TWO THE MIf HIC- A N it A Ti'.V W" Nr IT rr ^ 4A ...._______________.._________________ i a. 1 l .Y.1 V7 H JY .1: d,%1 L . t iSlll ; JULY 10, 1942 :. WI e Mtr0p-3zz BIall I The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON :,l Edited and managed by students of the University of 1ihlgan under the autlhority of the Board in Control b' tudent Publications. The Summer Daily is published every morning except Moniday and Tuesday. Member of the AssociateI Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled. to the use fqr republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited ill this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. . Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as seond-class mail matter. Su-bscriptions dcuring the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPREuaENTD FOR NATiONkL ADVERTiaiNG DY National Advertising Service, Inc. 4 College Ptblishers Representative 420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. cricaao - S6ovoN os Ai isBaS * sa. FRARCiSC* Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 1 i Editorial Staff Homner Swander . . . . . Managing Edi WIill1 Sapp _ . . City Edi9 Mie Dann .Sp s i ASSOCIATE EDITORS Hale Champion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho,, Irving Jaffe, Robert Preisi ei tor tarr ftor Edward Perlberg Find M. Ginsberg Morton Hunter Business Staff . . . . Business Manager . . Associate Business Manager . . . Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: IRVING JAFFE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written, by members of The Daily staff -and represent the views of the writers only Ingersoll Needed On Domestic Front. P OST-DECEMBER PATRIOTS and all the back-biting critics of the government's war effort have finally found their long-awaited chance to smother the United States' No. 1 crusader against the Axis, Ralph ingersoll's PM. But they starved a long time efore the chance came. No matter how hard they knifed in the back, no matter what charges thbe laid on the doorstep of Ingersoll's publica- tion, those who wanted to muffle the' loud shouts of the courageous little paper couldn't convince the public that New York had another sensa- tional tabloid a little yellower, a little more streamlined than the Evening Graphic of a by- Jone day. Their sniping couldn't convince Mr. Public because he discovered that PM had an enormous appeal to the little guy and that what came out i print under bold black headlines made sense fo people somehow. Pt started out slowly, bucked all the adverse ballyhoo, and won its fight to justify its existence. Today it numbers thousands'among its readers and it is respected as one of the most instrumental organs of pro- teetion against the enemy in the war effort. tT PM's enemies have picked up a partner to lie in the same bed with them. Unfor- tunately, the partner happens to symbolize what democracy means in practice to the American people. The partner? A New York City draft board which is so prejudiced against PM that it wants to take Ingersoll away from it. It wants to put him in an Army camp where "he can brve his country best." together, the bed-mates have hatched their plot. Now they are trying to get the American people to swallow it by beatmig the snare-drum of fervent patriotism. Cissy Patterson, Col. Mec- Cbrmick and their parade of well-wishers are telling the people that this man's Army isn't too good for any American. They are saying to the people that Ingersoll isn't better than any- body else. They are saying he is a draft-dodger who is trying to pull every string he holds to avoid induction. They are not saying that they want to pluck InrĀ§oll from his swivel-chair and dump him in an Army camp, hoping he will lose himself there long enough to knock the heart out of PM. They are not saying that they really want to muzzle the press during wartime. But that is what they are doing, knowing that the people are suckers for the fife and drum during a war. We believe that the Selective Service reflects the democracy America is fighting for. We be- lieve that every man should be put wherever he cen do the most good toward winning the war. Alut we do not believe that the Selective Service should mock the people it serves by taking ad- vantage of the unique power it holds and work- ing under the guise of democracy to grind its a&I of prejudice. LIN YU-TANG, in a letter to the editor of PM, wrote: "Your paper, created by Mr. Inger- soll, is worth a division of home guards. It simply does not make sense to me to say that Ralph Ingersoll as a private shooting a few enemies is of greater use to his country than Ralph Inger- $oll as a courageous newspaper editor conducting vigorous campaigns against or enemies within. Every single one of the PM's campaigns is worth WASHINGTON.-Behind the Army-Navy at- 'tempts to blast the Japs out of the Aleutian Is- lands is more than natural antipathy to having an enemy on American soil or the fear of an invasion of Alaska., These are important. But, in addition, events in Egypt may mean that more than ever we shall have to use these vital stepping stones of the Aleutian Islands to carry the war to the heart of Japan. To get the full significance of the picture it is necessary to recall that ever since Pearl Harbor there has been an honest difference of opinion among U.S. war strategists as to whether we should concentrate on fighting Japan in the Pacific or Hitler in Europe. At one time, shortly after Pearl Harbor, high- up U.S. Naval advisers worked out an elaborate war plan, which is no longer a secret, for con- centrating almost all our naval strength in the Pacific and making a direct attack on the Jap- anese islands-at a time when the Japs had their lines dispersed to Manila, Singapore and the South Seas. But the plan meant leaving the Atlantic coast relatively unguarded, also virtually abandoning convoys to Britain and Russia. In the end it was decided that the Russian front was all-im- portant and must be supplied at all costs, The wisdom of this decision seems to have been borne out by subsequent events. Fointed GOVERNMENT housing officials could learn a lot by reading "The Nebbs" comic strip in their daily paper. Rudy Nebb recently went to court to stop the county from building a road through his prop- erty. The judge ruled that "In the interests of the public welfare the county is directed to seize the condemned property and pay the defendant the appraised value thereof." There is a man named Heny Ford who also owns some land he does not want contami- nated by the government or by workers who belong to the CIO. He does not even bother with the courts-he just pulls up stakes which government surveyors have driven. A little of this "in the interests of the public welfare" stuff would be mighty welcome where King Henry is concerned. REP. JOHN RANKIN, speaking on the floor of Congress when he discovered that the Office of Civilian Defense does not require its civilian - blood' banks to segregate the blood of Negroes and whites: "If that is tru ,} they had better pourt in the gutter and get their supply from the Red Cross, or,, better still, turn that phase of civilian defense over to the Red Cross." T HE PEN points today at the well-meaning but sometimes difficult-to-understand USO, which at present is busily engaged in flooding huge shipments of books ipon tle smal, de- fenseless garrison stationed in the local ROTC headquarters. Two days ago the five officers and nine en- listed men were completely overwhelmed by the sudden arrival of four crates-approxi- mately 250 volumes-of books. With only the 14 of them working, they are having a hard time filing the varied gems of literature, let alone reading them. However, they are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of the next shipment-due in about two wees-because there is not a single copy of the Rover Boys series in this one. If they find "Tom Swift and His Motorcycle," which I contributed to the Victory Book campaign, I hope they let me know. My roommate wants to read it. -The Managing Editor easy that PM became alarmed at the laxity of supervision. PM sent a reporter to test the watchfulness of five major concerns in New York City which were engaged in doing vital defense work and the reporter did not 'get as much as a "hello" from the guards who supposedly were on the alert against trespassers. PM exposed the Standard Oil Company's tie- up with the Nazis months before an excited press howled a chorus of headlines condemning the company. PM locked horns with Father Cough- lin and was directly responsible for the govern- ment's decision to ban "Social Justice" from circulation because it spread seditious propa- ganda. PM had something to do with putting Pelley of the Silver Shirts where he belonged and with squelching "The Galilean." ,AND we musn't forget either that Ingersoll's no-advertising paper is doing everything it ;japs Worried However, those who urge the all-out war in Asia have persisted, and their argument has been strengthened by recent developments. One is the fact that the Japs, obviously scared at the prospect of a second front in Asia, are fighting feverishly to clean out the Chinese before China gets important help, from us. 6Fear of a sec- ond front in Asia also was why the Japs nipped part of the Aleutian Islands. Main development, however, was the defeat at Tobruk -and the serious Nazi threat to the en- tire Near East; for if the Near East falls, with its vital supply route opened by Anerican rail- road engineers from the Gulf of Persia to the Caucasus, then it may be absolutely imperative to open new supply lines to Russia via Alaska and Siberia. 1 And, even more important, the entire focus of the war, so far as the United States is con- cerned, may turn to the Far East; for, if Hitler secures the oil of Iran, Iraq and Mosul, it may be the wisest strategy to knock Japan out of the war first-because the Nazis will have the re- sources to continue for a long time. Strike Breakers Brig.-Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, chief of Selec- tive Service, is concerned over the apparent attempt of some local draft boards to use their powers for labor baiting. Two current cases in such widely separated places as Massachusetts and Polorado are symp- tomatic. In Massachusetts a large manufacturing com- pany with important war orders locked out its employes. The local draft board, whose chair- man was an official of the company, immediately ordered some of the highly skilled workers re- classified for induction. The Colorado case is almost the same, except "that the local draft board official is personal director of the affected concern. Both cases have been appealed to the State Selective Service Boards, but the injustices are still uncorrected. Unless these and similar in- stances are cleared *up to remove any taint of unfairness, Hershey is prepared to crack down on the wide powers now enjoyed by local draft boards. Capital Chaff Transfer of Eskimos 'and Indians from the Aleutian Islands is not for fear of 5th column- ing, but because the natives may be in danger ... State Department's Passport Office, long in the doldrums, now is booming as a result of many U.S. officers going abroad on special mis- sions ... Mrs. Roosevelt's close friend, Congress- woman Caroline O'Day of New York, will have Democratic competition this year-Miss Martha Palmer, active worker among the Young Demo- crats . . . i i I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLTIN FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1942 VOL. LII. No. 18-S All Notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin aI'e to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices should be submitted before 11:30 a.m. Notices The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing United States Civil Service Examinations. Last date for filing applications is noted in each case. Public Health Nurse, $2,000, Ap- plications will be received until the needs of the service have been met. Graduate Nurse, General, $1,00, applications will be received until the needs of the service have been met. Junior Calculating Machine Oper- ator, $1,440, applications will be re- ceived until the needs of the service have been met. Tabulating Equipment Operators, $1,620 to $2,000, applications will be received until the needs of the serv- ice have been met. Personnel Officers, $2,600 to $6,500, applications will be received until the needs of the service have been met. Immigrant Inspector (for appoint- ment to Detroit or Port Huron), $2,100, applicants for this position may apply in Detroit immediately. Further information may be ob- tained from the notices which are on file at the office of the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. University Bureau ofrAppointments and jOccupational Info rmation: Reg- istration for all students who 'will be looking for permanent positions at the end of the summer session or the summer semester is being held through today, Friday, July 10 at the office of the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. The office hours are 9:00 to 12:00 a.m. and 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. This applies to people interested in, all kinds of positions, both teaching and also business and professions. Only one registration is held during the summer and it is most important that everyone whowill be looking for work enroll at this time. There is no fee, for his serviceP "Stupid dog!-hon spy report American bomber made of tooth- paste tubes-why no can you?" GRNANDBEAR IT ,. ' i V ; f .,. a I : ........,,, - sored by the U.S. Army and U.S.. Navy. The next group will start January 5, 1943, at the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology and will lead to a commission in either the Army or ,the Navy. The course will last eight months. Applications should be submitted as soon as pos- sible because of the time required for applications to be acted upon, ',and must be in by September 1, 1942. Fur- ther information may be had from the notices which are on file at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, Office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Academic Notices Teacher's' Certificate Candidates who expect to be recommended by the Faculty of the School of Educa- tion at the close of the Summer Ses- sion or the Summer Tei'm should make application at this time at the An Axeo TGrind By TORQUEMADA ' _ .# By Lichty. - ' THE SUN was shining brightly yesterday and we students, as is our wont, were gamboling gaily on the campus green. It was a pleasant afternoon, not many people on campus, not as hot as everybody's afraid it's going to be, just nice and quiet and peaceful. We, personally, were standing in back of An- gell Hall, near the Haven Hall wind tunnel, talk- ing with friends when he appeared. Not the sort of person that repulsed you immediately, a pleasant looking guy of about forty, with a large round face, not soft and not hard, and wearing a nondescript winter suit. He sidled over, cagey like. One of the girls in our party screamed slightly. He spoke. "Excuse me, I'm a photographer from a De- troit department store. I wonder if any of you would like to pose for a picture." A pause, as each of the girls looked at the other, half eager, half afraid, three-quarters caught by the leth- argy of the afternoon. "Oh,,it's perfectly all right, I've spoken to Dean Smith about it. Here, won't you (motioning to one of the girls) come around in front?" He pushed her around to the front steps with his will power, and she went, looking back wistfully and appealingly. We stayed put, confident that if she wasn't back in ten minutes, by God the rotter would hear from us, yessirree. FIVE MINUTES LATE19 he returned. "And wouldn't you all like to be in it too?" Two seconds later *e were in front of Angell Hall. So there we were, two pretty girls, a handsome boy, and your columnist, whose beauty lies in the graceful curves of his cerebrum. The man seemed transformed into a real human dynamo. "All right, you two girls right over here, and you' (here we stepped forward eagerly) riot you, a little lower on the steps, please." And a very pretty picture it made too, with two pretty girls and a handsome boyin front of the camera, and *us in the background, wistfully smiling encour- agement and bantering in spite of a broken heart. HE SHOT about three pictures in that pose, very calm, and disturbed only by the gentle hinting sound of our hair being combed in the background. I guess his wife, a large women with a kind motherly expression and a heart of **'J tea tut "*' e '**. ofIice or the Recorduer University Bureau of Appointments of Education, 1437 U.E and Occupational Information. Margaret S. Whitese 'The University Bureau of Appoint- Make-up Examinati ments has just received notice of a man will be given to stt special meteorology program spon- to take them by theiri structors. Such studen mediately report to the Tainadges H It al office, 204 Universit In The Ring Again . . . Make-up examinatio GOV. EUGENE Talmadgehas an- 11 final will be givenl nounced his intention to main- 13, All studeqnts int tain Georgia as the citadel of fascism register with Geology and prejudice in the United States. Room 2051 Natural S The venomous dictator from the ing not later than Th cotton land is going to run for his July 9. fourth term, and he doesn't give a i. D. Scot damn how he gets his votes-in fact, the baser the public prejudices to Women Students: N which he appeals, the better he seems Archery, Body Mec to like it. Riding, Swimming, , One of the most sturdy planks in Dance will be started Ju his platform is his promise to keep ter now at Barbour Gy trampling on the Negro and to make Dept. of Phys. Educ. sure that the colored man's degraded state is not raised a whit. In an- Phi Lambda Upsilon.I nouncing his candidacy, he publicly bers of P.L.U. not on declared that while he is in office semester please leave thi he will never permit Negroes to at- Ann Arbor address wit tend school with whites. tary in Room 264 Che Thus proudly glorifying the in- ing. The Michigan ch tolerance of the South, Governor a cordial welcome to m Talmadge has dragged the prejuL other chapters. dice of that section of our country John Wynstra, Chap to a disgusting new low. This prejudice is obviously a thing to be Psychology 31. A im ashamed of, but Talmadge knows examination will be gi that if hie stoops low enough in July 13, from 7 to 9i choosing his campaign tactics, it N.S. B can be used ,to bring him votes. And it is quite clear by now that Students Summer Se when it is a question of political of Literature, Science, a expediency there is no such thing No courses may be elect as stooping too low for Talmadge. after the end of this w IT IS DIFFICULT to think of a 1 day, July 11, is tieref record in public office quite as I day on which new elec black as that of ' Talmadge's during approved. The willingn his three terms as governor of Geor- structor to admit a stud gia. He has kicked the political foot- not affect the operation ball around any way he pleased, con- E. A. Walter, Assi tradicted himself, made appointments and removals purely for purposes of Students, Summer Se personal political expediency - in of Literature, Science a short, he has pulled almost every Except under extraordi trick in the books. stances courses droppe Yet three times the voters of third wek, Saturday, Ju etgtareetimesnthehvotesof-recorded with a grade o Georgia put him in the highest of- E. A. Walter, Assi fice of the ptate. It is a bit far- fetched to believe that they were Dr. Striedieck's sectio ignorant of his record. His politi- 2 Will be met by Mr. Eb cal machine must indeed be pow- room 305 South Wing. erful if he has been able to keep himself in office so long with a Faculty of the Colleg record like his. ture, Science and the Ar It is time the voters of Georgia-- week freshman reports the minute percentage of Georgians Saturday, July 18, in t whom the poll-tax allows to vote- Counselors' Office, 108A broke that machine and all that has e Arthur Van Duren,, gone along with it. If they don't do Academic Co so at the next election, we shall have reason to shake our heads and won- Cryptanalysis Study der just what is this American de- cause of the Mathemat mocracy for which we are fighting. next meeting of this c ..,--..meetin- _ _, of the School E.S. ell, Recorder ons in Ger- udents entitled individual in- nts should im- Department- y Hall. n for Geology Monday, July erested please Secretary in Science Build- hursday noon, t, Professor. of six plays, as well as single tickets for all individual performances, are on sale daily in the Box Office of the Mendelssohn Theatre. Smith League House Reception- The members of the Smith League House, located at 1102 E. Ann Street will give a reception for students at- tending the University on Friday eve- ning, July the 10th from 8-12 p~m. The affair will be limited to stu- dents in attendance at the Univer- sity. ConingEvents The 1942 High Schol Clinic Band will present its first concert at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, July' 12, in Hill Audi- torium, under the direction of Wil- liam D. Revelli. Guest conductors will be Mr. Mac E. Carr and Mr. Cleo G. Fox in a program compli- mentary to the general public. The Graduate Outing Club will take a canoe trip to Barton Pond on Sunday, July 12. There will be a charge of $1.10 which will include canoe rental and supper at Barton Pond. All interested 'please leave their names and a deposit of 25 cents at the Rackham Building Check Room before Friday noon. "Duck Soup," a movie presented by the Art Cinema League, will be shown on Sunday night at 8:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Faculty Concert: Miss Julia Rebell, pianist, will appear in a faculty con- cert in Hill Auditorium at 8:30 Tues- day evening, July 14. Miss Rebell is head of the piano department of the University of Arizona, and comes to Ann Arbor as a guest artist. Her program will incluqe Brahms' Sonata in F. minor, Perpetual Motion by Weber-Ganz and Masques by De- bussy. Admission is complimentary. All students interested in Educa- tion are invited to attend the School of Education Frolic to be held at The Women's Athletic Building, July 15th, from t-11 p.m. Come and bring your friends. Square Dancing. Students attend- ing the Square Dancing class that meets at 5 p.m. on Mondays in the Michigan League, are requested to bring their dance manuals with them. Ethel McCormick Churches - ew sections in hanics, Golf, Tennis, Tap ly 13. Regis- mnasium. . for Women. Will all mem- campus last heir name and th the Secre- mistry Build- apter extends members from Ater Secretary nake-up final iven Monday, in room 1121 . D. Thuma ssion, College and the Arts: ted for credit week. Satur- fqre the last tions may be mess of an in- ent later will of this rule. stant Dean ession (ollege and the Arts: nary circum- ed after the ly 18, will be f E. stant Dean n of German e1ke today in ge of Litera- ts: The five- will be due he Academic Mason Hall. Chairman, unselors. Group: Be- ics Tea, the ourse will be Campus Worship: Mid-day Wor- ship at the Congregational Edifice, State and William Streets, each Tuesday and Thursday at 12:10 p.m. Open to all. Adjourn at 12:30. Led by various Ann Arbor Clergymen, Henry O. Yoder, Chairman. Daily Mass at St. Mary's Chapel, Williams and Thompson Streets, at 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. Open to all. Fath- er Frank' J. McPhillips, Celebrating. E. W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religious EducatiorI, Wesley Foundation: .There will be open house and an informal party tonight from 9:00 to 12:00 in the student rooms of the First Methodist Church for all Methodist students and their friends. No charge. Avukah, the Student Zionist Fed- eration, will hold another communal supper this Sunday evening at 6:30 in the Hillel Foundation. After the supper there will be a short discus- sion on some current topic and group singing. "Reservations may be made by calling Netta Siegel at 2-2868. There will be a charge of 35 cents. Trinity Lutheran Church: Services will be held Sunday, July 12 at 1:30 I