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July 10, 1942 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1942-07-10

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Recreational Facilities Awaiting Students

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Seriously though, now more than
ever before students and others re-
maining in Ann Arbor for the sum-
mer should be interested in discover-
ing the. recreational facilities that
are available for theeir benefit. Since
students attending the 8-week or 16-
week sessions will have little or no
vacation time this year it is impbr-
tant in the interests of their health
and pleasu e that they take full ad-
vantage of the opportunities offered
them by the organizations created
;or this purpose.
Prominent Spots
Prominent among these organiza-
tions on campus are the Intramural
Building and the Union for men stu-
dents, and the Women's Athletic
Building And the League for women.
To supplement this formidable group
are numerous privately run golf
courses, boat liveries, catering houses
and the like that all do their part in
equipping pleasure seeking Ann Ar-
Particular enjoyment is to be had
in outdoor dates in the opinion of
campus physical education authori-
ties and, equally important, in the
opinion of those who have tried them,
Hiking Facilities
Since the facilities tor hiking, boat-
ing, picnicking and all other sorts of
athletics, are so abundant, there is
no reason why students of the sum-
mer session should not get a full
share of fun and health even while'
attending school.
To better acquaint you with the
recreational opportunities at your
command, The Daily is publishing
this directory of places and groups
anxiou's to serve you.
Graduate Outing Club
Makes Summer Plans.
The Graduate Outing Club is an
organization of graduate students,
faculty memnbers, and alumni who
meet every Sunday dtring the school
year for out-door recreation or for
the use of the recreational facilities
at the club's rooms in the Rackham
President Robert Stevens has an-
nounced the events for the remainder
of the summner to be as follows: July
12, canoe trip. July 19, bicycle hike.
July 26, swimming party. August 2,
sight-seeing tour. August 9 hike.
August 16, swimming party.


Where To Go This Summer.

. .

For Cool Swimming
1. Ann Arbor Municipal Baththg Beach on Huron River. 10 a.m.-
8 p.m.
2. Public beaches at Whitmore, Portage and Pleasant lakes.
3. Good swimming "holes" along Huron River:
a) Sandbar, near Whitrfior e Lake Road Bridge.
b) Osborns, short distance: off Huron River Drive.
c) Delhi, Huron River Drivie, halfway between Ann Arbor and
d) Scio, Huron River Drive, halfway between Delhi and Dexter,.
e) N.W. of Dexter-Hurot Hill, on Huron River Drive.
4. Rawsonville Dam on Huroln River, east of Ypsilanti.
5. Cavanaugh Lake, county park and public bath house, about 3
miles west of Chelsea.
6. Pool, indoor:
a) Union Pool.
b) Co-recreational swims at Intramural Pool Tuesday 8:30-


9:30 p.


A Putt And A Prayer

This summer and during the rest
of the year, the Union is serving as
"the club" for Michigan men. In
this capacity the Union is keeping
open most of its splendid recrea-
tional facilities. Among those open
for the summer are the well equipped
billiard room, the library, and swim-
ming pool and adjoining steam bath.
Although the weekly membership
dances are not being held during the
summer one willbe given today.
The Michigan League offers a var-
iety of recreational activities every
day for those interested in learning
to dance, to play bridge, listen to
concerts, or spend an evening danc-
ing. to the music of Doc Spracklin,
successor to Gordon Hardy.
Every Monday at 5 p.m. there will
be special instruction for those men
and women who wish to learn to
teach square dancing. Then at 7:30
p.m. there will be square dancing for
all men and women interested.
Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. the League
holds beginner's classes for men and
women in the fox trot, waltz and
rhumba, . For those students in the
intermediate class, dancing lessons
are. held each Wednesday at 7:30
p.m. Thesecgive instruction in the
new steps.
PEM-ers Have Tough
Time Against 01' Sol
Under a blistering summer sun,
the Michigan PEM-ers work out
three days every week. The physical
program is designed to remove all
soft fat from study-conditioned stu-
dents. If the student lasts the gruel-
ling torture, he is pronounced "fit"
for the Army life after he graduates.

1. U. of M. course on Stadivtm Drive near Ann Arbor Railroad.
2. Municipal course on Huron Drive, back of hospital.
3. Stadium Hills, on Stadium Drive and South Main.
4. Washtenaw-Semi-private. Near Ypsi.
5. Inverness-on North Territorial Road at North Lake. W. 388
East off Whitmore Lake Road or Portage Road.
6. Three private courses: Barton, Huron Hills. Ann Arbor Golf
and Outing.
Take Her Camping
1. Delhi.
2. Huron-Dexter Park.
3. Hostels=-Chelsea, Mr. and Mrs. G. Reithmiller: Saline Valley
Farms, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Campbell; Pleasant Lake, Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Kuhl.
Horses In Place Of Tires
1. Cowans, 4185 Jackson Road.
2. Golfside, Huron River Road-Inside and outside rings, trails.

Great Dating
AreOf fered
Co-Recreational Activity
Livens Summer Program
In Athletics At Palmer
Hey fellows, here is your chance
to have a great date and show of L
that athletic prowess at the same
time. Just have your girl friend get
a guest card and invite you down to
Palmer Field or the Women's Ath-
letic Building where you can impress
with your forehand drive-or lack ;,
The archery Orange at the north
end of Palmer Field can be used at
almost any time while the indoor
badminton courts at Barbour Gym
are open for coeds and/ their com-
panions on Wednesday evenings from
7:30 to 9 p.m.
Women may also have guests on
the tennis courts at Palmer Field.
A guest card may be obtained at the
desk of the W.A.B. A tennis group
will meet on the terrace of the W.A.B.
on Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. Matches
will be set up for the afternoon's
play. The purpose of this partiqular
group is to introduce prospective
competitors to others anxious to meet
For those interested in golf, there
is the practice putting green at Palm-
ur as well as the many regular eourses
in the vicinity.
In spite of the already crowded
condition of the Intramural Building
pool schedule it has been possible to
arrange for one evening of co-recrea-
tional swimming each week. These
splash parties will take place on
Tuesdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.
For those who go in for the great
American pastime, a softball club
will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays
on the terrace of the W.A.B.
Those who prefer match competi-
tion will get their chance also in the
form of a mixed doubles tournament
in badminton. Entries must sign up
by July 11 and parings will be posted
by July 13.


Bicycles Built For Two
Campus Bike Shop, 510 E. William.
Forest and South University-service station.
Observatory and Forest.

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7he ot Weathe, j2 /epe!
ak M E's

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The Indians Did It
1. Sailing and boating on Whitmore, Portage, Barton-private
2. Canoe livery on Huron.
Bowl 'Em, Roll 'Em
1. Ann Arbor Recreation, 605 E. Huron.
How The Pros Get That Way
1. 12 Municipal courts.'
2. Palmer Field-12 clay courts and 4 cement courts. (Women
students may have men guests by obtaining a guest card at the desk
of the Women's Athletic Building.)
Love And Kisses
Michigan Repertory Players dramatic season at League.
Moving picture theatres, Michigan, State, Whitney, Wuerth,
Will Toughen You Up
Regular instructional and recreational periods in archery, golf,
riding, tennis, swimming, badminton, body conditioning, tap dancing
and modern dance are offered by the Department of Physical Educa-
tion for Women. For further information call at Barbour Gym, Rm. 15.
University Excursions
Contact Summer Session Office for detailed information.
Hike With The Boy Scouts
Island, Park, Nichols Arboretum, Barton Hiha,
A Nibble's Worth Two Fish
Pleasant Lake (between Saline and Manchester.
Softball Games At Night
Sportsmans Park (on the cutoff).
Wines Field, Division and Hill streets.
Nothing Like A Picnic
1. Portage Lake:
2. Huron River Drive. Delhi. Dexter,
3. Island Park.
4. County park, scenic drive at Cavanaugh Lake-3 miles west
of Chelsea.
5. Crooked Lake. north of Cavanaugh Lake.
6. Whitmore Lake,
7. Roadside tables on county roads.

In Jocobson s Summer Fosions
Get your ration of relaxation now for your
own good .. keeping physically fit is not only
fun, it's your wartime duty. And what a mar-
velous opportunity you have in Ann Arbor's
numerous' fplay spots." Get your "time out"s
clothes at Jacobson's.
Cole and Catalina Bathing Suits
In matletex, dull lastex, jersey and cotton .
prints and plain colors.
4.00 to 10,90


Michigan Unemployment
DETROIT, July r9.-(AP)-Michigan
now has a total unemployed popula-
tion of approximately 91,964, Chair-
man Henry Dattner of the State Un-
employment Compensation Commis
sion disclosed today.


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Cottons in colorful prints
and plain colors.
4.95 to 7.95
I many st'yles, materials
and colors.
Cotton lisle . . . plain
colors and stripes .
red. navy. hrown velIw.




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