T-HE MICHIGAN DAILY' THhSDAY, JULY 9; -- ---- ----- Airlit-gau" Vaity Nk I The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREw 1EARSON m1' Edited and managed by students of the University of 14icbigan under the authority of the Board, in Control of.Student Publications. The Summer Daily is published -every morning except Monday and Tuesday. Member of the Associated Press -The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. >Entered at the Post'Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter.-I Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, lay, mall$5.010. IEPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING Dy National Advertising Service, Inc. . Colkege Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.- Y. cmiicAgo '- OSTIQ * Los ANGS6iS * SAN. FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Uomer Swander Will Sapp Mike Dann. Editorial Staff Managing Editor City Editor Sports Editor ASSOCIATE EDITORS _ Hale .Chanpion, John Erlewine, Robert Mantho, Irving Jaffe, Robert Preiskel Business Staff Edward Perlberg _ Fred M. Ginsberg D~orton Hunter . Business Manager . . Associate Business Manager . . . Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HALE CHAMPION The editorials published in The Michigan Daiy are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Henry Wallace For Presiden In 1944 . . SUPERFICIALLY this country is united. But under the guise of na- tional amity, politicos still tread their well-worn, if idevious paths of opportunism; and since we remain a functioning democracy, 1944 looms as a fateful, ominously decisive year. The GOP even now is groping for some cosmic issue with which to conront our eleatorate and consider-, ably before November 'two years hence. So it is far from premature to begin a scrutiny of presidential timber. Besides Mr. Roosevelt, whose fourth term" is an unknown quantity, and Wendell Willkie, who will be a candidate op some ticket comerhell or high water, one man *stends out, infinitely above all others. He is modest, devout, eloquent Henry Agard Wallace- as true an ,apostle of democracy as our times hgve produced:. o single voice has been raised with such earnestness or clarity as his in giving golden utterance to the war aims of the United N4ations. Few vice-presidents have been so active as he in all American history, none so practical in attaining their ends. *11E need but hearken back to the days when, mainly as a result of Wallace's handiwork, the rehabilitation of America's drought and poverty ridden farmer was brought about. Or more recently, the State Department's rap- prochement with Mexico was in a great measure due to a consummate bit of single-handed vice- presidential diplomacy. Henry Wallace has al- ways actively fostered better inter-American relations. Here then is a man who combines the human- itarianism of a Roosevelt with the erudition of a Wilson. Indeed, his books constitute one of the most lucid interpretations of global economic forces now available. Isn't this the kind of statesman we need in the White House during a post-war era pre- dominantly economic in pits reconstructive problems? By then we of the United States should be up to Woodrow Wilson, although twenty-five years ago he was, idealogically, oceans ahead of us, his constituency, and the world. Wallace embodies the 1942 brand of ,New freedom. ET US SMASH the precedent that so long has plagued us of electing misfit mediocrities to high office after every major war. Our post- war problems this time will be as complex as they are now incalculable. A man of Henry Wallace's caliber, whose realm is above petty politics, of deep sensitivity and foresight, of in- corruptibility and intellectual background-only such an individual will be able to cope with, no ]ass solve the perplexities of tomorrow. Soon the American public-or that segment of which votes-will have to decide between - the ghost of Harding and the shade of Wilson. One can even see a reincarnation of General Grant in the person of a now nearly deified MacArthur. Now is the time to weigh his in- adequacies and those of "Buster" Dewey and those of Rushvllle's Barefoot Boy from Wall Street as against the brightest political lumi- nary to rise on the executive horizon. Wallace in 1944 and damn precedent. - Bernard Rosenberg Second Front Is WASHINGTON-While most people have their eyes glued on crucial events in the Near East, the politicos of the Country have their eyes glued on the New York governorship. They know that the man who gets this key post may be the next president of the United States, and in any event will control New York's big block of votes at the national convention. For instance, Herbert Hoover was dining with a'friend in New York the other night and was asked what he was doing in the East. The ex-President replied that he was working for the nomination and election of Tom Dewey as governor of New York. "I thought I heard you say a couple of years ago that in no event should Tom Dewey occupy public office," remarked the friend. Hoover replied: "Yes, but if Tom Dewey should be elected, I can, through him, dominate the Republican organization and the presidential nomination in 1944. On the other hand, if Wen- dell Willkie prevents his nomination, or if he is nominated and not elected, then Wendell Willkie would dominate the situation. And I am out to do everything I can to prevent that. Note: Realizing the crucial political question to be decided inNew York, Roosevelt' has given the private nod to Senator Jim Mead, who, al- though previously not anxious to run, will do so with the President's full backing. With this backing, and Willkie's tacit support in the back- ground, White House advisers believe Mead can beat Dewey-though the race should -be ex- tremely close. Jfp Weakness Since his return from active duty with the Pacific fleet, young Representative Warren Mag- nuson of Washington has been asked many times, "What is your impression of the Japa- nese?" Here's his reply: "I have lived among the Japs on thePacific Coast and I have seen them in battle. They are pretty tough. One thing to remember is that they have been preparing for this war 20 years. That's apparent in their battle maneuvers. "They lay out a plan. It is usuallya good one, and they will go to their deaths to carry it out. 'But here is what is going to whip them. If some- thing goes wrong along the way, if something unexpected occurs, or if something happens that is not in the book, they don't know what to do. "They require another huddle before they can go ahead with another plan. Coral Sea-and Mid- way demonstrated that. What is going to whip the Japs in the long run is .good old-fashioned Yankee ingenuity.", Draft Test Congress recently amended the draft law, lay- ing down clear-cut principles regarding the pre- viously confused question of dependency. The express purpose of the revised law is to delay the 'drafting of married men and men with de- pendents until all other categories have been exhausted. Yet today many local draft boards continue to order married men and men with dependents to report for induction. This is not entirely the fault of these boards. They are given monthly quotas to fill and -are pressured to fill them promptly. The fault is with the Selective Service administration in Washington, which has not yet taken measures Mess a new front is oPtned England and the United States may find themselves facing the undivided strength of an entrenched Germany at a date now set for the crushing of the Nazis. Russia's situation is as desperate now as at any tune since the beginning of the war. The Nazis have resumed the initiative all along the line, claim control of the Crimea and are at- tacking in strength on all fronts. The German southern offensive is pushing close to Voroneh, endangering the vital Moscow-Rostov railway connecting the Soviet armies in the north and south and threatening the water communication on the Don. THE ENEMY is still within 75 miles of Alex- andriaand is a definite threat to tlat city, the Suez and control of the Mediterranean. A successful push to the Suez would give them the oil fields of Iraq and might drive the British fleet out of the Mediterranean. So waiting until the United Nations in all their might can unleash a terrific attack on Europe using a long stored and prepared pool of fighting power is impossible. The war must be fought today, with what we have today, and with everything we have today. And that in- cludes the more than 3,000,000 men in England waiting and anxious to get into the fight. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to believe that military leaders would consciously and directly plan to let other nations bear the brunt of the attack until a vitiated Germany became easy meat for an invasion attempt. 'But it is perfectly con- ceivable that they would wait too long-"too little and too late" are sorrowful cliches-for the time when a greatly strengthened Allied force could take the field. -But even if the esoteric reasoning of the war heads makes sense, and even if the attack should fall short of the successful invasion mark, it should be attempted. The cost would undoubt- edly be great, but, to this swivel-chair strategist, worthwhile. The resulting shifting of Nazi strength might keep Russia in the war and the Suez in our hands. to ensure uniform application of the draft law throughout the country. This failure of Selective Service is due pri- marily to one key deficiency-the fact that al- though the draft law has been in operation nearly two years, Selective Service still does not have dependable statistical data on the nation's military manpower. Selective Service, is still issuing blanket quota orders without detailed information on the manpower available in the local draft districts.' That is why some draft boards are compelled to call up married men and men with de- pendents, while in other sections unencumbered draft-age eligibles are still awaiting induction. Comprehensive statistical data would avoid such inequalities and make possible a uniform induction system. That was the purpose of the amendments passed by Congress. But it won't be accomplished until Selective Service bestirs itself and secures statistical information. With a few minor exceptions, the local draft boards are made up of patriotic and conscien- tious men who work long hours without com- pensation. Each month they are confronted with a quota, set by Selective Service, which theymust fill in. order to provide the Army with the men it urgently needs. The draft boards labor earnestly to be Tair in deciding who should be inductqd. 'It is not their fault if they have to order married men drafted to fill a quota while other boards have an excess of unencumbered eligibles. It is the fault of Selective Service, and the time is long past due when it should put an end to such an inequitable system. 'V'Cards Forty-six senators and 212 representatives have been revealed as "X" card holders. The list in- cluded such famed economy clamorers as Sena- tor Tydings of Maryland and Representatives Rich of Pennsylvania, Crawford of Michigan and Cgx of Georgia. Also, isolationist general- issimo Senator Burt Wheeler. " However, one Capitol big-shot who was in on the "X" card foray, somehow escaped disclosure. He is white-thatched Chesley W. Jurney, Ser- geant-at-Arms of the Senate. Jurney not only has access to an unlimited gas supply, but he gets the gas free. Further, he is ferried around by a chauffeur (listed on the Senate payroll as a "janitor") in a sumptuous limousine, also furnished free. DRAMA The Michigan Repertory Players are offering a very pleasant production of Richard Sheridan's' apparently imperishable play, "The Rivals," at the Lydia Mendelssoh Theatre this week, snd if you are weary of headlines and the troubles of this world, then you should, by all means, hasten there at once. Those who feel a particu- lar affection for the play itself should have no fears, for it is done with gay reverence and is only slightly tattered by a not too astute cutting job. Think of "The Rivals" and you think of Mrs. Malaprop. 0r at least you should. For Mrs. Malaprop, the 'lady with the desperately fey tongue is, of course, the chief reason for the eternal popularity of "The Rivals." The revival at the Mendelssohn is fortunate, indeed, to be offering a court of hearing for an expert inter- pretation of that grand lady's verbal desecra- tions. Claribel Baird takes Mrs. Malaprop serene- ly in hand, rolls.the dreadful language smoothly and with delightful nonchalance from her tongue and, with an agreeable and entirely un- comprehending nod of her head, sweeps about the stage in as charming and ingratiating a manner as you could wish. She has made of her Mrs. Malaprop a bright and glowing delight. ' William Altman acts Sir Anthony Absolute with commanding skill. He wears his age with dignity and indulges in those unfortunate skir- mishes of the aged with with intelligence and a fine sense of moderation. His overtones of sly humor and his volcanic rages give texture to the role and rob it of any last lingering unreality. Jim Bob Stephenson wisely plays the dashing and bedeviled Captain Absolute calmly and with style. William Kinzer's Bob Acres pleased the audience, although it had in it just a dash too much of agility to suit this jaundiced taste. Helen Rhodes as Lydia, the circulating library's staff and comforter, looked lovely and more im- portant, perhaps, acted with considerable cun- ning. The Lucy of Judy Fletcher was neither too arch nor too pallid and at the same time ex- tremely appetizing. The rest of the cast ranged from competent to adequate. Technically, the production was, for the most part, happy. Lucy Barton's costumes were de- lightful, apparently authentic, and extremely easy on the eye. The only difficulty with them was that, except for the final scene of the play, they were in a constant, if minor, duel with the scenery. The scenery, scant yet tasteful when viewed alone, evidently endeavored to capture the quality of an old theatre print but unfor- tunately refused to accept its alloted position as subordinate to the actors. The screens for Mrs. Malaprop's home and especially those at Acre's lodgings were nervously jumpy and made this unfortunately unhardy witness clear his throat r-. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1942 VOL. LI. No. 17-S All Notices for the Daily Officil Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the Summer Session before 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publication except on Saturday, when the notices shuld be submitted before 11:36 a.m. Notices Reporters for Campus Organiza- tions can assist the D.O.B. b bregis- tering their organizations with MissI Scanlan in Dean Bursley's Office. No notices may be printed from organi- zations which have not done this for the Summer Session. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing Stae of Michigan Civil Serv- ice Examinations. Last date for fil- ing applications is noted in each case. Child Guidance Social Worker II, August 1, 1942, $200 to $240 per mo. Residence in Michigan not required for this. At present there are three vacancies. Law Compilation Executive I, July 22, 1942, $155 to $195 per no. Sanitary Engineer I, July 22, 1942, $155 to $195 per mo. Sanitary Engineer II, July 22, 1942, $200 to $240 per, mo. Sanitary Engineer III, July 22, 1942, $250 to $310 per mo. Sanitary Engineer IV, July 22, 1942,1 $325 to $385 per mo. Announcement No. 726 A, dated June 24, 1942,, for Obstetrician V and VIII, is hereby amended as follows: Envelqpes containing applications for these examinations must be post- marked not later than July 15, 1942. Further information may be ob- tained from the notices which are on file at the office of the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received the following in- formation concerning United States Civil Service Examinations. General Amendment to all An- nouncements isued prior to July 7, '42, and pending on that date: 1. With the exceptions listed below, all announcements issued by the Central Office of the United States Civil Service Commission prior to and pending on July 7, 1942, are hereby amended to provide that there= is no maximum age limit.I The age limits for the following examinations will remain as stated in the original announcement:. No. 106 of 1941-Coal Mine Inspec- tor.! No. 142 of 1941-Graduate Nurse (Panama Canal). No. 202 of 1942-Junior Aeronau- tical Inspector (Trainee). No. 211 (1942)-Physician (Pana- ma Canal). No. 232 (1942)-Junior Investiga- tor. No. 239 (1942)-Junior Custodial Officer. 2. By previous -amendment issued September 8, 1941, Application Card, Form 4006, is required to be filed with all other application material specified in the original announce- ment, for all unassembled examina- tions. 3. By previous amendment issued December 19, 1940, photographs are not required in connection with civ- il-service examinations. By this amendment also fingerprints are tak- en at the time of the written test for assembled examinations as well as at the time of appointment. This amendment incorporates and supersedes the previous general amendments issued September 8. 1941, and December 19, 1940.'i The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing United States Civil Service Examinations. Last date for filing applications is note4I in each case. Public Health Nurse, $2,000, Ap- plications will be received until the needs of the service have been met. Graduate Nurse, General, $1,800, applications will be received until the needs of the service have been met. Junior Calculating Machine Oper- ator, $1,440, applications will be re- ceived until the needs of the service have been met. Tabulating Equipment Operators, $1,620 to $2,000, applications will be received until the needs of the serv- ice have been met. Personnel Officers, $2,600 to $6,500, applications will be received until the needs of the service have been met. Immigrant Inspector (for appoint- ment to Detroit or Port Huron),' $2,100, applicants for this position may apply in Detroit immediately. Further information may be ob- tained from the notices which are on file at the office of the Bureau of Appointments, .201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. In the present emergency every possible item of scrap metal, or other useful material should be disposed GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty useful for University purposes. No sale may be consummated unless first approved by the Vice-President and Secretary. The proceeds of all such sales shall be placed in the gen- era1 funds of the University unless otherwise specifically determined by the Board of Regents. Shirley W. Smith, Vice-President and Secretary. A Standard First Aid Course is be- ing held on Tuesgays and Tiursday from 7to 9 p.m. m the Michigan League. The first meeting of this class is July 9 at 7 p.m. Any one in- terested is invited to register. Campus Worship: Mid-day Wor- ship at the Congregational Edifice, State and William Streets, each Tuesday and Thurlday at 12:10 p.m. Open to all. Adjourn at 12:30. Led by various Ann Arbor Clergymen, Henry O. Yoder, Chairman. Daily iMass at St. Mary's Chapel, Williams and Thompson Streets, at 7 n.m. and 8 a.m. Open to all. Fath- er Frank J. McPhillips, Celebrating. E. W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religious 'Education. Phi Lambda Upsilon. Will all mem- bers of P.L.U. not on campus last semester please leave their name and Ann Arbor address with the Secre- tary in Room 264 Chemistry Build- ing. The Michigan chapter extends a cordial welcome to members from other chapters. John Wynstra, Chapter Secretary Aeronautical Engineering Seniors: There will be available in the De- partment of Aeronautical Engineer- ing, for the fall and spring terms of 1942-1943, two Frank P. Sheehan Scholarships. The selection of can- didates for these scholarships is made very largely on the basis of scholastic standing. Applications will be received up to August 1, 1942. Students wishing to make applica- tion should address them to Dr. A. M. Kuethe, B-47 East Engineering Building, and should give a brief statement of their qualifications and experience in regard to both their scholastic work and any outside ex- perience they may have had. A state- ment should also be made giving their plans for further study in Aero- nautical Engineering. A. M. Kuethe, Acting Chairman Senior Engineers: Mr. T. W. Prior and Mr. Gillespie of the Goodyear Aircraft Corporation, Akron, Ohio, wish to interview 'Senior ,Engineers in the following groups for prospect- ive positions with their organization: Mechanicals, Aeronauticals, Civils and Engr. Mechanics. They are par- ticularly interested in men for struc- tural design work. Interviews will start at 9 a.m., Friday, July 10th in room 218 West Engineering Building. R. S. Hawley, Chairman Dept. of Mech. Eng. A cademic Notices The 'German Department is spon- soring German language tables lin the alcove of the Women's League cafeteria beginning June 29 for the duration of the' Summer Session. Luncheon and dinner (cafeteria style) at 12:15 and 6:15 respectively. All students of German, faculty members and others interested in ac- quiring practice in spoken German are cordially invited. Teacher's Certificate Candidates who expect to be recommended by the Faculty of the School of Educa- tion atthe close of the Summer Ses- sion or the Summer Term should make application at this time at the office of the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. I Mnri.Ea.nt C_ whiesell- Reorder to take them by their individual in- structors. Such students should Im- mediately report to the Department- al office, 204 University Hll. Students of the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: No courses may be .eleed for credit after the end of the second week. Saturday, July 11, is therefore the last day on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an instructor to admit a student later will not affect the operation of this rule. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean Cryptanalysis Study Group: Be- cause of the Mathematics Tea, the next meeting of this course will be Friday, July 10th from 4 to 6 p.m., in 3010 Angell Hall. The remaining meetings will be on Thursdays, from 4 to 6, as agreed. A. H. Vopeland. Make-up final examinations:Phi- sics 25, 26, 71, 72: in West Lecture Room, July 9th at 2:00 o'clock. Women Students: New sections -in Archery, Body Mechanics, Golf, Riding, Swimming, Tennis, Tap Dance will be started July 13. Regis- ter now at Barbour Gymnasium. Dept. of Phys. Educ. for Women. Students, Summer Session College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Except under extraordinary circum- stances courses dropped after the third wek, Saturday, July 18, will be recorded with a grade of E. E. H. Walter Preliminary Examinations f& the Ph.D. degree in English will be given according to the following schedle from 9-12 a.m. in 3217 Angell Hal: American Literature witfi Conti- nental Backgrounds, July 22. English Literature 1700-1900, July 25. English Literature 1550-1700, July 29. English Literature, Beginnings to 15560, Aug. 1. All those intending to take the ex- aminations should notify Professor N. E. Nelson, 3223 Angell Hall, by July 15. The Summer Session Orchestra of the University of Michigan meets in Lane Hall Monday through Thurs- ,day each week at 2:30 p.m. All or- chestral players are invited. Events Today Inter-Guild Luncheon will be held this week on Thursday at 12:35 in the Fireplace Rom of Lane Hall, fol- lowing the Campus Worship Service at First Congregational Church. All those interested in the campus guilds are cordially invited to attend. Tom Johnson, President Interviewing for those interested in becoming hostesses, Thursday, 1-5 p.m. Undergraduate Office in the League. Kay Buszek, League Publicity School of Education will hear Pro- fessor Edgar W. Knight, Professor of Education at the University of North Carolina at 4:05 p.m. Thurs- day in the University High School. Mathematics Graduate Tea. An in- formaltea will be given by the staff of the Department of Mathematics and their wives for the graduate stu- dents in the Department (and their wives or husbands) in the Garden of the Michigan League on Thursday, July 9, from 4 to 6 p.m. T. H. Hildebrandt 4:15 p.m. Thursday, Amphitheatre of Rackham Building: Lecture by Professor James K. Pollock of the Thpnaortmn~tof Political Sc'ince. Ili 44 know Ernie well enough to know that he won't just to kiss the Blarney Stone." be satisfied '4 (Di I - 4 A A