-, _ - ,_ FRIDAY, J'ULY 3, 1942 PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN iDAIY PAGE FOUR FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1942 Corner Stone For Health Without elaborate ceremony and blaring bands the, corner stone of the new $750,000 Public Health Build- ing on Observatory Avenue was laid yesterday. In the corner stone of the modern new classroom and research build- ing was imbedded a copper box con- taining papers and documents perti- nent to the construction of the new School of Public Health. Attending the laying of the corn- er stone were Dean Clarence S. Yoak- um of the graduate school, Univer- sity vice-president and secretary Shirley W. Smith, Prof. Lewis W. Gram of the engineering school and LdUis Sarvis, architect of the build- ing. The completely modern building, jointly endowed by the W. K. Kellogg and Rockefeller Foundations, over- looks Observatory Avenue. Three stories in height, it will contain lbunges, classrooms, research facili- ties, a library and auditorium. Special laboratories for the study of diseases, offices and workrooms of public health dentistry, mental hygiene and nutrition will be located in the three story building. House Gives Winston Churchill 475 To 25 Vote Of Confidence (Continued from Page 1) the majority of the others not voting either were absent in the fighting services or because of illness. Amidst the somber report of the reverses in Libya and Egypt, Church- ill turned to his conversations with President Roosevelt in Washington. He gave reassurance to Coamons and the Empire that "the two great Eng- lish-speaking nations were never closer together." Churchill said his talks with Mr. Roosevelt and, the arrangements agreed upon were, of course, secret but he did disclose that the conversa- tions "were concerned almost entire- ly with nothing but the movement of ships, guns, troops, aircraft and measures to be taken to combat losses at sea and replacement and more than replacement of sunken tonnage." Parliamentary circles expressed the opinion that the increase in 24 votes over the ballot last January might force the Prime Minister to accede to at least one demand of his critics, the creation of a combined general staff. There was no indication, however, that ie would give up the position of Minister of Defense, for which the critics clamored most loudly. The Prime Minister lashed at crit- ics who, he declared, were trying to sap the confidence of soldiers, work- ers and people of Britain in his gov- ernment and the Allied victory. He acknowledged "muddles and mismanagement" had been added to the famous "blood, toil, tears and sweat" dictum he laid down when he rallied the nation after Dunkerque, 1ut he called on the House to show the world that there is a "strong, solid government" in Britain. But the preponderance of Church- ifl's spirited and unflinching defense dealt with the fighting and reverses in Libya and Egypt. Petitions Favoring Wayne Home Rule A inendrment Filed LANSING, July 2.-(P)-The Citi- zens Committee for Home Rule in Wayne County today filed petitions bearing 310,0000 signatures, to quali- fy the proposed home rule consti- tutional amendment for a place on November election ballots. Harry F. Kelly, Secretary of State, said the petitions would be studied to determine whether they are in legal form and bear the required number of valid signatures-203,007. He declined to express an opinion on the merits of the proposal to abolish the Wayne County Board of Supervisors and employ a smaller county legislative branch. Concurrently, Attorney General Herbert J. Rushton declared in an informal opinion to James Wam- clapp, of Pontiac, that a majority vote in behalf of the calling of a constitutional convention, another issue to be voted upon in November, woud not prevent the home rule and a proposed legislative reappor- tionthent amendment from taking effect in event they, too, received majority approval of the electorate. ASSOCIATED. PRESS PUCTURE NEWS3 Readjustment Of Attitudes Vital To Reconstruction, Hurani Says As important as political, economic and territorial reconstruction may be in the post-war period, the major re- adjustment must be in the hearts and minds of men. declared Dr. Habib Kurani yesterday, on leave from the American University in Beirut, Syria, at the third of a series of lectures at the School of Edu- cation. Reeducation must play the major role in this process, Dr. Kurani told his audience. Through this process, he said, the ignorance, aggression and attitudes of superiority which have built barriers between nations must be wiped out: He indicated that approaches to this could be made by institutes for inter-cultural relations in educa- tional centers, study of the cultural. developments of other nations and especially by bringing the young people of different nations together so that they could find mutual in- terests and develop lasting ties. On leave from his work in Syria, Dr. Kurani has been unable to re- turn to his position since 1939 be- cause of the war. While in this country he has been connected with Harvard and Columbia and is no stranger to the Michigan campus. The next in the education schoql's lecture series will be given at 4:05 Scrap Drive Falling Short Rubber Gifts Will Require Stretching For Quota Arthur Galloup, vice-chairman of the Washtenaw County scrap rub- ber campaign, today asked for 25,000 more pounds of old rubber in a hurry, saying "we should try to go over the top by digging it out of the ground, if necessary." Mr. Galloup expressed ho satis- faction because the county is 25,000 pounds of rubber short of the quota asked by the government. He just wants people to get it into the gas stations as soon as possible. The scrap rubber campaign throughout the country-officially to close Monday-was extended un- til July 10 by President Roosevelt because the rubber turned in was far below minimum expectations. Mr. Galloups, in praising the com- munity's effort, said he wanted still a better showing. "We have to make up for other communities which won't collect their quotas." p.m. Monday in the University High School Auditorium by Fred Wal- cott; acting head of the English de- partment of University High. His topic will be "Popular Illusions Con- cerning the Teaching of English." On Wednesday Bangnee A. Liu, of the China Institute, will discuss "China in American Schools." Ed- gar W. Knight, professor of educa- tion at the University of North Caro- lina, will give the next lecture in the series on Thursday. The topic is to be announced later. At fOR SL EE K BARE LEGS Remove every trace of unwanted hair from the sun's discerning eye with Elizabeth Arden's SLEEK. After an application of this white, fragrant cream, legstre smooth and lovely.;. ready for "liquid stockings" of new VELVA LEG FILM. S P E L L B I N D E R-- Ireene Wicker, Singing Story Lady of radio fame, interests a group at Hud son school, New Rochelle, N. Y., with a singing game., The children found it great fun., LAST P OS E-Ina Ray Hut- ton, swing . orchestra leader, makes a final pose in her rubber bathing suit in Washington,D.C., before donating it in rubber scrap drive. I . SLEEK, .65 and 1.00 - VELVA LEG FILM, 1.00 JQtarr ON STATE AT THE HEAD OF NORTH UNIVERSITY WE DELIVER SWANK SETT IN G FOR NAVY CH OW-Apprentice seamen of the U.:S.navy line up for chow in the swank LouIs' XIV room of Boston's Hotel Somerset, once a gathering place for Back Bay society but now a navy barracks. _ __ Grand Entertainment! 4 GREAT, P L A YS1 July 8- Aug. 18 hi.~"Sn eTck t -- >. ?> : .ta :: .. . < ". .. .: :".. ..: ..: '.. . . * * . . . . ..... : n... ~