THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 4, The Week In Review Foreign-- British Turn In Egypt Domestic-- FBI Thwarts Sabotage, Treason After a week of bad news from Egyptian battle fronts, a week which saw Matruh and El Daba fall to the mechanized speed of General Erwin Rommel's Afrika Corps, frantic Allied obser'ers finally found a silver lining. The same day that Churchill told a still irritated House of Commons that Libyan campaign losses had reached the 50,000 mark, the British lion turned from its headlong flight and bit back at the advancing Nazis. Forces concealed on the flanks and apparently in the rear drove the surprised Germans back with an at- tack that concentrated its force about 70 miles west of Alexandria, the port that many had regarded as already lost. Planes whose numbers have been matched only in such raids as Co- logne and Bremen took to the air, bombing and strafing advancing Rommel armies and supplies. They hit back hard at such distant Nazi supply centers as Derna and Bengasi. American bombers by the score took part in the attacks which ranged all over the area of the eastern Mediterranean. The American aerial help, how- ever, was not all that brought the change in British fortunes. Fine Briton Imperials, brought from the Middle East-presumably Iran, Pal- estine and Syria-were also a major factor. Gen. Claude Auchinleck-_ who only a day before took ove' su- preme command from Gen. Neil Ritchie-gbt much of the credit for what may yet become the turning point of the African war. Temporary Halt... That the battle is over, or that tioe British have succeeded in halting the always resourceful Rommel is by nq means certain. But the Axis forces which threatened to sweep Into Alexandria, Cairo and the Suez have received at least a temporary setback. People in Cairo breath more easily, but it is to be hoped that they do not continue /td perform under tension as they did last week. Cor- respondents there likened their atti- tude to that of the British nationals during the now legendary siege of Singapore. At home Churchill-expected t have a tough tussle with the Com- mons over his dual post of Prime Minister arid Defense Minister- neatly changed the issue into one of confidence or non-confidence and won hands down without even a tough fight. The overwhelming vote did not, however, indicate that the people were satisfied with the mili- tary conduct of the war. Illustration of a tendency towards distrust was the by-election victory of a Churchill critic over a government-supported candidate from a Conservative dis- trict. Meanwhile, American opinion- always ready to be highly critical of the British no matter what its own troubles might be-lashled out at what they thought were inept British policies and misleading releases to the press. And as usual the amazingly resilient average American snapped out of it once the British found a strategic place to begin their final struggle. Londonderry, Ireland, a base which might well be used either to begin or defend against invasion. Navy bombeis struck far out into the Pacific from Hawaii-hitting Jap forces on lonely Wake Island and hitting with enough force to do real damage. In the Aleutians the situ- ation was different. The Navy de- clines to say and the Japanese are not bent on revealing the extent or lodation of their forces. Whether it was fog or lack of sufficient force which kept the U.S. from dislodging the invaders no ore knew. Russia Worried ..** It was not the U.S. so much as Russia that worried about the newly acquired Jap position. For nown that the Soviet is fighting for its life in the West, it appeared that the littl yellow men may be ready to aim a blow at Siberia. They have enough troops massed in Manchukuo, and their rear is fairly well protected by the Aleutian foothold. Russian might, however, seems still to deter the Men of "Destiny. They wait only the dissipation of Soviet forces by the constantly pounding Germans. The Japanese by no means had all their eggs in one basket. They con- tinued to shoot the works in China with far greater success thaiA in the previous week. Despite the reorgan- ization of American Air Forces and the inclusion of the splendid Ameri- can Volunteer Group, things con- tinued to go badly for the Chinese. The Japs struck back to recapture several minor positions and prepared to open another theatre along the southern coast. In Australia things remained pretty much as usualt MacArthur did send one commando-like raid to Timor, but it was, the only unusual incident in an otherwise average week. Japs and Americans traded bombs, but in none-too-significant amounts, and it became increasingly apparent that Australia had become once more an almost forgotten center of action. South America seethed with com- ment again as Castillo formally took over the Presidency of Argentina, and strong man Rios of Chile got dictatorial powers of defense from, his government. Liberal, Allied-supporter Robert Ortiz, who had been of little service to Pan-American solidarity for the past two years because of illness, was finally forced to resign. With him went the last hope of overcom- ing Castillo's refusal to break with the Axis. Although Argentina con- tinued to protest an old ship sinking and even rioted about a newv one, it is still apparent that Castillo intends to do nothing about it. Ortiz' resignation brought another crisis-this one to Argentine liberals. They sought a leader who could stand the rigors of complicated Latin poli- tics, and weren't at all sure they could find one. Ship Sinkings . . . One of the most unpublicized dis- asters of the war continued to grow more apparent as the weeks passed. Axis submarines were sending home blows to the American land British marine that seemed staggering-even when compared to ship production figures. The'sinkings, especially in American waters, mounted until May set a new record; June promised to break that record unless interfer- ence came from new U.S. plans for a small boat patrol and Navy convoy system. The daring of Axis subs increased adn-for morale purposes no doubt- shelled outlying islands and deserted stretches of mainland along the Ore- gon Coast. They also sank a ship at the dock in Costa Rica, and in general became so venturous that the American public and Congress griped about the lack of protection for tank- ers and freighters. Canadian Taxes .. Canada, which has with the ex- ception of German U-boat raids in .the St. Lawrence, pretty well escaped the external effects of total war still was hemming and hawing last week. A giant taxation bill brought a storm of protest to the central government. Alaska, further north and too close to the Aleutians to be comfortable, was acting far differently. It recog- nized the situation and acted ac- cordingly, pitching in with every available resource to halt Japan. It was still impatient about the still incomplete Alaskan highway which is to cross Canada and cocked a willing ear to Arctic Explorer Stef- ansson who proposed a highway which would take only 300 miles of construction instead of the planned 1.,500. No action was taken, however. It also shook its head ruefully at treatment by U.S. Army censors whichgave it news of the Aleutians some 48 hours after the whole United States had been informed ,of the trend of events. But protests there -as all over the world-brought no results this week. In Alaska as every- where else the war came first and the people's comforts second. -Hale Champion. To Decule Fate Of Nazi Saboteurs . BRIG. GEN. GUY V. GRANT Hair-raising storybook tales of spies, saboteurs and traitors came toj life this week for millions of mys- tery-loving Americans who were thunderstruck, and somewhat fright- ened, at the audacity of the Nazis, but were pleased and proud of G- Man Hoover's alert FBI. Top thriller of the week was the brilliant capture-in only 14 days-- of eight determined German sabo- teurs, all of whom had been thor- oughly schooled in their art in Ger- many and then deposited on the shores of the United States by Nazi submarines. Four of the men landed, under cover of fog and darkness, on a lonely Long Island beach; the others, three nights later, came ashore near Jack- sonville, Fla. Burying enough ex- plosives in the sand to carry on a two-year campaign of terror, they separated with the intention of meet- ing later to begin their destruction of war plants, water supply systems, railways, canal locks and bridges. But they never had the oppor- tunity. In a few days. FBInvesti- gators were hot on their trail and in less than two weeks the eight would- be saboteurs were telling J. Edgar Hoover how they had lived for years in the United States, returned to Germany in 1939, been graduated from a Nazi school of sabotage and come back to this country intending MAJ. GEN. LORENZO D. GASSER to leave a trail of ruin, blood and panic wherever they'went. The nation once more had cause to thank Mr. Hoover's G-Men. It was glad to hear they did not spend all their time hounding so-called "reds and pinks" out of government service. Spies At Panana . . From the 'Panama Canal Zone came another lurid s'tory of spys and saboteurs-this time with a poison plot thrown in for good measure. The hero of the story-an unnamed U.S. Army observer-successfully dodged several Nazi attempts to poison him and sabotage his plane before his investigations led to the capture of 20 Axis agents.. No ordinary spy ring, it was com- Dosed of night club hostesses, Canal Zone workers, prominent business men and shipping employes. They were accused/ of notifying the Axis of the position of Allied ships and of refueling enemy submarines. If one such ring was able to operate successfully for a time, there may be others yet in existence. And to them goes part of the credit far the rising toll of Allied coast-wise shipping, For this reason, if for no other, we hope Gen. Frank Andrews, Defense Commander of the Caribbean Area, carries out his promise to "hunt MAJ. GEN. WALTER S. GRANT down" and break any other rings now in operation or being formed. Treason In Detroit. . Third act in the hemisphere fifth- column drama saw a stolid, silent, German-born American-Max Ste- phan-sitting seemingly unconcerned in his prison cell while awaiting sen- tence for the treason he has been convicted of committing against his adopted land. Though the 49-year-old Detroit restaurant owner may be hung for his 12 overt acts in "aiding and abet- ting" an enemy, he has yet to show any emotion other than cold stoi- cism. The life of this man-who wined and dined German Air Force officer Peter Krug-now rests in the hands of 1Federal Judge Arthur Tut- tle, who is scheduled to announce. his decision soon. Although the min- imum sentence is five years impris- onment or '$5,000 fine, it is certain that America's first convicted traitor will 'get much more. Henderson Fights Back... Stuffing cigars into his coat pocket and singing something like "Just Before the Battle, Mother," Price Administrator Leon Henderson bore down on the Senate this week, deter- mined to regain the $86,000,000 which the House slashed from OPA appro- priations-but the "elder statesmen" planted a firm foot in approximately the same part of Mr. Henderson's anatomy that the House had selected one week earlier. Being a more - than -somewhat tough gentelman, Henderson took it and came back for more. It ap- peared, however, that he was 'oo tough, too straightforward, too plaih- speaking for even the upper cham- ber. He has never been noted for an ability to make friends and this week there was not one in Congress cour- ageous enough to speak in his favor. Seemingly there is not one Con- gressman-and certainly far, far from a majority-who is willing to lay aside all personal animosity and seriously consider the problem of providing sufficient funds for effec- tive control of prices, rents and ra- tioning. Without the recommended $161,- 000,000 the Office of Price Adminis- tration will not be able to do its job- it will not be able to protect the American consumer. If the Senate does not see fit to right the appalling error of the House, a majority of the blame for a runaway Inflation will lay at the feet of Congress. Jim Crow Jury ... At 8:35 a.m. Thursday a citizen of the United States sat in the electric chair of the Virginia penitentiary at Richmond. A moment later he was dead-dead because his skin was black, dead because he was a poor sharecropper, dead because his law- yer made a technical mistake, but dead most of all because America is not yet as free as it would like to think it is. The Negro, Odell Waller, shot and killed a white man. That white man had taken 50 ,sacks of wheat which belonged to Waller; he had driven the Negro and his family off the land; Waller's peers-sharecroppers and Negros-were not allowed on the Jury which tried him; a white man had previously been tried before the same judge for killing a Negro in a similar situation and had been freed within 15 minutes. All the defenders of Wallr asked was that he be retried by a jury on which his peers were allowed to.sit; all they asked was that Virginia abide by the Constitution of the United States. But Odell Waller had killed a white man and for that he must die. On the day that he was exe- cuted we were still asking the mem- bers of his raceto enlist in the Army or the Navy and join the fight for freedom. g o Ford Vs. Government... Workers at Ford's Willow Run plant received the disappointing news this week that 'bomber city' plans were being subjected to "criti- cal review" and may be abandoned entirely. Giving in to the Senate's De- fense Investigating Committee, John Blandford, administrator of the Na- tional Housing Agency, agreed to re- survey the whole project and a spe- cial WPB committee has been set up for the purpose. If the plans ate abandoned, it is almost certain the Detroit housing problem-which is already severe- will become unmanageable. It will also mean that workers at the Bomber Plant will have to spend as much as three or four hours daily traveling to and from work. The action came after a concerted pressure drive by Henry Ford and Washtenaw County officials who are interested, not in the comfort of the workers, but in keeping this county "clean" (free from any CIO or Demo- cratic influence). Last week Ford set himself above the people arid the government of the Uited States and decided he would stop the bomber city by any means necessary. He ordered stakes pulled which had been driven by government surveyors and he an- nounced a formal campaign-which thus far has been successful-against the housing project. One begins to wonder when Henry Ford is going to stop telling the gov- ernment what it should and what it should not do. - Homer Swander DeGaull See French Front By The Associated Press Uneasy and hungry Europe was told by the Free French Leader Gen. Charles De Gaulle, last night that the decisive battle of the war would be fought in France, and as he spoke the German masters of the continent were hastily reinforcing their coasts F Sevastopol Falls .. . Sevastopol fell. German clair s were premature, but there was little doubt that the huge Black Sea for- tress was just about ready to give up on the ghost, and finally all Russian troops withdrew from the city, leav- ing charred, smouldering ruins be- hind them. The consequences are terrific. The Nazis are now protected on the flank and can mass huge forces against increasing Soviet defenses across from the Kerch peninsula. Beyond lies the Caucasus and the oil which in the hands of Hitler's cohorts might mean a ten-year war-even if the Allies could offset his advances with a second front. However, instead of immediately concentrating on the Caucasus at- tack, the hermans threw their heavi- est tank attacks of the summer at Kursk, south of Moscow, and in some sectors pushed their advantage near Kharkov. There remained little doubt that the Nazis held the upper hand in Russia temporarily, and that if they should use it with all the ma- terial at hand Hitler's hard campaign might yet prove really fruitful. Although the Nazis scored notable successor on these two principal fronts, they were nevertheless con- scious of trouble brewing in other directions. Second front talk forced the Nazis to increase their French garrison to almost record size. The RAF again threw flight after ,flight, squadron after squadron, of bombers and fighters at German sub bases and occupied French ports. General Charles De Gaulle of the Free French made a statement which finally committed that government 4-,. n., ,~. ~ 4 iia n ,ni., frm oiif _nvrn vvlefl WAR ROLLS TOWARDS THE' PROMISED LAND 1 p ALEXANDRIA WBeth ehen KGazcaL ..w EtwSa onr' Beer-shebj4 Beseth Oe* *~ rojt+ 7Efo .....$. ithom Wilderness J AIR ~ e, of Shuru rk Memphis *. :Wc +rsnwit ctChdrodAu - of, w ** < *~ e Si . *- ---r- ac WLXN~ A~r ~a~~ f~xt o~ mjjiai,® ct, P- & eer-Sheb * f SCaA - ~ ~ ~ r~'r n 3 Nineveh ;A 24A1ioch 6Jm± fiaraL. rrEStiq.pacL OF .I1SS J'LaL (. ptk Ar&. -7 ..T ripolis S Y iA Sidon E ®T e' iDAMASCUS Cca erncum Sea of BAGHDAD, e Galilee . ~ TURKEY" ~~, ~ ANTIOCH',A7 RHODE LATAKIA o DODECANESE /cr D ISLANDS CYPRUST CRETE 0 LE BAN A TYRE MED/TERIANEAN SEA HAIFA JAFFA JERUSALE aBARDI AMATR UHALEXANDRIA "SAID o 5i ioo SAD :..iH." ........ E Suez Cancal Z: ..... .W.desWorld." ai:'re Wide World.feL rri ~1 4 GAIN the Holy Land is caught in the jaws of war. To the north in Russia, to the west on Crete, to 1. It would give the Axis complete domination of the Mediterranean shores and Suez. 2. It is one step nearer the vast oil miracle they crossed the Red Sea over into Palestine-The Promised Land. First they were ruled by generals, then judges, then kings as they growl over lands where once angels sang and a star guided the Magi to the birthplace of the Prince of Peace, from the rpligio-racial warfare that has been almost continuous. In 1917, it was Britain's Lord Al- -lenby who challenged the Turks' of-