FRIDAY, JULY 3,,1942
. .. ...... ..........U. .. . .... . .. ........ ............
United Nations
.Dance Heralds
Thirty Flags To Decorate
League Ballroom;* Band
To Wear Tricolor Ties
The first half of a Victory-Week-
end will be held from 9 p.m. to mid-
night today in the League Ballroom
with decorations consistent with the
title of "The United Nations Swing."
Thirty flags representing the na-
tions united will be hung about the
ballroom. Both banner and stick
flags, they are part of a vast col-
lection of foreign flags belonging to
Mrs. Ruth Wendt, language coun-
selor, who has gathered them from
years of travel in foreign countries.
Members of Gordon Hardy's band
and Gordon Hardy will wear red,
white and blue bow ties and the
hostesses will wear ribbons of the
same color combination in their
The 17 women who will act as
hostesses are Marion Bailies, Midge
Weiss, Margaret Krull, Betsy Han-;
cock, Marilynn Vogel, Greta Schneir-
la, Josephine Clancy, Jane, Kern,
Jean Brumm and Jane Scholes.
Completing the list are Erath
Gutkunst, Jean Ranahan,rEleanore
Reed, Marjorie Baumbartner, June
Roberts, Elaine Hamilton and Rose-
mary Gordan.
The dance will be verN informal
and open to both students and towns-
people, who may come with dates
or alone.
State Police Ready
For July 4 Traffic
LANSING, July 2.-(M-War ra-
tioning may put a damper on Fourth
of July traffic this year, but State
Police officers aren't taking any
All troopers have been ordered by
State Police Commissioner Oscar G.
Olander to remain on duty from Fri-
day morning through Sunday night.
They have strict orders to "crack
down" on motorists caught driving
recklessly or in violation of other
Patrols will be concentrated on
outskirts of cities having celebrations
and in other spots where traffic
normally swells over holiday periods,
Olander said.
in Town
~ ,
This quartet of former Major League pitchers a med up t Pte Geat Lakes Ill., Naval Training Station
as workouts began for the all-service team, which wil I meet the winner of the Major League All-Star game.
The, service players will oppose the M~ajor Leaguers i n Cleveland on the night of July '7. Left to right are
Fred Hutchinson, formerly of Detioit; John Grodzuek i, St. IL9uis Car danals, Bob Feller, Cleveland, and
Mickey Harris, Boston Red Sox.
Could Even Fool Thec Draft Bord :
Disguised Coeds Conviniiid "1-
Fill Masculine Roles In Djramas
"iThe Cracke r Barrel
ByMike Dan
Daily Sports Editor
0 King-Seeley First For Nine . .
University of Michigan baseball
tean will officially open its sum-
mer schedule Tuesday when they
face a fast-moving King-Steley nine
on the Ferry Field diamond. The
game will start at 6:30 p.m. and is
open to the public without charge.
King-Seeley, which took its
tenth straight win Tuesday night,
will probably be too much for
Coach Ray Fisher's newly gath-
ered squad. The Industrial nine
is a heavy hitting outfit with some
pitching that is up to minor
league standards.
VND JOE ROGERS and Varsity
center Bob Ingalls will enter the
Coast Guard shortly for war duty.
Both the boys have been hav-
ing trouble placing themselves in
the various branches of the armed
forces because of physical handi-
caps. Ingalls has rather bad eye-
sight while Rogers is just recovering
from a leg injury he received during
the last football season.
Ingalls is still in Ann Arbor but
will leave Friday for Manhattan
Beach, N.Y., ,to join Rogers who has
already left for the training center.
LL-AMERICAN Bob Westfall will
probably play for the Army's
team at Keesler Field, Biloxi, Miss.
this fall. Along with Bullet Bob will
come Pittsburgh's great Izzy Wein-
This will come as quite a sur-
prise to Coaches Harry Mehre and
Allyn 1cKeen of Mississippi and
Mississippi State respectively. Both
i of these wise owls placed the Kees-
leir Field team on their schedules
as a breather. The game may be
a breather-but for whom?
r ,r
9PHE FIRST Wolverine squadron
of the United States Navy will
start training next Wednesday in
Iowa City, Ia. Heading the Michi-
gan contingent will be speedy Dave
Nelson of football and baseball fame.
Along with Nelson will be big Paul
Goldsmith, John Bachman and about
15 others.
On hand to greet them when
they arrive will be Harlan Frau-
mann and Bob (Flop) Flora, ex-
Wolverine grid stars. Both of
these burly lads now direct a
part of the,' Iowa training sta-
tion's hguge athletic 'program.
AN INCOMPLETE report on the
Hale America golf tourneys
staged throughout the country on
Memorial Day shows that 432 of
these competitions raised $25,571.35
for the Red Cross War Fund. There
are still 368 clubs to be heard from.
Hundreds of American soldiers
are playing soft ball this summer
on the rock-studded fields of Ice-
land before the puzzled eyes of the
Icelanders and the British. More
than 10 leagues have been formed
already under the direction of the
base athletic office.
FLASH: Betsy Barbour girls have
been dumping cigarette ashes in
plants that lined the landings of the
dormitory. Fortunately the proper
authorities have noticed the situa-
tion and at a recent meeting the
Barbour girls were, reprimanded for
this grave misdemeanor.
In times of National emergency
such as niow, we wonder why these
girls don't remember that we must
pull 'together in the war effort.
All must do their part to keep the
wheels of a well coordinated life
rolling. To the Betsy Barbour
girls we say . . . shame.
All Bomber
Following is the complete list
of Bomber-Scholarship contributors
since the inception of the plan last
All organizations are urged by
Anthony Stampolis, Grad., president
pro tem, to donate as much more
as possible. It is also urged that
each organization elect a war chai-
man who is also the representative
of the organization for the Bomber-
Cooperatives: Congress, Guild
House, Lincoln and Robert Owen.
Fraternities and Sororities: Alpha
Chi Omega, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Al-
pha Gamma Delta, Alpha Omicron
Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Al-
pha Tau Omega, Alpha Xi Delta,
Chi Omega, Delta Gamma, Delta
Upsilon, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa
Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma,I Nu
Sigma Nu,.-Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi
Delta Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Ep-
silon Pi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Sig-
ma Delta, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Al-
pha Epsilon, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi,
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Chi, Theta
Delta Chi and Zeta Tau Alpha.
Dormitories: Adams House, Adelia
Cheever, Betsy Barbour, Chicago
House, Couzens Hall-'42 Class,
Fletcher Hall, Greene House, Helen
Newberry, Jordan Hall, Lloyd House,
Lloyd House Honor Students, Mar-
tha Cook, Michigan House, Mosher
Hall, Mosher House Council, Stock-
vwell Hall, West Quadrangle Council,
Williams House and Winchell House.
Campus Organizations: Architec-
tural Society, Alpha Kappa Delta,
Avukah, Barristers, Deutscher Ve-
rein, Graduate Council, Hiawa-
tha Club, Japanese-American Club,
Michigamua, Phi Sigma Sigma,
Scabbard and Blade, Scroll and Sen-
ior Supper.
Miscellaneous: Frosh Frolic, Group
2, Ordnance Course, Hillel Founda-
tion, 1943 J-Hop, Michigan Alumnae
Club, Preston Slosson, Sophomore
Prom, Swing doncert-Alpha Phi
Omega, Michigan Union and Michi-
gan Wolverine.
The Intramural Building will be
closed all day Saturday, July 4.
From the Western drawl country,
where women are men. comes Clai-
bel Baird, actor and director, for her
sixth se~son with the Michigan Rep-
eratory Players.
On the faculty of the Oklahoma
College for Women, Mrs. Baird is
faced with the difficult task of
coaching members of her all-girr
cast to act-convincingly-as men.
And critics say that the finished
Baird production is no burlesquing
JGP girl-masquerading-as-boy set-
up. Local theatre audiences have ac-
cepted the skillful masculine inter-
pretations and are able to lose them-
selves completely in the plays, as
much as if they were dramatized by
mixed casts.
"Mostsof the costume plays lend
themselves nicely to the scheme,"
Mrs. Baird explains. "Light roman-
tic plays and comedies-we've given
nearly all of Shakespeare's" are the
ideal vehicles for feminine interpre-
tation of male roles, according to
Mrs. Baird.
"It takes long weeks of extra re-
hearsal to learn to act like a man,"
Mrs. Baird contends. Every move-
ment he makes must be studied to
achieve complete naturalness. "For
instance," the gracious brown-haired
director illustrates, "a man swings
from the hips in ;walking, while a
woman walks from the knees down.
Again, a man sits down with his legs
apart, a gesture completely foreign
to a woman."
The Oklahoma Thespians have
turned out some master productions
in utilizing the Baird formula, in-
cluding "Peer Gynt" and "Letters
to Lucerne," the latter being a new
story of World War II, which Mrs.
Baird will again direct, this time for
the Mendelssohn Theatre perform-
ance on July 29.
The secret of successful directing?
Of All-Stars'
Line-Up Made
McCarthy Is Recuperating
In Time To Lead Team;
Benton Beats Browns
CHICAGO, July 2.-(P)-President
Will Harridge of the American
League tqiight announced the line-
up of All-Stars who will take the field'
under Manager Joe McCarthy in the
annual game with the National
League All-Stars in New York's Polo
Grounds next Monday.
McCarthy is undecided, however,
on his positive starting lineup and
therefore named two or more players
for each position, with the exception
of third base
The line-up:
RF, DiMaggio (Boston) or Spence
SS, Boudreau (Cleveland) or Riz-
zuto (New York).
LF, Williams (Boston) or John-
son (Philadelphia).
CF, Di Maggio (New York) or {en-
rich (New York).
1B, McQuinn (St. Louis) or York
2B, Gordon (New York) or Doerr
3B, Keltner (Cleveland).
C, Dickey (New York), Tebbetts
(Detroit), Rosar (New York).
P, to be named on day of game.
* * *
Benton Beats Browns
DETROIT, July 2. -()- Big MA
Benton survived a major ninth in-
ning threat today to defeat the St.
Louis Browns, 5 to 4, for his fifth
successive victory that enabled the
Detroit Tigers to divide the two game
St. Louis......000 001 120-4 12 1
at Detroit ... . 100 004 00x5 8 0
Niggeling, Caster 7, Galehouse 9
and Hayes; Benton and Tebbetts.
* * *
Night Baseball
CHICAGO, July 2. -P- The
Cleveland Indians swept a four-
game series from the Chicago White
Sox with a 7 to 5 victory tonight
before 29,062."
Cleveland .... 010 010 302-7 13 0
at Chicago .... 000 010 004-5 7 3
Dean, Heving, Eisenstat and Heg-
an; Humphries, Haynes and Turner.
Pittsburgh ......000 000 001-1 5 2
at St. Louis .... 000 100 02x-3 7 1
Klinger, Dietz and Phelps; Beaz-
ley and O'Dea.
Marska irs
Next1 to State Theatre
Terrycloth Beach Blankets
Fine, Fluffy, Terrycloth woven in gay colors are favorites
among vacationers this season. These MARTEX beach
blankets will add charm and color, as well as comfort to
your July 4th outing.
"Always Reasonably Priced"
-. ~-
-- -
. - -
. _.. t
Ed Emmert, Frank Maltby and Pete
Schenk, formerly at Arcade Barber
Shop, now operating Varsity Shop
on William near State. 1
STUDENTS for evening work. Mil-
ler Dairy Store, 533 S Main. 5c'
ALL YEAR ROUND room job near'
Law School. Call 7380 or. 4800. 7c
LOVELY ROOM for graduate stu-
dent. campus secretary, or teach-
er. 422 E. Washington. 8c
BOARD and ROOM offered. To drive
and do odd jobs. Call 6018. 343
S. Fifth Ave.
BLACK KEY CASE containing im-
portant keys in vicinity of Hill and
Forest. Call 2-2491. 2
care for infants and small chil-
dren. Call 8531. 4*
Pantee- Sil
r under Sfacks (
and Su .i(s
Here's a marvelous one-piece
panty and bra - effect top,
especially made to wear with
your slacks and playsuits.
Sleek, bulkless rayon crepe
assures a smooth hipline. Just
the thing for' your Fourth of
July outing.
TEACHER, wife and child desire
modern furnished apartment. Oc-
cupancy July 6 to August 21. Call
Williams, 4439 after 7:30 p.m. 5*
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox
Careful work at low price.
Emow jr / /"/ r iorm AnIll TC SfL- At I INAYt