxpayers Association, charged that the "CIO is/trying to make a dog-and-cat fight out of the rent control issue." School Band Clinic Here Tomorrow One hundred and fifty young peo- ple from all parts of Michigan as xxal Ae frn nthPra, tt+ will nar- falo, on the eastern end of the short cut through Ontario, will be opened. The Canadian authorities have re- peatedly declined to permit Ameri- can firms to ship over this route, and have been reluctant to give an ex- planation. May Have Had Information It is now assumed here that C. D. Howe, Canadian minister of defense, had information relative to German funds behind truckingfirms operat- ing in the United States. The fact that Michigan and other manufac- turers, of the Midwesthave been re- quired to ship over the longer route, around Lake Erie, has been a sore spot with them. \The investigation wasadescribed as being "most thorough" and the fact that it had been concluded is indi- cated by the fact that this story has been cleared by the Office of Cen- sorship and by military, intelligence. Concerned Over Ownership Both the Army and Navy have been concerned over German ownership of trucking firms hauling vital war materials. Concern had been ex- pressed by theCanadians because of the possibility of blasting tunnels and bridges at Detroit and Port Huron, linking the United States and Can- ada. These trucks have been pulling up to dock yards on both coasts a~d, it is pointedaout, any one of them could carry sufficient high explosives to destroy an entire shipping center. In one instance, the military in- telligence found that a German- American owning two small trucks went to Germany in 1936, and within a few weeks after his return pur- chased 16 large tractor-trailer trucks. He was granted a license for inter- state transportation and received or- ders for transport of, war machinery. Turn To Page 4, Col. 3 U.S. To Take Wayne Land For Housing DETROIT, July 10.--(P)-Declara- tion that the government was taking over 157 acres of land in Romulus Township, Wayne County, as site for a Federal Public Housing Authority project to provide dwellings for Wil- low Run Bomber Plant workers was filed Thursday in Federal, Court by U. S. Disrict Attorney John C. Lehr. At the same, time, Lehr deposited a check for, $60,106 with Federal Judge Ernest A. O'Brien to bind the declaration. Structures now on the property must be removed by July 22, Judge O'Brien said, if owners intend to salvage them. The project is one of seve al planned in western Wayne County by the FPHA. Col. Charles F. Starr, Detroit representative of the FPHA, explained, however, that it is not part of the proposed "bomber city" project being fought by Henry Ford, Washtenaw County officials and farmers residing in the area. No construction will be started, Col. Starr said, until the FPHA re- ceives a report in a few days from a War Production Board fact-finding committee which has made a survey of housing needs. KALUGA -OE ______ VORONEZH STARY -------BELGOROD -.OSKOL PVRI ROSSOSH KPOVOR IWO ----- KUPYANSK Do ____UM STALINGRAD TAGAN ROTOV KERC SEVASTOPOL ::....2... Scene of German advances: (1) Voronezh, where Russians are still holding against German pincers. (2) Rossosh, important rail cen- ter connecting central and southern Russian armies, and just cap- ture# by the Germans. Nazi Drive Peril EntireGaucasu Timoshenko Counterattacks Take T Loss Of Rossosh 'Cuts Supply Line s :ill; By The Associated Press MOSCOW, July 11 (Saturday),.-German troops have driven into Ros- sosh, 159 miles east of the industrial city of Kharkov, and cut the main railway linking the central and southern Red armies. A communique early today announced the Russia'n withdrawal from .Rossosh before a German wedge thrust parallel to the steel arm now pluck- ing at Voronezh, 100 miles to the north. Rossosh itself is 20 miles short of the Don River, which already had been crossed 'by the Germans striking at Voronezh, but it also is a point on "the Moscow-Rostov railway. The Russians still were fighting fiercely "west of Voronezh," the com- munique said, but by evacuating Rossosh the Red Army acknowledged that It Senate Appropriations Committee Asks 120 Million Fund For OPA By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 10. - The Senate Appropriations Committee recommended a $120,000,000 operat- ing fund for the Office of Price Ad- ministration today, but in raising the House-approved total $45,000,000 wrote in sharp restrictions on the use of the money. First of all, it directed that none of the money be used for subsidies. (Price Administrator Leon Hender- son has urged that provision be made for subsidies to producers who, be- Allied Bombers Smash apanese Strike At Chinese Capital To Destroy Ten Planes CHUNGKING, July 11 (Saturday). -Allied bombers have delivered a second smashing blow to Nanchang, capital of Kiangsi province, sinking one transport in the river and de- stroying ten Japanese planes on the ground, Chinese dispatches reported today. Allied planes heavily bombed this, Japanese base last week. During that raid two, or possibly three, Jap- anese hangars were struck by direct hits and three Japanese planes were hit on one runway. All the Allied planes returned safe- ly from the second attack on Nan- chang, the dispatches said. The term Allied planes is generally taken to mean United States machines be- longing to the regular air force in China. cause of higher costs, cannot operate under present price ceilings.) It also stipulated that: None of the appropriation could be used to enforce any price ceiling on commodities manufactured in whole or in part from agricultural products, until the Secretary of Agriculture had deterihined that the price so established would reflect to the pro- ducer of the raw material a return not less than any of the following: 110 per cent of parity; the market price last Oct. 1; the market price last Dec. 15, or the average price from 1919 to 1929. None of the OPA fund could be used to enforce a regional increase in the price ceiling of any commod- ity on the theory that the rise was made necessary by increased trans?. portation costs, unless in fact the cost of transportation had risen. Senator Russell (Dem.-Ga.) in- sisted upon the latter amendment, declaring Georgia was being unfairly penalized by the 21/2 cent pert gal- lon increase in the price of gas'oline recently allowed by OPA in the ra- tioned eastern states. Russell said the cost of bringing gasoline to Georgia had not increased because it was carried in pipe lines. Senator McKellar (Dem.-Tenn.) told report- ers the amendment would apply also to South Carolina and Florida. Still another amendment requires Senate confirmation of OPA em- ployes receiving more than $4,500 a year. Some legislators have com- plained that Henderson has made ap- pointments to regional OPA posts without consulting them-in some cases giving jobs to their political foes. the Nazis in their second year of war stood halfway across European Rus- sia to the Ural Mountains from the old Polish demarcation line. More- over, the Nazis were some 70 miles east of a line drawn directly south of Moscow, and had virtually cleared the last Russian armed frces from the fertile farm lands of the Ukraine. The two long steel arms of the en- emy were reaching out to envelop a 100-mile stretch of the central water- way and its vital adjacent railway, which links Moscow and the gentral armies with the rich Caucasus and the Red forces in the south. Aim To Drive On Volga The German strategy was clearly aimed at wrapping the Red Army forces west of the sluggish Don in a great sac, and to 'drive on to the Volga, isolating the entire Caucasus. Marshal Semeon Timoshenko, re- alizing the peril, was reported coun- terattacking vigorously on the Ger- man flanks. He was pictured as de- termined to sell the rich earth and its industrial establishments only at the most exacting price in German lives and materiel. The situation admittedly was yri- ous. Red Star, the official army newspaper, called for a stand to the death and said the conditions near Voronezh were growing "more com- plicated" and near Rossosh "very difficult." Rossosh is but 235 miles from industrial Stalingrad, a key to the Caucasus. Rossosh Is Battlefield Rossosh, on a tributary 20 miles from the big bend of the Don, is on the Moscow-Voronezh-Rostov rail- way, last remaining north-south railway still held by the Russians. The city and district now has be- come a battlefield. (The German High Command said that "the retreating enemy" 'is being pursued on a broad front in the Ssouthand that local resistance was broken. Russian attacks with tanks northwest of Voronezh were said to have collapsed with heavy casualties.) College Reserve Officer Draft Educator's Plan CHICAGO, July 10. -(RP)- Con- scription of qualified students into a "college enlisted reserve" upon which the armed forces might draw for offi- cer material as need arose was pro- posed today by Earl J. McGrath, dean of administration at University of Buffalo. Dean McGrath told the annual in- stitute of administrative officers of higher institutions at the Uniiversity of Chicago, that officer recruiting programs were failing, and added: "If officers are to be available, and if the training provided by institu-' tions of higher education is consid- ered desirable by military authorities, it is apparent that some substitute plan or plans must be found-for en- listing or conscripting college men for the fighting forces of the nation." Qualified students, he said, should be selected for a pool to be admin- istered by the war manpower com- mission, and from which quotas could be asigned at need to each of the fighting services, or to essential civ- ilian work. - BULLE TIN - MOSCOW, July 10.-(P)-Soviet bombing squadrons entered the British Sub Commander Tells How His Raider Sank Heavy Cruiser By LARRY ALLEN Associated Press Correspondent ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, June 29. (Delayed).-United States bombers struck so savagely at the Italian battle fleet two weeks ago that Mus- solini's armada became "a fantastic circus of widely careening ships" try- ing to escape, a .British submarine commander who witnessed the attack said today. Lieut. Stephen L. Maydon told the story upon bringing his undersea - raider to its base after sinking a heavy cruiser and torpedoing a bat- tleship of the 35,000-ton Littoria class, seriously damaging it. Italians Cautious The cautious Italian fleet-or what the British have left of it--made one of its rare excursions against the convoy bound for Malta June 15. Maydon said he sighted the Italian battle fleet at dawn and was closing in when the huge, four-motored American bombers and the RAF loosed their first explosives. "One of the greatest scenes of con- fusion followed the first bombing at- tack," the 28-year-old skipper said. "My submarine Was in the center of a fantastic circus of wildly careening capital, ships, cruisers and destroyers, none of which kept on course long enough to allow us to fire torpedoes. The urge to surface and use our guns was terrific. Bomb Flashes "Bomb flashes seemed to punctu- atesthe movements of the fleet. Red and yellow tracers and black bursts of heavier anti-aircraft fire from the Italian battle fleet streaked and blotched the sky in all directions. "At one period there was not a quadrant of the compass that was not occupied by ships weaving continu- ally to and fro. I gaped through the periscope in utter amazement at the fleet dashing around in mad circles." Highlghts On Campus... Graduate Mixer Today A cabaret setting will furnish the theme of the Graduate Student Mix- er, to be held from 9 to 12 p.m. to- day in the Ballroom and Terrace of the Rackham Building. Open to all graduate students in the University, the Mixer is planned to meet the wishes of all graduate students. Special features available are the ballroom for dancing, special game rooms, cabaret tables and the broad reaches of the Rackham Ter- race. Admissions will be sold both singly and to couples. The Mixer is the first in a series of summer graduate dances sponsored by the Graduate Student Council. In U.S. Bombers Scatter Italian Battle Armada i I U. S. Factories Producing At Rate Of 45 Billion This Year, Says Nelson v By The Associated Press DETROIT, July 10.-The factories of, the United States will turn out war goods of one kind or another to a value of 45 billion dollars in the current year, War Production Board Chairman Donald M. Nelson told members of the Automotive Council for War Production here tonight. Speaking at the annual banquet of the council, organized by the auto- moniv indimtrv +o exneditewar nro- year will be a splendid achievement] and raising the level to 75 billions next year will be nothing less than magnificent." Nelson's address to the, automobile manufacturers featured the one-day session of the industry's War Council called to appraise the achievements of the last year and to appraise what lies ahead of the industry in the war production effort. Auto Inntre nts raio Role lars a year. This is three times as large as the industry's estimated 1941 sales of four billions; it will repre- sent approximately one-sixth of tile entire war production effort of the whole United States. "These are amazing figures. I think everyone connected with the automo- tive industry is entitled to feel a great deal of honest pride in the fact that such great reliance can be placed upon this industry in this time of